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Lesson 1, 30th May 2022

HW: Write a brief review (80-100) about your favourite movie/least favourite
movie by using these adjectives.

English Adjectives For Describing Movies

absorbing – very interesting, keeps your attention for a long time

action-packed – with a lot of thrilling incidents

captivating – very exciting

controversial – causing a lot of discussions or disagreement

convoluted – overcomplicated

dreary – dull and uninteresting

gripping – very interesting

hilarious – very funny

intriguing /ɪnˈtriːgɪŋ/ – very interesting in a way that arouses your curiosity

moving – causing strong emotions (usually in a good way)

outstanding – extremely good

overrated – overvalued

predictable – pretty obvious what is going to happen in each scene

riveting /ˈrɪvɪtɪŋ/ – keeps you glued to the screen

second-rate – mediocre, unexciting, nothing to write home about

slow-moving – developing very slowly

spine-tingling – enjoyably frightening

spooky – frightening and ghostly

thought-provoking – stimulating you to think about something, often something you haven’t
thought of before

thrilling – exciting, action-packed

underrated – much better than what people believe

uplifting – making you feel happy and cheerful

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