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Since my first programming class in high school, I became very keen in seeking a To be quite

candid, I had never considered a career in computer science before my first programming
class in high school. It came almost naturally as have always liked and be good at math and
since my By adopting the Finnish curriculum, my school doesn't offer separate computer
classes, but rather incorporates programming into the mathematics curriculum I found
computing ever so interesting and engaging.
After Indeed, after the very first lesson, I realized that this is precisely what I wanted. I've
never been so enthusiastic about a course, which showed in my grades. An It was a simple
task to develop a age computation program using only the current year and people's birth
year was demonstrated in class. After that classless, I tried the same program and found it
lacking in rigor, so I modified the calculation range to dates. I learned to compute leap years
for accuracy.
Then I realized that a program that only provided the calculation's solution was too rigid
and monotonous, so I added various responses to different inputs. For example, when a
person enters a month that is greater than 12, it will furiously exclaim, "You lied to me!" and
if a person's birth time is later than the current time it will sincerely wish that the person is
born safely. It will also react differently three days before and after birth, on birthdays, and
on February 29. This is a time-consuming procedure, but I love it.
Aside from the first programming session, I had received helpful hints in the past. In 9th
grade ICT class, I created my first scratch game, a pinball game to remove bricks. This is an
unconventional programming style that I was unaware of. The process of filling in the
fingers is essentially the same as that of traditional programming. But I thought it was just a
fun game. This game helped me understand and learn programming faster than my
colleagues after two years of not knowing it.
I like to collaborate and work in teams while helping others. Due to my aptitude for math, I
serve as a math tutor for my grade, assisting classmates in comprehending their lectures I
also tutor math at home for my aunt, who is pursuing a degree in data science. Due to her
inexperience, she is always bothered by math throughout her studies. During my teaching
career, I came across unknown concepts, but I was able to quickly grasp, simplify, and teach
One of the reasons I have develop this keen interest and positive attitude towards math and
computer is My family has a rich chess history in my family., including a My mother is a
world champion and an my father one of the best Arab of the 20th century. champion, so I
nNaturally, given that background, I started young and to participate periodically in chess
periodically. This has honed myallowed me from an early age to develop logical reasoning
and critical thinking. As a fan of logical thinkingIn fact, I grew up enjoying stuff like
thereading Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes seriesand from it got to appreciate even more
the power of logics and deduction.
Later on in my life, I was became the head of the problem-solving branch of a club that
studied logical reasoning and inferences at my school. Many people in my class however
don't found it difficult to comprehend cipher codes like the Hill cipher. T, therefore I studied
it and, simplified and explained it to them. in order to help others grasp them.
Recognizing Today,that my interest in computers came later in life, I’m working harder to
learn this material. I use my leisure free time to I am studstudying y Python, and Java, and
as well as undertaking the public class CS50 from Harvard University to lay the foundation
for my future study. The instructor showed the binary search algorithm by ripping up a
phone book in the first session, which inspired my future project plan to teach in bold and
unconventional ways.
As a result of my studies in China and Qatar, I favor a relaxing and intriguing teaching style
like those in “The Little Girl at the Window” and “Summerhill”. Many current K12 education
techniques are neither entertaining nor effective in keeping kids. In fact, some
extracurriculars outperform. My goal is to create a learning game that blends the benefits of
courses like Khan Academy and Crash Course with the fascinating characteristics of
traditional games. An artificial intelligence system then captures personal data and
generates training for personal weaknesses.

Finally, I would say that "Math is the hidden secret to understand the world" by Roger
Antonsen made me realize that we usually utilize mathematical methods to solve problems,
which is finding the essences (patterns). What I want to accomplish is to use programming in
my life to simplify education so that people may learn more easily and cheerfully. So that
the talent that has been bestowed upon me is not squandered.can help me improve my

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