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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 001

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Vicky Halls is a “cat behaviour counsellor”. The idea of such a person would have been
incomprehensible to those brought up on Rudyard Kipling, who plainly didn't think much of cats
and thought they could manage perfectly well without humans. (1) … We know better now, yet it's
still surprising how little we understand them.
Vicky Halls has often been called in to sort out some wretched animal that's making
messes all over the house or obnoxiously wetting the furniture (2) …, and has discovered that
either it is frightened of another cat in the household, or is missing a dead one, or is jealous of
other cats or of humans, or it can't stand the wood chips in its litter tray, while (3) …
Sometimes the problem is obvious enough, as in the case of a cat called Chester whose
owner let him sleep with her when her husband was away, and who then became so jealous that
he actively and sometimes painfully came between husband and wife when all three were in bed
(4) …, but instead they summoned Ms Halls who eventually broke up this absurd triangle by
arranging alternative pleasures for Chester, such as a comfy bed of his own and more time
Ms. Harris prescribes a range of devices to distract the indoor cat: a few card boxes to hide
in, or a high shelf to sit on with a view through another window.

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/ group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. its doting owners have had no idea what has been going on in its unhappy head.
B. Cats in those days were generally thought effeminate anyway, not like gruff and manly dogs.
C. Most of us would have got rid of the cat
D. the commonest symptom of anxiety or distress
E. Cats make our lives better.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What can we infer about cat behaviour counsellors?

A. People felt that they were strange in the past.
B.They believe that cats shouldn't be domesticated.
C. They claim dogs are generally viewed in a more favourable way than cats.
D.They are a relatively new breed of professionals.

2. What does Vicky Halls say about the mess cats make?
A. It demonstrates that they should be put out at night.
B. It can be put down to stress.
C. It is normally the cat owner's fault.
D. It is natural if there is more than one cat at home.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. What is Vicky Hall's view of indoor cats?

A. They should be encouraged to go out.
B. They are more likely to suffer from extreme anxiety.
C. She pities them.
D. She believes they enjoy being able to see outside.

5. Comment on the following sentences: Vicky Halls is a “cat behaviorur counselor”. The idea of
such a person would have been incomprehensible to those brought up on Rudyard Kipling. (100
words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 002

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Listening to an iPod while walking across the street could soon become illegal in New York.
State Senator Carl Kruger wants a law introduced that outlaws crossing roads while listening to
music, talking on a mobile phone or using video games and personal organizers. The fine for
breaking this law could be as much as $100. The Senator said he had witnessed too many near
misses whereby pedestrians had not heard or seen oncoming traffic because (1) … Mr. Kruger told
reporters: "Government has an obligation to protect its citizens. This electronic gadgetry is
reaching the point where it's creating an atmosphere where we have a major public safety crisis at
hand." (2) …
Kruger may have a point. (3) … They all walked into busy traffic because they were
distracted by an electronic device of some sort. In one case, bystanders shouted at someone to
be careful seconds before they were knocked down and became another traffic accident statistic.
Despite the alarming increase in deaths caused by distractions from iPods etc, New Yorkers are
likely to ignore any new law forbidding their use in the streets. Many residents believe Kruger is
going too far and that (4) … Brooklyn resident Mary Alberto was outraged at Kruger’s proposal.
She said: “Enough is enough. I have been able to cross the street since I was eight.” She also
joked that one day people might be fined for not looking both ways.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Three pedestrians have been killed in the past four months in New York’s Brooklyn district.
B. He is concerned that it’s becoming a nationwide problem.
C. It is now illegal to use music players in New York streets.
D. the law treats people as though they had no sense.
E. they were too involved in gaming, chatting on their phone.

2. Match the words in bold with their synonyms. 6 points

penalty, furious, preoccupied.

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the article again and decide whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
6 points
A. A US senator has seen many near misses on New York’s streets.
B. Three people died on roads because they were using gadgets.
C. One person died because he could not hear a shouted warning.

5. Comment on the following statement: Listening to an iPod while walking across the street
should become illegal. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 003

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Imagine a locked room in which a person sits alone staring into space. There is nothing to
look at. (1) … Except for sounds.
But these sounds resemble nothing heard before. They lack all similarity to experience
and any reference to surroundings. Now imagine that those sounds – (2) … - are the sounds of a
Beethoven symphony. What would one’s ear and mind make of them? How much would be
A new field, for example, sometimes called biomusicology, is preoccupied with how music
affects the brain. What regions of the brain respond to changes in harmony or melody? Is
there a single region that makes sense of music?
Music may be revealing a code. This view has contributed to a renewed interest in the
relationship between music and mathematics. (3) …
Every effort to examine the effects of single musical variables - pitch, metre, harmony -
inadvertently shows just how much more music is than the sum of its parts. Dr Tramo, director
of the Institute for Music and Brain Science at Harvard University, has shown that many
regions are active when music is heard: (4) ….
The relationship between music and language is also complex. The Russian composer
Vissarion Shelabin continued to write music for a decade after a stroke in 1953 damaged his
speech and language understanding. In one classic study, brain-damaged patients could identify
instruments and wrong notes but could not recognise melodies.

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Music is similar to mathematics in important respects.

B. music can only be successfully interpreted in a locked room.
C. Most of the world is stripped away.
D. heard for the first time
E. even motor areas of the brain can become active though the body might be at rest.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Why does the writer mention the Beethoven symphony in the second paragraph?
A. to illustrate that certain kinds of music do not make sense
B. to emphasise the difference between a well-known piece of music and music that has
never been heard before
C. to demonstrate that music needs to be related to famous people in order to be
D. to speculate what it would sound like to a person with no previous experience of this
kind of music
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Biomusicology…
A. is the study of how the brain understands and reacts to music.
B. examines the relationship between language and music.
C. is the study of how neurons react to language and music.
D. examines which regions of the brain respond to changes in intonation.

3. Research indicates…
A. that the relationship between music and the mind is unexpectedly complex.
B. that several areas of the brain respond exclusively to music.
C. that the brain is activated only when in motion.
D. harmony stimulates all parts of the brain.

5. Comment on the following statement: Music may be a self revealing code. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 004

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The era of space tourism ventured a further leap forward for mankind with the
announcement of plans to construct the world’s very first spaceport. Space Adventures Ltd.
announced in a press release its intentions to develop a commercial spaceport in the United Arab
Emirates, with plans to expand globally. (1) … The initial launch and arrival hub for those wanting
to holiday in the heavens looks like being the emirate of Ras-Al-Khaimah, one hour by car from the
luxury resort city of Dubai. (2) …
The press report states that the “total estimated cost of the global spaceport development
project is at least US$265 million and will be funded by various parties”. (3) … The UAE’s civil
aviation authorities have already given their green light for suborbital spaceflights to operate in
their air space. Crown Prince Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi of Ras-Al-Khaimah enthused about
being part of such a monumental endeavour, expressing pride in hosting “the site where suborbital
commercial space travel will begin and flourish”. He added: “(4) ... “The date of the maiden flight
has yet to be unveiled.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4points

A. Other candidates to accommodate facilities for space travel include Singapore and various
yet-to-be-named locations in North America.
B. Space Adventures Ltd. is the company that organized orbital flights for all of the world's private
space explorers.
C. The Sheikh of Ras-Al-Khaimah has put his full financial and political weight behind ensuring the
project is a viable concern.
D. We are most excited about spearheading this multi-billion dollar industry.
E. Arab Emirates deny it.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the article again and decide whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
6 points
A. Dubai will be the world’s first port to accept goods from space.
B. UAE authorities have given the green light for suborbital flights.
C. A Middle-Eastern sheikh is a key financier of the project.

5. Comment on the following statement: Suborbital commercial space travel will begin and
flourish. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 005

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Plastic cards are the UK’s favourite way to pay for goods and services, according to a new
report by APACS, the body that monitors payments in Britain. (1) … British consumers’ love of
plastic means that spending on credit and debit cards have trebled over the past decade. A little
under a third of total consumer spending is now charged to cards. Plastic transactions increased to
a record $600bn last year. APACS director of communications Sandra Quinn said: "The last 10
years have seen a rapid rise in the popularity of plastic, with debit cards showing particularly strong
growth." She added: " (2) … "
Last year saw new “smart card” technology introduced into the world of card payments.
However, these technological advances have not stopped an increasing reliance on plastic, which
is responsible for the rising mountains of debt British people now have. In the first three months of
this year almost 17,000 people were declared bankrupt – a 10 percent rise on the previous year.
(3) … In 2006, conmen stole almost a billion dollars using stolen cards and personal information.
Soon, people will be carrying a single card in their wallet which will combine debit and credit cards
and other financial transactions. (4) …

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. There is also a parallel, worrying trend regarding the opportunities plastic creates for fraud.
B. Consumers enjoy the ease and convenience plastic cards bring, and today most retailers and
supermarkets take plastic, as do an increasing number of professional service providers.
C. This is another step toward a cashless society, but one that might increase personal debt and
credit card fraud.
D. Spending on plastic cards overtook cash in 2004 and has continued growing ever since.
E. People love spending money.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the article again and decide whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):
6 points
A. Plastic transactions increase personal debt.
B. Nowadays, an increasing number of professional service providers take plastic.
C. Plastic transactions are another step toward a cashless society.

5. Comment on the following statement: Consumers enjoy the ease and convenience plastic
cards bring. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 006

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Throughout history people of all cultures have turned to their dreams as a means of
finding solutions to problems or answers to specific questions. (1) …, but controlled dreaming is
increasingly being advocated as means of tapping into the causes of deep-rooted problems. The
procedure, known as “incubating a dream”, is not difficult and almost anyone can develop the
habit of focusing on a specific question before dropping off, in the hope that the subconscious will
provide enlightenment. (2) ….
Many dream enthusiasts have gone a step further and perfected a technique known as “lucid
dreaming”. (3) … Most of us are familiar with the kind of dream where we know we are
dreaming, but being able to do it at will and having the capacity to influence its events in
the dream is a subtle art. (4) … Conversely, lucid dreaming can be a kind of wish fulfilment,
opening up unlimited avenues within the imagination, empowering the dreamer in a way that
can be carried over into waking life as an additional boost to one's selfesteem or feelings of

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. This technique has been shown to be a useful way of facing up to one's fears, insecurities,
doubts or negative emotions.
B. Nowadays it may seem to be a forgotten art
C. This involves training your mind to stay “awake” while dreaming in order to coherently
experience the dream and even control it.
D. Answers may come in the form of symbols or events and may not be immediately obvious, but with
guidance and practice, almost anyone can do it.
E. Dreaming is harmful.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the article again and answer the following questions: 6 points

A. Explain in your own words what “lucid dreaming” is.

B. Why does the writer say that controlled lucid dreaming is “a subtle art”?
C. Are dreams to be deciphered by ordinary people?

5. Comment on the following statement: Dreams are a means of finding solutions to problems or
answers to specific questions. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 007

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

In an endeavour to ease the pressure on senior doctors and surgeons, (1) …,
scientists have developed a medical robot that will be able to cover ward rounds. The Remote
Presence Robot (RP6) allows a patient immediate access to a surgeon or consultant anywhere in the
world. The specialist, controlling the robot with a remote control joystick, is able to examine a patient
via a screen on the robot's “face”, view X-rays, record and test results, and (2) …
In Britain, the RP6 robots are being trialled at St Mary's Hospital, London. Heading the
project is Professor Sir Ara Darzi, Head of the Division of Surgery, Anaesthetics and Intensive Care
at Imperial College London and a practising surgeon at St Mary's. In a news release announcing the
start of the trials earlier this year, he stated: “This is a revolutionary concept (3) … and integrates
technology with healthcare at a grass roots level, increasing the interface between patients,
clinicians and teaching staff.”
The trial also includes a study to assess (4) … and to evaluate the potential for further

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. how patients respond to the robot

B. who are often required to divide their time between two or three hospitals.
C. which opens new avenues for telemedicine research
D. give advice to other medical staff, even though he or she cannot be physically present.
E. one cannot leave without medicines.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Why is the robot scheme beneficial to both doctors and patients?

A. It enables specialists to examine patients physically and provide a diagnosis from a
B. It saves specialists time and provides patients with instant support.
C. It enables staff to treat patients effectively from a distance.
D. Patients are able to seek the advice of any medical expert day or night anywhere in the

2. What does Professor Darzi mean when he says that the scheme 'integrates technology
with healthcare at a grass roots level'?
A. Technology can play a direct role in the practical treatment of all patients.
B. Medicine combined with technology can offer effective healthcare.
C. Technology provides medical experts treating patients with a bedside manner.
D. Healthcare experts can make use of technology to help them form diagnoses.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
3. The trial also intends ...
A. to evaluate the potential for further developments.
B. to assess healthcare experts
C. to treat both doctors and patients
D. to choose a certain surgeon or consultant.

5. Comment on the following statement: The Remote Presence Robot opens new avenues for
telemedicine research. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 008

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Apple’s music download service iTunes will soon meet its toughest rival yet. Amazon, the
world’s biggest book store, has released details of its long-awaited music download service,
“Amazon MP3”. (1) … Apple has been the unbeatable leader in digital music sales ever since it
started iTunes. In spite of other companies entering the market over the past five years, Apple still
dominates with over 70 per cent of all digital music sales. The new threat from Amazon comes in
the form of considerably cheaper downloads – 89 cents, compared with $1.29 from the Apple Store.
(2) … This means music lovers will be able to play their downloads on any mp3 player.
Amazon MP3 will boast a catalogue of over two million songs. It has joined forces with
20,000 major and independent record labels, including biggies Universal and EMI, to provide
consumers with a considerable choice of music from over 180,000 artists. Furthermore, Amazon
will not have to overcome the hurdle that prevents other online music stores from gaining a
foothold in the market - getting people to register credit card details. (3) … They'll soon be able to
buy music downloads alongside their books and DVDs.’s vice president for digital
music said in a press statement: "(4) … and using their input to refine the service." Time will tell
whether it will eat into Apple’s sales.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. We look forward to receiving feedback from our customers

B. Amazon’s downloads will also be free of copy protection technology.
C. Amazon will definitely take a big bite into Apple’s profits.
D. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide already have Amazon accounts.
E. Analysts say this is the first real challenge to Apple's dominance.

2. Match the words/phrases in bold with their meaning. 6 points

to improve, to team up, barrier.

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the article again and decide whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
6 points
A. Amazon will soon start selling music downloads from its website.
B. Amazon is the dominant force in the digital music market.
C. Amazon will sell songs that will work on any digital music player.

5. Comment on the following statement: People will soon be able to buy music downloads
alongside their books and DVDs. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 009

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Some current evidence suggests that (1) …, and perform no adaptive role in maintaining
our psychological health. In fact, some researchers believe that (2) … - a developmental
cognitive achievement assigned to the healthy functioning of a complex neural network
located in specific areas of the forebrain.
Nevertheless, the way dreams reflect our emotional preoccupations or run parallel to our
awakened states of consciousness may explain why, throughout history, dreams have been put to
various uses. For example, in many societies dreams would be used by shamans or witch doctors
as a means to diagnose or cure illnesses, or to fend off evil spirits. (3) … In modern times dreams
have been used by psychotherapists as a means of understanding the patient's state of mind,
or (4) …. Dreams may even be used socially, as an ice-breaker, or as a way for some people to
express their fantasies. But these are emergent functions, coming about as a result of dreams
rather than causing them.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. dreams are merely an evolutionary bi-product of sleep combined with a gradually

awakening consciousness in human beings
B. simply to induce him or her to talk about repressed feelings
C. Occasionally, dreams would be used to predict the weather or make prophecies.
D. dreams may serve no useful psychological or physiological function
E. history proved they were right

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the article again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. Which phrase in the first paragraph implies that the ability to dream may have come about by
B. Explain in your own words why many societies believe dreams are significant.
C. What are the uses to which dreaming can be put in a modern society according to the text?

5. Comment on the following statement: In modern times dreams have been used by
psychotherapists as a means of understanding the patient's state of mind. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 010

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

He was lying face down in the dark, a heavy object pinning him to the floor. Breathing was
difficult and movement was impossible. (1) … An explosion? An earthquake? Had the house
collapsed? Jenny! Was she alright? He had to get out ... had to find her ... Pain seared through
his chest and everything went black.
A low, whirring sound reached his ear and he stirred. (2) … No, that was absurd! Even if he had,
it wouldn't be working now. His mind must be playing tricks on him. He wondered how long he had
been lying there. At that moment, a dull red glow lit up in front of his face and he found himself
staring into what looked like a miniature camera stuck on the end of a probe. It was surreal; he had to
be dreaming! The camera paused for a minute as if registering his presence, then backed
away, and the whirring sound gradually receded, silence falling around him like a blanket. He felt
nauseous again. Wait! (3) … The weight above him shifted and he cried out in pain.
“Here's someone, Stan! In here!” yelled a voice above him. “The robot actually did it! Get over
here. Now!”
He'd been sound! (4) … But what was that about a robot?

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Was that another sound?

B. He was safe!
C. What had happened?
D. Had he left the mixer on?
E. He was kidnapped.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. The man thought he must be dreaming because …
A. of the incongruity of what he could see.
B. he imagined he could see a camera.
C. of the fact that he was hallucinating.
D. he was bewildered by the light.

2. The camera ...

A. paused for a minute as if registering his presence.
B. was stuck.
C. reached his ear as a warning.
D. was safe again.

3. We can infer from the text that ...

A. the man is married to Jenny.
B. the man is the first survivor to be found by the robot.
C. Jenny had been cooking when disaster struck.
D. Stan is the robot's operator.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the feelings of the main character of the excerpt above. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 011

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Demand for whales is much less now than it was during the peak period of commercial
whaling from 1870 to about 1935 (1) … Nowadays their only commercial value is as food,
especially in Japan, where whale meat is a traditional delicacy. The Japanese insist they want only
to hunt whales that can be harvested without a threat to their future. (2) … It is, however, part of
their heritage, and a matter of principle.
Setsuo Izumi, a whaler for 37 years, says “What people eat is different from country to
country. It's a cultural thing.” The IWC moratorium has stopped him hunting minke - favoured for its
mild taste - but he insists they are not under threat. “I see more minke out at sea than I used to and
fishermen say they are eating all the fish. (3) …“
Joji Morishita, deputy director of the far-seas fisheries at the Japanese Fisheries Agency,
thinks many western nations have double standards: “Wildlife for them is something to see and
admire, and (4) …. But in the US they catch 5.6 million wild deer a year. And how would the British
react if Hindus tried to ban killing and eating cows, which they consider holy?” He also emphasises
the question of scale - after all, the Japanese and Norwegians cannot eat all the whales in the

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. you should only eat animals such as cows and pigs that are reared.
B. Whales were then hunted primarily for their oil and wax, which were used to lubricate machinery
and make candles.
C. Why should we not be allowed to catch them in our coastal waters?
D. Commercial whaling is of no economic significance.
E. killing animals is banned.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the article again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. Explain in your own words why Joji Morishita introduced the subject of cows and Hindus into a
discussion about whaling.
B. What impression is created throughout the text of the Japanese attitude to whaling?
C. What were whales primarily hunted for?

5. Comment on the following statement: Wildlife is something to see and admire. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 012

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Even among educators who worry about too much tilt1 to technology, there is growing
agreement that a computer is a powerful motivator of a school-age child. Students with access to a
micro spend more time studying and solving problems. (1) … The kids who don’t get indoctrinated
to computers by seventh grade are not going to develop the same proficiency. Andrew Molnar,
computer education specialist at the National Science Foundation says: “Power is not distributed
evenly now, and computers will broaden that gap.” Other observers disagree, seeing instead a
potential educational leveling device. “(2) … “ says Computer Consultant Charles Lecht. “Students
who used to fail because they could not master geometry the first time around will be able to turn
to the computer for relief. The machines will emerge as great equalizers.” But the majority in the
field worry about the near-term specter of the rich taking control of the technology while the poor
play video games. Steven Jobs, the 27-year-old chairman of Apple Computer, had proposed
donating a free computer to every school in the country, provided Congress grant manufacturers
the same tax break that would be available if they gave the equipment to a university. (3) … But
Jobs is now backing off, unhappy with various limitations in the version of the tax break that has
passed the House and is awaiting Senate action. If he were to get the bill he wants, the delivery of
thousands of free machines would help to even out the inequities. “Computers will be taught in
most schools eventually,” says Jobs. “(4) … The question is, why wait?”

(Computers and Education in Time, 1982)

tilt=raising slope

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. No one nowadays buys a computer.

B. But that’s five to ten years from now.
C. Those who write at their keyboards compose more freely and revise their work more thoroughly.
D. The companies that took advantage of the law would then have been able to do a public
service, while also building future markets.
E. In the long run, all God’s children will have computers.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. The text refers to …

A. new technology in schools.
B. new technology in universities.
C. rich class.
D. adults’ education.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. The computer is seen as …

A. a game.
B. a relief.
C. something dangerous.
D. something dreadful.

3. Computers represent …
A. a common class.
B. future in education.
C. wasting of time.
D. a game for adults.

5. Comment on the following statement: Even among educators who worry about too much tilt
to technology, there is growing agreement that a computer is a powerful motivator of a school-age
child. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 013

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Monday March 2nd

(1) … I sat up in bed and put a dead serious expression on my face just in case she’d got
six months to live or she’d been caught shoplifting or something. She fiddled with the curtains,
dropped cigarette ash all over my Concorde model and started mumbling on about “adult
relationships” and “life being complicated” and how she must “find herself”. She said she was fond
of me. Fond!!! And would hate to hurt me. And then she said that for some women marriage was
like being in prison. Then she went out. Marriage is nothing like being in prison! Women are let out
every day to go to the shops and stuff, and quite a lot go to work. (2) …
Sunday March 8th
My mother has gone to a woman’s workshop on assertiveness trening1. Men aren’t allowed.
(3) … He said “God knows, but whatever it is, it’s bad news for me”. We had boil-in-the-bag cod in
butter sauce and oven-cooked chips for Sunday dinner, followed by tinned peaches and Dream-
topping. My father opened a bottle of white wine and let me have some. We watched a film on
television, then my mother came home and started bossing us around. She said, “The worm has
turned”, and “Things are going to be different around here”, and things like that. Then she went into
the kitchen and started making a chart dividing all the housework into three. I pointed out to her
that I already had a paper round2 to do, an old age pensioner to look after and a dog to feed, as
well as my school work. (4) … She put the chart on the wall and said “We start tomorrow”.

(Sue Townsend, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4)

1. trening= a course of lessons taken by someone to teach them how to express their opinions and make known their
2. a paper round=a job, usually done by children, delivering newspapers to a group of houses

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. I think my mother is being a bit melodramatic.

B. My mother has just come into my room and said she had something awful to tell me.
C. And she loved her husband.
D. But she didn’t listen.
E. I asked my father what “assertiveness trening” is.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. Marriage is seen by the mother as …
A. a celebration.
B. something divine.
C. a prison.
D. a model to be followed.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
2. The assertiveness trening is not allowed to …
A. women.
B. men.
C. students.
D. children.

3. What does the chart refer to?

A. Modern means of communication.
B. Business affairs.
C. Housework.
D. Writers.

5. Comment on the following statement: Marriage is nothing like being in prison! Women are let
out every day to go to the shops and stuff, and quite a lot go to work. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 014

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Last week I had for about the hundredth time an experience that always disturbs me. Riding
on a train, (1) … “I teach English.” Do you have any trouble predicting his response? His face fell,
and he groaned, “Oh, dear, I’ll have to watch my language.” In my experience there are only two
other possible reactions. (2) …: “I hated English in school; it was my worst subject.” The second,
so rare as to make an honest English teacher almost burst into tears of gratitude when it occurs, is
an animated conversation about literature, or ideas, or the American language – the kind of
conversation that shows a continuing respect for “English” as something more than being sure
about who and whom, lie and lay. (3) … It is because too many of us have seen ourselves as
unfriendly policemen. I know of a high school English class in Indiana in which the students are
explicitly told that their paper grades will not be affected by anything they say; required to write a
paper a week, they are graded simply on the number of spelling and grammatical errors. (4) … If
the student is not troubled about having to say anything, or about discovering a good way of saying
it, he can then concentrate on the truly important matter of avoiding mistakes.

(adapted from: Wayne C. Booth, Boring from Within: The Art of the Freshman Essay)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. It takes no master analyst to figure out why so many of our fellow citizens think of us as
unfriendly policemen.
B. I found myself talking with my seat-mate, who asked me what I did for a living.
C. The theory is simple.
D. The first is even less inspiring.
E. But I never teach French

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. The character in the text hates …
A. playing sports.
B. conversations.
C. education.
D. traveling by train.

2. The subject described is …

A. Maths.
B. English.
C. Geography.
D. History.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
3. What does the text refer to?
A. Life in USA.
B. Gaining success.
C. A teacher of English and his subject.
D. Behaviour in trains.

5. Comment on the following sentence: I know of a high school English class in Indiana in which
the students are explicitly told that their paper grades will not be affected by anything they say;
required to write a paper a week, they are graded simply on the number of spelling and
grammatical errors. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 015

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

“Learning by doing”, everybody knows this phrase and it is still an essential part concerning
the Internet. Children also use the Internet, most of the time they will “play” over the Internet, but
they learn to work with the computer. (1) … Even if it’s the first contact with the computer, after a
few minutes the person will know that the computer-mouse is no animal running on the monitor. He
or she learns to write on the keyboard, to navigate, to open and close programs, to save data...
within hours. Try to do that on a normal computer course for beginners, you will need more time
and the most important fact, it’s not as funny as surfing on the Internet and so the participants are
less motivated.
(2) … For many women their own children are the main reason for staying at home.
Nowadays this won’t be a problem any more, you can do work on your computer at home, called
tele-working. (3) … If you have a family, you can spend more time at home; probably you can
spend more time with your children. You can organize every day in the way you want to. Meetings
at the company are reduced to a minimum. Tele-working is also an advantage for the owner of the
company. Official studies substantiate that people who work at home are more motivated than their
colleagues at the office. However, there are no time and place limitations and there are no
boundaries, both geographical and political. You can chat with people in Australia and you have
freedom of your mind in a way. Moreover, the internet is much cheaper than the real life, e.g.
phoning a friend in Australia costs more than to chat with him. (4) … You do not have to buy
stamps anymore and it is much faster and also for free. You can also add files to your E-mail and
that’s why a big data transfer is possible. Therefore you do not have to send disks with information
around the world anymore and you have your information in a digital way.
(Computers nowadays)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. In any case, everybody’s private situation is different.

B. Also men take this opportunity to work at home.
C. Americans never do this.
D. The e-mail has replaced the traditional letter.
E. There is only one way to learn something; you have to do it.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. The text refers to …

A. the advantages of Apple Computers.
B. history.
C. the advantages of the new technology.
D. games on internet.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
2. Tele-working is …
A. a way of spending free time.
B. a way of working at home.
C. having fun at parties.
D. presenting advertisements.

3. Tele-working means …
A. spending more time with your family.
B. spending more time with business partners.
C. less freedom.
D. reading your e-mails during the day.

5. Comment on the following statement: “Learning by doing”, everybody knows this phrase and
it is still an essential part concerning the Internet. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 016

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Historically speaking, people have associated the notion of freedom with their being free to
impose on the others their own will, while the others were “slaves”, or imposed upon. This social
meaning was challenged when certain people discovered that we are born naturally free;
consequently, the individual and the community became fully aware of their social and political
rights as free people. Following the path opened by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, some philosophers
such as John Locke, David Hume, Edmund Burke, Thomas Hobbes defined “natural state” as a
state of “perfect freedom” of men to decide upon their actions and make choices according to their
will. (1) … But these considerations refer to political philosophy, demonstrating that fear and
freedom are compatible.
Philosophically speaking, we need to adopt a form of negative definition so as to apply it to
all form of freedom. (2) … So, we can accept the existence of types of freedom. For example, in
Physics, we speak about free fall. In Politics, we speak about freedom of association opinion. (3)…
Starting from this enlarged definition, the metaphysical philosophers created the concept of
absolute freedom. (4) … We represent our free actions as successively “free” from any types of
causes. But this type of freedom is the power of acting independently not only in connection with
outer or exterior restrictions, but also in connection with any inner determination. This is called the
free will of the metaphysical philosophy, and refers to the mysterious power of carrying out actions
that are not previously determined by ideas, instincts or aptitudes.

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Freedom is the absence of constraints, or restrictions.

B. This meant political and juridical equality between people: they are equal in front of the law and
in front of the political institution.
C. This idea opposes nature, consisting of a kind of passage to the limits.
D. In Economy, we refer to free economic change, meaning trade free from customs taxes, or
imposed payments.
E. Not even freedom in television.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. The text refers to …

A. freedom from many points of view.
B. history.
C. freedom of mind.
D. being free as long as you want.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Being free means …

A. to do whatever you want.
B. being obliged to do something.
C. decide and make choices according to your wil.
D. being imposed upon.

3. The term Freedom is defined in Politics as …

A. freedom of speaking freely.
B. independence.
C. freedom of association opinion.
D. being dominated by a political party.

5. Comment on the following statement: Freedom is the absence of constraints, or restrictions.

(100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 017

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

During Earth Day '70, people all over the nation were working on projects to protect our
environment. Projects included: organizing neighbourhood clean-ups, and planting trees.
Demonstrators spoke out on polluters of air, water and noise in ecology fairs. After the first Earth
Day, a lot of persons feared that environmental issues would not become part of the way of life, but
much to their surprise, activators continued their fight daily to save our environment. (1) … Earth
Day struggled because of a lack of political support that year. Supporters held clean up drives,
offered educational programmes to teach others about saving our earth, and marches were held.
In 1990, on the twentieth anniversary of Earth Day, the first International Earth Day was organized.
There are billions and billions of people that live on our earth. Each person on earth needs
a place to live. We also need materials to build our homes and businesses. (3) … We can protect
our parks, playgrounds and even our own backyards. We can plant flowers and trees to make our
world a beautiful place to live. We can learn to reuse and recycle paper, plastics, aluminium, and
glass. Every living thing needs fresh air to breathe. (4) … We can cut down on air pollution by
walking more, driving in car pools, and riding subways and buses. Water is essential to life. We
use water to drink and to grow plants. Our water is being polluted by sewage, factories waste, and
oil. We can better conserve water by not throwing garbage in rivers and lakes. We can also save
our water by not wasting water at home.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Many consider that flowers can die in that part of the country.
B. Over the years, Earth Day has had its successes and struggles.
C. There are several things we should do to preserve the land we live on.
D. Throughout 140 countries, over 200 million people involved themselves to save our planet.
E. There is a lot of air pollution now because of the many factories that make clothing for us and
also in the cars we drive.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. The text refers to …

A. the pollution of environment.
B. wars on our planet.
C. the advantages of traveling by buses.
D. scientists suggesting how to live better.

2. In ‘70 Earth Day struggled because …

A. climate.
B. of a lack of political support.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
C. of preserving fresh water.
D. of protecting animals.

3. We can cut down on air pollution by …

A. celebrating Earth Day.
B. driving in car pools, and riding subways and buses.
C. wasting water at home.
D. not smoking.

5. Comment on the following statement: Over the years, Earth Day has had its successes and
struggles. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 018

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Out of all aspects of high school life, the social part seems to be the most enjoyable and
entertaining. It is like the glue holding everything together. The ninth grade came with whole new
collective, new individuals to study, a variety of personalities that would take more than just four
years in school to learn. With some of them I have come to be more than just classmates, as we
now share a sum of nice memories and many common experiences. (1) … You get to meet a
whole lot of people from all over the institution; all you need is an open mind, a happy face and
willingness to socialize. (2) … Apart from the fact that you make friends and learn new things, there
is that feeling of satisfaction when a job is well done and everybody praises the crew. All these
small victories build you confidence, which can later help you progressively face bigger and harder
Our relationship with teachers was a continuous fight to overstep the boundaries of human
patience. It can easily be noticed that most of them are old-fashioned and their methods of
teaching are obsolete, which resulted in completely unbearable boredom at classes. Few of them
are willing to improve their teaching methods and make classes more interesting by including
practical parts. (3) … On the other hand, I must say I will definitely never forget my form teacher.
He is, in my opinion, the friendliest teacher I have ever had. He has always tried to break this
barrier that separates teachers from students with an open mind. (4) …

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. But high school social life is fortunately more than just your own class.
B. I am absolutely positive that this has helped me a lot.
C. I have also learned the importance of getting involved in different activities.
D. And he was my desk-mate.
E. Above all, they do not seem to understand us; mentalities strongly differ and the generation
gap is very prevalent.

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. The character in the text remembers …
A. his childhood.
B. his years in university.
C. his years in highschool.
D. his mates.

2. The period described in the text is …

A. full of pleasant memories.
B. not significant.
C. as a nightmare.
D. agitated.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
3. Highschool is not only a place to learn but also …
A. a place to socialise.
B. a place to have fun.
C. a dreadful institution.
D. a place full of boastful teachers.

5. Comment on the following statement: Out of all aspects of high school life, the social part
seems to be the most enjoyable and entertaining. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 019

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

We hear fitness nutrition in relation to our vitamin intake, our fortified cereals and milk, and
in the context that we need “nutritional value” from our food choices. But what really is fitness
nutrition when applied to our daily bodily functions? (1) … Our ability to provide the body with all its
necessary food, vitamins, and minerals so that we continue to thrive in our daily life processes.
Quite often, our vitamin and mineral needs outweigh our caloric needs. In those instances, we turn
to manufactured vitamins and minerals to fill the gap. Alternative medicine options such as
chiropractic care, acupuncture, herbal cures, and holistic medicine are all ways we can help to
keep ourselves fit.
Many use the Herbal cleansing and healing to provide ways for the body to keep itself in a
state of fitness and optimal health. (2) … Well, fitness exercise conditions our body to keep it in
optimal shape, to keep muscles functioning correctly and build muscle mass. The more muscle
mass we have, the more calories we burn. (3) … Today, we must determine how much
nourishment we need, how much physical fitness exercise we need, and how best to accomplish
those ends. (4) … If you will visit your local doctor, library, or fitness center, there is massive
amounts of information available to help educate and to help you make good health choices, no
matter what the ultimate goal, fitness maintenance, or fitness improvement.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. The more calories we burn, the better our metabolism is at using up the calories we take in
through food consumption.
B. What role does exercise play in this process?
C. Caloric needs, nutritional needs, physical needs, and education about those needs now is
information we should all understand, at least as it applies to our ability to maintain our fitness
D. Fitness nutrition refers to the nurturing of our body in our ability to keep it healthy and
functioning as it is supposed to do.
E. And this is about not having breakfast in the morning.

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. The text refers to …

A. how much we eat every day.
B. how much we drink every day.
C. the quality of our food and the vitamins we have in it.
D. how to prevent wasting our energy.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
2. Fitness nutrition refers to …
A. keeping fit.
B. losing weight.
C. taking more pills.
D. alternating medical prescriptions.

3. The more muscle mass a person has …

A. the more vitamins he burns.
B. the more calories he burns.
C. the more fats he eats.
D. the more water he drinks.

5. Comment on the following sentence: If you will visit your local doctor, library, or fitness center,
there is massive amounts of information available to help educate and to help you make good
health choices, no matter what the ultimate goal, fitness maintenance, or fitness improvement.
(100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 020

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

In the town of Jefferson lived a young man named Percy Grimm. (1) … He had been born
in the town and had lived there all his life, save for the periods of the summer encampments. He
was too young to have been in the Europe War, though it was until 1921 or 22 that he realized that
he would never forgive his parents for that fact. (2) … He thought that the boy was just a little bit
lazy and in a fair way to become perfectly worthless, when in reality the boy was suffering a terrible
tragedy of having been born not alone too late but not late enough to have escaped first-hand
knowledge of the lost time when he should have been a man instead of a child. And now with the
hysteria passed away and the ones who had been loudest in the hysteria and even the ones, the
heroes who had suffered and served, beginning to look at one another a little askance, he had no
one to tell it, to open his heart to. (3) … He made some remark to the effect if he had to do it again,
he would fight this time on the German side and against France (4) …
(William Faulkner, Percy Grimm)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. His father, a hardware merchant, did not understand this.

B. At once Grimm took him up “Against America, too?” he said.
C. In fact, his serious fight was with an ex-soldier.
D. And his mother took his side.
E. He was about twenty-five and a captain in the State National Guard.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. Where was Percy Grimm born?
A. America.
B. Asia.
C. Europe.
D. Africa.

2. Percy Grimm felt sorry for …

A. having been born too late to be a hero.
B. having been born too early to be a hero.
C. having been born in the right time to be a hero.
D. having been born during the war.

3. Percy Grimm is …
A. a soldier.
B. a captain.
C. an ex-soldier.
D. an ex-captain.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the following sentence: The boy was suffering a terrible tragedy of having been
born not alone too late but not late enough to have escaped first-hand knowledge of the lost time
when he should have been a man instead of a child. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 021

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Have you ever done something so extreme, that you've actually risked your life for it
maybe? If so, why did you do it? (1) … Many people actually feel like they must make that impact
in the world and prove a point to everyone else about being able to accomplish something maybe
no one else could. It seems like a way to get attention possibly. (2) … It's actually said some
people with personal experience to be more of a mental and spiritual thing to do, as opposed to a
physical challenge, but there's no denying that you do work your legs, lung and ligaments.
Everyday, daring people all over the world are participating in extreme sports like adventure
racing, bull-fighting, in-line skating, bungee jumping, snow boarding and skateboarding. (3) …
(Now also known as action sports) which is a general, somewhat hazily-defined term for a
collection of newer sports involving adrenaline-inducing action. Starting with one of the most
vigorous and growing sport in North America, adventure racing in 1999 will see up to 80
competitions for the sport alone. (4) … Adventure racing includes completing extreme activities
before other teams including mountain climbing, bike riding, and even canoeing.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Even children could do it.

B. Maybe to prove a point, but to who?
C. This means that tens of thousands of people will be participating, while many millions will be
watching it on their very own televisions at home.
D. All of these sports involve a serious risk, and that's why they are called Extreme Sports.
E. Or maybe this just proves what people will actually do for money if it in fact was involved.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Extreme sports refer to …

A. sports in water.
B. sports that involves a serious risk.
C. sports in air.
D. sports on the ground.

2. Why do people participate in extreme sports?

A. For themselves.
B. For the sake of the sports.
C. For accomplishing something no one else could.
D. For memories.

3. The most vigorous and growing sport in North America in 1999 was …
A. horse riding.
B. bungee jumping.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
C. adventure racing.
D. bird watching.

5. Comment on the following statement: Many people actually feel like they must make that
impact in the world and prove a point to everyone else about being able to accomplish something
maybe no one else could. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 022

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

As with almost all "Christian" holidays, Easter has been secularized and commercialized.
(1) … Since its conception as a holy celebration in the second century, Easter has had its non-
religious side. In fact, Easter was originally a pagan festival. (2) … When the second-century
Christian missionaries encountered the tribes of the north with their pagan celebrations, they
attempted to convert them to Christianity. They did so, however, in a clandestine manner. It would
have been suicide for the very early Christian converts to celebrate their holy days with
observances that did not coincide with celebrations that already existed. To save lives, the
missionaries cleverly decided to spread their religious message slowly throughout the populations
by allowing them to continue to celebrate pagan feasts, but to do so in a Christian manner. (3) …It
made sense, therefore, to alter the festival itself, to make it a Christian celebration as converts
were slowly won over. The early name, Easter, was eventually changed to its modern spelling,
Easter. The Easter Bunny is not a modern invention. The symbol originated with the pagan festival
of Easter. The goddess, Easter, was worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons through her earthly symbol,
the rabbit. The Germans brought the symbol of the Easter rabbit to America. It was widely ignored
by other Christians until shortly after the Civil War. (4) …

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. The ancient Saxons celebrated the return of spring with an uproarious festival commemorating
their goddess of offspring and of springtime, Easter.
B. As it happened, the pagan festival of Easter occurred at the same time of year as the Christian
observance of the Resurrection of Christ.
C. The dichotomous nature of Easter and its symbols, however, is not necessarily a modern
D. But the bunny never brings luck.
E. In fact, Easter itself was not widely celebrated in America until after that time.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Easter was originally …

A. a pagan festival.
B. a religious celebration.
C. a catholic festival.
D. a protestant custom.

2. Who converted tribes of the north to Christianity?

A. The Pope.
B. Catholic priests.
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C. Christian missionaries.
D. Not mentioned.

3. Who brought the symbol of the Easter rabbit to America?

A. The Anglo-Saxons.
B. The Germans.
C. The Europeans.
D. The Asians.

5. Comment on the following statement: As with almost all "Christian" holidays, Easter has been
secularized and commercialized. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 023

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

You may find it hard to believe that teenagers are naïve. In fact, you may think I am an idiot
for saying it. So why do I say it, and why is it one of the key facts of life? Here is something to
ponder that will help you to understand: (1)… If you were stranded on a desert island and if you
didn’t know how to read, could you teach yourself to read if a whole box of books washed up on
shore? No. Once you understand what that says, (2) … It is only in recognizing your naïve nature
and understanding what "lack of experience" means that you can go about fixing the problem. You
cannot start to become "worldly" and "informed" (3)… Then you can start to learn your way out of it
by asking questions, reading books and carefully observing the world around you. It is the act of
recognizing that you lack experience that lets you correct the problem and become an adult.
Mark Twain had an interesting saying: "When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so
ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was
astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years." Of course Twain’s father had
not changed at all - it was Twain himself who changed. Twain simply could not see how smart his
parent was until then. That problem afflicts all teenagers. As soon as you realize, for whatever
reason, that you don’t have all of the answers, but that many of the adults standing all around you
actually do, (4)… The sooner that transformation occurs, the better.
(The Teenager’s Guide to the Real World)

1. Four phrases have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate phrase for each
gap in the text. There is one extra phrase which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. until you understand your naïveté.

B. no one can teach himself to read.
C. apply it to your lack of experience.
D. teenagers should grow up faster.
E. you begin to become an adult.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. You get to be “informed” and “worldly” only after you …

A. read books B. understand your naïveté
C. work hard D. socialize
2. What is the person that lacks experience called?
A. stupid B. young
C. naïve D. obedient
3. What is one of the key facts of life?
A. obeying rules B. adults are ignorant
C. teenagers are naïve D. teenagers can’t stand old people
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
5. Comment on the following statement: It is only in recognizing your naïve nature and
understanding what lack of experience means that you can go about fixing the problem. (100
words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 024

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

It is hard to believe that the World Wide Web did not exist 15 years ago. On November 11,
1993, the first Web Browser became available on the Internet. Think about everything that has
changed in those 10 years. No normal person had an Internet connection in 1993. Today, more
than 60 percent of U.S. households have an Internet connection. No one shopped on the Web,
(1)…, read the news on the Web, hooked up with dates on the Web, blogged on the Web,
participated in auctions on the Web, looked up movie trailers or reviews on the Web, traded or
purchased music on the Web, used Instant Messaging on the Web, etc. in 1993. (2)… A tiny
handful of people used email in 1993. Today email is essential for both business and personal
communication, with trillions of messages sent every year. And the entire Internet Bubble came
and went on the stock market since 1993. Hundreds of billions of dollars were invested and lost in
new Internet companies. (3)…
That pace of change seems fast, and it is, but it is not unusual in America. Even 100 years
ago things could change very quickly. The first model T Ford, for example, was sold in the 1909,
and in that first year only 10,000 were manufactured. By 1912 there were 3,500 Ford dealers
selling 300,000 cars per year. (4)…, Ford was selling 2 million cars per year and there were over
100 companies competing with Ford. Even a century ago, a popular idea could catch on and
spread very quickly.
(The Pace of Change)

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the
appropriate sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra
sentence/group of words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. A few years later

B. Today these activities are taken completely for granted.
C. and computers can do anything
D. bought tickets on the Web
E. All in 15 years

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. When did the first Web Browser become available?

A. in 1994 B. in 1995 C. in 1993 D. in 1996

2. All the changes happened in …

A. 10 years. B. 13 years. C. 15 years. D. 20 years.

3. When was the first model T Ford sold?

A. in 1912 B. in 1993 C. in 1909 D. in 1920

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the following statement: Nowadays email is essential for both business and
personal communication, with trillions of messages sent every year. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 025

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

In works of art that have been made – independently of the skill that has been put into them
and the ideas they convey to us – (1) … When I was visiting Berlin, I saw a statuary set around the
Kaiser's palace. Everywhere around it was some work of art suggestive of horror, terror or
destruction. As soon as I saw it I thought, “No wonder things happened as they did, for this
statuary was produced beforehand.” A work of art may be beautiful to look at, (2) …, but with it the
mind of the artist is working. The effect that the picture will have is not what it suggests outwardly,
but what it speaks aloud of as the voice of its heart. There is a voice hidden in it, (3) … Sometimes
an artist is unaware of what he is creating; he is following his imagination; (4) … or he may be
bringing about an effect that he had not desired for himself nor for the person to whom the work of
art was to be given.
Once I went to see a temple. I could not call that temple beautiful, but it was wonderful,
unique in its kind. I was surprised, thinking, “How could such a temple have existed for so long!”
Not long afterwards, I heard that the temple had been destroyed. The idea is that the constructor of
the temple was so absorbed in his scheme that he forgot the harmony of the spirit which had to
make its plan, and so it resulted in failure.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. continually telling for what purpose the work of art was created.
B. there is a feeling that is in them and behind them.
C. it may have great skill in it
D. he may be working against his own work of art
E. the artist meant freedom

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What did the author see while visiting Berlin?

A. a palace B. a statue C. a statuary D. a castle

2. The works of art in Berlin suggested … …

A. happiness B. sadness C. harmony D. decay

3. When the temple was built, the constructor forgot … …

A. the scheme B. the harmony C. the details D. the tools

5. Comment on the following statement: Sometimes an artist is unaware of what he is creating;

he is following his imagination. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 026

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Every moment is a moment.

Charlotte Selver loves to remind her students that "Every moment is a moment". There is
something liberating about this statement, (1) … It is filled with possibilities.
Feel this as you are walking. Each step can be invigorated with a sense of newness. Can
you be surprised by the taste of an orange or a sip of tea? Can you make spaghetti sauce as if it
were the first time, although you've made it a thousand times before?
One of my favourite stories is about a man who was chased by a ferocious tiger. The man
ran to the edge of a cliff where he grabbed hold of a vine and swung himself over the side. Still
hanging from the vine, he breathed a deep sigh of relief, (2) …
But looking up, he saw the tiger waiting for him. Looking down into the ravine below, (3) …
He looked around and saw two tiny mice begin to chew away at the vine.
Growing on the side of the cliff next to him was a beautiful ripe strawberry. He could smell
its fragrance. It looked like a jewel glinting in the sunshine. Reaching out, he gently picked it and
took a small bite, savouring its essence. (4) …
What freedom this story conveys! Although the man is in a terrible situation, he is
undaunted. Glimmering in front of him is a strawberry, and he eats it as if he had no other care in
the world.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. he lost his courage.

B. thinking he was saved.
C. How sweet it tasted!
D. Every moment is new and unprecedented.
E. he saw another tiger waiting for him.

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Charlotte Selver believes that every moment is …

A. exhausting B. terrifying C. unprecedented D. repeated

2. The man was chased by a …

A. lion B. tiger C. leopard D. dog

3. How did the man feel in that terrible situation?

A. fearless B. exhausted C. ashamed D. horrible

5. Comment on the following sentence: Every moment is a moment. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 027

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The fires that ravaged Greece last summer killed 67 people and destroyed some 642,000
acres of forest and farmland, (1)… and countless people's hopes and livelihoods. One tenth of
Greece's forest cover was gone; large tracts of countryside were at risk of depopulation. "These
wounds will never heal," Poulis mourned. "There are a few young men in the village, but I'm 70.
For others, though - such as the two men at breakfast in my hotel who asked the names of
the burned villages and wouldn't say what they were doing there - catastrophe meant opportunity.
"You wait and see," said a local magistrate. (3) …
Big business turns disaster to its advantage - whether in New Orleans after Hurricane
Katrina, Sri Lanka after the tsunami or Iraq since the occupation. In Greece, (4) …: a government,
which is slow to respond to the disaster; private initiatives rushing in to fill the gap; local officials
seizing the chance to push forward pet schemes, and a resident population too bewildered to do
anything about it. "We're all in shock still," said Maria Pothou, in the village of Makistos. "And yet
we have to try to organise ourselves and try to make decisions."
(The Guardian)

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. the scale may be smaller but the pattern is familiar

B. thousands of houses and barns
C. and disaster could go on
D. Am I going to plant my olives all over again
E. Lots of people will get rich from this disaster.

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. How much of Greece’s forest cover was gone?

A. one tenth B. two thirds
C. 642,000 acres D. more than half

2. Catastrophe is sometimes considered …

A. advantageous B. terrifying
C. short-termed D. insignificant

3. After the fire, people had to …

A. leave their country B. leave their areas
C. organize themselves D. forget their disaster
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the following statement: Big business turns disaster to its advantage. (100
words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 028

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The stones we see today represent Stonehenge in ruin. Many of the original stones have
fallen or been removed by previous generations (1) ... There has been serious damage resulting
from close visitor contact (prohibited since 1978), and the prehistoric carvings on the larger stones
(2) …
The question of who built Stonehenge is largely unanswered, even today. The monument's
construction has been attributed to many ancient peoples throughout the years, but the most
captivating attribution has been to the Druids. But it was later proved to be a mistake. Julius
Caesar and other Roman writers told of a Celtic priesthood who flourished around the time of their
first conquest (55 BC). By this time, though, the stones had been standing for 2,000 years, and
were, perhaps, already in a ruined condition. Besides, the Druids worshipped in forest temples and
(3) …
The best guess seems to be that the Stonehenge site was begun by the people of the late
Neolithic period (around 3000 BC) and carried forward (4) … which was arising at this time. These
"new" people began to use metal tools. Some think that they may have been immigrants from the
continent, but that supposition is not supported by archaeological evidence. But there is still plenty
of time to discover the real builders of Stonehenge.

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. so Stonehenge is still a mystery.

B. for home construction or road repair.
C. had no need for stone structures.
D. show signs of significant wear.
E. by people from a new economy

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. When were the visitors first prohibited from coming close to the temple?
A. in 1987 B. in 1978
C. in 1789 D. in 1879

2. Who first mentioned a Celtic priesthood as the builders of Stonehenge?

A. Julius Caesar B. Mark Antony
C. Shakespeare D. Cicero

3. How old is Stonehenge?

A. around 4000 years old B. around 3000 years old
C. around 5000 years old D. around 2000 years old
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the following sentence: There has been serious damage resulting from close
visitor contact. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 029

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

First, it's great that you want to share the responsibility of pet ownership with your children.
However, it's important that you assign age-appropriate tasks. Here are a few examples of what
you may expect.
A toddler can help parents (1)… - "helping" a parent fill food and water dishes, grooming,
going with parents to take the pet for a walk, or to the veterinarian. Another good trick is to have
the toddler give the dog a treat for good behavior, i.e. gets in bed or crate before family leaves the
house. The toddler and the pet (2)…!
The 5-7 year-old is capable of doing some of the tasks above (feeding, watering, grooming)
without parental help. Still you can't expect that a child this age will remember (3)… from Mom or
The 8-12 year-old needs parent supervision for some tasks, like walking the dog. Before a
child is 10-12 it's not advised that they walk a dog without adult supervision. But the child can feed,
water and play with the pet alone (depending on the pet's temperament and area for exercising).
Depending on your teen's maturity, you can sometimes allow him/her (4)…, including
feeding, cleaning up after, driving to the vet and exercising the pet. Allowing the teen to take the
dog to obedience classes can also be a good activity for both.

1. Four sentence/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. to take full responsibility for the pet

B. but the dog might refuse
C. both enjoy this special job
D. with pet care simply by being involved
E. to do these jobs without friendly reminders

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. The 5-7 year-old is capable of feeding, watering and grooming the dog …
A. with parental help. B. without parental help.
C. with mother’s help only. D. with close supervision.

2. How can a toddler help parents?

A. by walking the dog B. by feeding the dog
C. by brushing the dog D. by simply being involved

3. The 8-12 year-old can walk the dog …

A. alone B. with a friend
C. with parent supervision D. with other dogs
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the following statement: Share the responsibility of pet ownership with your
children. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

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L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 030

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Despite their popularity, myths about cats persist. When a cat falls a short distance, it often
twists itself around to right (1) … However, falls from heights can cause severe injury or death.
The fact that cats have nine lives started as the result of a cat’s flexible skeleton that allows
squeezing and twisting to negotiate narrow and awkward places. The factors that influence a cat’s
longevity (2)…, including regular visits to the veterinarian, and the cat’s genetic makeup. The
average life span for a neutered cat who is housed inside is estimated to be from 12 to 14 years.
The maximum life span is said to be 35 years. The roaming cat’s life expectancy is usually less
(3)… This may relate to a more stressful lifestyle as the result of accidents, fighting and exposure
to weather extremes.
Cats cannot see in total darkness, but they can see much better at night (4) … Their vision
in dim light is very sensitive.
There is no particular food that all cats like. This is why cat foods are available in a variety
of flavours and textures. Although neutered cats may become obese, this condition can be
prevented. If the cat begins to gain weight, eliminate food from the table and, if necessary, reduce
the amount of cat food offered. Cats can be encouraged to exercise through play.

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. are the disputes between dogs and cats

B. and land on its feet.
C. with minimum light than humans can
D. are proper diet and care
E. than that of a cat housed indoors.

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. A cat can twist and squeeze because of its …

A. slim body B. genetic makeup
C. flexible skeleton D. playful nature

2. The roaming cat lives … the cat housed indoors.

A. as long as B. less than
C. more than D. 5 years less than

3. Cat’s longevity is not influenced by …

A. genetic makeup B. proper care
C. proper diet D. sleeping places.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the following statement: Despite their popularity, myths about cats persist. (100
words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 031

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

If you're choosing a puppy from a litter, begin by evaluating the litter as a whole. If most of
the puppies run away from you, (1) … Healthy puppies should be happy and playful. If the litter is
behaving normally, look at each of the puppies individually. Cluck your tongue and jingle your car
keys and watch how the puppies react. Don't select the shyest puppy. Shy puppies almost always
grow up to be shy adults. Don't select the boldest puppy either. A middle-of-the-road puppy almost
always makes the best pet.
Never adopt a puppy unless you're sure it's healthy. Healthy puppies (2) … Inspect the
puppy's coat and its eyes, ears, dewclaws, and tail.
To examine a puppy's coat, (3) … and make sure you don't see any bald spots. Examine
the puppy's skin and make certain it's free of red splotches. Make sure the puppy doesn't have
Examine the puppy's eyes. Young puppies might have blue eyes that will change with age.
The puppy's eyes should be clear, however, and they shouldn't be runny. Make sure the pup's ears
(4)… If you're buying a purebred puppy from a breeder, make sure its hind dewclaws have been
removed. If your breed is supposed to have its tail docked, this should already be done too.

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
word which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. are clean inside.

B. don't buy one.
C. shouldn't cough, sneeze, or wheeze.
D. run your hand over its fur
E. you should be gentler.

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What should healthy puppies be like?

A. fat and tidy B. strong and aggressive
C. happy and playful D. obedient and strong

2. Healthy puppies should …

A. fawn B. cough C. sneeze D. wheeze

3. When you choose a puppy, make sure it isn’t …

A. happy B. playful C. clean D. shy

5. Comment on the following statement: Healthy puppies should be happy and playful. (100
words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 032

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The biggest challenge for any man or woman building his/her wardrobe is to establish
his/her own personal style. Ideally, that can be adapted to current fashions, but sadly, many opt
simply to follow fashion slavishly and never really (1) …. Reconciling the desire to be fashionable
with the need to feel comfortable and confident is more often than the question of colours.
There is no doubt that the colours you wear will have a powerful effect on how you feel and
- crucially – (2) …. Everyone has a palette (3) … and you will always look and feel good in those
colours. Within your own palette, there are five keynote colours that will support each of your basic
psychological modes. (4) … wardrobe planning and shopping infinitely easier; if you look at colours
first, rather than cut or style.
70% of all fashion items sold in Britain are black, despite the reality that the personality type
that suits black is a very small percentage of the British population. When you consider that there
are millions of colours available, this fact gives us an extraordinary insight into the minds of British
people - why are they all enshrouding their true personalities?

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. find out about their own unique personality and style

B. that works best to support their personality
C. think of themselves
D. understanding your own palette makes
E. how others respond to you

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. People find it difficult to establish …

A. personal colour. B. personal style.
C. personal mood. D. personal attitude.

2. What is the most used colour in Britain?

A. black B. grey C. brown D. blue

3. The colours we wear influence our …

A. feelings B. future C. work D. meals

5. Comment on the following statement: There is no doubt that the colours you wear will have a
powerful effect on how you feel. (100 words) 4 points
Examenul de bacalaureat 2008
Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 033

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

A habit is a pattern of behaviour that's repeated, and the person usually isn't even aware of
the habit. Although children may be blissfully unaware of their behaviour, (1) …. And if your little
one usually has one hand stuffed in the mouth and the other entwined in the hair, your child's
habits may bug you twice as much, but it's not surprising. Habits tend to occur in clusters.
Why do your son's fingers appear to be an extension of his mouth, and why is there always
a propeller of hair circling above your daughter's head? Experts admit that (2) …, but that it is a
learned behavior that usually provides a positive outcome for the child.
Habits may develop as entertainment for a bored child or, more commonly, (3) …. The next
time you see your child biting his or her nails or twirling his or her hair, try to recall if your child has
recently had a stressful experience. He or she may be trying to relieve tension just as you would by
working out at the gym.
Other habits may be left over from infancy. In infants, (4) … that has pleasurable
associations with feedings and the end of hunger. Or perhaps the explanation for your child's nail
biting is in your mirror. Do you bite your nails? Studies suggest that nail biting may have a strong
familial or genetic component. Still, other children will engage in habits to attract attention or as an
attempt to manipulate their parents.

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. thumb sucking is a common self-comfort behavior

B. as a coping mechanism to soothe an anxious one
C. they're not always sure what causes a habit
D. as an indecent behaviour
E. their parents aren't so lucky.

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Habits provide …
A. serenity B. peace
C. a positive attitude D. a positive outcome

2. Habits may appear to … children.

A. sick and obedient B. bored and anxious
C. dull and quiet D. playful and naughty

3. What is the habit that may be left over from infancy?

A. hand stuffing in the mouth B. leg kicking
C. thumb sucking D. face making

5. Comment on the following statement: Habits tend to occur in clusters. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 034

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Most of us casually tune in to the weather forecast to find out whether we should take an
umbrella to work, or if we should go to the football match. But perhaps we should listen more carefully,
because the day’s weather could seriously affect how we feel. Of course, we mostly feel good when
the sun shines and subdued when it rains. But scientists and doctors are starting to realize (1) ... .
Growing numbers of people are being diagnosed as weather-sensitive, with some experts estimating
(2) ... .
The hazards of hot climates are well known. When we head for holidays in the tropics we know
(3) ... . It comes as a surprise to learn (4) ... . Weather-related symptoms can be far more severe than
those we traditionally associate with inclement weather, such as that one third of the population could
be adversely affected headaches and muscular pain. Of course, sufferers from rheumatism have long
complained. More dangerously a cold snap can bring on fatal heart attacks and strokes in the elderly.
In Britain there are far more death a week in the winter than in the summer. It is generally accepted
that low temperature are a causative factor in many cases.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each
gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. that they completely lose consciousness during thunder and lighting storms.
B. that one third of the population could be adversely affected
C. that we must protect ourselves against the harmful rays of the sun
D. that even temperate climates present a health risk
E. that cold weather can bring not just low temperatures but also depression and anxiety

2. Match the underlined words with their meaning. 6 points

A. of being stimulated or excited by external agents;

B. severe, rough, or harsh;
C. unusually quiet;

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points
1. Why do most of the people tune in to the weather forecast?
A. To see whether they should take an umbrella.
B. To make sure they are not going to catch a cold.
C. To find out what they are going to feel like in that particular day.
D. To see if they can expose themselves to the sun.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. What have scientists started to realize about cold weather?

A. That people experience headaches and muscular pain.
B. That winter is less dangerous than summer.
C. That cold weather can bring anxiety and depression besides low temperatures.
D. That a cold snap can bring on a fatal heart attack.

3. What do people know when they head for holidays in the tropics?
A. That they cannot expose themselves to sunlight.
B. That they must protect themselves against the harmful rays of the sun.
C. That weather-related symptoms are severe.
D. That they can experience headaches.

5. Comment on the following statement: The day’s weather could seriously affect how we feel.
(100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 035

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The range of foods available to astronauts is vast, and great care is taken to ensure that it
looks and smells appetising. Meals are organised to provide an average of 3.000 calories a day, (1) ....
But astronauts can expand a great deal of energy in doing the simplest things. For example, if they try
to turn a handle, they turn themselves as well. If they bend down to do up a shoelace, (2) ... . Finding
unusual ways of doing such ordinary things uses up the excess calories. The space diet is balanced
rather differently from a terrestrial diet. This is to try and compensate for changes that take place in the
body during space flight. Bodily changes begin as soon as astronauts go into space (3) ... . Among the
most serious is calcium loss, which causes a marked reduction in the mass and strength of bones.
There is also progressive loss of red blood cells. What causes these effects is not known, (4) ... . The
heart muscles, with no gravity to battle against, start to waste away too, since walking, as done on
Earth, can only be done if astronauts put on their heavy spacesuits. Exercise also helps to reduce
muscle wastage and is vital on very long flights. No one yet knows the limit of human endurance in
space. If astronauts can withstand two years of continuous weightlessness, then man’s dream of
visiting other planets may become real.

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of words
which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. and the question must be answered before long-duration space-flight is really happening
B. and are quite noticeable after even a week
C. they start turning somersaults
D. and will never be known
E. which seems high for living in an enclosed environment in which there is no gravity

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points
1. The range of food available to astronauts is vast because ...
A. it has to look and smell appetising.
B. it has to provide the calories the astronauts need.
C. they have to be able to turn a handle.
D. they expend a great deal of energy in doing the simplest things.

2. The space diet is balanced differently from the terrestrial diet because ...
A. it tries to compensate for the changes in the body.
B. there is no gravity to battle against.
C. the heart muscles start to waste away.
D. no one knows the limit of human endurance in space.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. The heart muscles start to waste away because ...

A. there is no gravity and walking is not possible without heavy spacesuits.
B. bodily changes begin as soon as astronauts go into space.
C. there is a serious calcium loss.
D. the space diet is different from the terrestrial one.

5. Comment on the following statement: If astronauts can withstand two years of continuous
weightlessness, then man’s dream of visiting other planets may become real. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 036

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Most people have heard of Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone in 1876. But it
was a little-known English priest called Henry Hunnings (1) ... . Bell’s model could transmit a voice up
to about 23 Km. A year after its invention, Thomas Edison improved on the model by attaching a solid-
carbon button inside the mouthpiece. But Hunnings decided to experiment with granular carbon (2) ... .
This improved the voice clarity and extended the voice-transmission distance to about 72 Km.
Hunnings was granted a patent for his invention in December 1878.
Hunnings was born in 1843 near London. He became a priest in Yorkshire and although much
of his time was taken up with Church matters, he had a profound interest in all sorts of gadgets,
particularly those that dealt with magnetism and electricity. A friend of Hunnings with similar interests
called Cox Walker, built a telephone receiver. In 1880 an American called Anders visited England and
asked Walker (3) ... . He was impressed and offered Hunnings ₤1000 for the patent. The offer was
accepted and Globe Company was formed to make telephones in England. In 1881 Hunnings was
granted patents in the United States for this invention. But by this time so many rich people and
companies were involved in telephone design and manufacturing (4) ... . There was a famous civil
case in 1882 when the United Telephone Company took the Globe Company to court for an
infringement of its patents. At first failed to have the Hunnings patents declared invalid - but later it
partially succeeded. It later bought the rights to the entire patents from Hunnings.

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of words
which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. which few people had known about

B. instead of solid carbon
C. that conflict resulted
D. who made the first big improvement
E. if he could inspect Hunnings transmitter

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points
1. Bell’s model could transmit a voice ...
A. over 23 km
B. almost 23 km
C. exactly 23km
D. less than 23 km
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Hunnings was ...

A. a priest who worked for Edison.
B. both a priest and a scientist.
C. a priest interested in science.
D. a scientist interested in religion.

3. Hunnings was granted patents in the U.S.A. ...

A. in December 1878.
B. when Globe Company was formed.
C. in 1881.
D. in 1880 when Anders visited England.

5. Comment on the relationship between religion and science. Start from the sentence: He
became a priest in Yorkshire and although much of his time was taken up with Church matters, he had
a profound interest in all sorts of gadgets, particularly those that dealt with magnetism and electricity.
(100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 037

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Davis, near Sacramento, in California, has a population of forty thousand bicycles and just nine
thousand cars. Cyclists have right of way everywhere in the town, seventy kilometers of bike lanes all
to themselves, and their own unit of specially trained cycle police. The American obsession with the
motor car would seem to have been tamed, at least in this one small corner of the USA (1) ... . As a
university town, Davis has always had more than its fair share of bicycles - and of ecological
awareness too. It is home to the University of California’s Faculty of Agriculture, and back in the early
seventies, a group of students and local people got together to draw up a comprehensive
environmental and social plan of action to steer Davis away from the terminal urban sprawl that afflicts
so many other American cities (2) ... . One of those students, Bill Carter, is the current mayor of the
town. Energy saving is at the top of this local agenda and by the year 2000, the people of Davis
expect the Californian sun to be providing half of all their energy needs. In pursuit of this objective, the
town council has introduced many regulations which are designed to keep energy use to the absolute
minimum. (3) ... People in Davis even hang out their washing to dry instead of throwing it in the
tumble dryer.
This is a very quaint custom by American standards! The majority of people have been sorting
out their household waste into different piles, separating paper, metal and plastic, for example, so that
specially designed dust carts take it away for recycling. (4) ... . Houses are restricted to two storeys
and business premises to four.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each
gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Planning by-laws in Davis are based on the premise that a “green city” is not a contradiction in
B. The fact that one hundred and fifty bicycles take up the same space as twenty cars means that
they have been turning into green oases rather than the older way around.
C. At forty square metres, one of these allotments can provide seventy per cent of all fruit and veg for
a two-person household if properly managed.
D. Three of the students got themselves elected to the city council and initiated a flow of legislation
that has affected every aspect of local life since then.
E. Strict building standards are enforced and thousand of trees have been planted to discourage
people from installing air-conditioning.

2. Match the words in bold with their meaning. 6 points

A. including all necessary facts, details that need to be dealt with

B. a large mass of things collected together
C. the possession of knowledge gained through perception

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points
1. The American obsession with cars ...
A. has destroyed the environment all over the country.
B. has not been able to replace the use of bicycles.
C. does not affect the people of Davis.
D. has been tamed in the U.S.A.

2. The people of Davis decided to draw up a plan to protect the environment ...
A. when Bill Carter became the mayor.
B. in the early seventies.
C. in the year 2000.
D. when bicycles started replacing the cars.

3. People of Davis save energy by ...

A. hanging out their washing instead of throwing it in the tumble dryer.
B. sorting out their household waste into different piles.
C. using air-conditioning
D. obeying the rules imposed by the local council concerning energy use.

5. Comment on the following statement: A “green city” is not a contradiction in terms. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 038

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Considering how essential sleep is to life, we understand surprisingly little about it. Because
we are semi-conscious when we sleep, the whole process is veiled in myth and mystery. (1) ... . You
see, sleeping problems are caused quite simply by modern day living. As we become increasingly out
of tune with our bodies and their needs, our primary functions suffer. Insomnia is only one type of
sleep disorder. (2) ... Trouble really begins when short-term problems become chronic. So whatever
type of sleep disorder you are plagued by, it’s time to nip it in the bud. You’re not alone! (3) ... .
Insomnia literally means sleeplessness and should not be confused with light or erratic
sleeping throughout the night. Insomnia falls into two categories, both of which can be short-term or
chronic. Some insomniacs can’t get sleep at night. They turn off the light and their mind races, turning
thoughts over and over, until they become so desperate to sleep and so afraid of staying awake that
their despair prevents them from sleeping, leaving them mentally exhausted by the early hours of the
morning. They fall into prolonged deep sleep which deprives them of necessary mental sleep. (4) ... .
Malsomnia means bad sleep, which can also fall into two categories, light sleeping and broken
sleeping. Malsomnia, however, is often short-term and directly related to a stressful one-off event.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each
gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Almost everyone suffers from some sort of sleep disorder at some time in their lives. But for some
the suffering goes on and on. You can’t always spot the typical insomniacs. They don’t yawn
constantly, or fall asleep at their desks. Sleep disorder sufferers are a silent majority.
B. Sleeping disorders have reached epidemic proportions in the Western World. Only now are sleep
scientists beginning to look more closely at the problem, not to find a cure but to eradicate the
C. Slightly less common is the insomniac who falls asleep upon turning out the light, only to awaken
again in the early hours of the morning unable to return to sleep until the next evening.
D. Start by hiding your alarm clock from view. If you don’t know the time, you won’t worry about it..
During the daytime, try to analyse your life to find a cause for your sleeplessness.
E. Bad dreams, malsomnia, even snoring if it wakes you - they’re all sleep disorders, though mostly
short-term and usually related to a sudden change in lifestyle, an imminent event or stress.

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points
1. Sleeping problems are caused by ...
A. some diseases.
B. the needs of our bodies.
C. the way we live during the day.
D. insomnia.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Some insomniacs don’t sleep at night because ...

A. they can’t sleep with the light off.
B. insomnia is a disease.
C. they are so desperate to sleep that their despair prevents them from sleeping.
D. they are too exhausted.

3. Insomnia means ...

A. to have a light sleep during the night.
B. to nip sleeping disorders in the bud easily.
C. a state of semi-consciousness.
D. the incapacity to sleep during the night.

5. Comment on the following statement: Sleeping problems are caused quite simply by modern day
living. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 039

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

14-year-old Dominic McVey has set up his own company, Scooters UK. The business which
imports motorized scooters and skateboards from the United States has already made a profit of over
₤5,000 on sales of the equipment. (1) ... . He used savings from birthday and Christmas money and
cashed in some investments that his father had made when Dominic was born. The young
entrepreneur had also invested in shares on the stock market. “I had to do the deals in my dad’s name
because I was too young,” he says, “but he doesn’t know anything about the market, so I told him
what to buy and sell.” (2) ... . “I thought there would be a great market for these scooters and
skateboards, particularly now that more restrictions on cars in town centres have been introduced.”
“You can take a smaller one with you on a train in a backpack and then unfold it and use it when you
get into town. Men in suits are riding them up and down Wall Street in the US and it is my aim to get
them to do the same in this country. I approached the American manufacturer and, after doing some
research into their company and the scooters, I was allowed to become their UK distributor.” The
motorized scooters, which sell for ₤499 and can travel at up to 22 mph, are not classified as motor
vehicles and do not need a licence or tax. (3) ... . “I ride them around town in busy areas and usually
end up with a crowd of people running down the street wanting to know where to buy them, or winding
down their car windows at traffic lights,” he says. Recently he went with mother on a sales trip to Paris.
“(4) .... I went out with 500 leaflets and came back with none.”

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each
gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Dominic needed ₤3,000 to set up his business and pay for the initial stock
B. He also sells unmotorized skateboards for ₤129. They have special high-speed wheels and are
capable of reaching 10 mph.
C. ‘I realized the potential for the business when I noticed that a lot of inner-city streets were being
closed to cars or they were choc-a-block with traffic,’ he explains.
D. When he tried to open a business account at his bank, he made an appointment to see the
E. The scooters are really popular there because the centre of the city is pedestrianized at the

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points

1. How did Dominic raise the necessary money to set up his company?
A. He invested all his savings on the stock market.
B. He borrowed it from his father.
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Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

C. He used money from a variety of sources.

D. It was a birthday present.

2. What kind of customers would he like?

A. Fashionable people.
B. Americans.
C. Businessmen.
D. People who do not own a car.

3. Why did Dominic go to Paris?

A. He went shopping with mother.
B. He wanted to see the new pedestrian precinct.
C. He took some scooters to sell there.
D. He wanted to distribute information about his scooters.

5. Comment on the idea that age does not really matter in order to have success. Start from the
following sentence: The young entrepreneur had also invested in shares on the stock market. ‘I had
to do the deals in my dad’s name because I was too young,’ he says, ‘but he doesn’t know anything
about the market, so I told him what to buy and sell. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3- 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 040

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

I do not understand the modern fashion for long-distance travel. Of course, there was once an
evolutionary advantage to it: all people moved around in the search for food and better living
conditions. But now we do so without a purpose. (1) ... . What for? To see the sights and make a mess
of them? To get to know other cultures? You must be joking.
The instinct to explore has been exhausted. Humans have been everywhere, done everything.
They have climbed to the top of Everest so often the summit resembles a rubbish dump. (2) ... . This
restlessness and our ever increasing desire to travel long-distances is disastrous for the environment.
Air travel burns up unimaginable quantities of fuel and is the most energy - hungry thing that people
can do. It is a scandal that aviation fuel for international flights is not taxed. If the governments of the
world could agree to do something about it, they would have a permanent source of income - and put
the brakes on the fastest-growing source of global warming gases (3) ... .You can only really learn
anything about foreign countries by living and working in them and I applaud those who do it. It is
tourism I object to, and especially the desire to go to the remotest, wildest and often poorest places in
the world and built four-star hotels in them. (4) ... . Instead, it encourages the demand for Coca-Cola
and McDonalds and accelerates the homogenization of world culture. Go abroad and do exactly what
you do at home.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each
gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. We travel thousands of miles to get to the other side of the world, and then two weeks later we
come back again.
B. Driven by their genes to invent ever more absurd frontiers to cross, the sort of people who might
once have trekked across the Rocky Mountains are now chartering jets so they can freefall
parachute over Antarctica.
C. As for the idea that travel broadens the mind, widens people’s horizons and promotes international
understanding this is just nonsense.
D. It does not do the local people much good: the hotels are owned by foreign companies and only 30
percent of the profits stay in the country.
E. Travelling does not involve only moving from one place to another.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points
1. What does the author say about the fashion for long-distance travel?
A. It enables us to understand other cultures.
B. There is no longer any point to it.
C. It helps us to relax.
D. It takes up a lot of time.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Why do people do things such as freefall parachuting in Antarctica, according to the author?
A. They are trying to solve personal problems.
B. They feel the need for greater challenges.
C. It is safer than mountain climbing.
D. They want to go trekking in isolated places.

3. Why, according to the author, should aviation fuel be taxed?

A. It would ultimately help reduce pollution.
B. It would enable governments to buy more fuel.
C. It would help governments stay in power.
D. Other types of fuels are taxed.

5. Comment on the following statement: You can only really learn anything about foreign countries
by living and working in them and I applaud those who do it. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3- 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 041

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

English is spreading fast and it has been predicted that one in ten of the world’s 6000
languages will become extinct over the next century. Up to half of the world’s languages are no longer
being taught to children, threatening them with eventual extinction. (1) ... .The French have brought in
regulations to combat what they see as an American cultural invasion. Corporations and government
bodies are not allowed to use English terms where there are French equivalents. (2) ... . There is
widespread concern that the American influence could mean local films, TV, music and books, get
pushed into the background. In order to protect local languages and culture, the European Union
introduced new legislation, which states that half of the TV programmes shown in member states must
be European.
New technology does not make things easy for other languages. (3) ... . The Germans have
their own words for ‘computer’, ‘mart-card’, ‘DVD’, ‘modem’ and ‘handheld PC’, but hardly anyone
uses them. Until recently all universities have had to make exceptions for Information Technology, as
the majority of IT textbooks are in English and they simply do not have the time or resources to
translate them.
Today there is another medium to worry: the Internet. (4) ... . It is also decentralized and more
interactive than broadcasting, which may help to prevent the disappearance of minority languages.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each
gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. And to ensure there are as many of these as possible, a Terminology Commission has been set
up with the task of creating them.
B. Even countries with millions of native language speakers are so worried by the growth of English
that they have devised policies to fight back.
C. English may dominate but it won’t wipe every other language off the face of the Earth and it won’t
be the same English spoken everywhere
D. It is especially difficult to hold back the tide of English words in high-tech industries because many
of the innovations are American
E. English accounts for about 90 per cent of traffic and the World Wide Web will only accelerate its
spread around the world. Unlike broadcasting, however, most communication on the Net is written,
so it needn’t pose the same threat to regional accents, and dialects.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points
1. According to the writer, one reason why some languages will become extinct is that ...
A. English has become the first language in some countries
B. there are not enough language teachers
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C. young people are not learning them

D. they are not spoken all the time

2. Faced with the dominance of English, what does the writer think will happen to the other
A. Most of them will die out.
B. They will only be spoken at home.
C. Many will exist alongside English.
D. They will consist mainly of English words.

3. The French government introduced regulations in order to ...

A. restrict the number of English films on television.
B. increase the number of native language speakers.
C. control the amount of American English spoken.
D. limit the use of English words.

5. Comment on the following statement: English is spreading fast and it has been predicted that
one in ten of the world’s 6000 languages will become extinct over the next century. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3- 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 042

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The other day I took my younger children to a Burger King for lunch and there was a line of
about a dozen cars at the drive-through window. (1) ... .
We parked, went in, ordered and ate and came out again, all in about ten minutes. As we
departed, I noticed that a white pickup truck that had been last in the queue when we arrived was still
four or five cars back form collecting its food. It would have been much quicker if the driver had parked
like us and gone in and got his food himself, but he would never have thought that way because the
drive-through window is supposed to be speedier and more convenient.
Americans have become so attached to the idea of convenience that they will put up with
almost any inconvenience to achieve it. (2) ... .
Americans have always looked for ways to increase comfort. It is an interesting fact that nearly
all the everyday inventions, that take the difficulties out of life – escalators, automatic doors,
passenger lifts, refrigerators, washing machines, frozen food, fast food – were invented in America,
or at least first widely used here. (3) ... . The moment I first realised that this was not necessarily a
good idea was at Christmas of 1961 or ’62, when my father was given an electric carving knife. (4) ... .
Perhaps my memory is playing tricks on me, but I have a clear impression of him putting on goggles
and heavy rubber gloves before plugging it. What is certainly true is that when he sank into the turkey
it sent pieces flying everywhere.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each
gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. The things that are supposed to speed up and simplify out lives more often than not have the
opposite effect and I started wondering why this should be.
B. Americans grew so used to seeing a constant stream of labour-saving devices, in fact, that by the
sixties they had come to expect machines to the almost everything for them
C. It was an early model and not as light as the ones you can buy today.
D. Now, a drive-through window is not a window you drive through, but a window you drive up to and
collect your food form, having placed your order over speakerphone along the way the idea is to
provide quick takeaway food for those in a hurry.
E. My father was always buying gadgets that proved to be disastrous.

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points
1. What point is the author making with the story of his experience at Burger King?
A. Fast food restaurants are not very fast.
B. Some aspects of modern life are not always as convenient as they are intended to be.
C. The driver of the pickup truck had parked in the wrong place.
D. The queues at the drive-through window are usually very long.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. What does the author tell us about everyday inventions in America?

A. They were all invented there.
B. They make life less exiting.
C. People assumed they would make life more comfortable.
D. They aren’t as many now as they used to be.

3. What does the author mean by: “Perhaps my memory is playing tricks on me”?
A. He is sometimes very forgetful.
B. He cannot remember all the details.
C. What he says might not be completely true.
D. He remembers having fun.

5. Comment on the following statement: Americans have become so attached to the idea of
convenience that they will put up with almost any inconvenience to achieve it. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3- 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 043

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Margherita Taylor is the only female presenter at Capital Radio, one of London’s top music
radio stations. She got into radio while she was a student in Birmingham. (1) ... . “I had to read a travel
script and a weather script, talk about myself for a minute, then introduce a record. After that, they
sent me back out into the rain,” she says. (2) ... . Truly the stuff dreams are made of. After working
there for eighteen months, she was offered a job with Capital.
Margherita is a London girl and arriving at Capital was like coming home. “I grew up listening to
Capital Radio,” she says. “People say: ‘Wasn’t it frightening, joining such well-known presenters?’ But
everyone here is so down to earth. It would be off-putting if the others had people doing their make-up,
or star signs on their office doors. But there’s none of that – Mick Brown, for instance, finishes his
show and wanders off to get the bus home with everyone else.”
(3) ... . “You can’t get nervous because then you make mistakes,” she says. Of course, there
has been the odd disaster. “For instance, when I did my first live concert show at BRMB, I’d only done
one programme. In front of a crowd of 50.000, I went on stage to introduce a certain well-known
singer. I said: ‘Please welcome our next performer. You know her best for hits like …’ Then I just went
blank. “(4) ... . That’s one occasion that will stay with me for ever.”

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each
gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Along with hundreds of other hopefuls, she and a friend queued for hours in the rain to take part in
a ‘Search for a Star’ competition held by a local radio station, BRMB.
B. Margherita claims never to get nervous before a show – nerves are for the weak.
C. But within days the phone call came to say that her voice had earned her a regular show on
D. The Capital computer selects the records in advance from a list approved by the station managers.
E. There was this silence from the crowd, and for the life of me I couldn’t think what she’d sung.

2 Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points
1. What do we learn about Margherita in the first paragraph?
A. She became a radio presenter by chance.
B. She expected to win the competition.
C. She was keen to become a radio presenter.
D. She practised before the competition.

2. What does ‘that’ mean in the sentence: “But there’s none of that – Mick Brown, for instance,
finishes his show and wanders off to get the bus home with everyone else.”
A. The fame of the other presenters.
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Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

B. Margherita’s fear of the other staff.

C. Self-important behaviour by the other presenters.
D. Bad treatment of Margherita by the other staff.

3. What do we learn about Margherita’s first live concert show?

A. It is the only time she has made a serious mistake.
B. Being nervous was not the cause of the problem.
C. People often remind her of what happened then.
D. She had not expected to have the problem she had.

5. Comment on the relationship between fame and modesty. Start from: People say: ‘Wasn’t it
frightening, joining such well-known presenters?’ But everyone here is so down to earth. It would be
off-putting if the others had people doing their make-up, or star signs on their office doors. But there’s
none of that – Mick Brown, for instance, finishes his show and wanders off to get the bus home with
everyone else. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3- 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 044

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

He was invigilating the exam in the Casa de Cristal, a huge glass-fronted building on the edge
of the city used twice-yearly as an examination centre. It was a cold December day and the heating
had been broken down. With their coats and scarves pulled tightly around them, the four hundred or
so candidates struggled to forget the temperature and focus their attention instead on the four
examination papers which would take them most of the day to complete. (1) ... . However, no obvious
improvement was ever made.
The job of invigilator was not one he particularly enjoyed, but it earned him some much-needed
cash before the approaching Christmas holidays. As well as patrolling a small part of the large
examination room, answering questions and discouraging cheats, he had to carry out a number of
administrative duties. (2) ... . And then, of course, there were the question papers to hand out and
answers to take in. It was all rather dull, but it made a change from the rigours of teaching.
To relieve the boredom he set himself several simple arithmetical tasks to perform. (3) ... . This
helped to pass the time and made the whole thing more bearable. Now and again he would walk up
and down the aisles, giving out rough paper, reminding candidates to use pens rather than pencils and
picking up items which had been dropped on the floor.
He was walking back up the exam room in his soft shoes when he caught her. (4) ... . The
candidates were on the third paper, which tested English grammar and vocabulary, and as he neared
her desk from behind, he could hardly believe what he saw. He had heard of some ingenious methods
of cheating but nothing like this.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each
gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. There were lists of names to make, seating plans to draw and identity papers to check
B. He counted the number of separate window panes, worked out the most popular colour for coats
(blue), and calculated the ratio of females to males in the room.
C. She had obviously not heard him approaching.
D. They had only been writing for some 20 minutes when he received the first complaint.
E. The cold was terrible and the caretaker of the building had assured him that a heating engineer
was trying to solve the problem.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text.
6 points
1. Being an invigilator was ...
A. the same as being a teacher.
B. a job he particularly liked.
C. rather boring.
D. part of his job as a teacher.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. He decided to take the job of invigilator because ...

A. he liked to work as a teacher.
B. Christmas was coming.
C. it was a good way of making more money for the holidays.
D. it made a change from the rigours of teaching.

3. He caught the candidate cheating because ...

A. he was coming from behind her.
B. his shoes did not make any noise and she couldn’t hear him.
C. he used to walk up and down the aisle.
D. she was busy doing her English grammar test.

5. Comment on the idea that cheating in an exam should be severely punished. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 045

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Colin Capon works as a “props chef”. He is responsible for preparing all the food that
appears on a set during the making of a TV drama series or a film. His job came about purely by
chance. The BBC phoned to ask if he knew anyone who could provide food for a film being shot on
location in the east of England. Phone calls to friends and colleagues proved fruitless. “That’s
when my wife, Auriel, suggested I should have a go,” says Colin. “(1) … I spent many hours in the
local library not only learning all I could about the type of food that was eaten then, but the
etiquette of meals as well.”
Colin has since worked on many films and TV series. “Some films require a great deal of
research,” says Colin. “It’s important that the food is as authentic as possible. A hundred years ago
you would never get a bowl of perfect fruit, for instance. (2) …”
His latest project, a drama set in the 12th century, was more difficult, as history rarely
records what was eaten then. “I had to think around it and consider how people lived. (3) … .“ In
addition, they ate lots of grains, vegetables and birds such as cranes, swans (we used a stuffed
one on set once) and peacocks. These would be served with head and legs intact.
“As well as being historically correct, the food must also be able to withstand hot studio
lights. (4) … I certainly wouldn’t be popular with the director if I poisoned the leading lady!”

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. The film was set a hundred years ago and my job was to prepare the food for a dinner party
B. Few of them would have had an oven, so most meat would be cooked over a fire.
C. And, if it is actually going to be eaten, hygiene must be considered.
D. Without the use of chemicals they probably looked a bit marked and oddly shaped.
E. I never really paid much attention to history lessons at school and now this is one of the
aspects of the work that I enjoy.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What was Colin Capon’s job?

A. Manager B. Cook C. Actor D. Director
2. What does this job involve?
A. Patience B. Ambition C. Research D. Money
3. He found out about this job from…
A. a newspaper B. T.V C. the BBC D. his friends

5. Comment on the following statement: Some films require a great deal of research. (100
words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 046

Read the below text and complete the following tasks.

Alexander the Great stood with his army on the western shore of the Tigris River. He and
his men had marched north from Tyre, crossing acres and acres of blackened land. Darius III had
had his “Immortals” burn to the ground the long wheat grass that had been growing there. (1) …
Darius’ strategy had done little to delay the progress of the Greek forces. They prepared
now to ford the Tigris, and to continue onward toward the village of Mosul. They knew that Darius
III and the Persian warriors were camped nearby on the plain of Gaugamela. They remained
unaware of Darius’ newest tactic.
When Alexander and his men reached the plain of Gaugamela, they found that the ground
had been made level. The Persian chariots stood in formation ready to attack across that flat
surface. Darius expected his scythed chariots to propel themselves forcefully into the Greek forces,
with their curved blades ripping at the flesh of both horses and men.
(2) … The Greek general, having made a quick assessment of the situation, ordered the
ranks of the Greek fighters to split apart. (3) … Because they travelled at great speed, the Persians
could not get turned around. Caught between enemy lines, many Persian chariot drivers fell victim
to the spears and arrows of their Greek opponents.
Still, Darius was not ready to surrender. He spotted places where his men could outflank
the Greeks, sneaking around behind the enemy ranks. (4) … None of this, however, seemed to
faze Alexander the Great.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Some enemy units met the fate that Darius had intended, that of being run over by the Persian
B. This maneuver left the Persians moving forward, without having anyone to mow down.
C. He had hoped to slow the advance of Alexander and his mighty fighting force.
D. Alexander’s first impulse was to direct his men on a chase after the fleeing Darius.
E. The chariots began their rapid drive toward the army of Alexander the Great.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. Alexander the Great marched northeast from Tyre, taking his men to …
A. the Euphrates River.
B. the Tigris River.
C. central Persia.
D. a charred plain.

2. Which of the following tactics did Darius III not use?

A. Burning wheat grass above Tyre.
B. Having scythed chariots.
C. Outflanking the Greeks on the Gaugamela plain.
D. None of the above.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. Which of the following helped to insure the victory of Alexander the Great?
A. Having scythed chariots.
B. Having the Greek warriors part ranks.
C. Formation of a wedge.
D. None of the above.

5. Comment on the following statement: None of this, however, seemed to faze Alexander the
Great. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 047

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

As February 29, 2004 approaches, some people may notice something unusual about the
date. Last year, there was no February 29th. In fact, there has not been a February 29th since the
year 2000. Why has February 29th occurred only once in four years? (1) …
Nearly all modern societies use some kind of calendar to decide on the dates and times of
everything, from religious holidays to business meetings. The kind of calendar used determines
what makes up a week, a month, or a year. Some societies use lunar calendars, which are based
on the rotation of the moon around Earth, and others use solar calendars, which are based on the
rotation of Earth around the sun (2) …
The solar calendar used by most of the world today is known as the Gregorian calendar.
Named after Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in 1582, this modern calendar is the end result of
hundreds of years of fine-tuning. It was developed from the Julian calendar, which was created in
46 BC by Julius Caesar. (3) … In Julius Caesar’s time, although astronomers believed that the sun
revolved around Earth, they still managed to make fairly accurate measurements of the length of a
complete cycle. (4) …
Julius Caesar, deciding that it would be difficult to add ¼ of a day onto each year, ordered
one extra day to be added every four years to the month of February, creating what would be
called “leap” years. This calendar was used by the western world for over a thousand years.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. The United States, like much of the rest of the world, uses a solar calendar.
B. To understand this confusing arrangement, it is necessary to understand the calendar that is
currently used in the United States.
C. The Julian calendar was also a solar calendar, based on the time it takes for Earth to travel one
complete loop around the sun.
D. Over 400 years after its introduction, the Gregorian calendar is currently in use world-wide.
E. A solar year, they calculated, was about 365.25 days long.

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. Which is the name of the calendar currently used in the United States?
A. The Gregorian calendar.
B. The Julian calendar.
C. The Lunar calendar.
D. The Pope’s calendar.

2. How many days are there in a solar year?

A. 365.
B. 365.25.
C. 366.
D. 365.24219.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. When were leap years first used?

A. 46 BC.
B. 1592.
C. 1700.
D. 1582.

5. Comment on the following statement: Nearly all modern societies use some kind of calendar
to decide on the dates and times of everything, from religious holidays to business meetings. (100
words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 048

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the symbols of the United States of America. It is located
in San Francisco, California, and spans the Golden Gate Strait - a mile-wide strait that connects
the Pacific Ocean to the San Francisco Bay.
It is surely one of the most beautiful bridges in the world, and also one of the tallest (the
height of a bridge is the height of the towers). (1) … However their art deco project was not the first
Golden Gate Bridge. The original plans for the bridge were drawn in 1916, but they were of a very
complicated and ugly structure, certainly not something America could ever be proud of.
The bridge was a true experiment in its time; such a long suspension bridge had never
been tried before. (2) … . The foundations were a real problem, because they had to be cast in a
depth of more than 100 feet. (3) … The real challenge lay in the sinking of the piers in the violent
waves of the open sea, which was thought to be almost impossible. The construction began in
1933, and was finished in 1937, when the bridge opened to pedestrians. (4) ...
‘International orange’ is the color the bridge has always been painted. The architects chose
it because it “blends well with the span’s natural setting”. The Golden Gate Bridge is the first sight
for many people approaching the United States by boat. It is almost the West Coast’s “Statue of
Liberty”, and is something everyone should visit at least once.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Today, the Golden Gate Bridge has a main span of 4,200 feet (almost a mile) and a total length
of 8,981 feet.
B. It had the highest towers, the thickest cables and the largest underwater foundations ever built.
C. The bridge as it is today was designed by architects Irving and Gertrude Morrow.
D. The bridge was finished ahead of schedule and cost much less than was estimated.
E. Extreme depth wasn’t the sole problem.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. The Golden Gate Bridge …
A. spans the San Francisco Bay
B. is the best-known symbol of the United States.
C. spans the Golden Gate Strait.
D. is painted gold and has a gold-plated gate at each end.

2. The first plans of the bridge …

A. were designed by Irving and Gertrude Morrow in 1918.
B. were designed by Irving Morrow but were too complicated.
C. were something America could be proud of.
D. were not designed in art deco style.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. The construction of the foundations was very complicated because …

A. it was thought to be almost impossible.
B. the piers had to be sunk in the violent open sea.
C. they had to be the largest ones ever built.
D. they had to be cast by teams of divers, which was very expensive.

5. In your own words, explain the following statement: The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the
symbols of the United States of America. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 049

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Alexander the Great had placed himself before the relief at Persepolis, the richest city in all
Persia. He had just come through rooms in which beautiful tapestries covered the walls. Earlier he
had seen, in one of the several palatial residences, caskets made from Lebanon cedar, their
wooden sides engraved, and decorated with gold and silver. (1) …
Now he carefully studied the figures that had been chiseled into the outer stone walls. The
dress on some of the figures represented the attire in lands that Alexander had already claimed for
himself. The costumes on other carved figures represented people in lands that were still part of
the vast Persian Empire (2) …. The people shown taking tributes to the Persian King were people
whom Alexander intended to subjugate.
Alexander the Great was eager to move on to these distant lands, but his colleagues, who
had downed large amounts of wine, stumbled around in a drunken stupor. Their inebriated minds
stirred up within them a desire for revenge. (3) … Stimulated by these drunken men and tricked by
members of his harem, Alexander the Great ordered the burning of Persepolis.
(4) … . Flames ignited the wooden beams of the palaces once built by Xerxes. People
fought off the heat of the inferno in order to drag out gold vessels, and to tear silver rings from
heavy draperies. When the fires had died out, all that remained were the tall stone columns and
the exquisite stone carvings on the outer walls. These “Immortals” still march today in precise
formation across the chiseled stone remains of Persepolis.
(Adapted, Persepolis goes up in flames)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. He had admired the high ceilings, supported by ornamental columns that held aloft carvings of
bulls and griffins.
B. Alexander the Great had left, for discovery by future visitors, the Persian soldiers who were
untouched by the leaping flames.
C. They wanted to make the Persians pay for the damage a former Persian king, Xerxes, had done
after invading Athens, more than 150 years earlier.
D. These were lands that Alexander planned to conquer.
E. Men and women, holding flaming torches, raced up and down the terraces of Persepolis.

2. Match the underlined words with their meaning. 6 points

A. having special beauty;

B. cut and shaped into wood or stone;
C. a method of carving or moulding in which the design projects from the surface.

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. Which of the following did Alexander the Great not find at Persepolis?
A. Tapestries hanging on walls.
B. Ornamental columns.
C. Relief showing Persians on march.
D. None of the above.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Alexander’s men were …

A. upset.
B. violent.
C. drunk.
D. elated.

3. Alexander the Great set fire to Persepolis because Xerxes put a torch to …
A. Athens.
B. Alexandria.
C. Rome.
D. Tyre.

5. Comment on Alexander the Great’s qualities of conqueror. Start from the following
sentence: The people shown taking tributes to the Persian King were people whom Alexander
intended to subjugate. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 050

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The noise of the engines changed, became louder. After a slow, 36-hour flight from
England to Australia, we were about to land. I looked at Maureen, my teenage daughter, sitting
beside me, and gave her what I hoped was a reassuring grin. I don't know who I was trying to
convince, her or me. The fact was, I was feeling incredibly nervous. I was about to see my elder
sister Sheila, who had gone to live in Australia 13 years previously, for the first time in as many
years. Now, in just a few minutes, I was going to see her.
The plane dipped lower. I could see a sunlit field below, with a small building to the side.
The plane touched the ground. (1) … And then, we were in the airport building. My sister stood
there, instantly recognisable, and we gave each other a hug. At last, I knew that I'd done the right
thing in going, that it had been worth all the saving, all the organizing.
(2) … She sent our mother a plane ticket, so they could spend Christmas together. On New
Year's Day, while my mother was there, I plucked up the courage to phone. It was the first time
Sheila and I had spoken in eleven years. (3) … I'd never even left Europe before. The first thing I
had to do was save. So I put a small amount away each month and over eleven months it built up
into a tidy sum, enough for me and my daughter to spend a month in Australia. (4) … Having done
that, we chose an inexpensive Far Eastern airline, which stopped off at about five places. But we
didn't mind that particularly - we were going to see the world. The family link carries on.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. It felt good to hear her voice again and suddenly, her remark became a real possibility.
B. Mike, my husband, decided not to go, and our son, Michael, was busy at work. But Maureen
was still at school, and we both felt it would be a wonderful adventure for her.
C. After many years, my sister suddenly decided it was time to reinforce old family ties.
D. We walked down the steps, and I was surprised to find that although it was early summer, it
wasn't particularly warm.
E. The long preparation was essential, because it gave me time to get funds together.

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. What was Sheila’s intention?
A. To see her younger sisters.
B. To have a party in Australia.
C. To reinforce old family ties.
D. To go to England together with her family.

2. Who was Maureen?

A. Sheila’s elder sister.
B. Michael’s daughter.
C. The youngest sister in the family.
D. Sheila’s mother.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
3. The travel’s idea came …
A. during the phone call.
B. after a few days’ thought.
C. shortly after the phone conversation.
D. in a few months.
5. Comment on the following statement: The family link carries on. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 051

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Fast food is food which is prepared and served quickly at outlets called fast-food
restaurants. It is a multi-billion dollar industry which continues to grow rapidly in many countries.
(1)… Nearly from its inception, fast food has been designed to be eaten "on the go" and often does
not require traditional dominant cutlery. Common menu items at fast food outlets include fish and
chips, sandwiches, pitas, hamburgers, fried chicken, french fries, chicken nuggets, tacos, pizza,
and ice cream, although many fast-food restaurants offer "slower" foods like chili, mashed potatoes,
and salads. (2) …
The modern history of fast-food in America is connected with the history of the hamburger,
as the earliest fast-food outlets sold hamburgers as their primary product. The American company
White Castle is generally credited with opening the first fast-food outlet in Topeka, Kansas in 1921,
selling hamburgers for five cents a piece. (3) … White Castle later added five holes to each beef
patty to increase its surface area and speed cooking times. White Castle was successful from its
inception and spawned numerous competitors. In recent decades, Mexican-style food like tacos
and burritos, as well as pizza, have also become staples of fast food culture.
McDonald's, a noted fast-food supplier, opened its first franchised restaurant in 1955. It has
become a phenomenally successful enterprise in terms of financial growth, brand-name
recognition, and worldwide expansion. Ray Kroc, who bought the franchising license from the
McDonald brothers, pioneered many concepts which emphasized standardization. He introduced
uniform products, identical in all respects at each outlet, to increase sales. (4) …

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Among its innovations, the company allowed customers to see the food being prepared.
B. At the same time, Kroc also insisted on cutting food costs as much as possible, eventually using
the McDonald's Corporation's size to force suppliers to conform to this ethos.
C. Fast-food outlets are take-away or take-out providers, often with a "drive-thru" service which
allows customers to order and pick up food from their cars.
D. Fast food is the best known food in the entire world.
E. However, even though Western-style Chinese cuisine is most often served as take-away, it is
seldom considered to be fast food.

2. Match the underlined words with their meaning. 6 points

A. Competed against;
B. Done for the first time;
C. A store or a place where products are sold.

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. Fast food is …
A. made at home.
B. designed to be eaten on the go.
C. eaten in fancy restaurants.
D. not cheap.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. The oldest fast food product is …

A. pizza.
B. hamburger.
C. salad and chips.
D. taco and burritos.

3. Ray Kroc introduced at each outlet …

A. uniform products.
B. tacos and burritos.
C. take-away food.
D. chips and hamburgers.

5. Comment on the following statement: Fast food is a multi-billion dollar industry which
continues to grow rapidly in many countries. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 052

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Bruce Lee was born November 27, 1940 in San Francisco. At age 14, Bruce Lee entered
La Salle College in Hong Kong, a high school. He attended St Francis Xavier's College from 1957-
1959. In 1959, Bruce got into a fight with a feared Triad gang member's son. (1) … All he had was
$100 and the title of 1958 Crown Colony Cha Cha Champion of Hong Kong. After living in San
Francisco, he moved to Seattle to work for Ruby Chow, another friend of his father's. In 1959, Lee
completed his high school education in Seattle and received his diploma from Edison Technical
School. He enrolled at the University of Washington as a Philosophy major. There he met his
future wife Linda Emery. (2) …
Lee was a martial artist, instructor, actor, and founder of the Jeet Kune Do martial arts
system. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential and famous martial artists of all time.
(3) … . In the martial arts folklore, he is considered by many to be the greatest martial artist of all
time, including karate legend Joe Lewis and Davis Miller.
Lee's films elevated the traditional Hong Kong martial arts film to a new level and sparked a
greater interest in Chinese martial arts in the West. (4) … Lee began the process of creating his
own fighting system known as Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee's evaluation of traditional martial arts
doctrines is now seen as one of the first steps into popularizing the modern style of mixed martial

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Bruce and Linda married in 1964 and had two children together. Bruce Lee died July 20, 1973
in Hong Kong.
B. Bruce Lee became a legend in a few years
C. He is also widely known as the greatest icon of martial arts cinema and a key figure of modern
popular culture.
D. His father became concerned about his safety and Bruce was sent to the United States to live
with an old friend of his father's.
E. Many see Lee as a model blueprint for acquiring a strong and efficient body as well as
developing a mastery of martial arts and hand to hand combat skills.

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. Bruce Lee finished his education in …
A. San Francisco.
B. Seattle.
C. Maxico.
D. Canada.
2. Bruce Lee is considered by many to be …
A. the best in China ‘s fighting system.
B. the best martial artist of all time.
C. a real legend.
D. a myth in the martial arts folklore.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. Bruce Lee was …

A. the creator of Jeet Kune Do fighting system.
B. the first fighter in the world.
C. the best Chinese Karate instructor.
D. the American fighter.

5. Comment on the following statement: Bruce Lee's evaluation of traditional martial arts
doctrines is now seen as one of the first steps into popularizing the modern style of mixed martial
arts. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 053

Read the following text and complete the tasks.

“A good book for children should simply be a good book in its own right.” These are the
words of Mollie Hunter, a well known author of books for youngsters. (1) … She firmly believes that
there is always and should always be a wider audience for any good book whatever its main
market. In Mollie's opinion it is essential to make full use of language and she enjoys telling a story,
which is what every writer should be doing: “(2) …”, she says.
With the chief function of a writer being to entertain, Molly is indeed an entertainer. “I have
this great love of not only the meaning of language but of the music of language,” she says. (3) …
“I've told stories all my life. I had a school teacher who used to ask us what we would like to be
when we grew up and, because my family always had dogs, and I was very good at handling them,
I said I wanted to work with dogs, and the teacher always said ‘Nonsense Mollie dear, you'll be a
writer.’ (4) … .” This childhood intention is described in her novel which is clearly autobiographical
and gives a picture both of Mollie's ambition and her struggle towards its achievement.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. So eventually I thought that this woman must have something, since she was a good teacher -
and I decided when I was nine that I would be a writer.
B. Born and bred near Edinburgh, Mollie has devoted her talents to writing primarily for young
C. If you aren't telling a story, you’re a very dead writer indeed.
D. This love goes back to early childhood.
E. I've heard all the adults have to say before.

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What does Mollie Hunter feel about the nature of a good book?
A. It should not aim at a narrow audience.
B. It should be attractive to young readers.
C. It should be based on original ideas.
D. It should not include too much conversation.
2. In Mollie Hunter’s opinion, one sign of a poor writer is …
A. lifeless characters.
B. complicated ideas.
C. the weakness of the description.
D. the absence of a story.
3. What do we learn about Mollie Hunter as a very young child?
A. She didn’t expect to become a writer.
B. She didn’t enjoy writing stories.
C. She didn’t have any particular ambitions.
D. She didn’t respect her teacher’s views.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar
5. Comment on the following statement: If you aren't telling a story, you’re a very dead writer
indeed. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 054

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Philippa awoke before daybreak and she glanced at her clock which glowed 4 a.m. (1) …
This box was like a time capsule and everything in it was significant to her past. The house was
silent and she could hear the gentle ocean waves in the distance. Philippa took her blue woolen
blanket, which she’d had since the age of 4, and stepped, onto the veranda. (2) … For some
reason it reassured her and reminded her of who she was.
Once comfortably wrapped in the blanket she opened the small box and pulled out the dull
jingly necklace made up of tiny thin golden diskettes. (3) … . As she caressed it in her hand she
found herself drifting back to when she was 8 years old. It was the first time anyone had ever said
“I love you” to her and this made her smile shyly as she reminisced about how this boy Edward had
sweetly presented her with this necklace saying, “This is for you. It’s to let you know that I love you”.
Then he ran off. (4) … She had been too busy gazing at the sporty tanned blonde boy, Paul. Even
now she often wondered what had become of him.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. The sun would rise in under an hour and she no longer felt tired, so she threw on some clothes
and took the old carved wooden box which she kept in her desk drawer.
B. A few pigeons were sat on its sprawling flat branches and as she looked up they flew away.
C. It didn’t mean much to her at the time because she’d never really taken any notice of the porky
chubby cheeked Irish boy with his basin head haircut.
D. It reminded her of old gypsy jewellery.
E. She called this blanket her “security blanket” because anytime she was sad she’d climb into bed
and wrap it around herself.

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. Philippa liked the blue blanket with her because …
A. it was a present from her mother.
B. she had had it since the age of four.
C. it made her feel safe.
D. it was really warm.

2. “Jingly” in paragraph 3 describes …

A. the style of necklace.
B. the noise of the necklace.
C. the colour of the necklace.
D. the material of the necklace.

3. The necklace reminded her of …

A. Edwasrd.
B. her ex-boyfriend.
C. Paul.
D. old gypsy jewellery.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the importance of the past in each person’s life. Start from the following
sentence: This box was like a time capsule and everything in it was significant to her past. (100
words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 055

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

I started to lose my hair when I was 16. It kept on falling out and my confidence went. The
other blokes had great mops of hair. It was the fashion in the Seventies. By the time I was 21 it
was so bad that, when I saw this ad in the paper for a private hair clinic, I went along. (1) …
With these hair grafts I had to have a local anaesthetic. It was so painful. They took bits of
hair from the side and back, and replanted them into cuts made in the balding patch. (2) … But
more hair fell out, and I needed more grafts. Over the next three years, I had more grafts, but it
couldn’t keep up with the hair loss. I had all these implants in front, and a bald patch behind. It
looked worse than before and my life was falling apart.
My engagement was called off. My fiancee never commented about my hair, but I just didn’t
feel worthy of her. I was so fed up I went to another clinic. This time a salesman “consultant” came
to my home. (3) … I had four of these operations over the next eighteen months. A piece of skin
was taken from my scalp, and the skin on either side was lifted and pulled inwards to be joined
together with stitches. I had to have a week off work after each operation because I couldn’t even
smile. Even now my head feels tight around my temples.
This time I felt better, and looked better. But the hair loss persisted. It left patches and
gaps. All the time the clinic kept promising me a full head of hair. I was drinking heavily. (4) … It
was the only way I could relax and feel confident with girls. I became so depressed that I was sent
to see a psychiatrist.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. The operation is very unpleasant, especially when the anaesthetic needles are stuck into your
B. He suggested more grafts, and something called a scalp reduction.
C. I asked them how much hair they thought I would lose and they said probably just a little at the
corners, and they could fill it in with some hair grafts.
D. I would give anything to be able to walk down the street with long hair blowing in the wind.
E. Sometimes as many as nine pints of beer a night, seven nights a week.

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. He went to the hair clinic because …
A. it advertised.
B. his hair was falling out.
C. his friends had a lot of hair.
D. he wanted to be in fashion.

2. The implant operations were not successful because …

A. in the end his hair looked unnatural.
B. his life was going to pieces.
C. of the anaesthetic.
D. he needed more grafts.
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Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. He had this tight feeling at the side of his head because …

A. his girlfriend had left him.
B. he couldn’t smile.
C. hair had been implanted.
D. skin had been taken away.

5. Comment on the feelings of the main character of this excerpt. Start from the following
sentence: I became so depressed that I was sent to see a psychiatrist. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 056

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The pub is one of the great British traditions, envied abroad (1) … Throughout the world the
idea of the British pub has been copied, although usually as the fake Irish pub, which looks exactly
the same wherever you go. Consequently, pubs come in a variety of forms with a variety of strange
signs, showing royalty, country pastimes or famous battles.
The British government may be trying to change the drinking habits of the population by
extending pub opening hours, to bring them more into line with the continental “café society”:
(2) … . It isn’t just the British themselves, though, who love these pubs. They are often seen as an
important part of a holiday in the UK. Anyway, the major breweries who owned most of the pubs in
the UK destroyed the interiors of many historic bars, in an attempt to modernize them, but in many
cases all they created were a lot of soulless drinking places that had no atmosphere.
Peter Wheeler is a member of CAMRA (the Campaign for Real Ale), an organization that
has done more than to safeguard the true British pint. He states:”I think the trappings of a pub are
very important (3) ….“ If you go into a pub and there is beautifully polished woodwork, there’s
highly polished brass, there’s a welcoming staff, (4) … .”
Many people might see no difference between having a pint in a modern bar and absorbing
the atmosphere in one of the many traditional pubs that, fortunately, Britain still has.
(The Great English Pub, in Speak Up, 2006)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. it has a tremendous effect in relaxing you

B. they will, however, have to work very hard to change the idea of a good old British pub
C. as much as it is loved at home
D. because they are what give it its individuality
E. the building is almost as important as the pint itself

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. How can the British government change the drinking habits of the population?
A. by opening more and more pubs
B. by changing the number of employees
C. by improving the quality of the drinks
D. by prolonging the opening hours

2. What did most of the British owners of pubs do?

A. they pulled down the old historic pubs
B. they modernized them
C. their business became more profitable
D. more soulless people had a drink in their pubs
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Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. Why are the trappings of a pub so important for the customers?

A. because they can buy cheaper drinks
B. because of the beautifully polished woodwork
C. because they make each and every pub look unique
D. because they make a pleasant atmosphere

5. Comment upon the following statement: Many people might see no difference between
having a pint in a modern bar and absorbing the atmosphere in one of the many traditional pubs
that, fortunately, Britain still has. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 057

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Only a generation ago the Republic of Ireland was considered a poor and relatively
backward country, in the grasp of the Catholic Church (1) … . That all changed in the mid-1990s,
with the advent of the “Celtic Tiger “economic boom. Today Ireland is one of the most dynamic,
flexible and globalised economies in the world. (2) …
According to a recent OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
report, Ireland is now the second richest country in the EU. Dublin is said to be the world’s
sixteenth most expensive capital while, according to The Economist, (3) …
Ireland’s young and highly qualified workforce work hard in the IT, service sectors,
achieving the highest productivity in Europe. And yet, if they work hard, then they part even harder.
So is this a success story with no sting in the tail? Perhaps not. Some people argue that Ireland is
losing its soul, that the traditional values of Irish society – friendliness, a laid-back attitude, a sense
of community and charity – are threatened by this rush for money and success.
Is the rise in crime, personal debt, obesity part of the price to pay? More mothers work than
ever before; the second income is needed for a new Irish lifestyle, which features expensive
restaurants, fancy holidays and second homes abroad. (4) … Nevertheless the Irish still consider
themselves to be among the happiest people in Europe.
(The Cost of the Celtic Tiger, in Speak Up, July, 2007)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points
A. it is – as a place to live – the best city on our planet.
B. It lived in the shadow of its former colonial master, Great Britain, and it was losing its young
people to emigration.
C. Ireland now has new immigration, mainly from Eastern Europe.
D. It seems the Irish have never had it so good.
E. Ireland’s wealth is built on property, but poverty is a real issue.

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What changes did the “Celtic Tiger“ boom bring?

A. it changed people’s mentalities
B. It made Ireland become a competitive country in the EU
C. It developed the country’s capital
D. It made young people leave the country

2. Which are the drawbacks of Ireland’s economic progress?

A. the country might be losing its identity
B. the people are getting more and more involved in parting
C. there are many people in need
D. it has changed people’s lifestyle
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3. How has the people’s perspective on life changed?

A. they need more financially secure jobs
B. they worry too much about social status
C. they tend to spend too much on possessions and having fun
D. they enjoy living a dangerous life

5. Comment upon the following statement: Some people argue that Ireland is losing its soul,
that the traditional values of Irish society – friendliness, a laid-back attitude, a sense of community
and charity – are threatened by this rush for money and success. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 058

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

If Ally McBeal had been made in the 1980s, Nell, the brilliant, beautiful and sexy lawyer
would have been the heroine. But she isn’t. It’s Ally McBeal, the woman who falls over and talks to
herself and falls for the wrong men and sometimes messes up a meeting. (1) … There was a time,
everywhere you looked, there were beautiful women who never failed to close a deal, and never
spilt coffee on their expensive suits.
One of the problems with real-life heroines is that they never behave quite the way they are
meant to. (2) … The way these anti-heroines behave is rather endearing. They aren’t perfect, but
we needn’t see them simply as wholly negative, part of some kind of backlash against growing
female power. These women might think too much about their boyfriends and they might both
laugh and cry rather uncontrollably. But they still have a good idea of where they are going. None
of them have it all, but all of them have something. (3) … They come to us with a sharp eye for
whatever is absurd and amusing about themselves and their environment.
It is only when people are feeling pretty confident that they are able to laugh at themselves.
When all the glossy, glamorous heroines are found to have feet of clay, (4) … , then you realize
that it is no good putting your faith in anyone else to change your life.
(Roll on the New Role Model, by Natasha Walter)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points
A. Fictional heroines have slipped off their mask.
B. and when you are stuck with ordinary women instead
C. they were seen as role models - as templates as how women should be living their lives
D. And all of them are good at laughing at themselves.
E. Heroines can’t be trusted any more.

2. Match the phrasal verbs in column A with their definitions in column B. 6 points

A. B.
1. to mess up a. to take off quickly
2. to slip off b. to stay close to someone and go with them wherever they go
3. to be stuck with c. to make a mistake or do something badly

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Why can’t modern heroines be trusted any more?

A. because they can’t close a deal
B. because they behave unexpectedly
C. because they do not wear expensive suits
D. because they talk too much

2. Which is the life lesson they teach us?

A. It is better to laugh and cry uncontrollably
B. It is better to behave the way the others would like you to
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Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

C. It is better to have a purpose in life

D. It is better to be advised how to change your life for the better

3. Why do people laugh at themselves?

A. because they aren’t perfect
B. because they think of personal problems
C. because they feel infallible of themselves
D. because they know how to live their lives

5. Comment upon the following statement: It is only when people are feeling pretty confident
that they are able to laugh at themselves. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 059

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The British have always been peculiarly obsessed with accents, what they signify and how
much they matter. At the moment the topic of accent is tender because officially accent does not
matter while privately it does.
As linguist John Honey, author of Does Accent Matter?, has said, “the subject is virtually
taboo in our schools. “(1) … .” No longer do job adverts in newspapers specify well-spoken
candidates, as still did in the 1980s.
The adoption of English Estuary, generally taken to signify collapsing class distinctions, is
an unprecedented phenomenon. The middle class and the privately educated take on some of the
elements of what has always been one of the lowest status accents: Cockney. Academic studies
confirm that, socio-linguistically, Cockney has shared the bottom rung with Scouse, Glaswegian,
West Midlands and Belfast.
Almost certainly this is because, historically, they have all been essentially working-class
accents-unlike Yorkshire, say, which might be middle class. This is one reason why Scots voices,
and to a lesser extent Irish and Welsh ones, are different. (2) … When Ted Hughes died it was his
voice reading his poetry that laid hold of the TV viewer, the Yorkshire accent a guarantee of its
harsh lyricism. The accent was evidence of origins in a writer whose poetry is all about what is
elemental. (3) …
Anyway, traditionally ambitious grammar-school pupils would try to escape their localities,
and therefore their accents. Most famous is Mrs. Thatcher, whose elocution lessons are usually
mentioned mockingly.
(4) … For a long time people have been uneasy-like Hardy, proud yet defensive-about
where they came from. The rise of the Estuary English is unsettling because it seems to tell us that
we do not come from anywhere in particular.
(Lost Voices, by John Mullan)
1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points
A. Regional accent has often been a sign of achievement without corruption.
B. This is what seems to be changing.
C. Officially we should not think that one particular accent is any “better “than the others
D. Yet a strong sense of correct pronunciation was well established by Shakespeare’s day.
E. A middle-class Scottish accent can signify a good education (lawyers, doctors).

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points
4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What have the British always been concerned with?

A. the British educational system
B. the weather
C. their accent
D. social status
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Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Why is Estuary English such a particular phenomenon?

A. because it has become a common feature both for the middle class people and
the educated people in private schools
B. because it is the latest fashion in London
C. because it is widely spoken in the UK
D. because it is a compulsory request for the candidates in the show business

3. Why is it important for writers not to change their accent?

A. to make themselves better understood
B. to guarantee professional success
C. to be authentic and original
D. to have more readers

5. Comment on the following statement: Traditionally ambitious grammar-school pupils would

try to escape their localities, and therefore their accents. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 060

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The most controversial aspect of Gone with the Wind is the film’s depiction of race
relations. Gone with the Wind’s depiction of slavery remains decidedly simplistic. The film shows
slaves as well-treated, blindly cheerful “darkies” loyal to their benevolent masters. Slaves are
portrayed as normal employees, are rewarded with presents like the master’s pocket watch (1) …
and are allowed to scold the young mistress of the house as if they were a part of the family.
Although there was no talk of pay after their emancipation, the former slaves show no
interest in leaving Scarlet. The slaves who choose to seek their freedom are looked down on,
either portrayed as unscrupulous or as gullible pawns of the political parties.
More damaging than Gone with the Wind’s simplistic view of slavery, however, is the film’s
depiction of all African Americans as not being intelligent people. (2) … , but Pork, the only named
male house slave, is forced to appear in scene after scene with a wide-eyed, slightly glazed
expression on his face. When faced with work duties beyond those he has always performed (3)…
Big Sam’s grammar is chopped down to an extremely simplistic level, far below even that of the
equally uneducated Mammy. (4) … Perhaps intended as comic relief, Prissy is a liar, and becomes
hysterical over the smallest things. She is a living holdover from the slaveholder’s old claim that
African Americans needed to be slaves because they weren’t able to function on their own. As a
result, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People tried to arrange a boycott
of the film by black audiences and, to a lesser extent, black actors.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points
A. Mammy manages to escape the film with her dignity largely intact
B. The worst example of this negative portrayal is the young house slave Prissy.
C. if they’ve been appropriately loyal,
D. he immediately becomes overwhelmed and panics.
E. Big Sam leaves Tara only when ordered and with extreme reluctance

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Which is the perspective on slavery in Gone with the Wind?

A. a realistic one
B. a superficial one
C. a modern one
D. a deeply profound one

2. How is Pork portrayed?

A. ironically
B. sensitively
C. offensively
D. flatteringly
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Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. What kind of relationship did the masters have with their slaves in Gone with the Wind?
A. a patronizing one
B. an oppressive one
C. a lenient one
D. a cautious one

5. Comment on the relationship between the slaves and their masters as seen in Gone with
the Wind. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 061

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Is Cinderella just a pretty tale? Not in the view of Ellen MacIntosh, who has written
extensively about fairy tales. “This story features the stock, two-dimensional characters of most
fairy tales, and little character development is attempted”, she says. Indeed, although her comment
does make one wonder why simplicity of this sort should be out of place in a story for children
(1) … . “Instead of standing up to her cruel stepmother and absurd stepsisters, (2) … . But wouldn’t
you want a daughter of yours to show more spirit?”
In some versions for the silver screen, the Cinderella character no longer has to clean the
house and has no siblings to make her life a misery, though she persists in not showing much
backbone. (3) … , and in some cases really is a prince. The role of the fairy godmother is often
played by coincidence or sheer luck; we live in an enlightened age when even very young children
might reject the notion of fairies. (4) … In the majority of film versions, the heroine has a profession
and is even permitted to continue working after marrying her prince - this is the twenty - first
century, after all.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points
A. Cinderella just waits for a fairy godmother to appear and solve her problems
B. The wicked stepmother may be transformed into a villain of some sort
C. The character of the rich and handsome stranger is retained
D. Ellen’s main problem is with what the story implies
E. Ellen sees its message as being rooted in the children’s desire for love and attention

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What does the writer imply about fairy tales?

A. Fully developed characters would improve them.
B. The stories are very basic.
C. It is unrealistic to expect character development.
D. It is a mistake to consider them pretty.

2. What is Ellen’s main objection to the Cinderella story?

A. the heroine is treated cruelly.
B. The heroine is not assertive enough.
C. The ugly stepsisters are figures of ridicule.
D. The stepmother is a stereotypical character.

3. In film versions of the Cinderella story

A. the prince is invariably replaced by a rich stranger.
B. two characters from the original story are omitted.
C. luck plays a greater role than in the original story.
D. the Cinderella character no longer has to work.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the last paragraph of the text. How do some versions for the silver screen
change your perspective on the original story of Cinderella? (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 062

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Many people will have heard of the Alexander technique but have only a vague idea what it
is about. Until earlier this year, I didn’t have any idea about it. But, hunched over a computer
screen one day, I noticed that the neck and backache I regularly suffered were more painful than
usual. I consulted an osteopath, (1) …
A few clicks on the web and I found an Alexander teacher. Three months later I am walking
straighter and sitting better, (2) … . The teaching centres on the neck, head and back. It trains you
to use your body less harshly and (3) … . A typical lesson involves standing in front of a chair and
learning to sit and stand with minimal effort. (4) … . Try, for example, folding your arms the
opposite way to normal. It feels odd, isn’t it?
The Alexander technique teaches you to think of the space above your head. This may
sound daft, but it is an important element in the process of learning to hold your body and how
others use theirs-usually badly. The Alexander technique can teach you to swim better,
concentrating on technique rather than clocking up lengths.
So if you are walking along the road one day, feeling weighed down by your troubles, give a
thought to the Alexander technique. It could help you walk tall again.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points
A. while my neck and back pain are things of the past.
B. who advised me to learn the Alexander technique.
C. The key is learning to break the bad habits accumulated over years
D. There is very little effort in the lessons themselves.
E. to perform familiar movements and actions with less effort

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. The writer learnt about the Alexander technique ...

A. after consulting someone about her problem.
B. when she suddenly developed a bad back.
C. When massage failed to alleviate her back pain.
D. While she was browsing the Internet.
2. The Alexander technique teaches that familiar movements ...
A. have been learnt by incorrect methods.
B. need more energy and effort than we think.
C. do not have to be performed so strenuously.
D. are the most common cause of backache.
3. It appears that the body forms habits that ...
A. inevitably cause physical pain.
B. can be difficult to change.
C. are a consequence of actions we perform.
D. develop in early childhood.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the following sentences: So if you are walking along the road one day, feeling
weighed down by your troubles, give a thought to the Alexander technique. It could help you walk
tall again. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 063

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Mike Radcliff, President of Music Buyers Association, is furious at a recent announcement

by the recording industry concerning people downloading MP3 music files from the Internet.
If someone copies an audio music cassette for their own private use, they are breaking the
law. But recording companies have usually turned a blind eye to this practice because prosecuting
the few people involved would be difficult. At the other hand of the scale, (1) … This is far more
serious, and the industry actively pursues and prosecutes pirates. ”The industry is completely
overreacting; it’ll be a laughing stock,“says Radcliff. “They are going to arrest some teenager
downloading files in his bedroom. (2) … .” Radcliff may have a point. There is a general consensus
that CD pirates should be subjected to the full wrath of the law. Downloading music files illegally is
not as innocuous as making private copies of audio cassettes. The scratchy, distorted cassette
copy is a poor version of the original recording, (3) ... . It is this that makes the practice a powerful
temptation for music fans, given the high cost of CDs.
Could music companies be forced out of business by people downloading music illegally?
”That’s nonsense. The companies are hoping that one of the new bands or singers will be a hit,
and although it can be expensive to promote new artists, (4) … “
A CD is far cheaper to produce than its price in the shops would indicate, but a teenager
buying a CD by the latest pop sensation may find that price rather steep. The recording industry
can’t be held responsible for the evanescent nature of fame, given the teenage appetite for
anything novel.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points
A. This isn’t going to frighten anyone into buying CDs.
B. whereas an MP3 file is of high quality and can be stored on a CD, for example.
C. there are criminals who make illegal copies of CDs and sell them for a profit.
D. the cost of manufacturing the CDs is actually very low.
E. Music companies are always whining about high costs.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Radcliff thinks the recording industry’s recent announcement ...

A. fails to take into account the difficulties of prosecuting offenders.
B. makes the industry appear ludicrous.
C. will deter consumers from buying CDs.
D. will encourage resentment of CD piracy.

2. Why does the writer feel that MP3s are unlike copies of audio cassettes?
A. Downloaded MP3 files are generally not for private use.
B. The financial losses to the music industry are greater.
C. The price of MP3s is greater than the price of audio cassettes.
D. There is a significant difference in quality.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. Radcliff implies that music companies ...

A. could cut costs by making cheaper CDs.
B. should not promote artists who are unknowns.
C. are speculating when they promote new artists.
D. should use different manufacturing processes.

5. Comment on the following statement: The recording industry can’t be held responsible for the
evanescent nature of fame, given the teenage appetite for anything novel. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 064

Read the following text and complete the tasks.

(1) … Humans possess a number of anatomical features that make them surprisingly good
Traditional thinking up to now has been that the distinctive, upright body form of modern
humans has come about as a result of the ability to walk, and that running is simply a by-product of
walking. (2) … However, this is only true if we consider fast running, or sprinting, over short
distances. Even an Olympic athlete can hardly run as fast as a horse can gallop, and can only
keep up a top speed for fifteen seconds or so.
One of the most interesting of the anatomical features found in humans is a ligament, a
band of tissue that extends from a ridge on the base of the skull to the spine. (3) … Therefore, we
are able to run with steady heads, held high. This ligament is not found in any other surviving
primates, although the fossil record shows that Homo erectus, an early human species that walked
upright, much as we do, also had one. Then there are our Achilles tendons at the backs of our
legs, which connect our calf muscles to our heel bones-and which have nothing to do with walking.
(4) … Furthermore, we have low, wide shoulders, virtually disconnected from our skulls, an
anatomical adaptation which allows us run more efficiently.
But what evolutionary advantage is gained from being good long - distance runners? This
ability may have permitted early humans to obtain food more effectively. Another advantage for
early humans may have been the fact that they possibly pursued animals for miles in order to
exhaust them before killing them.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points

A. Furthermore, humans have usually been regarded as poor runners compared to such animals
as dogs or horses.
B. When we run, it is this ligament that prevents our head from pitching back and forth or from side
to side.
C. But when it comes to long-distance running, humans do astonishingly well.
D. Some scientists speculate that the ability to run was a crucial factor in the development of our
E. When we run, these tendons behave like springs, helping to propel us forward

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. According to the text, the human ability to run ...

A. was only recently described in a scientific journal.
B. is now regarded as more important than the ability to climb trees.
C. played an important part in human evolution.
D. is surprising when we consider evolutionary trends.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. According to the text, humans ...

A. are better runners than most other animals.
B. are not good at running short distances.
C. cannot run at top speed for long distances.
D. compare unfavourably with horses and dogs.

3. It appeared that a certain ligament ...

A. is found only in modern primates.
B. is associated with the ability to run.
C. prevents the head from moving.
D. is a unique anatomical feature.

5. Comment on the importance of keeping fit. (100 words) 4 points

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 065

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

As a teenager, (1) ... He thought it was just what every rebellious schoolboy did. But when
Dan left school, got a job as a mechanic and continued to fall asleep during the day, he realized
this wasn’t normal. (2) …, he knew he had to find out what made him so different from everybody
else. Dan’s GP immediately sent him to a sleep centre where he was diagnosed as suffering from
narcolepsy, an incurable sleep disorder.
(3)…, and has been thrown out of nightclubs by bouncers who thought he was drunk-
sufferers are often mistakenly considered to be inebriated or lazy. This, coupled with the fact that
nobody is quite sure what causes narcolepsy, makes it hard to diagnose.
Dan suffers from many symptoms. When he arrives for this interview he holds onto the door
for support as his legs buckle in an attack, because “I walked in and didn’t recognize you, and I
was a bit taken aback.” He finds it hard to describe the sleep paralysis and hallucinations.
The only person who can help Dan to snap out of the hallucinations is his wife, Caroline,
(4)… At their worst, she estimates, the attacks can occur around 50 times a night. Dan is
remarkably fresh-faced for someone who is supposed to feel overwhelming fatigue. He puts this
down to the new tablets he takes to control his condition. He thinks that keeping busy also helps
his condition. His attempts to control his disease have changed his personality, too.
1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points
A. When his boss threatened him with the sack
B. Most people, however tired, can stay awake if need be.
C. Dan once fell off his bike due to an attack
D. Dan Butler used to nod off during lessons at school.
E. who is frequently tired as she is woken by the attacks
2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. Dan first knew he suffered from narcolepsy ...
A. when he was still at school.
B. during a visit to his doctor.
C. shortly after an incident at work.
D. When he became unemployed.

2. What do we learn about narcolepsy?

A. The symptoms are not always correctly identified.
B. It can seriously affect the brain.
C. It can be brought on by drinking too much.
D. It often makes sufferers lazy.

3. When he first met the writer, Dan ...

A. was very angry.
B. was a little surprised.
C. fell over.
D. fell asleep.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the following sentences: He thinks that keeping busy also helps his condition.
His attempts to control his disease have changed his personality, too. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 066

Read the below text and complete the following tasks.

When we hear the word comedian, what does the label suggest? What corny
characteristics do we attribute to comedians? To a man or woman, are they generally shallow,
vulgar, introspective, hysterically insecure and selfish? (1) …
We need to explore the initial motives behind a choice of career. Consider first those who
prefer a sort of anonymity in life, the ones who’d rather wear a uniform. The emotional and
intellectual course taken by those who are drawn to anonymity is easily observed but not easily
deflected. They want to be told what to do and then be required to do it over and over again in the
safety of a routine. (2) …
There’s precious little comedy in the lives of the discreet and the modest, ones who
deliberately select a position of obscurity (3) …
Comics’ invention is based upon wordplay, puns and similar equivoques, never an
aggressive observation of life. If you have no ginger and snap in your daily round, with little
familiarity with strong emotions, it seems likely that your sense of fun will be limited by timidity to a
simple juggling with language. All successful comedians make us laugh. (4) …

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points

A. The mere idea of standing up in front of an audience and demanding attention is abhorrent.
B. Anyway, many lesser-known comedy writers compose their material in the secret corners of
their existence
C. Read the superficial stories in the tabloids and so they would appear.
D. We’ve often heard it said that someone is a “born comedian “.
E. The truth is that they are as diverse as fingerprints.

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. How does the writer look upon comedians?

A. People in certain other professions generally have a better image than them.
B. It is possible that they are seen as possessing only negative characteristics.
C. It is harder to generalize about them than about people in other professions.
D. They often cannot understand why people make negative judgements of them.

2. What does the writer say about people who wear uniforms?
A. They criticize performers for craving attention.
B. It is unusual for them to break their normal patterns of thought.
C. They are more aware of their inadequacies than others may think.
D. The desires they have are never met when they are at work.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. The writer says that shy people ...

A. may be able to write humorous material but could not perform it.
B. are capable of being more humorous than they realize.
C. fear that what they find humorous would not amuse others.
D. do not get the recognition they deserve if they are good at comedy.

5. Comment on the following statement: We’ve often heard it said that someone is a “born
comedian “. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 067

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

If you think that you are the only creatures on Earth with a moral sense, (1) … Most experts
in behaviour believe that morality is a uniquely human trait, without which our complex social life
would never have emerged – yet there are many animals which can distinguish right from wrong.
Species living in groups often have a sense of fair play built on moral codes of conduct that help
cement their social relationship.
Biologists have had real problems trying to explain why people are frequently inexplicably
nice to each other. Perhaps we expect a payback somewhere down the line, (2) … Nobody has
really considered the possibility that being considerate to your neighbours might sometimes be the
best way to survive. There is evidence that a well-developed sense of fair play helps animals live
longer, more successful lives. (3) … because it has its own special rules of engagement, allowing
participants to reinterpret acts that might otherwise seem aggressive. Infant dogs, wolves and
coyotes use a special signal to prevent misinterpretation of playful actions. During play a dominant
animal will often allow a subordinate to have the upper hand. On rare occasions when an animal
says “Let’s play” and then beats up an unsuspecting animal, the culprit usually finds itself
ostracised by its former playmates.
(4) …, because there could be no social play without it, and without social play individual
animals and entire groups would be at a disadvantage.
Morality evolved because it is adaptive. It helps animals, including humans to survive and
flourish in their particular social environment.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
4 points

A. or maybe our good deeds are directed only towards family, with whom we share a biological
B. Specialists are interested in social play amongst youngsters
C. then you’re in good company.
D. A sense of fairness is common to many animals
E. Individual animals benefit from play and fairness.

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. In paragraph one, what does the writer state about morality?

A. Humans are the only creatures that demonstrate true emotional behaviour.
B. A well- developed moral code is not the main reason for civilisation.
C. Humans and animals share the same selfish instincts for survival.
D. There is a common misconception that animals are not moral.

2. The writer believes that people who ...

A. are generous to one another are not always sure why.
B. don’t have good social skills achieve less in life.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

C. behave considerately have selfish reasons for doing so.

D.behave better to acquaintances than to relatives are unusual.

3. What has the writer deduced about social play from his observation of animals?
A. It provides an opportunity for physically weaker animals to develop their survival
B. It allows animals to prove who is dominant in the group without using real
C. It requires animals to live by the rules or they will be excluded from the rest of the
D. It demonstrates that certain animals possess the same range of emotions as
humans do.

5. Comment on the following statement: Morality is a uniquely human trait, without which our
complex social life would never have emerged. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 068

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Naomi lived on Mason Street, (1) … ; that was the basis of our friendship. When I first
moved to town, Naomi would wait for me in the mornings, in front of her house, which was on my
way to school.
“Why do you walk like that, Del?” she would say, “Like what?”. She would walk in a strange
weaving way, oblivious, chin in her collar. Offended I laughed.
But her criticism was proprietary; I was alarmed and elated to discover that (2) … I had not
had a friend before. It interfered with freedom and made me deceitful in some ways, but it also
extended and gave resonance to life. And we knew too much about each other (3) …
Naomi and I put our names down together to be board monitors, which meant we stayed
after school and (4) …, and took the red, white, and blue brushes outside and banged them
against the red brick wall of the school, making fan patterns of chalk. Coming in, we heard
unfamiliar music coming from the teacher’s room, Miss Farris singing.
(adapted from Alice Munro, Lives of girls and women)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. cleaned the blackboards

B. I lived on River Street
C. she considered we were friends.
D. to ever stop being friends, now.
E. That we were not friends

2. Give the antonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. What was the basis of their friendship?
A. Their feelings.
B. The fact that they were neighbours.
C. The fact that they knew too much.
D. That their names were on board monitors.
2. Whom did the two friends hear singing?
A. Their colleagues.
B. Their sister.
C. Their teacher.
D. Their brother.
3. How was Naomi’s criticism?
A. Proprietary.
B. Severe.
C. Natural.
D. Alarming.

5. Comment on the following statement: Friendship gives resonance to life. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 069

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

When I was a child it was Enid Blyton’s books that met with strong moral objections from
parents and other opinionated adults. For the past twenty years or so, (1) … .
By the time I came to have a child myself, I had become familiar with the whole range of
critical comment, though I was not personally involved in the debate.
An academic friend (2) … I usually have much respect would not let his children have a
television set until they had learnt to read, on the grounds that if they did, they wouldn’t. But my
daughter learnt to read at four with great ease, and will now, from time to time, choose a book
rather than a television programme.
The main anxiety (3) … is that it trivializes, reduces all experience, all news, and all human
achievement to the lowest common denominator. That is why control needs to be exercised over
the number of hours a young child watches, why the quality and suitability to its age and stage
development (4) … . And why, if the child is to become a fully rounded person, it needs to have a
great many other things besides television in its world.
(The Listener)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. may be unnecessary
B. it has been television
C. I do have about television
D. must be supervised
E. for whose good sense

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Why should children not be allowed to watch television until they have learnt to read?
A. Because they would not read anymore.
B. Because they wouldn’t understand.
C. Because they are not allowed to.
D. Because they are not opinionated.

2. When did the author’s daughter learn to read?

A. When she was at the kindergarten.
B. When she was four.
C. When she went to school.
D. When her father taught her.

3. How did she learn to read?

A. With great ease.
B. With difficulty.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

C. Very quickly.
D. By reading fairy tales.

5. Comment on the following statement: If a child is to become a fully rounded person, it needs
a great many other things besides television in its world. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 070

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The sports ground looked a treat: with big tea-tents all round and flags flying and seats for
families – empty because no mum or dad had known what opening day meant – and boys still
running for the hundred yards, and lords and ladies walking from stall to stall, and the Borstal Boys
Brass Band in blue uniforms…
The blue (1) … and it couldn’t have been a better day…
“Come on, Smith”, Roach, the sport master called me, “we don’t want you to be late for the
big race, eh? Although I dare say you’d catch them up if you were …”
So was the big race for them, watching from the grandstand under a fluttering Union Jack
(2) …, that he had been waiting for, and I hoped he and all the rest of pop – eyed gang were busy
placing big bets on me, hundred to one to win, all the money they had in their pockets, all the
wages they were going to get for the next five years and the more they placed, the happier I’d be.
Because here was a man going to die on the big name they had built for him, going to go down
dying with laughter whether it choked him or not.
(3) … pressing into them, and out of my eye’s corner I saw Roach lift his hand and the gun
went and (4) … .
(adapted from Alan Sillitoe)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you don’t need to use. 4 points

A. sky was full of sunshine

B. I was away
C. a race for the governor
D. My knees felt the cool soil
E. I returned home

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What did the sports master tell the boy about being late at the race?
A. That he would loose it.
B. That he would catch the opponents.
C. That he was always late.
D. That it would not be a problem if he were late.

2. Who was the race for?

A. For his parents.
B. For his sport master.
C. For himself.
D. For the governor.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. When did the race take place?

A. On the opening day.
B. On the last day at school.
C. In spring.
D. In the afternoon.

5. Comment on the following statement: Because here was a man going to die on the big name
they’d built for him. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 071

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

People are always talking about (1) … . If there is one – which I take leave to doubt – then
it is older people who create it, not the young themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and
agree that the young are after all human beings – people just like their elders. There is only one
difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him
and (2) … . And maybe that is where the rub is.
When I was a teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain – that I was a new boy in
a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as
a problem. For one thing, being a problem (3) … , and that is one of the things the young are busily
engaged in seeking.
I find young people exciting. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no
devotion to material things. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment
to mean ambitious or love of comfort. All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of
things. It’s as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us
suburban creatures. All that is my mind (4) …. He may be conceited, ill – mannered, presumptuous
or fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary clichés about respect for elders – as if mere
age were a reason for respect. I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, if
I think he is wrong.
(Fielden Hughes, Out of the Air)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you don’t need to use. 4 points

A. the problem of children

B. the problem of youth
C. the old one has a splendid future behind him
D. gives you a certain identity
E. when I meet a young person

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text: 6 points
1. What are people always talking about?
A. The problem of drugs.
B. The problem of youth.
C. The problem of wealthy men.
D. The rich people.

2. What does being a problem mean?

A. Gives you reasons of fear.
B. Gives you a certain identity.
C. Gives you reasons of relief.
D. Gives you troubles.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. When does the author argue with younger people?

A. If he thinks they are wrong.
B. When elder people do not respect young people.
C. Whenever there is an argument.
D. When elder people do not treat youngsters as equal.

5. Comment upon the following statement: Young people have no devotion to material things.
(100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 072

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

In our new society there is a growing dislike of original, creative men. The manipulated do
not understand them; the manipulators fear them. The tidy committee men regard them with horror,
knowing that no pigeonholes (1) … .
We could do with a few original, creative men in our political life – if only to create some
enthusiasm, release some energy – but where are they?
We are (2) … . The engine is falling to pieces while the joint owners of the car argue
whether the footbrake or the handbrake should be applied. Notice how the cold, colourless men,
without ideas and with no other passion but a craving for success, get on in this society, capturing
one plum after another and taking the juice and taste out of them. Sometimes you might think (3)
… make all the chief appointments, promoting the human beings who seem closest to them.
Between midnight and dawn, when sleep will not come and all the old wounds begin to ache. I
often have a nightmare vision of a future world in which there are billions of people, all numbered
and registered, with not a gleam of genius anywhere, not an original mind, a rich personality, on
the whole packed globe. The twin ideals of our time, organization and quantity, (4) … .
(J.B. Priestly, Thoughts in the wilderness)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you don’t need to use. 4 points

A. is there forever
B. can be found for them
C. asked to choose between various shades of the negative
D. that the machines we worship
E. will have won forever

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text: 6 points

1. How are uncreative men seen according to the author?

A. Cold, colourless.
B. Original.
C. Capturing.
D. Fearful.

2. What does the author’s vision on the future world look like?
A. Like a beautiful dream.
B. Like a robot world.
C. A nightmare.
D. A bright vision.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. What are we asked about according to the author’s opinion?

A. To accept the negativity.
B. To choose different shades of the negative.
C. To argue.
D. To dream about the future.

5. Comment upon the following statement: In our new society there is a growing dislike of
original, creative men. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 073

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

My mother used to bring fine lunches. She must have spent the morning on them. Above all
she would bring ginger puddings, which I adored, in our white pudding basin wrapped in an old
towel to keep warm. For me it was like magic, on a cold day, to sit on one of the green slatted
benches, and see the towel and then the pudding fume up.
We had plates and spoons, and cornflower sauce and sometimes: she could see how much
this dish made me happy, and (1) … . It was while eating one of these puddings that (2) … : and
the note of cuckoo and the taste of ginger still go together in my mind. When (3) … I recall the bite
of the cold and the hot taste and warm colour of the pudding together too.
My mother had what at any rate used once to be the country feeling for all living creatures:
whether (4) …, they are immediately and vividly there, as much as any human being. I shall never
cease to be grateful for how she did such things for me: she was more romantic than was good for
her – or others – but the simple fact is that it is better to care than not to care.
(adapted from John Halloway)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you don’t need to use. 4 points

A. you like it or not

B. I first heard the cuckoo
C. she brought it over and over
D. the pudding tastes good
E. I think of these times

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. When did the author first hear the cuckoo?

A. On a summer day. B. One morning.
C. While eating pudding. D. When she was a child.

2. How does the author see her mother?

A. Rather romantic than good. B. Hard working.
C. A good housewife. D. A good mother.

3. According to the author’s visions how are the creatures seen in the country?
A. Vividly. B. With pleasure.
C. Familiar. D. Warm.

5. Comment on the following statement: It is better to care than not to care. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 074

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

During the whole of a dull, dark, (1) … of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low
in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on the horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of
country, and found myself within view of the melancholy House of Usher. I know not how it was –
but, (2) … of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. I looked upon the
scene before me - (3) … - upon the vacant eye-like windows - and upon a few white trunks of
decayed trees.
There was iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart - an unredeemed dreariness of
thought which no goading of the imagination could torture into anything of the sublime. What was it
- (4) … - what was it so unnerved me in the contemplation of the House of Usher? It was a mystery
all insoluble and shadowy fancies crowded upon me as I pondered.
I was forced to fall back the unsatisfactory conclusion, that while, beyond doubt, there are
combinations of the very simple natural objects which have the power of thus affecting us, still the
analysis of this power lies among considerations beyond our depth.
(Adapted from E. A. Poe)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you don’t need to use. 4 points

A. I paused to think
B. I remained silent
C. upon the bleak walls
D. with the first glimpse
E. and soundless day in the autumn

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. How was the character passing on that autumn day?

A. Walking. B. On horseback.
C. By car. D. By train.

2. What was the shape of the windows?

A. Eye – like. B. Square.
C. Round. D. Oval.

3. What power do the simple natural objects have on us?

A. The power to affect us. B. The power to make us happy.
C. The power to make us sad. D. The power to change things.

5. Comment on the following statement: There are combinations of the very simple natural
objects which have the power of affecting us. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 075

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

If there is one thing that virtually everyone in the west seems to agree upon, it is that there
are, in the words which the great A. L. Rowse once put to me with particular vehemence, “too
many bloody people”.
From this feeling of irritation (1) … it is a short step, in many people’s minds, to thinking that
the entire world is over-crowded (2) … . Yet, why should it be so? I read a few years ago that every
human being could fit, standing up, on the Isle of Wight. Anyway the thought of governmental
population control policies (3) … than the sheer numbers.
Naturally one does not like the notion of more crowding, more despoliation of beautiful
places, more roads, more airports and houses to fulfil more material aspirations, so let me put it no
higher than this: I would rather trust the world’s parent’s to make free decisions (4) … than confer
any power in the matter on any government on earth.
(The Spectator)

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you don’t need to use. 4 points

A. about their pets

B. is even more terrifying
C. with our fellow human beings
D. will finally destroy the planet
E. about their children

2. Give the synonyms for the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. What will finally destroy the planet according to the author?
A. The feeling of irritation. B. The fact the population is overcrowded.
C. The bad feeling of mankind. D. The pollution.

2. Where could every human being fit, standing up?

A. On a remote island. B. On the Isle of Wight.
C. On Greenland. D. Everywhere.

3. Who should control the population policies?

A. Parents. B.The Government.
C. Local authorities. D. The president.

5. Comment on the following statement: The thought of governmental population control

policies is even more terrifying than the sheer numbers. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 076

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

My parents hadn’t wanted me to be a music student. Even my mother, for whom music was
almost as important as eating and breathing, and who wanted me to love music too, thought that it
wasn’t the right kind of career for me if I wanted to get on in the world. Instead, (1) … wanted me to
be a doctor like he was. But I was never good at science and, anyway, I hated (2) … , I was
probably a bit of a coward I suppose. I wasn’t very good at sports either.
Gradually (3)…, I spent more and more time doing music, and less time studying anything
else. In the end, (4) … to admit that I would never get to university wit my poor marks, but a career
in music was just a possibility.
And so, even my father really disapproved – and he told me so about three times a week –
he agreed to let me go to the music college. It was all I could do and all I wanted to do.
(Jeremy Harmer, Trumpet Voluntary)

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you don’t need to use. 4 points

A. she and my father wanted me to become a musician

B. as I went through school
C. my parents had
D. she and my father
E. the sight of blood

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What was music for the character’s mother?

A. Something nice. B. A relaxation.
C. She couldn’t stand it. D. Something vital.

2. How did his parents imagine their son?

A. A musician. B. A doctor.
C. A maths teacher. D. A science teacher.

3. The character thinks he is a bit of …

A. a coward. B. a courageous person.
C. a sports man. D. a professor.

5. Comment on the following statement: Music was almost as important as eating. (100
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 077

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

It is high time we were offered more flexibility in our working lives. Conventional
employment structures are arranged for the traditional male breadwinner and his employer and
take little account (1) … or outside interests they wish to pursue.
As a result, 45% of the female workforce (2) … . This almost inevitably means work with
low pay, low status, and little security. Job sharing, where full-time post with its rights, and
responsibilities, is (3)…, offers an alternative.
“Two heads are often better than one head and, because (4) … . And committed, they often
put in more than a week’s work,” says Lydia Parbury at the Personnel Management Department of
the British Council. “A job is covered at least part of the time when one partner is on holiday or ill”.
Job sharing offers a number of exciting opportunities: people can pursue two different jobs
in order to gain professional knowledge; they can set up their own business, work freelance or take
on further training.
Job sharing is on the increase, particularly in the public sector. In the private sector, most
employers have yet to be convinced of the benefits themselves.
(The Guardian)

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you don’t need to use. 4 points

A. of those who have domestic responsibilities

B. is never enough
C. are employed in part – time
D. shared by two people
E. staff are content

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points
1. How are the women employed?
A. Full time. B. Half time.
C. Part time. D. They are not employed.

2. What are the results of the fact that women are employed in part-time jobs?
A. They are better paid. B. Low pay.
C. Low status. D. Low pay, low status, little security.

3. What is the benefit of job sharing?

A. The work is better done. B. A number of exciting opportunities.
C. More work. D. Better salaries.

5. Comment the following statement: Two heads are often better than one. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 078

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Through the 1970s, the success of organ transplantation - kidney, heart and liver - steadily
increased; but so did the range of argument brought against them. Many people simply (1) …: a
spectrum of opinion ranging from the aesthetic objection to major surgery in general to various
more (2) … . Two more concrete forms of objections are easier to deal with.
The first, aimed mainly at heart transplants (3) … . The objectors suggest that the main
causes of the coronary heart disease, diet and smoking, are under the patient’s own control. They
go on to argue that the money spent on transplants, (4) …, would save more lives if spent on
The second major objection is that surgeons take organs from donors who are not properly
dead. The one question that remains, even accepting that transplantation is a successful
technique, is whether the money spent on transplants would not be better spent on other surgical
interventions or on other kind of medicine.
(The New Scientist)

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you don’t need to use. 4 points

A. which saves only a few patients

B. is that money spent on them is money wasted
C. money is not sufficient
D. and detailed religious objections
E. found the idea of transplantation repellent

2. Give the synonyms of the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. How is the idea of transplantation seen among people?

A. Good. B. Extremely unpleasant.
C. Not so bad. D. Excellent.

2. What is the main objection against heart transplantation?

A. That donors are not properly dead.
B. That money spent is wasted.
C. That patients could prevent heart disease.
D. That there are not enough prepared doctors.

3. How can money be better spent?

A. With a controlled diet. B. If it is spent on prevention.
C. If people wouldn’t smoke. D. If doctors would be better prepared.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Comment on the following statement: The money spent on transplants would be better spent
on other surgical interventions or on other kind of medicine. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 079

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The Europeans have lost the faculty for building up myths or dogma, and for what we want of
these (1) … . But the mind of the African moves naturally and easily upon such deep and shadowy
paths. This gift of theirs comes out strongly in their relations with white people. You find it already in
the names which they deal out to the Europeans with whom they come in contact, after a very short
acquaintance. You have got to know these names if you are to send a runner with letters to a friend, or
find the way in a car to his house, for the Native world knows him by no other name. I have had an
unsociable neighbour, who would never entertain a guest in his house, who was named Sahana Modja -
One Cover. My Swedish friend Eric Otter was Resase Modja, One Cartridge - which meant that he did not
need more than one single cartridge to kill, and which was a fine name to be known by. (2)…., who
was called "Half man - half car". When Natives name white men after animals - the fish, the giraffe, the
fat bull - their minds run upon the lines of the old fables, and these white men, I believe, in their dark
consciousness figure as both men and beasts. And there is magic in words: a person who has for many
years been known to all his surroundings by the name of an animal in the end comes to feel familiar
with and related to the animal: (3) … . When he is back in Europe it is strange to him to feel that no
one ever connects him with it. Once, in the London Zoo, I saw again an old retired government official,
whom in Africa I had known as Bzvan Tembu - Mr Elephant. He was standing, all by himself, before the
elephant-house, sunk in deep contemplation of the elephants. Perhaps he would go there often. (4) …
in the order of things that he should be there, but probably no one in all London, except I who was
there only for a few days, would have quite understood him.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. he recognizes himself in it
B. There was a keen automobilist of my acquaintance
C. His Native servants would have thought it
D. we are dependent upon the supplies of our past
E. there where we are in the future

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What was the retired government official doing at the Zoo?

A. He was sitting there admiring the animals.
B. His Native servants would think in the order of things that he should be there.
C. Because he was called Mr. Elephant.
D. Because other Natives were there.

2. Is there a reason why the Natives give names to white people?

A. They like the white people.
B. They have a special relationship with the white people.
C. They do not like the white people.
D. It is in their nature to associate the names with the white people.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. Is it absolutely necessary to know the names that the Natives give to the Europeans?
A. You have to know these names if you live in the Natives’ world.
B. It is not necessary to know the names as the Europeans have their own.
C. It is absolutely necessary for the Europeans to know the names that the natives give
to them.
D. No, it is not necessary.

5. Comment on the following statement: It is important to know who you are. (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 080

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

As a parent and an observer of mankind, I grow increasingly concerned about the life that
our children inherit, (1) … , and their expectations for the future. Childhood seems to last but a few
years until children become a market force to be bombarded with advertisements on the television.
They demand to have all that they see, and regard it as their right to be entertained every waking
At school, (2) …, which they see as irrelevant to life as they perceive it. Life is about having
fun, and having fun now. Or, at the other extreme, school is fiercely competitive, and pupils are
pushed by parents to achieve at all costs.
The 1960s were a time of great liberalization, (3) … . Its ideals of love and peace are now
much scorned as hollow, hippy phrases. If the world veered to the left in '68, then it has lurched to
the right in the past fifteen years. The 1980s are undoubtedly a more selfish, inward-looking era,
with the individual out to look after himself, regardless of the effect this might be having on others.
The new gods are money and materialism, and (4) … what it took their parents half a generation to
The youth has learnt to question the wisdom of its elders; it has so far found nothing to
replace it with. No wonder there is drug abuse on a scale never seen before. No wonder so many
children seek the help of psychiatrists. What are they to fill the emptiness of their souls with?

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. when youth thought it could right all wrongs

B. teenagers want now
C. the values that they hold dear
D. we are dependent upon the supplies of our past
E. most children are bored by the lessons

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Have the young people learnt to respect the old ones or not?
A. The young people have learnt to respect the old ones and admire them.
B. The youngsters have no respect for the elders.
C. The youngsters question the wisdom of the elders but they respect them.
D. The young people have little respect for the elders.

2. How do the children perceive life?

A. They take life very seriously.
B. They have responsibilities in life.
C. Life for them is having fun.
D. Life is not competitive at all.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. What are the new gods for teenagers?

A. Teenagers believe in the future.
B. The new gods are the drugs.
C. Money and materialism represent the new gods.
D. They do not have any gods.

5. Comment on the last paragraph of the excerpt above: The youth has learnt to question the
wisdom of its elders; it has so far found nothing to replace it with. No wonder there is drug abuse
on a scale never seen before. No wonder so many children seek the help of psychiatrists. What
are they to fill the emptiness of their souls with? (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 081

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Did you sleep well last night? Or did you wake up feeling fatigued and sluggish - perhaps
even wondering (1) … ? Getting a good night's sleep requires more than crawling into bed and
closing your eyes. Understanding your sleep behaviour and preparing for a sound slumber can
help make sure every night is a good night for sleeping.
"Sleep is a behaviour and, like all behaviours, (2) … ," explains Dr. Carol Landis, sleep
researcher and associate professor in biobehavioural nursing and health systems at the University
of Washington School of Nursing. "The greatest differences occur in the timing of sleep and the
amount of sleep - the factors which are most important in determining whether you will wake up
feeling rested."
Research has found that people sleep better at different times during their daily cycle. For
example, some people function better (3) … , while others feel more rested if they stay up late and
sleep in. "Many people don't pay attention to the timing of their sleep," Landis notes. "Yet delaying
or altering the time you go to sleep can have a major impact on how you feel when you wake up."
The amount of sleep the average adult needs each night also varies. Some people may be
fine with six hours sleep (4) … . Landis points out that those who follow a regular sleep schedule
are more apt to function better on fewer hours, but she adds that most adults need at least six
hours of sleep each night.
“A person's sleeping patterns aren't set in concrete," Landis stresses. Gradually altering the
timing of sleep can help change sleep patterns. An "evening person" who needs to get to work
early in the morning can try upping the time they go to bed by 30 minutes every few days. Within a
few weeks, this slow adjustment will help "reset" the internal body clock.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. he recognizes himself in it
B. while others need up to nine hours per night
C. if they go to sleep early and rise early
D. it varies greatly among people
E. if you really slept at all

2. Match the underlined words with their meaning. 6 points

A. sleep, especially comfortably and peacefully

B. lie in, sleep at the place where one works
C. slow-moving, not alert or lively

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What does a good night sleep mean?

A. A good night sleep means sleeping a lot.
B. A good night sleep refers to the amount of sleep and the timing.
C. It means that you can sleep at midnight.
D. A good night sleep is when you do not have dreams.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Does it matter how we sleep?

A. No, it does not. Everyone sleeps differently.
B. Yes, it does. A good night sleep is supposed to give us energy.
C. Yes, it does. A good night sleep means resting.
D. No, it does not. The timing and duration are not important.

3. If sleep is a behaviour like all behaviours, what determines its differences from other
A. There is no difference.
B. The difference is in timing and the duration.
C. The difference is in timing.
D. The difference is in the sleeping schedule.

5. Comment on the following statement: Many people don’t pay attention to the timing of their
sleep. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 082

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Traditional methods of teaching no longer suffice in this technological world. Currently there
are more than 100,000 computers in schoolrooms in the United States. Students, mediocre and
bright alike, from the first grade through high school, not only are not intimidated by computers, but
have become avid participants in the computer epoch.
Kids operating computers implement their curriculum with great versatility. A music student can
program musical notes (1) … . For a biology class, the computer can produce a picture of the intricate
actions of the body's organs. More commonly, the computer is used for drilling math and language
concepts (2) … at their own speed without trying the patience of their human teachers. The simplest
computers aid the handicapped, who learn more rapidly from the computer than from humans. Once
irksome, (3) … now on computer learning because the machine responds to correct answer with
praise and to incorrect answers with frowns and even an occasional tear.
Adolescents have become so exhilarated by computers that they have developed their own jargon,
easily understood by their peers but leaving their disconcerted parents in the dark. They have shown so
much fervor for computers that they have formed computer clubs, beguile their leisure hours in computer
stores, and even attend computer camps.
This is definitely the computer age. Manufacturers of computers are presently getting tax write-offs
for donating equipment to colleges and universities (4) … to obtain further deductions for contributions to
elementary and high schools. Furthermore, the price of computers has steadily fallen to the point where a
small computer for home or office is being sold for less than it used to, and every class in the country will
soon have computer kids.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. so that the computer will play Beethoven or the Beatles

B. and are pushing for legislation
C. so that youngsters may learn
D. it varies greatly among people
E. remedial drills and exercises are conducive

2. Match the underlined words with their meaning. 6 points

A. cause (somebody) to feel confused, upset or embarrassed

B. cause (time, etc) to pass pleasantly
C. make somebody feel happy or lively (usually passive)

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. How can computers improve students’ life?

A. Computers cannot improve their lives.
B. Computers can only damage their lives.
C. Computers can help students with their subjects.
D. Computers can help students choosing jobs.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. What kind of activities can someone conduct on computers?

A. Students can program musical notes, use it in Biology, and Maths.
B. Students can use computers to chat.
C. Computers can be used to store messages.
D. Computers can be used to cheat on tests.

3. What can the simplest computer do?

A. It can stay on all night.
B. It can help the handicapped.
C. It can help you watch movies.
D. It can be carried.

5. Comment on the following statement: Traditional methods of teaching no longer suffice in this
technological world. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 083

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Overeating related to tension, poor nutritional habits and food fads are relatively common
eating problems for youngsters. In addition, two psychiatric eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and
bulimia, are on the increase among teenage girls and young women and often run in families.
(1) … . These disorders are characterized by a preoccupation with food and a distortion of body
image. Unfortunately, many teenagers hide these serious and sometimes fatal disorders from their
families and friends.
Joan is fourteen years old, a bright student, and suffering from self-imposed starvation.
(2) … . Anorexia means "without appetite," and nervosa means "of nervous origin." One morning six
months ago Joan looked at herself in the mirror and decided she needed to lose a few pounds. She
presently weighs 81 pounds and is in the hospital where she is undergoing psychiatric treatment and
being fed intravenously.
(3) … . Joan is a typical anorexic - an adolescent girl who refuses to eat for the purpose of
rebelling against the pressures imposed upon her by the adult environment. Family members - sometimes
the mother, sometimes the father, sometimes both - require her to achieve more than they have in
their lives. In her mind, school unites with her family to push her forward. (4) … . Instead of growing
into a mature woman, she holds back her physical growth by self-imposed starvation. In fact, she
regresses to childhood, to the stage when she lacked curves, no one expected much from her, and she
was dependent upon adults who gave her love and approval without demanding anything from her in
Anorexia nervosa, formerly not recognized as a disease, has become common among
adolescent girls. Today the cure is prolonged treatment by a psychiatrist who initiates discussion among
family members and the patient to determine the causes and ways to eliminate them in the future.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Submissive for years, what does she finally do?

B. These two eating disorders also occur in boys, but less often.
C. Why has she ruthlessly starved herself nearly to death?
D. It varies greatly among people
E. She has anorexia nervosa.

2. Match the underlined words with their meaning. 6 points

A. needing support from somebody

B. continue doing something in a determined way
C. fashion, interest, preference, etc, that is not likely to last

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What does Anorexia mean?

A. It means too much food.
B. It means that you are thin.
C. It means without appetite.
D. It means no sugar.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Why do teenagers become anorexic?

A. They become anorexic when they starve themselves.
B. They become anorexic when they eat a lot.
C. They become anorexic when they become concerned about their body.
D. They become anorexic when they stop eating.

3. Are these two disorders, anorexia and bulimia, easy to spot?

A. Yes, if you go to the doctor.
B. Yes, if teenagers notice they loose weight.
C. No, because teenagers do not talk about them to their parents or their friends.
D. No, because they do not go to the doctor.

5. Comment on the following statement: Anorexia nervosa, formerly not recognized as a disease,
has become common among adolescent girls. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 084

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

As everyone in America knows, (1) … I've lived in this city for many years with a 'green
card’ as a Permanent Resident Alien. The Immigration and Naturalization Service is calling in
green cards as ancient as my own; an officer at J.F.K. gave me an appointment to visit the I.N.S.,
downtown. (2) …, in Federal Plaza, and a couple of hundred others (with 'appointments') were
lined up beside a shabby hedge to enter a door on the side. In front and in back of me, people
clutching instruction sheets like my own ('Go Directly to Third Floor Info Area, Room 3-120')
shuffled forward by inches. The streets beyond the hedge were lined with photograph-and-notary
joints and legal offices ('Green Cards’ 'Todos los Servicios,' Translations $35 and Up'). Camp
followers in grimy petticoats, these establishments serve and depend on the bureaucracy; the
same anxious, humble, never-ending crowd flows through them all, wearing tracks in the linoleum
and rubbing corners off the desks.
(3) … , waving a sheaf of Photocopies. The baby strapped to her chest wore a look of
astonishment; his spiky tussock of blue-black hair wafted up. One by one, we went in - passing
under the arch of the detector, with its sign informing us that our weapons would be confiscated
and not returned. On the X-ray, the contents of my bag looked unfamiliar, like a cache of bones. (4)
… . I had no depth, no past, no city; I was Applicant among a thousand such, trapped in eternal
anterooms. When the elevator disgorged us - the woman in a sari; the dazed Old Country grandma
leaning on a young man's arm; the Hispanic moppet in scarlet frills - Room 3-120 was felt as a
muffler roar.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. The morning of the day he named, six or seven hundred people were patiently waiting at the
front doors of the Jarvis Building
B. you can be a New Yorker without quite being an American
C. My identity aching out as well
D. A young Chinese woman rushed past us
E. there where we are in the future

2. Match the underlined words with their meaning. 6 points

A. surprise and bewilder
B. additional item that is not essential for something but makes it more decorative
C. to be carried lightly and smoothly through the air

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Is it an easy process to get the permanent resident card?

A. Yes, it is very easy.
B. No, it is not very easy, because it takes a long time.
C. Yes, it is very easy, because the Americans welcome you quickly.
D. No, it is not very easy, because the Americans are racists.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. What institution is calling in the green cards?

A. The police department.
B. The I.N.S.
C. The hospitals.
D. The district police.

3. What kinds of people are there predominant in the lines?

A. The Romanians.
B. The Mexicans.
C. The Spanish.
D. The Bulgarians.

5. Comment on the following statement: You can be a New Yorker without quite being an
American. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 085

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Among the augurs indicating that there have been rosier periods of history to live in than
the last quarter of the 20th century is the fact that everywhere these days is somewhere else. (1)
… . Say you fall off your bicycle and hobble round to your local hospital. You may depend upon it
that you will find a big sign advising that there is no casualty department and recommending that
you try another hospital on the other side of town. (2) … . It is probably now an old people's home,
to accommodate the folk who were in the almshouses until they were pulled down to make way for
a new supermarket which replaces the one that used to be in the High Street before it became a
home computer centre. The library is in the old town hall. The town hall staff are in the new civic
centre, except for the planning department which is in the old library. (3) … . The vicarage, now
known as the Old Vicarage, houses only a retired civil servant, who writes letters to The Times.
The new police station is on the site of the old brewery. Few things are certain in this age of
anxiety, but of one thing you may be absolutely sure. If you pass an old building that looks like a
school, and which has the legend 'School' hewn into the stone, you may take it that it is no longer a
school but a used furniture depository.
You think I exaggerate? (4) … . It announces that the Greenwich Observatory is to be
moved from Herstmonceux Castle in West Sussex to Cambridge University (which at the moment
of writing remains in Cambridge). These cannot be good times to be a postman. Everywhere being
somewhere else seems exclusively a British convention. If you go to France or Italy or even to
America, with its not entirely deserved reputation for demolishing buildings almost before they are
finished, you will find, by and large, that the school is in the schoolhouse, the fire brigade in the fire
station and the mayor in his parlor, and that even if all's not well in the world, at least you know
where it is.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Then look over my shoulder at the newspaper clipping on my desk

B. You can be a New Yorker without quite being an American
C. Check before you do this
D. Do not look for the vicar in the vicarage
E. You may have noticed this

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. Is it easy to find places when you need them?

A. Yes, it is very easy, because there are lots of signs.
B. No, it is not very easy, because there are no signs.
C. No, it is not very easy, because the old buildings have other locations.
D. Yes, it is very easy, if you use the taxi.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Who complains about the multitude of misplaced buildings?

A. All the people who need to find a location.
B. Only those who look for a hospital.
C. The postman.
D. The author.

3. Is it the same in any other country as far as buildings are concerned?

A. No, it is not the same everywhere.
B. Yes, it is the same.
C. It is even worse.
D. It is not the same in England.

5. Comment on the following statement: Even if all's not well in the world, at least you know
where it is. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 086

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Emotionally it will make little difference whether Europe is a single market, an enormous
shopping centre (more likely), or a row of stalls up the Goldhawk Road. Half my London friends,
after all, are still coping with the trauma of being made 081. (1) … . When I do not give money to
the homeless youths in the doorways, I console myself with a warm glow from the parcel soap and
stockings I sent to a family of graphic designers in Warsaw which, incidentally, was pretty
European of me. (2) …, that I am somewhat doubtful of the whole notion, not least because I'm
fed up with being told that. The community, some of my elders would have me buy not something
which we need to learn about, is a great institution which once held the country together and has
now crumbled away.
They did not need youth television, social workers or personal hygiene products in a range
of five fragrances. People were so much lovelier to each other, (3) … . You knew your neighbour.
And did that include newly arrived members, gentlemen who preferred other gentlemen and
women who became mothers without managing to be wives first?
Now society at large tolerates a wider range of behaviour. But communities still demand a
deal of conformity as part of the membership price. At best, this means losing the nice black
passport. At worst, it involves giving up those parts of your identity considered too 'odd' for the
comfort of everyone else. It is a 'sense of community' which obliges a poor old person to fill
endless official charity envelopes rather than face handing them back empty to their friendly local
collector. (4) … , horticulturally, it's cool to be square.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. they were practically another species

B. It requires wildlife-loving gardeners to slash rambling hedges because all the others have right
angles and
C. But that's OK, since we all know we are citizens of One World.
D. Do not look for the vicar in the vicarage
E. The reason I do not mind not feeling part of my community

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What does it mean to be a part of the community?

A. It means you have to be like the others.
B. Communities demand a deal of conformity as part of the membership price.
C. It does not mean anything.
D. It means to fight at command.

2. What is the community?

A. It is a great institution which once held the country together.
B. It is a group.
C. It is a society.
D. It is a part of spending the time.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. What is the meaning of ‘a sense of community’?

A. It means to participate into all their meetings.
B. It means that the best can be leaders.
C. It means that the community obliges a poor old person to fill endless official charity
envelopes rather than face handing them back empty.
D. It means to get into the group and be there for the worst moments.

5. Comment on the following statement: Now society at large tolerates a wider range of
behaviour. But communities still demand a deal of conformity as part of the membership price.
(100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3-4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 087

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The class system survives because everyone seems happy with the lot. The upper classes
take pride in their genuine or pretended eccentricities, (1) …, and the lower classes sit happily in
front of the box watching darts, or staring at the big *bosoms on page three. The Italian worker
sees a beautiful car and says, ‘I’d love to have it', the British worker dismisses it: 'Rich man's stuff'.
His British counterpart hates every minute of it and longs to be back where he belongs, with his
friends at the pub. (2) … but they are always on the go, restless and busy; in Great Britain they are
quiet and contented: they like things to be as they have always been.
There is no doubt that the British are obsessed with their past: a new museum opens every
week. It is a world record but not something to be really proud of: while the rest of the world
manufacture goods, they produce tradition. (3) … . Margaret Thatcher herself met with opposition
every time she wanted to introduce anything new. It happened with the pound coin replacing the
note, with the new yell, telephone boxes instead of the traditional red ones, and with European
passport taking the place of the old British one.
The trouble with this courteous and educated nation comes when courtesy and education
are not there. The British are not the same people when they are drunk, when they get angry,
when they become fanatical. In the old days those 'qualities' helped them to win wars. Now
drunkards, thugs and fanatics all go to football matches and we know full well what they are
capable of. (4) … . The middle class itself is reaching new depths of depravity, with the increase in
child abuse cases and sex crimes.

* bosom: the human chest and especially the front part of the chest

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Socially, these people belong to the middle and the lower classes
B. Many have protested against this tendency to turn Great Britain into one huge museum
but to no avail.
C. In Italy people are apprehensive
D. the middle classes delight in looking at their well mown lawns
E. The reason I do not mind not feeling part of my community

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. How does the class system survive?

A. The class system survives because everyone seems happy with everyone and
B. It survives because the people are content and they do not argue.
C. It cannot survive for long.
D. It will always survive, because the nations are together.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. What’s the British counterpart in the text?

A. The Americans.
B. The British.
C. The Italian.
D. The Romanian.

3. Is Britain an educated nation?

A. Yes, it is.
B. Yes, it is, but educated nations can have problems when courtesy and education are
not there.
C. No, it is not.
D. It is, but sometimes the people behave differently.

5. Comment on the following statement: The trouble with this courteous and educated nation
comes when courtesy and education are not there. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 088

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

In many young people’s homes, the TV is a constant companion. Two-thirds (63%) live in
homes where the TV is usually on during meals, and half (51%) live in homes where the TV is left
on most of the time, whether anyone is watching it or not.
(1) … . Television programs can inform, educate, and entertain. As a result of the
Children’s Television Act of 1990, broadcast networks now show at least three hours of
educational programming each week. (2) … . Whenever you see this icon on the screen, you can
know that the show is more likely to offer some educational benefit to your family - and you might
want to take a closer look. VCRs and DVRs (digital video recorders, which allow you to record from
your television to a hard drive–based digital storage system) can be used to preview shows to
ensure they are what you want your child watching. (3) … , or to save your favourite adult
programs until after your child is in bed.
Many parents are concerned about their young children watching television programs that
have content more suitable for older children, or about their older children watching programs that
are more suitable for adults. Parents need to be aware that many programs may contain language
they do not approve of, violence, sexual innuendo, or discussions about sex. Consider making the
rule that there will be no televisions in bedrooms. If your child has a television in his or her
bedroom, it is much more difficult for you to know what he or she is watching. The advertising and
marketing industry is becoming increasingly sophisticated in the ways it tries to influence
consumers, including children. Rather than watching television commercials, mute the
commercials and use that time to talk to your child about the program. (4) … .

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Television programs can serve as windows into different cultures and different parts of the world
B. What is going on in the story?
C. They also allow you to watch with your child those shows that are on when you are at work
D. Educational and informational programs are often identified by an E/I icon in the corner of the
television screen
E. The reason I do not mind not feeling part of my community

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. When does television have a bad influence on kids?

A. It can have a bad influence on kids when the parents allow them to watch what
they want.
B. It has a bad influence on kids when they watch it continuously.
C. It can have a bad influence on kids when parents allow them to watch certain
D. It cannot have bad influences.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. What can be done to decrease the negative influence of television?

A. Parents should not allow their kids to watch television.
B. Parents should turn off the TV when they are not at home.
C. Parents must have no TVs in their homes.
D. Parents must set some rules for their kids’ television programmes.

3. Why do families watch television?

A. Because they are bored.
B. Because television can influence them.
C. Because television offers them a way of spending time together
D. Because television is a form of entertainment and it can open the door to different
areas of life.

5. Comment on the following statement: In many young people’s homes, the TV is a constant
companion. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore
SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 089

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Figures released this week underline the sense of decline: the estimated share of worldwide
record sales by UK artists fell from 25 per cent in 1985 to 15 per cent in 1993. Remember the
British motor-cycle industry? (1) … . British industry? It can't be happening again, can it?
(2) … The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Elton John, Culture Club and Duran Duran cut the
balance of payments deficit by millions. British record company earnings are still enormous. But the
proportion earned abroad is falling. Worse, like the British car industry in the Seventies, (3) … : the
Clapton, the John, the Collins, the Stewart. The most recent new product that had any serious
sales abroad was the Michael in 1988, and it is presently off the road undergoing a complete
“People had grown accustomed to the fact that since the Beatles, Brit artists had dominated
the white rock field throughout the world,” (4) … , editor of the Guinness British Book of Hit
Singles. “Some of us thought as long ago as the mid-Eighties that there was no reason why it
would always be so. Even then the decline has proven swifter than even I had considered.”
Meanwhile in Europe, a market traditionally gorged on British and American staples, local
acts are accounting for a bigger share of their home *turf. Musicians no longer feel obliged to sing
in English. In Germany, the growing mood of nationalism is manifested in German lyrics being
more prominent in the charts. And it is no longer laughable for Europeans to export their talents to
Britain: Dutch, Swedes and Icelanders frequently infiltrate our Top 20, calling themselves 2
Unlimited, Ace of Base or Bjork and proving as adept with computers as British recording artists.
* turf: an artificial substitute for grass

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. Television programs can serve as windows into different cultures and different parts of the world
B. The British film industry?
C. our best-selling models overseas are approaching obsolescence
D. says Paul Gambaccini
E. Pop music has been a buoyant export earner for Britain for 30 years.

2. Explain the underlined words. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the
text. 6 points

1. What’s the estimated record sale in Britain?

A. It is 40%.
B. It has fallen down from 25% to 15%.
C. It has increased from 25% to 15%.
D. It is OK.

2. Why is British music world so popular?

A. British record companies are still enormous.
B. They are known for the Beatles.
C. They are known for the Rolling Stones.
D. All of the above.
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. Is English used to promote songs everywhere in the world?

A. Yes, because English is universal.
B. Songs go better this way.
C. Musicians no longer feel obliged to sing in English.
D. Musicians use it as it is melodious.

5. Comment on the following statement: Musicians no longer feel obliged to sing in English.
(100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 090

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

As educators return to class this fall, so will a generation of middle and high school
students more digitally sophisticated than ever before. Where are kids logging on, and what can
we do to ensure responsible online behaviour while still harnessing their passion for the Internet?
Sitting at a table in the computer lab at the Prospect Sierra Middle School in El Cerrito,
Calif., munching a sandwich from a brown-bag lunch, Emily, a seventh-grader, is filling me in on
Neopets, (1) … Her classmate Mariko, who has a Web site of her own, seems unimpressed. "It's
basically a walking advertisement," she offers wryly. The rest of the students at the table share
their Internet horror stories. “(2) …,” says Matt, a sixth-grader who spends about half an hour
online daily. Alyse, an eighth-grader with eight Instant Messenger screen names, puts it differently:
"I hate the Internet. It's a mess," she says, (3) … All the kids at the table agree that chain letters
and Internet hoaxes are "creepy."
Welcome to the world of teens online, (4) …, casually visiting chat rooms (although most
dismiss them as stupid), or disabling a cookie that the latest digital music site has surreptitiously
placed on their hard drive. This level of tech sophistication is not just a phenomenon among upper-
middle-class kids like those I talked to at Prospect Sierra.
(Amy Poftak, Net-Wise Teens: Safety, Ethics, and Innovation)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. the new opportunities for knowledge and communication offered by the Internet.
B. a site where she goes to create virtual pets and mingle with other pet owners in the fictional
land of Neotopia.
C. a digital generation that's comfortable tossing around terms like spam and broadband
D. I went to a chat room just to check it out, and now I get thirty pieces of junk mail a day
E. recounting how she unintentionally found herself at a neo-Nazi site while trying to gather
information on the Holocaust

2. Match the words in bold with their meaning. 6 points

A. controlling and using the natural force or power of something

B. information that a website leaves in your computer so that the website will recognize you when
you use it again
C. eating something noisily

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. What does the author feel the impact of school on the use of the Internet should be?
B. What do the comments of the students prove about their knowledge of the Internet?
C. How do the students feel about computers and the Internet?

5. Comment on the impact of the internet on young people. Start from the sentence: This
level of tech sophistication is not just a phenomenon among upper-middle-class kids like those I
talked to at Prospect Sierra. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 091

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time, (1) …, I was at some so-called fashion
shows. Two of them were prefaced by perfume adverts (nice to know even the designers now
admit that no one actually buys the clothes any more), one of which, from Emporio Armani, starred
Beyoncé; the other, from Gucci, was directed by David Lynch. Well, thank heavens, I couldn't help
but think. I've been so worried about those two, not getting any work these days and all. (2) …
As the god that was Bill Hicks said, the first day you advertise something you lose the right
to have an opinion on anything, for the rest of eternity. Look, I'm not some breast-beating idealist
(too painful, and I bruise easily): yes, fashion, like a lot of the world, depends on advertising - or, to
be precise, on the money that advertising brings. (3) … But somehow I suspect that concern about
keeping prices down for the masses isn't the foremost motivating force that makes Scarlett sign
away her dignity to Louis Vuitton, or Penelope Cruz to L'Oréal, or Sienna Miller to Pepe jeans - and
this isn't even mentioning the seemingly endless array of celebrities flogging their personal scent,
a symbolic emblem of modern celebrity that Bret Easton Ellis would struggle to better.
(4) … but I'm thinking a tasty combination of avarice and vanity are out on the playing field,
two qualities needed to be a celebrity in the first place but that seem to have swollen to a feverish
degree here.
(Hadley Freeman, Celebrities and fashion advertising, The Guardian)

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. If it weren't for adverts, much of fashion would be even more expensive than it already is.
B. What a relief they've found some way to stay off the bread line.
C. It's annoying enough when celebrities complain about people daring to ask for their autograph,
D. in a land called Two Weeks Ago
E. Maybe I've eaten a big plate of crazy for lunch today

2. Give the synonyms of the words in bold. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. In the witer’s opinion, what is the role of advertising?

B. What does Bill Hicks mean when saying that “the first day you advertise something you lose the
right to have an opinion on anything, for the rest of eternity”?
C. What does the author think about celebrities?

5. Comment on the following statement: A tasty combination of avarice and vanity are two
qualities needed to be a celebrity. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 092

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Last week I saw an advertisement for a brand new product that completely sold me - and
then completely unsold me - in a matter of seconds. The ad was a full page one in a newspaper;
the product was a svelte, sleek new touch screen mobile phone by Korean electronics giant LG.
But it wasn't its svelteness or sleekness and touch-screenness that attracted me, but a line of copy
that put the phone momentarily on my early Christmas shopping list: "a 5.1 megapixel camera".
Five megapixels! (1) …
You see, I have a mobile phone. I need a mobile phone. I can't do without a mobile phone.
(2) … But having started a website with a picture gallery and a blog, I now look at the world as a
photo-opportunity and need a decent camera in the pocket of my jeans as well. The solution?
Upgrade to the new LG phone. Sold.
And then I saw the name of the phone. The LG Viewty. Yes, Viewty. View plus beauty.
Viewty. Even if this is the best phone in the world, and by all accounts it's pretty close, I just can't
buy something called the Viewty. (3) …
Do names matter? You bet they do. (4) … It can tell you the product's proposition, purpose
and positioning; it can give the product credibility, humour, quality, accessibility, exclusiveness. It
can't kill a product but it can hinder or help its success.
(Naresh Ramchandani, Named and shamed, The Guardian)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. A name is like a condensed piece of branding and advertising all in one.

B. That many pixels plus a seriously snazzy lens equals one serious camera.
C. I asked a shop assistant at Carphone Warehouse if the name wasn't just a little bit silly.
D. A mobile phone has a permanent place in the pocket of my jeans.
E. It's too ridiculous, and ridiculous on too many levels.

2. Give the antonyms of the words in bold. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. Why did the new mobile phone impress the author so much?
B. What made him change his mind?
C. Why does the author think names are so important?

5. Comment on the following statement: A name is like a condensed piece of branding and
advertising all in one. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 093

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

You recycle for England, fill your shopping trolley with organic groceries and cycle
everywhere, but how green is your money? A new study claims that when it comes to bank
accounts and savings, "most ethical consumers don't live up to their principles".
It adds: "While they regularly recycle and are happy to pay more for ethical products, like
fair-trade coffee and organic food, (1) …
"Instead, green-minded consumers seem to be willing to deposit their money with banks
they recognise may be financing projects that harm the environment or supporting other
undesirable practices.
The report by psychologist Professor Alex Gardner claims somewhat provocatively that
these people's "greenness" "may be more superficial than they think". Professor Gardner identified
several main reasons: a perceived lack of ethical banking products and services out there, not
enough information, (2) …
Following the near collapse of Northern Rock, some consumers will be nervous about
handing their cash to a smaller, non-household name organisation. (3) … which operates an
ethical policy based on the concerns of its customers. This week the Co-op Bank launched a new
credit card called "think", which offers a lower rate of interest for designated ethical purchases via a
link-up with partners including Ikea, cosmetics firm Lush, green electricity company Ecotricity,
bikes giant Raleigh and fair trade organisation Traidcraft.
The first time the card is used, the bank will arrange for half an acre of Brazilian rainforest
to be bought and protected in the customer's name. (4) …
(Rupert Jones, Put your money where your mouth is: bank accounts, The Guardian)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/phrase which you do not need to use.
4 points

A. Also, for every £100 spent on the card, 25p will be donated to the charity Cool Earth, which
protects rainforests.
B. The main (only?) green name on the high street is the Co-operative Bank,
C. Ecology building society offers a range of ethical savings accounts and green mortgages.
D. "financial reasons" (for example, they want to enjoy the higher interest rates that non-ethical
providers often pay), and apathy.
E. they ignore their basic values when it comes to banking choices.

2. Give the synonyms of the words in bold. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. According to the text, what is green money?

B. What are the reasons for people’s superficial “greenness”?
C. How does Co-op Bank encourage people to become more “green”?

5. Comment on the following sentence: A new study claims that when it comes to bank
accounts and savings, "most ethical consumers don't live up to their principles". (100 words)
4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 094

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Only a cynic would say that fashion designers are trying to squeeze more money out of us
by marketing sunglasses for winter. (1) … and certainly not why several companies are advertising
their sunnies in the December issue of Vogue.
"They are very much a year-round seller now," says Phoebe Cobb from opticians David
Clulow. "People are more aware of the damage the sun can do, (2) … It has the celebrity
endorsement because lots of celebrities are pictured in sunglasses. Also, it's an 'entry level'
designer product. You might not be able to afford a £1,000 Chloe handbag but you might be able
to buy a £150 pair of Chloe sunglasses."
There are lots of reasons why sunglasses are handy during the colder months. The sun is
lower in the sky and the angle can result in glare. (3) …
However, the danger in wearing sunglasses year round is that you will end up being
ridiculed for it, like Bono (who even wears his indoors, which is never acceptable in summer or
winter). In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, he explained that it was because his eyes
were sensitive. (4) …
The brilliantly eccentric fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld has one very valid explanation why
he is never seen without his sunglasses. "I cannot go out without something for my eyes," the
ponytailed fan-carrying skinny 18th century throwback said, "because someone might throw
chemicals in my face." Of course, Karl.
(Emine Saner, Sunglasses for winter: the latest hard sell, The Guardian)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/phrase which you do not need to use.
4 points

A. but I think it's more that they want to look cool.

B. They are also perennially useful as a hairband, for when you want to appear mysterious and for
the morning-after Walk of Shame.
C. At the shows, lots of designers showed sunglasses with their autumn/winter collections.
D. And that he was vain.
E. It is so obviously not a way for them to grab a slice of the £270m we spend on sunglasses every

2. Give the synonyms of the words in bold. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. Why do people buy sunglasses all year round?

B. According to the text why are sunglasses useful during the winter?
C. What are the disadvantages of wearing sunglasses all year round?

5. Comment on the following sentence: Only a cynic would say that fashion designers are trying
to squeeze more money out of us by marketing sunglasses for winter. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 095

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

A growing number of reports such as the Pew Internet & American Life Project and
UCLA's "Surveying the Digital Future", as well as a broad sampling of preteens and teens I spoke
with, support the conclusion that they possess a high level of tech sophistication. The Internet has
become their place to try on new identities, to gather information for play and school, to gossip
with friends. And while traditional activities such as sports, TV, and "hanging around" show no
signs of disappearing, (1) …
The new opportunities for knowledge and communication offered by the Internet are
undeniably exciting, (2) … On the one hand, kids are discovering new avenues for finding
information, for socializing, for experimenting with different personas, and for gaining important
technology skills they'll need for their futures. At the same time, we've all heard the stories of
inappropriate and sometimes even dangerous experiences the Net potentially opens up for
children: (3) …
Regardless, (4) …, it seems naive and shortsighted for educators to separate this
technology from the way students learn and teachers teach. The challenge lies in how to strike a
balance between ensuring students' safe and responsible behavior, and allowing them the freedom
to explore new places and learn in creative, innovative ways.
(Amy Poftak, Net-Wise Teens: Safety, Ethics, and Innovation)

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. as the Internet, with all of its possibilities and contradictions, increasingly becomes a regular
part of preteens' and teens' daily routines and communication patterns
B. but with them come a raft of concerns for adults.
C. so will a generation of middle and high school students more digitally sophisticated than ever
D. the Internet as a presence in their lives still represents a titanic change from all that's gone
E. pornography, hacking, copyright infringement, and online bullying, to name a few.

2. Give the synonyms of the words in bold. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. What do preteens and teens use the Internet for?

B. What does the author tell us about the traditional ways of spending free time?
C. What does the author mean by “experimenting with different personas”?

5. Comment on the following statement: It seems naive and shortsighted for educators to
separate this technology (the internet) from the way students learn and teachers teach. (100
words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 096

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

There was a time when all the employees of Microsoft would hold an annual gathering in a
Seattle stadium for a gigantic bonding exercise. "I love this company," they would chant. And well
they might love a company that had made many of them very rich. (1) … Money, they would have
insisted, was far from their thoughts. They loved Microsoft for itself, for its creativity, for its service
to the world, and for its cosy egalitarian ethos.
So it is with Google, the latest wealth-spewing monster of the internet. Its two young
founders - Larry Page and Sergey Brin - are each worth around $20bn, much the same as Saudi
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, (2) … But unlike him, they don't have private jets, Rolls-Royces, yachts
or any of the other pointless accoutrements of the super-rich. Page and Brin each own nothing
more flashy than a modest Toyota Prius, the environmentally virtuous hybrid car.
Like the other princes of Silicon Valley, they don't show off. (3) … Theirs is a world of jeans,
sneakers, Starbucks, and girls-next-door.
Bonnie Brown, the former masseuse employed by Google to knead the backs of its
engineers, made millions of dollars by cashing in her Google stock options. (4) …, she is giving
away most of her money through a charitable foundation she has founded.
It is estimated that stock options have created about 1,000 multimillionaires among Google
employees, but they are cleverer than the Saudis. They know that money can't bring happiness,
but that virtue can. It is, of course, much easier to be virtuous if you are very rich.
(Alexander Chancellor, The Guardian)

1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate
sentence/group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of
words which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. for them to talk about money or to be caught checking the stock price.
B. who is ranked by Forbes magazine as the 13th richest person in the world.
C. But they certainly would not have admitted that they loved it for that reason.
D. They are eager to appear unpretentious and affect to like simple things.
E. But while she has bought herself a larger house

2. Match the words in bold with their meaning. 6 points

A. the set of ideas and moral attitudes that are typical of a particular group;
B. to repeat a word or phrase again and again;
C. something that consists of or comes from a mixture of two or more other things.

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. Why did the employees of Microsoft love the company?

B. How do the founders of Google differ from the Saudi Price?
C. How does Bonnie Brown use her newly achieved fortune?

5. Comment on the following statement: Money can't bring happiness, but virtue can. It is, of
course, much easier to be virtuous if you are very rich. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 097

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

The girls in this sixth grade class in East Palo Alto, California, all have the same access to
computers as boys. But researchers say, by the time they get to high school, they are victims of
what the researchers call a major new gender gap in technology.
Janice Weinman of the American Association of University Women says, "Girls tend to be
less comfortable than boys with the computer. (1) … for problem solving, to discover new ways in
which to understand information."
After re-examining a thousand studies, the American Association of University Women
researchers found that girls make up only a small percentage of students in computer science
classes. (2) … And they use computers less often than boys outside the classroom.
The instructor of this computer lab says he's already noticed some differences. Charles
Cheadle of Cesar Chavez School says, "Boys are not so afraid they might do something that will
harm the computer, (3) …”
Six years ago, the software company Purple Moon noticed that girls’ computer usage was
falling behind boys. Karen Gould says, "The number one reason girls told us they don't like
computer games is not because they're too violent, or too competitive. (4) …”
The sponsor of the study says it all boils down to this, the technology gender gap that
separates the girls from the boys must be closed if women are to compete effectively with men in
the 21st century.
(CNN San Francisco Reporter Don Knapp, Computers and Girls)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/phrase which you do not need to use.
4 points

A. whereas girls are afraid they might break it somehow.

B. Girls consistently rate themselves significantly lower than boys in their ability and confidence in
using computers.
C. Purple Moon says it found what girls want, characters they can relate to and story lines relative
to what's going on in their own lives.
D. Girls just said they're incredibly boring.
E. They use it more for word processing rather than

2. Give the synonyms of the words in bold. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in 50 about words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. Why do girls feel less comfortable with computers than boys?

B. How do girls rate themselves?
C. Why don’t girls like computer games?

5. Comment on the following statement: The technology gender gap that separates the girls
from the boys must be closed if women are to compete effectively with men in the 21st century.”
(100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 098

Read the following text and complete the tasks.

Academic thieves beware. While the Internet has placed a wealth of research papers at the
fingertips of students, a new Web site could help professors catch plagiarizers red-handed. Some
students actually research and write their term-papers the old-fashioned way. (1) …
To prevent collegiate copycats, two graduate students at the University of California at
Berkeley have devised a program that compares a student's submission with every other term-
paper on the Web. "We essentially search a hundred million Web pages on the Internet, interfacing
with the top 20 search engines," said John Barrie. “(2) …”
Teachers who sign up can send their students' papers to the Web site. The originality of
the work, or lack thereof, becomes painfully clear within 24 hours. "We code every sentence that
was a word-for-word match with another sentence, either contained on the Internet or within our
database," Barrie said.
David Presti, a U.C. Berkeley professor who teaches neurobiology, told his class he would
use the program. (3) … “We ran all 300 papers through the program and found 45 of them, or 15
percent of students, had cut and pasted significant amounts of material from various World Wide
Web sites without citations," Presti said.
Students falsely accused can have the opportunity to defend themselves. They can show
the instructors "that indeed they haven't got their material from the Internet or some other source,"
Barrie said: “(4) …“ Some students welcome the Internet research watchdog, considering it a way
to level the academic playing field.
(CNN San Francisco Reporter Don Knapp, Internet Watchdog Could Stop Collegiate Copycats)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. "I think it's justified academically. Plagiarizing is wrong," one said.

B. Competition is tough at prestigious universities like U.C. Berkeley.
C. We also compare that with our local data base of term papers.
D. Others, however, just copy fake ones off the Internet and turn them in as their work.
E. Undaunted, numerous students plagiarized anyway.

2. Give the antonyms of the words in bold. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. What is the purpose of the program designed by the graduate students at the University of
B. How can teachers use this program?
C. What was the reaction of the students who knew their professor would use the program?

5. Comment on the following sentence: To prevent collegiate copycats, two graduate students
at the University of California at Berkeley have devised a program that compares a student's
submission with every other term- paper on the Web. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 099

Read the following text and complete the tasks.

It often appears that we have more to gain by speaking than by listening. One big
advantage of speaking is that it gives you a chance to control others' thoughts and actions.
Whatever your goal – to be hired by a prospective boss, to convince others to vote for the
candidate of your choice, or to describe the way you want your hair cut – the key to success seems
to be the ability to speak well.
Another apparent advantage of speaking is the chance it provides to gain the admiration,
respect, or liking of others. (1) … Offer advice, and they'll be grateful for your help. Tell them all
you know, and they'll be impressed with your wisdom. But keep quiet – and you think you'll look
like a worthless nobody.
Finally, talking gives you the chance to release energy in a way that listening can't. (2) … In
the same way, you can often lessen your anger by letting it out verbally. It is also helpful to share
your excitement with others by talking about it because keeping it inside often makes you feel as if
you might burst.
Although it's true that talking does have many advantages, it's important to realize that
listening can have advantages, too. (3) … And what better way is there to have others appreciate
you? As for controlling others, it may be true that it's hard to be persuasive while you're listening,
but your willingness to hear others out will often encourage them to think about your ideas in
return. Like defensiveness, listening is often reciprocal: (4) …
(Ronald Adler, Neil Towne, Looking Out Looking In)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. If you are both a good speaker and a good listener, the sky is your limit.
B. When you're frustrated, the chance to talk about your problems can often help you feel better.
C. Tell jokes, and everyone will think you're a real wit.
D. Being a good listener is one good way to help others with their problems.
E. You get what you give.

2. Give the synonyms of the words in bold. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. What are two advantages of knowing how to speak?

B. How are the people who don’t talk much perceived?
C. How can talking influence the way we feel?

5. Comment on the following statement: It often appears that we have more to gain by speaking
than by listening. (100 words) 4 points
Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului
Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008

Proba E/F
Proba scrisă la Limba Engleză
L1 - Intensiv 3 - 4 ore

SUBIECTUL I ( 30 puncte) Varianta 100

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Psychologist Diana Baumrind has studied the effects of three major styles of parenting. See
if you can recognize the styles she describes.
Authoritarian parents enforce rigid rules and demand strict obedience to authority. Typically
they view children as having few rights but adult-like responsibilities. (1) … ("Do it because I say
so.") The children of authoritarian parents are usually obedient and self-controlled. But they also
tend to be emotionally stiff, withdrawn, apprehensive, and lacking in curiosity. Children whose
parents are critical, harsh, and authoritarian often become self-absorbed adults. (2) …
Overly permissive parents give little guidance, allow too much freedom, or don't hold
children accountable for their actions. Typically, the child has rights similar to an adult's but few
responsibilities. (3) … ("Do whatever you want.") Permissive parents tend to produce dependent,
immature children who misbehave frequently. Such children are aimless and like to "run amok."
Baumrind describes authoritative parents as those who supply firm and consistent
guidance, combined with love and affection. Such parents balance their own rights with those of
their children. They control their children's behavior in a caring, responsive, nonauthoritarian way.
("Do it for this reason.") Effective parents are firm and consistent, not harsh or rigid. (4) … This
style produces children who are competent, self-controlled, independent, assertive, and inquiring.
(Dennis Coon, Introduction to Psychology)

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. In general, they encourage the child to act responsibly, to think, and to make good decisions.
B. These parents are confident, sociable and reliable.
C. The child is expected to stay out of trouble and to accept, without question, what parents
regard as right or wrong.
D. Rules are not enforced, and the child usually gets his or her way.
E. They also have higher rates of violence and drug abuse.

2. Give the antonyms of the words in bold. 6 points

3. Sum up the text in about 50 words. 10 points

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 6 points

A. What is the impact of authoritarian parents on children?

B. What is the impact of permissive parents on children?
C. What is the impact of authoritative parents on children?

5. Comment on the following statement: Effective parents are firm and consistent, not harsh or
rigid. (100 words) 4 points

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