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1.-María = she 6.

My parents =
2.- My brother = 7.- The woman =
3.-My dog = 8.- The boy =
4.- Tom and Sue= 9.- the school =
5.-Pepe and I = 10.- My classmates and I =
Exercise 3.- Completa con el pronombre personal correcto ( I, you, he, she, it, we , they) o el posesivo
correcto (my, your, his, her, our , their) (8 points)
Hi! ______ am a student. ______ name is Carlos. I have one sister. _______name is Isela. ________ is a

student, too. ________ are Mexican. _________ house is in Poza Rica. And this is my friend Tomas.

________ last name is Garcia. _________ is from Alamo.

Sustituye el sujeto por el pronombre personal correspondiente.

1 Tom is playing football
____is playing
2 Tom and Mary are playing football
___are playing football
3 Mary is playing football
___is playing football
4 The dog is playing football
___is playing football
5 Mary and I are playing football
___are playing football
realice oraciones con los pronombres
Jaime ___________________________________
Belen, andres and I___________________________________
Miguel, ángel and Carlos______________________________
The dog________________________________
1. ___ am happy. (Yo estoy feliz)
2. _____ am a good student. (Yo soy un buen estudiante)
3. ____ are honest. (Tú eres honesto)
4. ____ are very smart. (Tú eres muy inteligente)
5. ____ is in Europe. (Él está en Europa)
6. ____ is sad. (Él está triste)
7. _____ is my cousin. (Ella es mi prima)
8. _____ is my mother in law. (Ella es mi suegra)
9. ____ is a good movie. (Es una buena película)
10. _____ is cold today. (Hoy hace frío)
11. ____ are brothers. (Nosotros somos hermanos)
12. _____ are teachers. (Nosotros somos maestros)
13. _____ are very serious. (Ustedes son muy serios)
14. _____ are very tall. (Usted son muy altos)
15. _____ are sisters. (Ellas son hermanas)
16. ______ are married. (Ellos están casados)

How = cómo
Usamos how cuando la respuesta es una manera de hacer algo.
Why = por qué
Hacemos la pregunta con why cuando queremos saber la razón de algo. Así, se contesta muchas veces
con la palabra because
When = cuándo
Usamos when cuando la respuesta es un momento en el tiempo.
What = qué
Usamos what cuando la respuesta es una cosa o actividad
Who = quién
Usamos who cuando la respuesta es una persona. Para más, echa un vistazo a mi artículo sobre whose,
who’s y whom, que son palabras parecidas

Q:-------- do you live with? Q: -------- is that?

A: I live with my brother. A: It’s a hammer.  (hammer  = martillo)
Q: --------- is that woman? También hay otras frases con what:
A: She’s my cousin. Q: ------ time is it? (¿Qué hora es?)
Q: -------- is on the phone? A: It’s 11 o’clock.
A: Sylvia is on the phone.
Q: ----------do you work?
Q: ------ do you have in your bag? A: I work in the city center.
A: I have a sandwich. Q: ---------- is Mary?
Q: -------- do you do in your free time? A: She’s at work.
A: I do sport. Q: ------------ are you going?
A: I’m going to the train station. Q: ---------- isn’t she here?
Q: ---------- are you from? A: Because she’s at work.
A: I’m from Guadalajara, a city in Mexico. Q: --------- are they leaving?
A: Because they have to catch the bus.
Q: -------- is the concert? Q: --------- are you going to the doctor? 
A: It’s tomorrow. A: Because I feel sick.
Q: --------- do you start work?
A: I start at 9. Q: ---------- do you spell “penguin?”
Q: ---------- are you going on holiday? A: P – E – N – G – U – I – N.
A: Next week! I’m really excited. Q: ------- do you get to work? (En este caso get =
Q: ---------- is the meeting? ir, llegar)
A: It’s next Friday. A: By bus.
Q: -------- do I turn on the computer?
Q: -------- are you sleepy? A: You just push this button.
A: Because I got up early this morning.

Patrick told (Chelsea)_______ a compliment.

 Me
 Her
 You
2. Howard bought ice cream for (Lenny and Johnny)_______.
 Her
 Him
 Them
3. My dad gave _____ a car for my graduation.
 Them
 Her
 Me
4. Daniel asked (David)________ for a book. He needs to study for the test.
 You
 Him
 Her
5. Your mom sent _______ money to buy some food.
 Me
 Them
 You
6. Our grandpa used to read a book for _______ before going to bed.
 Us
 Him
 It
I am helping ____ brothers
She is cleaning ____ sofa
I am making ____ bed
He is watching one of ____ videos
I enjoy ____ English classes
I am washing ____ car
I am waiting for ____ 

I am doing ______ homework = Estoy haciendo su tarea

I am writing ____ biography = Estoy escribiendo su biografía
She is in ____ bedroom = Ella esta en su cuarto
We are fixing ____ car= Nosotros estamos arreglando su carro
I am scanning _____ photos = Estoy escaneando sus fotos
He is fixing _____ bike = Ella esta arreglando su bicicleta
I am using ____ computer = Yo estoy usando su computadora
I am taking care of ____ dog = Estoy cuidando a su perro
____ uncle is sick = Su tío esta enfermo
____ mother is a professional chef = Su madre es una chef profesional

He is ____ father = El és nuestro padre

This is _____ house = Esta es nuestra casa
_____ car is new = Nuestro carro es nuevo
______ dog is black = Nuestro perro es negro

She is _____ girlfriend = Ella es mi novia

I am ______ friend = Yo soy tu amigo
I am not _____ enemy = Yo no soy tu enemigo
We are ______ teachers = Nosotros somos tus profesores
He is _____ classmate = Él es tu compañero de clase

They live with ______ parents: Ellos viven con sus padres
_____house is beautiful
______ books are really good
______ names are hard to pronounce = Sus libros son duros de pronunciar


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