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Name: Hamza Kayani

Registration No: BME203072

Date: 11-11-2022

Assignment: 02

Course: Professional Ethics

Section: 01

Submitted to: Sir Manzar Masud

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Question No. 1: Read the case study and answer the following questions. 1) In the following case, was
Ford justified in relying exclusively on a cost-benefit analysis, or were there additional moral
considerations that they should have used in deciding whether to improve the safety of the Pinto? 2).
What might rights ethicists and duty ethicists, as well as rule-utilitarians, say about the case?

Answer: 1) The Ford decision could not be justified exclusively on a cost benefit analysis because the
safety and security of consumers should always be taken in consideration while taking the moral
decisions. The dangers in utilitarianism lie with a potential for abuse Ford demonstrated those dangers in
action. The other moral considerations should be the safety, trust of people and honesty not deceiving
their customers.
2) (i) Right ethicists point of view:
Rights ethics is distinctive in that it makes human rights the ultimate appeal—the moral bottom line.
Rights ethics emphasizes respecting the inherent dignity and worth of individuals as they exercise their
liberty. So according to this theory the right ethicist will not justify the Ford’s decision in this case
because the right of consumer to use good quality and safer product should be the first consideration of
Duty ethicists Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), the most famous duty ethicist, argued that all such specific
duties derive from one fundamental duty to respect persons. Duty ethics say we cannot kill anyone So
the duty ethicists would not agree with the Ford decision as it was matter of lives of people.
(ii) Duty ethicists
Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), the most famous duty ethicist, argued that all such specific duties derive
from one fundamental duty to respect persons. Duty ethics say we cannot kill anyone So the duty ethicists
would not agree with the Ford decision as it was matter of lives of people.
(iii) Rule Utilitarians
Rule utilitarianism says we should maximize the good through following rules that maximize good
consequences, rather than through isolated actions right actions are those required by rules that produce
the best for the most people. So, rule utilitarians always respect rules and also the decision was only
providing benefit to company.
Question 2: Apply act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism in resolving the following moral problems.
Do the two versions of utilitarianism lead to the same or different answers to the problems?
a. George had a bad reaction to an illegal drug he accepted from friends at a party. He calls in sick the day
after, and when he returns to work the following day, he looks ill. His supervisor asks him why he is not
feeling well. Is it morally permissible for George to lie by telling his supervisor that he had a bad reaction
to some medicine his doctor prescribed for him?
b. Jillian was aware of a recent company memo reminding employees that office supplies were for use at
work only. Yet she knew that most of the other engineers in her division thought nothing about
occasionally taking home notepads, pens, computer disks, and other office “incidentals.” Her eight-year-
old daughter had asked her for a company inscribed ledger like the one she saw her carrying. The ledger
costs less than $20, and Jillian recalls that she has probably used that much from her personal stationery
supplies during the past year for work purposes. Is it all right for her to take home a ledger for her
daughter without asking her supervisor for permission?
No, it can’t take the ledger for her daughter. But in the other way she is moral that it is all right to break a
rule as long as it brings a greater good or happiness for her child.
No, she can’t take the ledger without of her supervisor’s permission. No doubt she works here but
ethically and by rule utilitarianism he asks her supervisor to take this ledger.

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