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Name: Anmol deep Singh Date: 12/16/2022

Section: BSIT 104/CS102

Q1. What is the simplest way to create a new presentation?

ANS1: when the user launch the PowerPoint program a start screen will appear
with home new and open option. The user have to press esc to open blank
presentation . thus starting with the black presentation is the easiest way to
create a new presentation.

Q2. What is meant by “the presentation is not formatted”?

ANS: the phrase “ presentation is not formatted means that the presentation
don’t have design like background design, any color or inserted picture.
Therefore it is easy to write the text on presentation that is not formatted. We
can also say that “ not formatted presentation is blank presentation.

Q3. Discuss briefly how you can ensure that the correct font for
your presentation is always available no matter which
computer you open the presentation on?

ANS: if the user wants to make sure that the font he/ she utilized while writing
the text is available in every computer he/ she wants to open the presentation.
For this the user have to embed the font in the presentation while saving the
presentation. It means that the font is installed permanently in the particular
presentation that the user saved.

Q4. What is the disadvantage of embedding fonts?

ANS: the only demerit of embedding the font in the presentation while saving it is
that it will make the size of the file larger because it includes the data of the font
embedded in the presentation but the using the option “Embed only the
characters used in the presentation” can reduce a little bit of size.

Q5. How is a Template defined in the context of PowerPoint…

ANS: A template is a usable designed model presentation file with colored

background, font, layout and other design aspects.

Q6. What is the difference between a Theme and a Template in

the context of PowerPoint?

ANS: template is a whole file with layouts, background style, themed color,
themed font and other style.
Theme is part of template and combination of setting such as color, font, and
bullet graphics but a theme doesn’t have many theme’s in it.
Template have many themes in it but theme doesn’t have many themes in it

Q7. What would be your objective when you duplicate slides?

ANS: if a user duplicates a slide all he/she trying to do is to save time, cause
rather than making the same design and write the same text again on the next
slide user can duplicate it and modify the text according to the requirement

Q8. Briefly discuss why it is very important to be careful when

deleting slides from a presentation. And what to do when you
accidentally deleted a slide?

ANS: cause unlike other software, PowerPoint do not give a option to confirm
your decision whether to delete or not. So the user should think twice before
deleting but if the user accidentally deleted the slide, there’s a undo button on
quick access toolbar, which will return the slide accidentally deleted.
Q1. Any Word document may be opened in PowerPoint and
converted to a presentation. Discuss briefly what could be an
impediment to this process…

ANS: the hindrance in converting a word document in a powerpoint is that, it

should be correctly formatted for example there should heading 1, sub heading 2
and subheading 3. Where heading 1 will be converted to slide titles and
subheadings into bulleted lists. If not structured properly it might require a bit of
touch up when converted to presentation.

Q2. Discuss briefly what the objective of reusing slides is about…

ANS: on the home tab there a button called new slide and when the user click the
drop down arrow a option comes at the bottom “reuse slides” so rather than
making the same slide again user can reuse the slide. Some organizations have
premade slides in their file servers so that their employees can save time rather
than creating the same slide

Q3. Briefly discuss what a Slide Library is…

ANS: a function on a share point server that permits those who create
presentations and distribute them with each slide preserved as an individual file
so that others may repurpose slides on a single individual
Q4. The first time you access the slide library, you must type the
URL in the Folder Name box; after that, the location defaults to
that same library Discuss briefly what the highlighted
statement means…

ANS: once the user click the resuse slide option a slide library will appear at the
right side where the user can put the particular name url or folder name. when it
is entered a preview box below will locate the slide or file and display it for use .

Q5. Referring to importing text from another source, what is a tab


ANS: tap stop are the open on the ruler to make sure the text typed or imported
don’t go beyond the set tab stoppers or it the point where the insertion of text
will be stopped. With tab stops, powerpoint inpterprets that the order of those
paragraphs should be the opening sentence, which serves as the slide title.

Q6. Referring to printing a presentation, when you change to a

different print layout, Print Preview reflects the change… what
is the meaning of the highlighted phrase?

ANS: when the user click the file tab and there it clicks print option ,it opens
print options where user can choose different print options like grayscale mode,
pure black and white and colored. While choosing from these option the print
preview reflects how the slide will looks while printed and what changes will be
done to slide when they choose that option

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