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NAME: Palak Thakur

DR.Sheena Abraham
This is to certify that Palak Thakur Roll number ,a
student of class XII (science) Prestige public school has
successfully completed the biology investigatory project on the
selected topic “A case study on COVID-19 PANDEMIC”
assigned by the biology subject teacher of PPS (Dr Sheena
Abraham Ma’am) as a part of the (practical section) class XII
Annual Exam for the year 2022-23.
This is to acknowledge that this investigatory project would not
have been successful without the help of the source that are
mention below.
It was a great opportunity making this investigatory project so at
the onset a very great thanks to our respected subject teacher Dr
Sheena Abraham (ma’am) without her guidance this
investigatory project would not have been possible. Lastly I
would like to thank our parents who really helped us in each and
every movement, friends and everyone who is directly or
indirectly associated with the completion of this investigatory
project of biology.
t est s l oo f or t he vi r us’ s genet i c mat er i al and ar e t he cur r ent

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