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Divisibility rule

1. All numbers are divisible by 1.

2. The last digit is even.
3. The sum of the digits is divisible by 3.
4. The last 2 digits is divisible by 4.
5. The last dight is 0 or 5.
6. It is divisible by 2 and 3..
7. Form the alternative sum of blocks of 3 from right to left.
8. The last 3 digit is divisible by 8.
9. THe sum of the digits is divisible by 9.
10. The last digit is 0
11. Form the alternative sum from right to left. The result must be divisible by
12. It is divisible by 3 and 4.
13. Form the alternative sum of blocks of 3 from right to left.
14. It is divisible by 2 and 7.
15. Ut us divisible by 3 and 5.

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