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Day -6| morning| 6:03 am

Starting Date-17/March/2020

 Observation: for bowel movement and eating habitsToday I woke up at 4:10am,but for bowel
movement around 4:30am ,the stool was easy to pass (normal),but there is little bit acidity
(acute 1) ,and there was slight pain (greater than 0 and less than 1) after that I started browsing
on internet about jam and jest cutoff ,after 5:10 go for second bowel movement ( just for
satisfaction) but no waste come out it just a satisfactory move that all for bowel movement
related info for today here comes the call of nature today third bowel movement at around
9:00am condition is normal , easy to pass no sign of acidity (0) , the condition of today is quite
different .Reason unknown (may be due have over eating or may be due to had pasta.
 Now comes to the eating habits
 Breakfast at 5:35 am ,I now it’s quite early but it’s ok , so, in breakfast I ate 1 apple
(small) , 3-4 banana .after having my breakfast I just feel slight acid in my body as I
reported in previous point the problem still continue (slight or we can say acute with
little rise in temperature in my stomach and telling little bit hungry at moment , so that
all for breakfast part may include some more item in breakfast after I will reach at home
.so next reporting time evening breakfast, I know the reporting time but the condition
change a bit may be I will have to go for bowel movement after getting to home.
Feeling little pressure in my gall bladder . Now around 9: 30 am I should be at home
after getting home in breakfast I had 4-paratha, and aloo- gobhi (sabji),2 glass of
buttermilk and 3-4 coconut ball. That’s it in my breakfast.
 Now comes the Lunch around 1:30 pm I had my lunch into which I had 1 bowel of
dal(Malkha masur) and 300-400 gm rice and one chapti, 1 glass of buttermilk and 3-4
coconut ball and that’s All I had in my lunch ( pain – 0)
 Evening breakfast(not done) because I had full stomach not bloated no pain(0) that’s all
for now next reporting time before bed.
 Dinner: around 9:15pm had my dinner I bowl of bindi payaj and 6-5 chapati and 2 glass
of water with 4-5 slice of cucumber salad and ½ glass of buttermilk.thats all for today
 Moment of the day or point or we can say the activity of today
Let’s start with the situation while travelling.
Travel goes well but between this period of time I felt shameful or a awkward situation
arises suddenly ,all started when I bought 1 pack of baked gram pea mixed with sugar
chunk ,here the situation start , when I was trying to open the packet ,I just apply too
much force when the pack open almost half of the packet get scattered on the ground
and after few moment later my mobile phone fall from my lap and fall on the couch
ground, when all this happen all co-passenger of my couch staring at me like I have
committed a crime by open to it . So that’s all for now ,if any thing happen I let you know
. Good bye for know nothing interesting happen just come home play pubg , buy fruit ,
gosip ,now I go to bed at 9:40pm feeling tired ,good night
Undersign- d-dash

Day -6| morning| 6:03 am

Starting Date-17/March/2020

Observation: for bowel movement and eating habits

 Today I woke up at 5: 45 am , and go for bowel movement around 5:50am the movement was
normal , pain (1) no sign of acidity pain in upper left part of stomach ,after bowel movement I
fell hungry like hunger going to break my stomach( that’s only to say) the reason behind the
pain may be travel or cycling or may be some other reason the second bowel movement around
7:30 am. Condition was normal no pain(hunger continue).This is third bowel movement of the
day pain (0) but have pain in back
 Breakfast , today I have my breakfast around 8:00 am into which I had 1 apple ,6 banana and 2-5
grapes and 4-5 coconut ball and 1 plate of namkeen rice and some piece of fried salted
maakhane and 1 piece of balushahi (contain saturated fat/unsaturated fat ,and wheatfloar)
 Lunch- time for lunch around 12:50pm having 1 bowl of curry(besan), and around 1/2 kg of rice
and 2 chapati , 1 glass of water add 1chapati that’s all in lunch no sign of pain.
 After lunch I think that I didn’t had nothing to eat oh! I got it I ate coconut ball around7-8 pain in
stomach arises little bit (1) or gas generated in my stomach that’s all for now
 Evening breakfast around 4:12pm I had 1 bowel of namkeen and a cup of coffee and that’s all in
evening breakfast
 In evening I suffered from slight fever 99.7f and had started pain in my stomach (3) my stomach
become bloated (tight)
 In all these period of time I drunk a glass of cold drink (maza) , the pain still continue (3).
 Now comes the dinner part but just before dinner I had 1apple ,now the dinner around 9:00 pm
I had my dinner , I had 1 bowel of bottle ground veg and 6 chapati ,and some piece of
raddish(white) in salad ,the pain still continue(2). That’s all for today eating habits

Around 10:00 I went to bed . [GOODNIGHT]

Undersign -D DASH

Day -7| morning| 6:21am

Starting Date-18/March/2020

Observation: for bowel movement and eating habits

 Today I wake up at 5:45am in the morning after 10 min go for 1 st bowel movement feeling no
sign of pain (0) ,today I took longer time to go for stool pass but just only 10 min (quite unusual
from last days) after bowel movement I suffered pain in my stomach (2) but the pain converted
into hunger after few moment later and with slight pain(1-2 maybe) . That’s all for now
 Breakfast – I had my breakfast around 9:00 am into which I ate 1½ apple and 6 bananas and
that’s all I had in my breakfast. Pain (0-1)(not exactly pain but feels like hunger)
 After bank round I had some snacks for which include 2 (potatoes and onions)paratha and a cup
of tea.
 Now the lunch part – after bank round and snacks I had my lunch around 2:15pm into which I
had 2 bowl of aloo mhethe veg and 6 chapati with a glass of raayata (carrot and green chili)
(spice-2-3) and 2½ glass of water that’s all I have in my lunch[ pain(0) ],but still little bit
hungry.after lunch any thing
 Evening breakfast –(Time5:15pm)In my evening breakfast I have 1½ balooshahi , and 1 bowl of
namkeen(same as). That’s all I have in my snacks, pain(less than 1) and again start feeling hungry
after eating . But there another problem started having little bit problem while breathing have
little pain chest area (A)
 Dinner -I had my dinner around 9:00pm into which I had 1 bowl of aloo gobhi and 6 chapati.
There was little bit pain in stomach pain(2). And that’s all for dinner
Good night
Undersign D-Dash

Day -8| morning| 8:21am

Starting Date-19/March/2020

Observation: for bowel movement and eating habits

 Good morning today I woke up at 3:30am go for bowel movement feeling pain in stomach (3)
before passing the stool and feeling more pain while passing the stool and after passing the
stool pain scale (4-5) .Now the second bowel movement around 7:15 am normal pass but again
pain in stomach but this time less (2-3) only while passing the stool after that all was good till
 Breakfast- around 8:30am into which I had 1 pomegranate and 5 banana and 2baaloshahi and
around 11:00am I had mehti paratha and a cup of tea.
 Lunch- around 1:00 pm I had my lunch into which I had 1 bowl of aloo matar ,6 chapati and 1
glass spice buttermilk.
 Evening breakfast -in evening breakfast I had 1 bowl of namkeen chat and 1 coconut ball
 Dinner – around 9:10 pm I had my dinner into which ate 6 -7 chapati and 1 bowl of ladyfinger
and onion veg.(bhindi)

Now comes the problem part after eating balooshahi pain in stomach started 4-5 ,the remain
throughout the day till I went to bed for relif I use 1 pack of ENO and after dinner a walk of 5 min
and drink 1-2spoon of lemon and after all these I elevated my leg with support of pillow which
help me a lot .
That’s all for today
Undersign D-Dash

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