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Week 2 – Unit 4

John Paul G. Solano

Activity 1

Activity 2

I do not agree with the legalization of LGBTQ+ marriage. Yes, I do accept LGBTQ+
society but there is a limit to it, respecting and accepting them as what and who they are
as a person. It doesn’t matter if they do things they wanted to as long as they do not

cause anything bad to the society. But agreeing to their marriage is a no for me, let us
just be happy if they are also happy. But if that will make them happier to agree to their
marriage let us just be civil and put the matters to the higher ups. There is an existing

LGBTQ+ marriage in other country, they can get married their and come back here
eventually and act as a couple.

Week 2 – Unit 5

John Paul G. Solano

Week 2 – Unit 6

John Paul G. Solano

Activity 1

I was in my younger days around 2-3 years old when I first realized that there is God.
My family is a believer of God, they have strong faith in HIM, and because of that they
taught us to be a follower and a believer of Christ. I also experienced HIS graciousness
in everyday of our lives. There are times that HE blesses us with HIS faith and grace by
providing us our needs that we think is impossible to have. Truly that HE is real and
existing. HE provides us with everything that we needed and everything that is
necessary for us. No matter how we act we are able to feel HIS presence and love.
Others may question it but it’s okay because sometimes we are confused of how HE will
make us comfortable in life. There may be times that our patience is being tested but it
is just one way of seeing how far we can sacrifice for a better future. The patience we
have is an example of God’s love to us, it only shows that we value every moment that
we have looking at how HE can change our lives.

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