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1. To jeopardise – narażać na niebezpieczeństwo, to put something in a situation where there is

a risk of failing or being harmed.
 He might jeopardize his career if he continuous being so careless at work.
 A lack of communication can jeopardise your relationship
To put in jeopardy :
 Using so much plastic packaging puts oceans and rivers in jeopardy
2. To skyrocket - podskakiwać (o cenach), to rise extremely quickly to a very high level
 Housing prices have skyrocketed in recent months.
 Electric car sales are likely to skyrocket next year.
 Sadly, te national debt is skyrocketing

Rocket - Make extremely quick progress towards success – szybko osiągnąć sukces

Money heist rokceted and has become one of the most top-rated series on Netflix.

Money heist rocketed and gained an immense publicity as well as approval all over the world.

3. To trigger sth (off) – wywołać, powodować, pociągać za sobą, wyzwalać – to cause sth to
 This song always triggers my emotions.
 Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches.
 The racial killings at the weekend have triggered off a wave of protests.
 Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction.
To trigger sth – uruchomić coś, to cause a devide to start functioning
 I wonder what triggered the alarm.
 Your cigarette triggered my fire detector.
To trigger - prowokować (silną reakcję emocjonalną), wywołać skrajne emocje - to cause a
strong emotional reaction of fear, shock, anger, or worry in someone, especially because
they are made to remember something bad that has happened in the past.
 Seeing him come towards me just triggered me and I screamed.
 He could be triggered by a loud noise.
4. To relish doing sth – cieszyć się z powodu czegoś, to like or enjoy sth
I don't relish telling her that her son has been arrested.
I always relish a challenge. I set a goal and go for it.
I relish working as an computer scientist and running my business.
I don't relish meeting up with her any time soon. ( w najbiższym czasie)
I relish travelling the world. It is the best investment one can make.
5. To undermine – podważać, to make someone less confident, powerful, or less likely to
succeed, or to make something weaker and less efective
 You should not let the negative comments undermine your confidence.
 The latest recession undermined the country’s economy.
 The managers failure undermined his impeccable (nieskazitelny, bez
6. To strive – usiłować, starać się, dążyć do, to try very hard to do sth, to make a lot of effort to
achieve sth, especially for a long time or against difficulties.
 Striving for perfection will bring you nothing but frustration.
 I am striving to improve my English.
 I strove to finish my first marathon despite the injury.
7. To crave / to have a craving for sth – bardzo czegoś pragnąć, to have a very strong feeling of
wanting something
 I’ve been craving sweets lately.
 There are so many social issues that crave attention.
 I’m craving to travel the world.
8. To linger - trwać, utrzymywać się, zwlekać, wlec się (o czasie), to take a long time to leave or
 The musty smell in the kitchnen lingered for days.
 I lingered on the last words he told me before leaving.
 It’s a kind of event that will linger in your memory.
9. To draw the line at sth – wyznaczyć granicę, nie akceptować, to put a limit on what you will
do or accept
 I do not mind washing the dishes but I draw the line at doing your laundry.
 I put up with working long hours but I draw the line at having to be available 24/7.
 The company exploits its employees. It is high time they drew the line at working
overtime for free.

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