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Buddhism is the world's fourth largest religion, with 360 million adherents. There is no single holy
book in Buddhism. Buddhists do not believe in a supreme being or a deity who created the universe.
Buddhism is often misunderstood as a type of psychology rather than a religion, due to its focus on
meditation and mindfulness. Personal spiritual development is essential to Buddhists. They research
life's essence, inner harmony, and the abolition of suffering. Their awareness that life entails both pain
and enjoyment is important. He discovered a wide range of suffering, including poverty, illness, and
death. Buddhists are encouraged to resist both self-indulgence and self-denial.


Karma, or 'intentional conduct,' is a Hindu belief. The majority of Hindus feel that much of their
pain is caused by their own behavior. It is necessary to make amends for previous reasons and behavior.
Many would add that this isn't about 'deserving' pain, but rather about learning from it.

One of the most important factors in the growth of Buddhism was the social caste system, as
defined by Hindu Dharma. Buddhism arose in response to Hinduism, India's dominant religion at the
time (Brahmanism). In contrast to Hinduism, Buddhism has a single creator, and while there is no single
text that outlines the Buddha's teachings as a great and exemplary teacher, there are texts that outline
his teachings. Hinduism is concerned with comprehending Brahma, or being, from inside the Atman,
which loosely translates to self or soul, ' while Buddhism is concerned with seeking life after death, with
rebirth being one of Buddhism's core beliefs. Ignorance is part of human nature, as it is for all sentient
beings. The goal of philosophy is to eliminate mental suffering. There is a way to end misery, according
to the Fourth Noble Reality. Buddhists can do a variety of things to alleviate pain, including practicing
meditation and adhering to the Buddha's teachings. People should also live the Middle Way, according
to the Buddha. This is the middle ground between the extremes of wealth and poverty.

According to the scriptures, cultivating detachment (vairagya) and bigotry (viveka) is the most
effective way to rid oneself of karma. One should learn to carry out one's ordained responsibilities
without regard for personal gain or ego. In this regard, Lord Krishna is the most ideal role model.

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C


Mahayana is a Buddhist philosophy that focuses on Buddhism (also known as the Mahayanas) is a
major Buddhist movement that originated in northern India. It includes several schools and
reinterpretations of basic human principles, values, and ideals, not just those found in Buddhist
teachings. Mahayana's primary language is Sanskrit, and its monastic and lay adherents strive for the
liberation of all living beings by emphasizing compassion and insight (wisdom) as core doctrines. Even if
they are not Buddhists, I believe that if Mahayana were to occur in our country, some people would
have good manners.

What I know about Buddhism in the Philippines

Buddhism and Buddhist temples are not well-known in the Philippines or Manila. Buddhism,
however, is applicable to anyone with a mind, whether a human, an animal, or a person in the
Philippines, Nepal, or elsewhere. In the Philippines, Buddhism is a minor religion. According to the 2010
Census, the Philippines' Buddhist population is 46,558 people.

What I want to know about Buddhism in the Philippines

The locations of temples and offices in the Philippines' current Buddhist groups, or Sanghas.

What I have learned about Buddhism in the Philippines

Buddhists put a high value on personal spiritual growth in general. They research life's essence,
inner harmony, and the abolition of suffering. Their awareness that life entails both pain and enjoyment
is important. Suffering stems from a desire for transient pleasures.

What I know about Buddhism in the Philippines

Buddhism and Buddhist temples are not well-known in the Philippines or Manila. Buddhism,
however, is applicable to anyone with a mind, whether a human, an animal, or a person in the
Philippines, Nepal, or elsewhere. In the Philippines, Buddhism is a minor religion. According to the 2010
Census, the Philippines' Buddhist population is 46,558 people.

What I want to know about Buddhism in the Philippines

The locations of temples and offices in the Philippines' current Buddhist groups, or Sanghas.

What I have learned about Buddhism in the Philippines

Buddhists put a high value on personal spiritual growth in general. They research life's essence,
inner harmony, and the abolition of suffering. Their awareness that life entails both pain and enjoyment
is important. Suffering stems from a desire for transient pleasures.

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