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Name(s): Zeynep Ece Arı

Melike Akdağlı
Ali Hamza Borazan
Oğuzhan Aydemir

Unit Title
Future Jobs

Grade Level
11th Grade

2 lessons
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
During and after the lesson (Condition), 11th grade students (Audience);
- will talk about future plans and predictions with 80% accuracy on grammar.
- will make an appointment on the phone with the accuracy of 85% with the help of given
- will write CVs/Letters of intent for different job applications with 75% accuracy on grammar and
structure with the help of given instructions (Behavior and Degree).
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Pen and paper. A smartphone. An infographic. A job flyer.

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

Scaffolding. Communicative Language Teaching.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
Teacher will guide students through the writing session and supervise them during the talking practice.

Individual Learning Activities Writing a CV.

Group Learning Activities Roleplay.

Teacher will introduce concept of talking about future plans and predictions. Student will do pair work where
they practice making appointments together as a roleplay activity. Teacher will later teach students how to
write a CV/Letter of Intent. Students will do a survey about their future plans and career as a homework.

Measurement & Evaluation

All CV’s will be collected for further assessment.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for All CV’s will be collected for further assessment.
Individual Performance
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Teacher’s observations will be used to evaluate how well
Group Performance students did.
Homework (optional) Filling the survey.
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
The teacher will begin by introducing the concept of talking about future plans and predictions. The teacher
will explain that this skill involves expressing one's own plans and expectations for the future, as well as
making informed predictions about potential outcomes or events.
The teacher will provide the students with a list of common phrases and vocabulary related to making an
appointment on the phone. To practice this skill, the teacher will have the students work in pairs or small
groups to discuss their future plans by making them do a roleplay activity. Students will first look at the
infographic about making appointments and conclude the information that is necessary while making future
arrangements, such as setting the time, place etc. Then, they will take the job flyer and one student will be
the secretary working at the front desk of an imaginary company and the other will be the job seeker. They
will practice making a “meeting” together for a job interview. As a class, the teacher will have the students
share their role-plays with the group and provide feedback on their use of vocabulary and phone etiquette.

For the final activity, the teacher will introduce the concept of writing CVs and letters of intent for job
applications. The teacher will explain the importance of these documents in the job search process and the
key elements that should be included.

The teacher will provide the students with examples of CVs and letters of intent, and the students will
analyze the structure and content of these documents.

Next, the teacher will have the students work in pairs or small groups to brainstorm and create a list of their
own experiences, skills, and achievements that they could include in their CVs and letters of intent.

Finally, the teacher will have the students use this information to write their own CVs and letters of intent for
a specific job application. The teacher will encourage the students to use the examples provided as a guide
and to pay attention to proper formatting and language. As a class, the teacher will have the students share
their CVs and letters of intent with the group and provide feedback on the content and presentation.

As homework, teacher will give a survey about students’ future plans and aspirations for the students to fill
in. Teacher will provide the link for this online survey.

Contingency plan: There are no contingency plans in terms of technical problems since all of the materials
will be printed out except the survey. If students have any hard time doing the exercises, teacher will assist
them individually or as a group.

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