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Total no. of questions: 44 Class: I PUC
Time: 3hrs 15 min. Max. Marks: 100

Instructions: 1. Statistical table and graph sheets will be supplied on request.

2. Scientific calculators are allowed.
3. All working steps should be clearly shown.
4. Section – A should be written in the beginning of the answer booklet.


I Choose the correct answer from the choices given. 5X1=5

1. The totality of units under consideration is called:

a) population b) sample c) a variable d) an attribute

2. In a class, if lower as well as upper limits are included in the same class, such a class is called –
a) exclusive class b) inclusive class c) open-end class d) none of these

3. Component bar diagram is a type of,

a) cartograms b) three-dimensional diagram
c) two-dimensional diagram d) one-dimensional diagram

4. If D5 = 30, the value of P50 is:

a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40

5. If ‘X’ is a random variable and ‘a’, ‘b’ are constants then E(aX+b) is equal to –
a) a b) a E(X) c) aE(X) + b d) None of these

II Match the following. 5X1=5

(i) Investigator (a) Cumulative frequency curves
(ii) Captions (b) Variables vary in the same direction
(iii) Ogives (c) Column headings
(iv) Inter quartile range (d) The person who conducts statistical enquiry
(v) Positive correlation (e) Q3 – Q1

III Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets. 5X1=5
( mesokurtic, width, algebraic, 0.7, ogives)

7. The difference between the upper and lower limits of a class is called _____________ of the class.
8. Median of the distribution can be obtained graphically by using _______________.
9. For a _____________distribution, the value of β2 = 3.
10. The methods of interpolation and extrapolation may be broadly classified as graphic method and
______________ method.
11. If P(A) = 0.3, the value of P(A’) is ________ .

IV Answer the following questions. 5X1=5

12. Find the mid- point of the class interval 20-40.

13. Mention a limitation of diagrams and graphs.
14. Find the mode of the data: 9, 8, 9, 7, 9
15. Define continuous random variable.
16. If V(X) = 4, what is the value of V(2X)?
V Answer any FIVE of the following questions. 5 X 2 = 10

17. Mention two branches of statistics.

18.Mention two methods of sampling.
19. Define chronological classification with an example.
20. Name two graphs which are located with the help of histogram.
21. Calculate the coefficient of range: 12, 15, 20, 10, 17.
22. Mention two properties of regression lines.
23.What do you mean by the order of the class in association of attributes? What is the order of ‘N’?
24.If P(A∩B) = , P(B) = , find P(A|B).
VI Answer any EIGHT of the following questions. 8X5=40

25. Write five functions of statistics.

26. What do you mean by primary data? Mention the methods of collecting primary data.

27. Draft a blank table showing the distribution of pre-university college students according to:
Gender : Male, Female
Faculty : Arts, Science, Commerce
Year : 2003, 2004, 2005

28. Represent the following distribution of age of children by histogram and locate Mode.
Age(Years) 0-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10
No.of children 5 10 20 15 5

29. Compute the mean deviation from median for the following data.
X : 37, 45, 52, 46, 56, 40, 47, 55, 43

30. Compute the co-efficient of rank correlation for the following data.
Marks in Preparatory 50 42 10 61 47 52 18 23 12
Marks in Final 49 41 40 88 50 61 38 42 25

31. The following data relates to the price of a commodity.

Whole sale price Retail price
Mean Rs. 80 Rs. 110
SD Rs. 4 Rs. 5
The co-efficient of correlation γ = 0.7. Estimate the retail price when the whole sale price is Rs. 120.

32. Calculate Yule’s co-efficient of association and comment on its value.

Smokers Non smokers
Tea drinkers 40 20
Non tea drinkers 05 12

33. Estimate the index number for the year 2004 using binomial expansion method.
Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Index Number 100 107 124 157 ?

34. State and prove addition theorem of probability for two mutually exclusive events.

35. A box contains 5 Red and 4 green balls. Two balls are drawn at random from this box. Find the
probability that they are of : (i) same colour (ii) different colours

36. If X is a random variable and ‘a’ is any constant then prove that :
(i) E(a) = a (ii) V(a) = 0.
VII Answer any TWO of the following questions. 2X10=20

37. Calculate co-efficient of variation for the following two series and find:
(i) Which series is better? (ii) which is more consistent?
X 44 48 50 52 56
Y 37 39 40 41 43

38. Compute Bowley’s co-efficient of skewness for the following data.

I.Q. 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100-109
No. of children 3 7 10 22 18

39. Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation from the following data and comment on the result.
X↓ Y→ 0 1 2 3
0 8 7 3 -
1 - 6 4 -
2 - 3 5 6
3 - - 1 7

40. a) A, B and C hit a target with probabilities 0.6, 0.5 and 0.4 respectively. If they hit at the target
independently, find the probability that : (i) all of them hit (ii) at least one of them hit.

b) Find the mathematical expectation of the number of heads obtained when two fair coins are tossed

VIII Answer any TWO of the following questions. 2X5=10

41. Following are the marks obtained by students in a certain test. Prepare a frequency distribution with
width 10 marks, using inclusive Class Intervals 10-19, 20-29,…..
37 49 54 51 37 15 12 33 23 25
18 35 33 42 45 55 69 63 46 29
18 37 46 59 29 35 27 45 47 65

42. Represent the following data regarding expenditure of a family by a pie chart.
Item Monthly Expenditure
Food 1800
House rent 900
Fuel 450
Education 450
Miscellaneous 1800

43. For the values 4 and 25, show that A.M. > G.M. > H.M

44. Find the value of ‘k’ and variance for the following data.
X 5 10 15
p(x) 0.3 0.5 k


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