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HOBBY- Meditation

1. What is meditation?
2. Which form of meditation do you practice and what is your objective?
3. What is the impact or the benefits of meditation?
4. How often do you meditate and how long?
5. Is there any correlation between meditation and yoga , meditation and
spirituality , religion and meditation ? Are they mutually exclusive?
6. Should meditation and yoga be made a part of educational curriculum in
schools and colleges?
7. Should the Government as a policy adopt measures to inculcate such
discipline amongst the masses or should efforts to popularize them be
limited to private domain?
8. Why do you meditate
9. How this hobby will help you in civil services
10.Benefits of meditation
11.What would you do to promote yoga and meditation
12.Difference between various types of yoga and meditation
13.Difference between Meditation and spirituality.
14. Synonyms of meditation in different religions.
15.Explain the neuroscience behind meditation
16. Is it just experiential or some scientific research has proved its benefits?
17.What is meditation? If I work intensely on something with full attention, is
that meditation?
xplain different systems & their origin dhyana, Chen in China & zen in
ppropriation of Indian traditional knowledge by the west without any
cknowledgement to Indian sources e.g. patenting of yoga poses,
meditation practices
21.Lucid dreaming - yog nidra, mindfulness meditation, integral well being etc et
22.UN resolution – Yoga
23.Social ills like - drug addiction, smoking, alcohilism, anxiet
anxietyy disorders,
clinical depression. How does meditation help in these ?

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Address: Opp. Fortu
Fortune Furniture, Gurjar ki Thadi, Gopalpura
opalpura bypass road.
24.Can meditation be used to treat some of the mental disorders?
25.How are different meditation methods shaped by religious beliefs?


Note: Do not learn these answers by hard. These answers are
created only to help you frame a sentence.

1. What Is Meditation?
Meditation is surrender. It is not thinking. It is the vehicle that connects us
both with our true Self and with that which is beyond you. Meditation is
the thing that nourishes our spirit. It is the fuel for our spiritual growth
and the key for our ascent. Simply put, it is our connection with the Divine.

2. Where Did Meditation Come From?

At its roots, mediation can be traced back to ancient times. Researchers
speculate that even primitive societies may have discovered altered states
of consciousness and meditative states while staring into the flames of
their campfires. Meditation techniques can be found in Indian scriptures
dated at five thousand years old. Over thousands of years, meditation
evolved into different structured practices and styles, spreading across
Asia, its continent of origin. It was only in the 1960s and 70s that
meditation became a popular in the West. From that point, many
variations have spread across the globe

3. What Are The Benefits Of Meditation In My Daily Life?

The benefits gained from meditation include a healthy distancing from the
stressful things of life and a trust in that forces that shapes your everyday
existence. Life can be very demanding. It is important to have both the
ways and means to cope. It’s easy to get into stressful and irritable mood
thinking about the pressures of work and family life. There is also a risk of
losing focus on all the good things of life. Meditation helps you to witness
that which is stressful. It helps you to see things clearly, as if from a

Call on 809422566 for more information

Address: Opp. Fortune Furniture, Gurjar ki Thadi, Gopalpura bypass road.
4. How Is Meditation Different From Relaxation, Thinking, Concentration
Or Self-hypnosis?

Sahaja meditation is indeed different from all these techniques because it

not only relaxes us, not only enriches us with peace, joy and optimism, but
it actually transforms a human being, gradually and deeply, into a
beautiful and happy individual. This happens without great effort, thought
or concentration.

5. What Is The Best Time Of Day To Meditate?

At sunrise, early in the morning is usually the most ideal time to meditate.
At that time, one is able to feel the silence within in a complete symphony
with nature. It especially works if the person feels well rested after a good,
normal sleep. Evening is also a time of the day when we can easily bring
ourselves into meditation. In the morning, we feel the need to start our
daily routine in a comfortable way. In the evening, we want to find
relaxation after having completed our busy day. The exact best time to
meditate depends on our lifestyle, our job and the various tasks we are
dedicated to every day.

6. Should I Meditate With My Eyes Open Or With My Eyes Closed?

Basically, it is more pleasant and useful to meditate with your eyes closed.
In this way, your perception of your inner being can be more intense.
However, in case you have some unusual sensations, such as your inner
body turning around or the seeing of colours, it is highly advisable to open
your eyes. These phenomena mean you are both too much on the right or
left side and not in the centre. A quality meditation is only possible in the
central channel.

7. How Long Should My Meditation Sessions Last?

It is good to give ourselves the time we need to focus and to find that
special silence inside. To this end, it is generally best to meditate no less
than fifteen minutes. Often the full time of the meditation will not have the
same quality or depth, especially if we have never tried meditating before,
therefore fifteen minutes of quality meditation is the goal. In order to
achieve a truly meditative state, it is highly recommended to accept and

Call on 809422566 for more information

Address: Opp. Fortune Furniture, Gurjar ki Thadi, Gopalpura bypass road.
forgive the thoughts which may interfere. Then the real meditation will
take place and you will be able to enjoy.

8. Where Should I Meditate?

When you fill a space with artistic pieces, you create a beautiful room and
you feel delighted each time you step into it. Similarly, when you keep a
regular place for your daily meditation, you build a conducive atmosphere
that eases you into a meditative mood. While there is no strict rule about
where to meditate, keeping an assigned meditation area in your home is
ideal. Also, attending a group meditation at a Sahaja Yoga centre will
strengthen your state of silence. As you grow in meditation, you will find
yourself at peace no matter where you are.

9. Do I Have To Sit Cross-legged?

While sitting cross-legged on the floor for meditation is good, it is not the
only way to do it. You do not have to sit cross-legged. Sitting on a chair is
fine. Remember that you must be comfortable in the way that you are
sitting; otherwise one can get easily distracted and not be able to go into a
meditative state. The most important objective in your posture is that your
spinal cord should be fairly straight.

10. Is There Anything Difficult About Meditation?

The only generally known difficulty about meditation is how to get into the
meditative state, how to get rid of annoying thoughts. Some techniques,
such as forgiving everyone and oneself or watching the thoughts flow and
not following them, can be very helpful. Another good working method is
to listen to meditation music (such as Indian classical ragas). But when you
hear the music, listen not through the ear, but actually by way of the
Sahasrara chakra. Self-discipline makes meditation easier. The routine of
twice-daily meditation in itself makes meditation easier with each passing

Call on 809422566 for more information

Address: Opp. Fortune Furniture, Gurjar ki Thadi, Gopalpura bypass road.

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