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Some People believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time
should be used to do more school work.

How do you think children should spend their free time?

Some would argue that children nowadays have lots of free time and think that this time should
be devoted to school. However, I do think there are other activities that should be considered
because they bring certain values to a child’s development.

Nowadays, a lot of young people engage in enrichment activities during their free time. This
practice enables an individual to develop their artistic skills. For example, there are a lot of
children enrolled in di erent short courses to learn to play musical instruments, others enjoy
dancing classes such as ballet, while some enjoy the art of painting. All of these, enable young
people to be a more well rounded individual.

Furthermore, one should consider traveling as a way to spend children’s free time. There are some
things that can only be experienced when a person leaves their hometown, and for a child, it will
be a memorable thing. Some examples of these include, interacting with people of di erent
culture, understanding their way of life, and perhaps learning to speak their native tongue. These
types of learning can make a child understand the diversity of people which becomes valuable
when a child starts to deal with other people.

Lastly, people should consider for children to just play during their free time. They are only young
once and they should be given all the opportunity to enjoy it with their parents or guardians giving
all the encouragements. For instance, children can join several sports activities such as basketball
or football, or perhaps learn some martial arts like Judo or Karate. These types of activities not
only enable children to be socially aware, but also instills discipline to their young minds.

To conclude, there are several activities that can be considered to spend a child’s free time and
this should not be limited to school work. Learning has many sides, academic is one, but other
areas need to be developed as well.

Word count: 321

Time: 40mins
Task 1:

Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your house

Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter

* explain the reasons for the noise

* apologise
* describe what action you will take

Dear Sir or Madam,

I received your letter the other day about the amount of noise that have reached your home and
others as well. I am writing to you to apologise, as well as to explain what have caused the

As you know, school have just ended and most of the students in my school are quite excited
about the summer break. Most of my close friends will be heading back to their home towns in a
couple of days, and we decided to spend some time in my at before they leave. All of us were
very happy that we passed the nal exams and got high grades for it so we decided to celebrate.
We had some drinks and party a bit loudly last night which could have caused the disturbance.

Since they will be leaving the house tomorrow, I think there should be no problem from that point
forward. I also talked to my friends earlier and all of us are sincerely sorry about the noise. To
make up for what just transpired, I can give you several tickets to a concert this coming weekend.
I have won those tickets in the university but I would not be needing it since I have other plans
this Saturday.

I hope you understand our situation. Let me know if you’re interested in those tickets, so I can
personally hand it over to you.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Brown

Words: 232
Time: 17 mins

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