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Both extracts discuss the issue of outdoor advertising and reflect on the role this activity

plays in modern societies, as well as on the evolution of the means used for it.

The first text entitled “The Excitement of Advertising” puts out that nowadays outdoor
advertising is the most powerful tool that a company has at its disposal to achieve its goals.
The author explains that it is a sector in continuous evolution, as new technologies have
been a revolutionary element for outdoor advertising and digital screen media have become
the most creative way of advertising. Personally, I find this opinion well-substantiated as the
author illustrates their point with facts, such as modern technologies’ influence on outdoor
advertising. Moreover, it is a fact that that this cutting-edge technology has helped
thousands of brands in recent years to promote their products anywhere in the world.

The author of the text “Advertising: an undesirable business”, though, approaches the issue
of ads from a different point of view. They focus on the tremendous change on how outdoor
advertising is perceived by the wide public. Moreover, they suggest that advertising
techniques were rudimentary, and one could easily choose to ignore the messages. The
author moves on to name the extremely invasive, annoying, or even damaging nature of
ads. As I see it, outdoor advertising definitely has some disadvantages, as advertising may
lead to social, economic and ecological issues.

In my opinion, although advertisers are wise when using the affordances of new
technologies to easily get their messages through, I consider that in the present context, all
agents active in this field must think about the means they use and the effects they produce,
specially among the most vulnerable groups, such as children. Otherwise advertising
to lose its trustworthiness, as well as its fundamental role in our society.

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