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1 General introduction to fuels

Any substance that may be burned to generate heat or mechanical energy is considered a fuel.
The concept originally solely related to sources of chemical energy, but has now been expanded
to encompass nuclear and other thermal energy sources (via nuclear fission and nuclear fusion).
Any material that may be burnt to provide thermal, electrical, or nuclear energy is considered
fuel. Coal, wood, oil, and gas all produce heat when they are burnt. Some common fuels include
methanol, gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas, and hydrogen. When plutonium is oxidized, it
produces nuclear energy. Fuel economy or efficiency, as opposed to how much petrol a vehicle
consumes, is a better indicator of how far a vehicle can go. The gasoline consumption of a
vehicle is the quantity of fuel used to go a certain distance. The mileage a vehicle can cover on a
single tank of gas is measured in kilometers per liter. The efficiency with which a fuel converts
energy into useful work is what we call its fuel efficiency. Let's break down what we mean when
we talk about fuel, how efficiently it burns, and the many fuels that exist.

2 Currently use of fuel

2.1 Use in power production

 The majority of the power we use comes from fuels. When fuel is burned, it releases heat
energy, which may be captured and stored. Fuels are combustible materials, either
naturally occurring or synthetically produced. They generate heat and power when put to
use. Many different resources, including wood, diesel, coal, natural gas, gasoline, and
biogas, may be used as fuel.

2.2 Use in daily life

 Fuels are crucial to our daily lives since they are used to power our homes, vehicles, and
companies. We use a variety of fuels, including wood, coal, kerosene, natural gas, cow
dung, and other organic materials, to cook our food at home.

2.3 Use in vehicles

 Powering automobiles and locomotives on land, sea, and air may be done using any of
three fuel types: coal, diesel, or gasoline. Steam engines, for instance, may be powered by
coal. However, buses, vehicles, lorries, and aircraft all utilize gasoline and diesel as their
primary fuel sources.

3 Introduction to alcohol fuels

Alcohol is a widely available liquid fuel that may be used in place of gasoline in internal
combustion engines. Alcohol fuels are attractive because they can be produced cheaply and are
naturally occurring. Most often used alcohol fuels are methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol.
As it is widely available and has relatively mild intoxicating effects, ethanol has emerged as the
drink of choice in this society. In most cases, the expense of converting complex alcohols into
gasoline makes that option unattractive.

In principle, the engine will break down the ethanol into carbon dioxide and water. Alcohol,
however, does not burn cleanly and produces toxic byproducts like carbon monoxide and other
aldehydes. Possible chemical process (oxidation) resulting from the usage of alcohol fuels.

4 Manufacturing process of Alcohol

4.1 Alcohol from alkenes.

Although further alcohols might be produced using these methods, this is not guaranteed. The
alcohol will be converted back into alcohol using a new catalyst and other circumstances. One
terrible example of an alcohol is propene (CH3CH=CH2), which can't be converted to alcohol.
Two types of alcoholic beverages are possible in theory:

4.2 Ethanol is produced via the fermentation process.

Ethanol is the only alcohol that can be produced using this method. Besides vodka, it can't
produce any other sorts of booze. Starchy plant ingredients, such as corn (in the United States),
wheat, barley, or potatoes, are often utilized in the initial step of the process. In addition to
glucose, additional carbs may be employed. Sucrose (sugar) is one such ingredient that is often
utilized in the production of ethanol in laboratories. Carbohydrates don't get more intricate than
starch. This is completely absurd to suggest in a professional context. Refining sugar wouldn't
make sense if it was solely going to be utilized in the fermentation process. However, there is no
reason why you couldn't begin with sugar cane.

In order to begin, complex carbohydrates must be reduced to their component parts. Typically,
cereal grains like wheat or barley are cooked in water to extract their starch. The grain would be
warmed by adding malt. Malt is created when the starch in germinated barley is converted to
maltose (C12H22O11C12H22O11). The molecular structure of maltose and sucrose is identical,
however maltose has two linked glucose units whereas sucrose contains one glucose unit and one
fructose unit.

5 Properties of alcohol fuels

5.1 Physical properties

Physical state

 Most alcohols are liquid at room temperature, have no discernible odor, burn with a blue
flame, produce no smoke, and are combustible with the exception of glycerol and a few
minor alcohols.

Boiling point

 The high boiling temperatures of these liquids are a result of their viscosity compared to
other hydrocarbons. It takes 69 degrees Celsius to bring hexane to a boil, but ethanol
needs 78.29 degrees Celsius. This occurs when the alcohol hydroxyl groups inside each
molecule interact with one another to generate hydrogen bonds. The higher the amount of
carbon atoms in organic alcoholic substances, the higher their boiling point.
Act as solvent

 Many organic molecules can be dissolved in alcohol but not water, making alcohols
useful solvents for organic compounds.


 Natural alcohols have a low pH. Interaction with metals such as sodium, potassium, and
others causes a transformation. This takes place due to the polar link between a hydrogen
atom and an oxygen atom in the hydroxyl group. The acidity of primary alcohols is
higher than that of secondary and tertiary alcohols.


 Alcohols dissolve more readily in water than other simple hydrocarbons because of the
polar -OH bond. Methanol and ethanol, for instance, are both soluble in water.

5.2 Chemical properties

Dehydration of alcohol

 Alcohol may be dehydrated in an acidic media, and its combustion produces water,
carbon dioxide, and a blue flame. A process of dehydration occurs when water molecules
are removed from an object.

Conversion into alkene

 Alcohol may be converted into alkenes by dehydrating it. Alcohol is acidic, thus when it
comes into contact with metal, it turns into alkoxide.

Hydrogen gas and sodium ethoxide production

 Hydrogen gas and sodium ethoxide are created during the reaction of ethanol and salt.

Fischer esterification

 Ester is produced when alcohol and a carboxylic acid combine in the presence of a
catalyst. This procedure is known as Fischer esterification.

6 Relevance of shifting to alcohol fuels

Instead of using liquid fuels derived from fossil fuels, alcohol-based fuels offer a viable
alternative. This tendency is not going to reverse soon in Brazil and the US, where alcohol is
utilized most as a fuel. The addition of bioethanol to gasoline is becoming more common, and
Brazil is one of the most well-known countries for this practice.

7 Advantages and disadvantages of Alcohol Fuel

7.1 Advantages

7.1.1. Alcohol Fuel is Cost-effective Compared to Other Biofuels

Fossil fuels may be detrimental to the economics of most nations, particularly those in
development that do not know how to get them. Consequently, it is rational for these nations to
prioritize ethanol fuel production so they may reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and their
overall energy costs.

7.1.2. Ecologically Effective

Ethanol is an eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels. Because to the widespread usage of ethanol
fuel, air pollution is greatly reduced. To produce fuel, ethanol and gasoline are sometimes

7.1.3. Helps Reduce Global warming

The ongoing production of harmful greenhouse gases from the combustion of fossil fuels is the
primary driver of global warming (oil, natural gas, and coal). Extreme weather, rising sea levels,
and high temperatures are only some of the negative consequences of climate change. Both
carbon dioxide and water are produced during the combustion of ethanol fuel. Environmental
damage from carbon dioxide emissions is unlikely.

7.1.4. Easily Accessible

The fact that ethanol is a biofuel makes it widely accessible. Corn, sugarcane, and grains are all
examples of plants that may be used to create biofuel. Sugarcane thrives in every kind of tropical
climate. Everything from barley to maize is farmed worldwide. Corn, in fact, is a crucial crop for
many African nations.

7.1.5. Minimizes Dependence on Fossil Fuels

An inexpensive alternative to importing expensive fossil fuels like oil and gas is to use fuel
derived from biomass or grain. By converting to ethanol as a fuel source, a nation may save
substantial sums of money that could be reinvested in the economy.

7.1.6. Contributes to Creation of Employment to the Country

There will be more sugarcane, maize, and grain plantations as the need for ethanol rises. It also
implies that ethanol fuel production facilities will need to expand, leading to the creation of new
jobs. Jobs in the hospitality industry increase when ethanol is used to produce alcoholic

7.1.7. Opens up Untapped Agricultural Sector

Because ethanol fuel is derived from agricultural goods, more people will be interested in the
undeveloped agriculture sector, which will benefit the economy. The availability of ethanol fuel
is guaranteed under this legislation. The agricultural sector has thrived as a result of increased
demand for grain and cereals.

7.1.8. Ethanol Fuel is a Source of Hydrogen

Experts are always working to improve ethanol fuel so that it may eventually be used as a
sustainable energy source, despite its many drawbacks. Burns and rust in engines are two
problems that have been related to ethanol fuel. Researchers are attempting to transform it into
hydrogen so that it may be utilized more effectively. This will make it a suitable alternate source
of fuel.

7.1.9. Variety of Sources of Raw Material

Even though maize and sugarcane are the major raw materials for generating ethanol, the fuel
may be manufactured from practically any crop or plant that includes starch and sugar.
7.1.10. Ethanol is classified as a Renewable Energy Source

Creating it mostly involves capturing the sun's rays and transforming them into useful energy,
therefore it fits the definition of a renewable resource. Photosynthesis is the initial stage in
manufacturing ethanol because it helps sugarcane grow, which can later be transformed into
ethanol fuel.

7.2 Disadvantages of Alcohol Fuel

7.2.1. Requires a Large Piece of Land

We now know that ethanol is created from maize, sugar cane, and cereals. All of these vegetation
items have to be cultivated on farms. Massive production of ethanol is required in order to keep
up with the surging demand. Ultimately, this necessitates the cultivation of a vast quantity of
these crops, which calls for an equally massive area upon which to do so.

Since not everyone owns this sort of property, the only alternatives are to rent or lease, which
may add to budget expenditures. Because of this dilemma, most of the natural locations where
plants and animals reside might be gone.

7.2.2. Spike in Food Prices

Corn is a key component in the production of ethanol. A rise in maize prices due to increased
demand for ethanol fuel would increase the cost of producing ethanol. Using maize for purposes
other than fuel, such as in animal feed, is equally harmful. The cheap cost of ethanol fuel has
farmers considering growing it as an alternative to food crops, which might drive up food prices.

7.2.3. Affinity for Water

Ethanol in its purest form is a water magnet and might potentially scavenge any toxins in the air.
The same holds true for automobiles running on a combination of petrol and ethanol. Ethanol
readily absorbs water, making it challenging to get in its purest form since a trace amount of
water will always be present. In fact, several ethanol manufacturers boast that their product is
99.8 percent pure. There is now greater risk for mariners than motorists. Water settles to the
bottom of a fuel or storage tank because it is denser than the fuel it contains. Small and large
engine issues might result from this. Because ethanol absorbs water, it must be transported by
dry means such as rail or truck.

7.2.5. Difficult to Vaporize

Alcohol has higher vaporizing point. When it's chilly outside, it may be quite difficult to start a
vehicle, therefore it's common for motorists to have an emergency supply of fuel on hand. Think
about E85 autos, which use a fuel blend of 15% gasoline and 85% ethanol.

8 Alcohol fuels and climate change

When fossil fuels are burnt, they emit large volumes of the gas carbon dioxide, which traps heat
in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are what cause global warming because they trap heat in
the air. The average temperature throughout the planet has gone risen by 1 degree Celsius. If the
global temperature increases by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, it might cause the sea level to
rise, harsh weather, the loss of biodiversity, the extinction of species, food shortages,
deteriorating health, and increased poverty.

9 Future of alcohol fuels

Everyone understands that the ethanol company has problems earning money. More than twenty
ethanol plants have gone bankrupt in the previous several months, and many more have ceased
generating ethanol for a variety of financial and economic reasons. In certain circumstances, the
economic difficulty was created by challenges that all ethanol facilities had to cope with. In other
occasions, extremely big economic issues were produced by newly developed infrastructure.
Changes in the pricing of maize, which is the principal feedstock, and crude oil, which has a
large influence on ethanol prices, have harmed the industry considerably more than investors in
ethanol facilities could have predicted.

There is also a lot of economic uncertainty since constructing expenses have gone up a lot. This
has been particularly essential for ethanol facilities that have been erected in the previous several
years. The fact that older buildings have fixed expenses has helped them continue in business.
10 References

Wuebbles, D. J., & Jain, A. K. (2001). Concerns about climate change and the role of fossil fuel
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Lamy, C., Lima, A., LeRhun, V., Delime, F., Coutanceau, C., & Léger, J. M. (2002). Recent
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Sources, 105(2), 283-296.

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diesel engine. Journal of Energy Engineering, 147(4), 04021018.

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Walker, G. M. (2011). 125th anniversary review: fuel alcohol: current production and future
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