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WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 0


Listening Strategies
Development Team
Writer: Avelene S. De la Cruz
Editors: Winicel May C. Ancheta Cindy A. Lucagan
Reviewers: Adelyn C. Domingo Lourdes B. Arucan
Illustrator: Wynnelord Rainier E. Tibay
Lay-out Artist: Wynnelord Rainier E. Tibay
Management Team: Vilma D. Eda Arnel S. Bandiola
Lourdes B. Arucan Juanito V. Labao
Adelyn C. Domingo

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 1

What I Need to Know

Your Journey
You have just gone this far in your learning journey. And now, you continually equip
yourself with the knowledge, values, and skills in your English class.

Speaking, listening, reading, writing and viewing are all generalized skills, and your
mastery over them becomes the key factor affecting your success in school. In many
situations, all of these skills need to be used together. As regards skills, listening is what you
use the most in everyday life. Listening comprehension is the basis for your speaking, writing
and reading skills. Listening to other speakers helps you develop your pronunciation and
fluency in English. Successful listening skills can be acquired over time with constant practice.
To train your listening skills, it is important to listen actively, which means to actively pay
attention to what you are listening to.

This lesson prepares you to internalize and intensify the essence of cultivating your
listening skill. It is important, then, that you go through the activities efficiently to acquire the
necessary skill.

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Use listening strategies based on purpose, familiarity with the topic and levels of
difficulty of short texts listened to.

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. differentiate the various types of listening;
2. state the importance of attentive listening;
3. note details of texts listened to; and
4. value the lesson learned from the text listened to.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 2

What I Know

Before exploring this material, try your best to answer the following items and see if
you have background knowledge about the topics we shall be discussing.

Directions: Read the sentences carefully and tell whether the item is correct or not. Write T if
the sentence is correct and F it is not. Write your answers on a separate sheet of

1. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication

2. Listening is the same as hearing.

3. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood.

4. Hearing refers to the sounds that enter our ears.

5. In critical listening, you are trying to identify with the speaker by understanding the situation
in which he/she is discussing.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 3

What’s In

Before you learn about the many aspects of listening, let us have a short review of a
previous topic in your module for Grade 7. Accomplish the following tasks to check your
understanding of your past lesson.

Activity 2. In the previous week, you learned about various reading styles that you need to
Adopt whenever you are given selections or texts to read. Based on the things you
have learned, tell whether the statements below are correct or not. Write True if
the item is correct and False if it is not.

1. Skimming is reading rapidly to find specific facts.

2. Scanning is reading rapidly to get a general overview of the material.
3. Intensive reading helps with the retention of information for long periods.
4. Reading involves word recognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation.
5. Skimming is sometimes referred to as gist reading.

Good job! You were able to master the reading styles presented in your module in the
previous week. I am sure you have come to realize the value of honing your reading skill. Now,
pay attention to another important skill which you also need to gather important information
happening around you.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 4

What’s New

With the many things going on around us, everybody wants to be informed of the facts
about our present situation. However, in observance of health and safety protocols set by the
government, we, most especially students like you, cannot help but rely on radios, televisions,
and conversations of people to be aware of the situations we are in. It is important, then, that
we develop and improve our skills in listening.

But, how well do you listen? In the scene below, can you say that the students are
attentive or non-responsive? How do you say so?

Are you listening class?

(Clip Art Library,” n.d.)

Activity 3. Based on the picture above, share your insights by answering the following
questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Why is attentive listening necessary in this situation?
2. What are some of the consequences of inattentive listening?
3. Are you usually an attentive listener or a non-responsive one? Why do you say so?
As a Grade 7 student, start right by honing your listening skills. Be sure that you
know what you are listening to. Certainly, listening is very important in learning as
well as in everyday life (Villamejor 1997).

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 5

What is It

Read the following important information about listening strategies to be able to accomplish
the tasks in this module.

Types of Listening

Comprehensive Listening

If you are watching the news, listening to a lecture, or getting directions from someone,
you are listening to understand or listening to comprehend the message that is being sent.
This process is active. In class, you should be focused, possibly taking notes of the speaker’s
main ideas. Identifying the structure of the speech and evaluating the supports he/she offers
as evidence. This is one of the more difficult types of listening because it requires you to not
only concentrate but to actively participate in the process. The more you practice listening to
comprehend, the stronger listener you become.

Critical Listening

Have you ever had to buy an expensive item, such as a new appliance, a car, a cell
phone, or an iPad? You probably did some research beforehand and listened closely to the
salesperson when you went to compare brands. Or perhaps your best friend is telling you
about some medical tests he/she recently had done.

You listen closely so you can help your friend understand her results and the possible
ramifications of the findings. Both scenarios are examples of critical listening. Critical listening
is listening to evaluate the content of the message. As a critical listener, you are listening to
all parts of the message, analyzing it, and evaluating what you heard. When engaging in
critical listening, you are also critically thinking. You are making mental judgments based on
what you see, hear, and read. Your goal as a critical listener is to evaluate the message that
is being sent and decide for yourself if the information is valid.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 6

Listening is an important skill in all aspects of life. As a friend, a mentor, a co-worker, a
classmate – listening is the key to those relationships. So how does listening really work?
First, understand that there is a difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is
the physiological process of sound waves bouncing off the eardrum. We hear sound whether
that be a voice, music, a gunshot, or a crying baby. Your ears cannot distinguish between the
different sounds. That’s where listening comes into play. Listening is taking the sound and
making sense out of it. That’s when the brain says, “Wow, that was a nice song. What’s going
on?” or “Yes, I hear the baby crying.”

When we engage in listening, we are doing so for many different reasons depending
upon the goals in which we are trying to achieve. There are four different types of listening
that are essential to know when deciding what your goal as the listener is. Familiarize yourself
with these different types of listening so you can strengthen and improve your ability to critically
think and evaluate what you have heard.
Appreciative Listening

▪ When you listen for appreciation you are listening for enjoyment. Think about the music
you listen to. You usually listen to music because you enjoy it. The same can be said
for appreciative listening when someone is speaking. Some common types of
appreciative listening can be found in sermons from places of worship, from a
motivational speech by people we respect or hold in high regard, or even from a stand-
up comedian who makes us laugh.

▪ Empathic Listening
When you listen empathically you are doing so to show mutual concern. During this
type of listening you are trying to identify with the speaker by understanding the situation in
which he/she is discussing. You are stepping into the other’s shoes to get a better
understanding of what it is he/she is talking about. Usually during this type of listening you
want to be fully present in the moment or mindfully listening to what the speaker is saying.
Your goal during this time is to focus on the speaker, not on yourself. You are trying to
understand from the speaker’s perspective (“Effective Listening | Fundamentals of Public

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 7

The Purposes of Listening

1. To show interest, concern and concentration.

2. To encourage the speaker to communicate fully, openly and honestly.
3. To develop a selflessness approach, putting the speaker first.
4. To arrive at a shared and agreed understanding and acceptance of both sides’

Often our main concern while listening is to formulate ways to respond. This is not a
function of listening. We should try to focus fully on what is being said and how it's being said
in order to more fully understand the speaker (“Listening Skills | SkillsYou Need,” n.d.).

The primary purpose of listening is to gain knowledge and information from another
person. The information may be presented either formally or informally. As a listener, you
should closely pay attention for certain clues that the speaker used to provide such
information. These are the strategies that you may apply.

1. Listen for clues or signal

A good speaker makes use of signals to alert you to focus on some key points
or if he or she intends to shift focus in the presentation.

2. Listen for transitions

Transitional words and phrases would tell you which of the bits of information
presented are important.

3. Listen for main ideas and details that support them

Good speakers provide supporting details to important points of the presentation.

4. Listen for summaries

Be alert for some summary clues uttered by the speaker like, “To sum it up…”,
“Let us review the key points.”, “Before I end…”

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 8

5. Listen to take notes
Listen attentively to get the sense of the speaker’s direction, and then start taking
down notes. Reading what you have written would remind you about the important
points presented by the speaker (Tagay and Brutas 2013).

I’m sure you got loads of information regarding the various listening strategies. If
not, you can still reread the notes to master them. With this important information, you
can ace the succeeding tasks. Good luck!

What’s More

Activity 4. Using the appropriate types of listening, identify the type of listening you would use
In each of the following activities. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Listening to an announcement
2. Listening to the procedure before performing a Science experiment
3. Listening to a radio drama
4. Listening to a campaign speech
5. Listening to a radio commercial of a shampoo brand

Activity 5. Check your listening skill by listening to a song titled “Count on Me” by Bruno
Mars. You may listen to it at or have a copy of
the song from your teacher.

As you listen to it, take note of the key ideas mentioned in the song. Then, answer the
process questions that follow on a separate sheet of paper.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 9

"Count on Me"
Bruno Mars
We find out what we're made of
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle When we are called to help our friends in
of the sea need
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and You can count on me
you can't see Like 1, 2, 3
I'll be the light to guide you I'll be there
And I know when I need it
We find out what we're made of I can count on you
When we are called to help our friends in Like 4, 3, 2
need You'll be there
(Refrain) 'Cause that's what friends are supposed to
You can count on me do
Like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there You'll always have my shoulder when you
And I know when I need it cry
I can count on you I'll never let go, never say goodbye
Like 4, 3, 2 You know
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to You can count on me
do Like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
If you're tossin' and you're turnin' I can count on you
And you just can't fall asleep Like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there
I'll sing a song beside you 'Cause that's what friends are supposed to
And if you ever forget how much you really
mean to me every day, I will remind you You can count on me 'cause I can count on

Source: (“Bruno Mars - Count on Me Lyrics | AZLyrics.Com,” n.d.)

Process questions:
1. What does the song mean to you?
2. What qualities of a friend are reflected in the song?
3. Does the song teach you how to establish a friendly relationship?
4. According to the song, how does one become a good friend to others?
5. What other song is like the one you listened to.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 10

What I Have Learned

Activity 6. Complete the following sentences that talk about the things you have gained from
this module. The first part of each sentence has been done for you. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. The activities in this lesson enabled me to learn
_____________________________________________________________ .

2. It made me realize that

_____________________________________________________________ .
3. I, therefore, commit to

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 11

What I Can Do

Activity 7. Based on the song Count on Me by Bruno Mars, think of the people whom you
consider as friends. Then, choose one object from the pictures below that you can
associate with them. Copy the drawing of the object, then, explain your choice in
a short paragraph containing five sentences. Be guided with the rubric below.
Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

(Clip Art Library,” n.d.) (Clip Art Library,” n.d.)

(Clip Art Library,” n.d.) (Clip Art Library,” n.d.)

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 12

Rubric for Paragraph Writing

1 2 3 4

The topic The topic The topic The topic

sentence is sentence does sentence states sentence
missing. not relate to the the general idea interestingly
rest of the of the states the central
paragraph. paragraph. idea and grabs
the reader’s

One sentence Two supporting Two supporting Three or more

or less and it sentences, but do sentences that supporting
does not relate not relate to the relate to the sentences that
to the topic. topic. topic. relate to the

Sentences do A few sentences Most sentences All sentences

not end with have end have the correct end with the
Punctuation punctuation punctuation. punctuation. correct
marks. punctuation.

Capitalization Sentences do A few sentences All sentences All sentences

not begin with begin with a begin with a begin with a
capitalization. capital letter. capital letter. capital letter and
all proper nouns
are capitalized
as well.

Message The writing The writing The message The message is

does not make makes some makes sense, clear and
any sense. sense, but still but it is not concise.
needs completely
improvement. clear.

Source: (“BetterLesson,” n.d.)

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 13


Directions: Study the following items and give what is needed. Use a separate sheet of paper
For your answers.

1. Which Of The Following Is Not Correct About Listening?

A. Listening Is A Passive Process.

B. One Listens Effectively By Using More Than Just the Ears.

C. One Listens Depending Upon The Purpose And Nature Of Communication.

2. Which Of The Following Is Not A Good Purpose To Listen To?

A. To Critically Assess What Is Being Said

B. To Show Interest, Concern and Concentration

C. to Find Fault in the Speaker’s Manner of Talking

D. to Gain an Understanding of the Speaker’s Point Of View

3. Which Type Of Listening Can Be Used In Radio Commercials Of Whitening Products?

A. Emphatic Listening B. Critical Listening

C. Appreciative Listening D. Comprehensive Listening

4. What Type Of Listening Can Be Used When Your Teacher Delivers A Lecture?

A. Emphatic Listening B. Critical Listening

C. Appreciative Listening D. Comprehensive Listening

5. Your Friend Relates To You His Difficulty Regarding School And Family Matters. Which

Type Of Listening Should You Use?

A. Emphatic Listening B. Critical Listening

C. Appreciative Listening D. Comprehensive Listening

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 14

Additional Activities

Activity 8. Listen to the weather forecast today from your radio sets. Pay attention to the
important details. Then, based on the forecast you listened to, answer the
questions that follow. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Who delivered the weather forecast you listened to?

2. At what specific day and time was the weather forecast aired over the radio?
3. What did the forecaster say about the weather condition of Ilocos Norte today?
4. Is there a developing weather disturbance near our locality?
5. At what time will the sun set today? At what time will the sun rise tomorrow?

Well done! You have accomplished all the tasks found in this module. I hope you
enjoyed doing all of them. See you around!

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 15

16 ENGLISH 7 Self-Learning Module MELC-Aligned WBLS-OBE
Activity 1. Pre-test
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
Activity 2
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. T
Activity 3 (Answers may vary.)
Activity 4
1. Comprehensive listening
2. Comprehensive listening
3. Appreciative listening
4. Critical listening
5. Critical listening
Activities 5, 6, 7, (Answers may vary.)
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. a
Activity 8 (Answers may vary.)
Answer Key
“Bruno Mars - Count On Me Lyrics | AZLyrics.Com.” n.d. Www.Azlyrics.Com.

“BetterLesson.” n.d. BetterLesson.

“Cell Phone Clipart - Clip Art Library.” n.d. Clipart-Library.Com. http://clipart-

“Effective Listening | Fundamentals of Public Speaking.” n.d. Courses.Lumenlearning.Com.

“Listening Skills | SkillsYouNeed.” n.d. Www.Skillsyouneed.Com.

“Open Book Books Clip Art - Clip Art Library.” n.d. Clipart-Library.Com. http://clipart-

“Pool Stick Clipart - Clip Art Library.” 2016. Clipart-Library.Com. 2016. http://clipart-

“Scissors Clipart Black and White - Clip Art Library.” n.d. Clipart-Library.Com. http://clipart-

“Student Not Paying Attention Clipart - Clip Art Library.” n.d. Clipart-Library.Com.

Tagay, Lourna, and Maria Luisa Brutas. Journeying through Literature and Language. 2013.
Makati City, Don Bosco Press, Inc., 2013.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 17

“Transparent Background Umbrella Clipart - Clip Art Library.” n.d. Clipart-Library.Com.

Villamejor, Socorro. Moving Ahead in English I, English Textbook for First Year High School.
1997. edited by Cleofe Mendinueto, First ed., Quezon City, FNB EDUCATIONAL,
INC, 1997, pp. 2–3.

WBLS-OBE MELC-Aligned Self-Learning Module ENGLISH 7 18

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education-Schools Division of Laoag City

Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)

Brgy. 23 San Matias, Laoag City 2900

Contact Number: (077)771-3678


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