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Ecological Indicators 88 (2018) 43–50

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Biometrical measurements as efficient indicators to assess wild boar body T


David Riscoa, Pilar Gonçalvesa, , Gregorio Mentaberreb, Nora Navarro-Gonzáleza,
Encarna Casas-Díazc, Diana Gassób, Andreu Colom-Cadenab, Xavier Fernández-Aguilarb,
Raquel Castillo-Contrerasb, Roser Velardeb, Oscar Barquero-Pérezd, Pedro Fernández-Llarioa,
Santiago Lavínb, Carlos Fonsecae, Emmanuel Serranob,e,
Innovación en Gestión y Conservación de Ungulados S.L. (INGULADOS), Cáceres, Spain
Servei d’Ecopatologia de Fauna Salvatge (SEFaS), Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
GRI-BCN (Research Group on Infertility, Barcelona), Departament de Sanitat i Anatomia Animals, Facultat de Veterinária, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB),
Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Departament of Signal Theory and Communications, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Biología & Cesam, Universidad de Aveiro (UA), Aveiro, Portugal


Keywords: Body condition (i.e., the amount of the energy stored in organs and tissues) is a key parameter that has been
Biometrical measurements related with health, reproductive performance and density of wild ungulates including the wild boar (Sus scrofa).
Boosted regression trees In this wild pig, a reference method to assess body condition has not yet been agreed and different procedures
Brisket fat thickness have been used in recent literature. The aim of this work was to generate an easy and reliable method based on
Sus scrofa
biometrical measurements and with the ability to predict body fat in live or die boars. For this, a total of 207
hunted wild boar from three Spanish populations with contrasting food availability were included in this study.
Sex, age, biometrical parameters (body weight, total length and chest girth) and body condition indicators
(brisket and rump fat thickness, kidney fat index (KFI), ratio between chest girth-total length and scaled mass
index) were assessed for each animal. A boosted regression trees (BRT) approach was carried out to find models
based on age, sex and biometrical features that predicted brisket fat thickness in the studied animals. BRT models
including sex, body weight, total length and chest girth as explanatory variables were able to predict brisket fat
thickness in wild boar (68–73% of deviance explained). These models were not influenced by the location of
sampling and their predictive values showed a good agreement with real brisket fat thickness (94.1–95.6).
Predictive values obtained in BRT models from each area also agreed with food availability suggesting this is a
valid indicator of body condition of wild boar in a broad range of environmental conditions.

1. Introduction capacity to adapt their sizes in response to food intake. Extreme var-
iations in adipose tissue mass are commonly observed between under
Mammals require energy to support the costs of basal metabolism and overfeed individuals (Birsoy et al., 2013). Therefore, fat weight has
and other biological activities including growth, reproduction and been used for more than half a century to describe energetic status,
homeostasis. This energy is primarily stored in the form of glycogen and commonly known as body condition, in a broad number of animal
fat by several tissues and organs that in turn increase in weight when a species (Stevenson and Woods, 2006).
positive energetic balance occurs (Parker et al., 2009). Fat is a rich Body condition is a measure of the energy reserves of an organism
source of energy yielding twice as many calories than sugar or proteins linking individual fitness and the environment (Bradford et al., 2012).
and represents the main energy source of vertebrates (Drewnowski In wild ungulates, it has been related with nutritional status, health,
1992). The largest adipose tissue depots in mammals are the sub- reproductive performance and population density (Albon et al., 1986,
cutaneous white adipose tissue and the visceral white adipose tissue Brunborg et al., 2004, Bender et al., 2008, Couturier et al., 2009, Santos
(Driskell et al., 2014). These adipose tissues have an outstanding et al., 2013, Risco et al., 2016). Thus, monitoring body condition is an

Corresponding author at: Innovación en Gestión y Conservación de Ungulados SL. C/San Pedro de Alcántara 14, Cp:1001Cáceres, Spain.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Gonçalves), (E. Serrano).
Received 24 October 2016; Received in revised form 5 October 2017; Accepted 18 December 2017
1470-160X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Risco et al. Ecological Indicators 88 (2018) 43–50

essential tool in wildlife management to assess the population perfor- 25′ 28" N, 2° 6′ 32" E) is a massif that rises over the Barcelona
mance, and eventually, to be able to detect possible imbalances before Metropolitan Area. This is an 8000 ha protected area where forest
serious problems arise (Morellet et al., 2007, Mattiello et al., 2009). formed by aleppo pines (Pinus halepensis) and holm oaks (Quercus ilex)
Different methods based on the estimation of body fat reserves have predominates. This park has a Mediterranean climate with mean tem-
been developed to measure the body condition in wild ungulates. Most peratures about 15 °C without high variation among seasons. Food
of them are invasive methods and only measurable in dead animals, like availability at CNP is moderate once, apart from natural food resources
the kidney fat index (KFI) (Riney 1955) or the bone marrow fat (Fuller (e.g. acorns) (Cahill et al., 2012), wild boar can find a great amount of
et al., 1986). Conversely, body condition in wildlife species could be domestic rubbish in bins and many times, they are artificially fed by
also measured by means of condition indices (CIs) that aim to sum- some people (Navarro-González et al., 2013a).
marize in a single value the amount of energy reserves for a given The private hunting estate (HE) is located in Oropesa (Toledo,
structural component of the body. Wildlife ecologist have developed a central Spain) (40° 00′ 41.2"N, 5° 09′ 14.3"W). This area has a con-
plethora of CIs based on relating body mass to linear measures of body tinental thermal Mediterranean climate, with hot dry summers (26 °C to
size to assess body condition in fishes (Blackwell et al., 2000), frogs, 28 °C) and mild and moderately wet winters (7 °C to 10 °C). The vege-
reptiles, birds (Green, 2001), and mammals including wild ungulates tation consists mainly of scrubland (genus Cistus), arbutus (Arbutus
(Schulte-Hostedde et al., 2001, Serrano et al., 2008). Though these non- unedo), and evergreen oak forests (Quercus suber). The area of this estate
invasive methods are very useful to assess body condition in protected (about 2000 ha) is surrounded by a fence to prevent dispersion of the
species, CIs based on biometrical measures are difficult to interpret approximately 350 wild boar that inhabit in there. Food availability is
because of the lack of studies on the relationships between these CIs and very high in this area since animals are continuously fed with a wild
direct measures of body fat reserves (Green, 2001). boar fodder (Jabalí Familia, INALSA S.A.) that is supplied in six troughs
Regarding wild suids, Stribling and Brisbin (1984) determined that located throughout the estate.
in feral swine total body fat reserves are highly correlated with brisket
fat thickness, but not with other measures and CIs such as KFI, rump fat 2.2. Wild boar sample
thickness or body mass. Therefore, methods based on brisket fat mea-
surement could be considered interesting to estimate body condition in A total of 207 wild boar were included in this study: 62 from CNP,
closely related animals such as the wild boar (Sus scrofa). Despite this, 82 from PTB and 63 from HE. These animals were hunted between
heterogeneous methods like chest girth-total length ratio (Díez-Delgado 2009 and 2011 (animals from CNP and PTB) and 2013 (animals from
et al., 2014), chest girth-total length residuals (García-Jiménez et al., HE) in different hunting events. Sampled animals from CNP and PTB
2015), KFI (Orłowska et al., 2013) or rump fat thickness (Cánovas et al., did not show significant differences in their body condition among
2015) have been used in the latest works in which body condition in hunting seasons (2009–2011), assuming similar food productivity each
wild boar has been used as a variable. year. Animals from HE are continuously fed and not differences in body
The main aim of the present work was to generate a non-invasive, condition are expected among different seasons.
easy and reliable method, based on morphometric measurements, able Sex (124 females and 83 males) and age (ranging between one
to predict the wild boar brisket fat thickness to be used as a body month to 6.5 years) of all the animals were recorded. Age was de-
condition index. Furthermore, two sub-objectives were established: 1) termined following standard methods (Boitani and Mattei, 1992,
to assess the relationships between brisket fat thickness and some body Gonçalves et al., 2016). This parameter was used to categorize animals
condition indicators of wild boar (Fat rump depth, KFI, chest girth-total in three groups: youngs (younger than 1 year), yearlings (animals with
length ratio, chest girth-total length residuals and scaled mass index ages between one and two years) and adults (older than two years). In
(SMI); 2) to explore whether these body condition indices are asso- addition, all the animals were weighted (Bw hereafter) before being
ciated with potential food availability eviscerated (+/− 1 g) and measured with a nylon tape with a nearest
precision of 0.1 cm: total length (TI. from the tip of the snout to the root
2. Material and methods of the tail) and chest girth (Chg).

2.1. Study areas 2.3. Measuring body condition indices

This study included wild boar from two areas in Catalonia, north- 2.3.1. Brisket fat thickness and rump fat thickness
east Spain (Els Ports de Tortosa i Beseit National Game Reserve and Brisket fat thickness and rump fat thickness were determined fol-
Serra de Collserola Natural Park), and a private hunted estate located in lowing previously described procedures (Stribling and Brisbin 1984).
central Spain (Oropesa, Toledo). These study areas were selected as Briefly, we sliced through the skin and subcutaneous fat 1–2 cm to the
they represent a gradient of food availability as described below. left of the midline of the sternum, at a point about midway between the
Els Ports de Tortosa i Beseit National Game Reserve (PTB), in forelegs, and measured the brisket fat thickness with a metallic ruler to
Tarrragona province (40° 48′ 28"N, 0° 19′ 17"E) is a calcareous moun- the nearest 1 mm. Similarly we also measured the rump fat thickness by
tain region (about 35000 ha) with high orographic complexity that slicing perpendicularly through the skin and subcutaneous fat, 2–3 cm
results in a rugged and abrupt terrain with numerous ravines and steep to the left of the spine at a point about midway between the base of the
slopes. The predominant habitat in this reserve is natural pine (Pinus tail and the last thoracic vertebra (see Supplementary file 1). Rump fat
spp) grove (39%) followed by natural oak (Quercus spp) grove (15%) thickness could not be measured in animals from HE because of carcass
and its climatology is widely variable depending on the altitude with a were marketed and slicing through the skin in that area was not al-
mean temperature of 9 °C but whose range is between −9 °C in winter lowed.
and 31 °C in summer. In this area, food availability is scarce due to wild
boar sharing the limited natural resources (pastures, acorns) with do- 2.3.2. Kidney fat index (KFI)
mestic animals (mainly cattle) and no supplementary feeding is sup- KFI was assessed according to protocols previously described in wild
ported (Navarro-González et al., 2013b). boar (Orłowska et al., 2013). Kidneys together with their surrounding
Serra de Collserola Natural Park (CNP), in Barcelona province (41° fat were removed and stored in plastic bags. Once in laboratory,

D. Risco et al. Ecological Indicators 88 (2018) 43–50

kidneys were dried with paper towels and weighed (kidney mass, KM) Table 1
to the nearest 0.01 g without their capsule and attached fat. The at- Information about technical parameters (learning rate (lr) and tree complexity (tc)),
number of trees (Trees), percentage of deviance explained (% Dev) and relative im-
tached fat was also weighed (kidney fat, KF) and the KFI was calculated
portance (% RI) of the variables used in boosted regression tree models predicting brisket
as KF/KM (%). This parameter could not be estimated in animals from fat thickness in wild boar. Results are presented for the sum of the three studied areas and
HE and hence, it was calculated in 154 out of 207 animals studied. per area (Ports de Tortosa i Beceit National Game Reserve (PTB) and Collserola Natural
Park (CNP) from northeast Spain and private hunting states (HE) from central Spain). Bw:
2.3.3. Body condition indices based on body measurements body weight with viscera, Chg: Chest girth, Tl: total length.

Several body condition indices were calculated based on body Proposed variables Parameters Trees % Dev % RI
measurements. A ratio between chest girth and total length (Ghg-Ti
ratio), and residuals from an ordinary regression between chest girth Animals from three studied areas
and total length (Chg-Ti residuals) were calculated. Furthermore, we Bw + Chg + Tl + Sex + Age* Lr = 0.005 1050 0.73 Bw = 46.5
Tc = 2 Chg = 29.7
estimated the scaled mass index (SMI) of each animal. Scaled mass
Tl = 12.4
index is a method to estimate body condition based on the regression Sex = 11.3
between body mass and a body linear measure (total length in this case)
Bw + Chg + Sex Lr = 0.005 750 0.70 Bw = 55.2
with a statistical modifications based on central principle of scaling to Tc = 2 Chg = 32.5
solve conceptual problems generated by residual approaches (Peig and Sex = 12.3
Green, 2009). Bw + Tl + Sex Lr = 0.005 1100 0.72 Bw = 71.3
Tc = 2 Tl = 14.9
2.4. Statistical analysis Sex = 13.08

Chg + Tl + Sex Lr = 0.004 950 0.68 Chg = 56.5

2.4.1. Relationships between brisket fat thickness and other body condition Tc = 2 Tl = 30.9
indices Sex = 12.6
In order to assess the agreement between most commonly body PTB
condition indices used in wild boar (rump fat thickness, KFI, Chl-Tl Bwt + Chg + Tl + Sex + Age Lr = 0.005 1050 0.76 Bw = 52
Tc = 3 Chg = 16
ratio, Chg-Tl residuals and SMI) and the brisket fat thickness, we ex-
Age = 13.2
plored the correlation between each index and this fat measurement. Tl = 10.7
Spearman coefficient was used to evaluate correlations, which were Sex = 8.1
considered significant when p-values were less than 0.05. CNP
Bw + Chg + Tl + Sex + Age Lr = 0.003 950 0.65 Bw = 33.1
2.4.2. Depicting effects of food availability in body condition indices Tc = 3 Chg = 30.9
The association between the previously mentioned indices (brisket Tl = 23.6
Age = 6.7
fat thickness, Ch-Tl ratio, Ch-Tl residuals and SMI) that could be esti-
Sex = 5.7
mated in all the studied areas and the food availability was tested
comparing average values of these parameters among populations using
Bw + Chg + Tl + Sex + Age Lr = 0.003 950 0.63 Bw = 40.1
Kruskal Wallis test (parametric assumption could not be accepted). Post Tc = 3 Chg = 20.7
hoc analyses using the Nemenyi test were also carried out to find out Sex = 19.2
groups showing significant differences. Differences in body condition Age = 11.1
indices among populations were assessed in each age group separately Tl = 9

because of fat tissues development is not constant during animal growth

* According 10-fold cross-validation technique used to fit models, age was not included
(Chesworth et al., 1998). Tendency to accumulate fat rises with the age in final model.
of the animals (Chesworth et al., 1998) and hence, age class should be
taken into account when comparing fat reserves among animals.

2.4.3. Predicting brisket fat thickness technique (Hastie et al., 2009).

Statistical approaches based on the boosted regression trees (BRT) Subsequently, to evaluate the influence of single or multiple ex-
was used to predict brisket fat thickness (response variable) in wild planatory variables in brisket fat thickness prediction, sequential
boar using morphometric measurements (Bw, Tl, Chg) and individual models were build following a similar procedure and removing one or
factors (sex and age) as explanatory variables. more of the initially proposed variables (see Table 1). Once all these
BRTs are based on the idea of adaptively combining large numbers models were obtained and optimized, predicted values of fat thickness
of relatively simple tree models to optimize predictive performance for each animal were calculated and compared with real thickness using
(Elith et al., 2008, Hastie et al., 2009). This method has been widely the Bland-Altman method (Bland and Altman 1999).
used to generate predictive models in ecological and biological studies Finally, because models proposed in this work to predict brisket fat
(Elith et al., 2008, Gonçalves et al., 2016) and it is a useful tool to deal thickness are based on morphometric features and these features may
with common problems related with ecological data such as multi- change among wild boar living in different areas (Herre, 1986), three
collinearity (Dormann et al., 2013). BRT models (including all the explanatory variables) were run using
In a first step, an initial model using all the explanatory variables animals from each population separately. Results obtained were com-
proposed to predict brisket fat thickness (Bw, Tl, Chg, sex and age) was pared to validate the goodness of fit in the three studied areas. All the
fitted following described procedures. Briefly, two free parameters statistical calculations were carried out in R software 3.3.3 version
(“learning rate” and “tree complexity”) were fixed following standard (Team 2017) and the packages “gbm” (Ridgeway 2013) and “Blan-
criteria (Elith et al., 2008). The number of trees, the estimated deviance dAlmantLeh” (Bernhard 2015).
in the final BRT model and the final number of explanatory variables
included on it, were calculated using a 10-fold cross-validation (CV)

D. Risco et al. Ecological Indicators 88 (2018) 43–50

Table 2 parameters were significantly higher in HE (high food availability) than

Spearman rank correlation between the different indices used to assess body condition in in PTB (scarce food availability) in animals belonging to all age classes.
wild boar and brisket fat thickness a proxy for body fat in wild boar.
Furthermore, in some cases significant differences were detected be-
Method r R2 p value tween mean values obtained in HE and CNP or in values observed in
CNP and PTB (see Fig. 1). Otherwise, no significant differences were
Fat rump depth 0.90 0.81 < 0.001 found between Chg-Tl residuals and SMI among populations.
Kidney Fat Index 0.61 0.37 < 0.001
Chg-Tl ratio 0.44 0.19 < 0.001
Scaled Mass Index 0.16 0.03 0.003 4. Discussion
Chg- Tl residuals 0.21 0.04 0.52
Results obtained in this work show that BRT modelling based on
biometrical features is an easy and effective method to assess fat re-
serves in wild boar. In fact, the combination of a set of morphological
measurements explains between 72 and 68% of the observed variability
3. Results in the brisket fat thickness. Furthermore, their predictive values show
an agreement with real brisket fat thickness of about 95%, which is
3.1. Relationships between brisket fat thickness and other body condition considered an acceptable percentage when comparison between
indices methods is carried out (Bland and Altman, 1999).
Brisket fat thickness was used as response variable to run BRT
After exploring correlations between brisket fat thickness and dif- models (and no other body condition indicators such as KFI) since it is a
ferent body condition indices we observed that most of our biometrical measure of the subcutaneous white adipose tissue (SWAT). In swine,
indicators namely: rump fat thickness, KFI, Ch-Tl ratio, Ch-Tl residuals body weight increments are directly related to SWAT increases
and the SMI, showed a significant positive correlation with brisket fat (Hammond and Murray, 1937; Richmond and Berg, 1971; McEvoy
thickness explaining between 81% and 3% of its observed variability et al., 2007) and thus, SWAT thickness can be used as a proxy for body
(see Table 2). reserves and individual performance. Furthermore, brisket fat thickness
is the only indicator that has been empirically correlated with body fat
3.2. Prediction of brisket fat thickness with BRT models reserves in feral swine that are closely related to the wild boar (Stribling
and Brisbin, 1984).
After carrying out the BRT modelling process using all the ex- Brisket fat thickness showed a significant correlation with some
planatory variables proposed (Bw, Chg, Tl, sex and age, (see Table 1), methods recently employed to assess body condition in the wild boar,
we obtained a final brisket fat predictive model that was fitted ex- mainly with rump fat thickness (r = 0.90) and KFI (r = 0.61). The high
cluding the variable “age” and showed an explained deviance percen- correlation between brisket and rump fat thickness is not surprising
tage of 73%. The contribution of each explanatory variable can be since both are SWAT depot measures (Driskell et al., 2014). On the
graphically observed in Fig. 2. Briefly, Bw and Chg had the greatest other hand, KFI, as an indicator based on visceral white adipose tissue
influence (46.5% and 29.7% respectively) showing a positive correla- (VWAT), correlates worst with brisket fat thickness. VWAT represents a
tion with brisket fat thickness. Total length and sex had relative im- much smaller amount than the other major fat depots (SWAT) and re-
portance of 12.4 and 11.3% respectively. Greater brisket fat thickness mains relatively constant. Therefore, its ability as body condition in-
was observed in females comparing to those observed in males. dicator is more limited. Low (3%) and null correlation was found be-
BRT models after removing one, two or three of the explanatory tween brisket fat thickness and SMI and chest girth-total length
variable proposed (Bw, Tl or Chg) explained a percentage of deviance residuals respectively. A plausible interpretation for these results is the
between 72% and 68% (see Table 1). The relationship between brisket fact that SMI consistently standardize the size of animals (Peig and
fat thickness and explanatory variables was similar than those observed Green, 2010). In our case size is related to fat reserves as revealed by
in the original model, which included all the variables. the correlations between ratios on size measurements (e.g., Chg-Tl
Predictive BRT models proposed showed an agreement with real ratio) and our fat indicator. On the other hand, the lack of correlation
brisket fat thickness between 94.1% and 95.6% (Fig. 3). The model in between the Chg-Tl residuals and brisket fat thickness may be justified
which all the variables were included (Bw, Chg, Tl and sex) showed an for a violation of any of the assumptions required for considering mass-
agreement of 94.63% (A) similarly to the model in which the variable size residuals as measures of body condition (Green, 2001).
Tl was removed (B). The highest agreement (95.6%) was obtained using In addition, brisket fat thickness showed an agreement with the food
the model in which the variable BW was removed (C) whereas the least availability of each studied area, suggesting that it is a valid tool to be
agreement was observed in the model in which Chg was not included used as a nutritional status indicator. Brisket fat was higher in areas
(94.1%) (D). with greater food availability when animals belonging to the same age
When BRT models including all the explanatory variables were run class were compared.
by areas (CNP, PTB and HE), we obtained three models explaining a When predictive BRT models were run using animals from each of
percentage of deviance between 76% and 63%. In all of these models the three areas separately, they were able to predict brisket fat thick-
the most influent variables were Bw and Chg, reaching between 68% ness in all the studied areas in a similar way (percentage of deviance
and 61% of the relative importance within the models (see Table 1) and explained between 76% and 63%). Furthermore, the relationship be-
always showing a positive correlation with the response variable tween explanatory variables and the response variable was coincident
(Fig. 2). in these areas suggesting that the model obtained using all the animals
is widely applicable and their predictive results are not influenced by
3.3. Depicting effects of food availability in body condition indices morphological differences that could exist among wild boar populations
(Herre, 1986).
Brisket fat thickness, brisket fat thickness predictions (by BRT) and BRT modelling has enabled us to develop different models that,
the Chg-Tl ratio showed significant differences among populations in all using easy-measurable biometrical features as explanatory variables,
the age classes (young, yearling and adult). Mean values of these are able to predict accurately the brisket fat thickness as a body

D. Risco et al. Ecological Indicators 88 (2018) 43–50

Fig. 1. Mean values obtained using different body

condition indices in three study areas with different
food availability: scarce (PTB), medium (CNP) and
high (HE). Results have been divided by age classes:
young (up t 12 months), yearling (between 13 and
24 months) or adults (older than 25 months).
* = Significant differences between HE and PTB.
** = Significant differences between HE and PTB
and between HE and CNP. *** = Significant differ-
ences between HE and PTB and between CNP and
PTB.**** = Significant differences between HE and
PTB, HE and CNP and between CNP and PTB.

condition indicator in the wild boar as summarised in Fig. 4. Further- based on such models (see Supplementary file 2).
more, BRT modelling has enabled us to generate electronic resources Explanatory variables proposed (Bw, Tl, Chg, sex and age) to predict
for wild boar managers who can introduce their own data (sex, chest brisket fat are easily measurable in both dead and live animals. Thus, to
girth, total length, body weight) and obtain a brisket fat estimation explore nutritional status of wild boar populations, we can obtain these

D. Risco et al. Ecological Indicators 88 (2018) 43–50

Fig. 2. Partial Dependence Plots (PDP) showing the marginal effect of each explanatory variable on the response variable (brisket fat thickness), considering the average effect of the
other independent variables. PDP were obtained in models using all the studied animals, and also using exclusively animals from each of the three studied areas.

parameters in hunting events in which a representative percentage of (Massei et al., 2015) and this species has become one of the most im-
the population is hunted, or in farms where weighting and measuring portant game species in many countries, including in Spain. Many wild
wild boar is feasible. Furthermore, proposed models that do not include boar populations live in fenced estates and are fed with supplemental
all the explanatory variables have also shown a good agreement with food routinely. In this scenario, managers need validated tools to assess
real brisket fat thickness. In fact, information about sex, Tl and Chg the nutritional status of these animals in order to avoid the deleterious
could be enough to work out accurate predictions on brisket fat in the consequences of overabundance. On the other hand, studies focused on
wild boar. These measurements could be estimated using wild boar monitoring free-ranging wild boar using GPS trackers (Zoetis, 2009;
photographs taken in long distance or by camera traps, as has been Müller et al., 2013) need to assess body condition of marked animals
described in other mammals (Lambert et al., 2012; Willisch et al., before relies. We hope that this work will help researchers to easily
2013). assess body condition in live boars not only in previously mentioned
Assessing body condition using easy-measurable methods in the situations but also in further scenarios where the body condition as-
wild boar could bring important management implications. In recent sessment by no-invasive methods would be required.
decades wild boar populations have increased notably around the world

D. Risco et al. Ecological Indicators 88 (2018) 43–50

Fig. 3. Bland-Altman plots showing the agreement between real

brisket fat thickness and the predictive values obtained by BRT
models using a different set of explanatory variables. X axis re-
presents the difference between observed brisket fat thickness and
the predicted value. Y axis represents the mean of the observed
and the predicted brisket fat thickness.

Fig. 4. A) Biometry measurements considered in this study: Total

length (Tl), chest girth (Chg). *Tl was measured from the snout to
the base of the tail following the dorsal contour of the animal. B)
Table summarizing the biometrical parameters required for as-
sessing body condition (fat accumulation) of wild boars. The first
three models (A, B, C) require to know the weight, and eventually
the age, of wild boar. The last model does not require to know
neither the weight nor the age of individuals. The prediction error
(%) and the R script required for calculations (see supplementary
file 2) have also been shown.

Acknowledgements References

D. Risco was supported by a Torres Quevedo Grant of the Ministerio Albon, S.D., Mitchell, B., Huby, B.J., Brown, D., 1986. Fertility in females red deer
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postdoctoral program of the Gobierno de Extremadura (Ref PO14024). Bender, L.C., Cook, J.G., Cook, R.C., Hall, P.B., 2008. Relations between nutritional
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Appendix A. Supplementary data Boitani, L., Mattei, L., 1992. In: Spitz, F., Janeau, G., González, G., Aulagnier, S. (Eds.),
Aging Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa) by Tooth Eruption. Ongules/Ungulates 91. SFEPM-
IRGM, Paris-Tolouse, pp. 419–421.
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online version, at G.R., Brownell Jr., R.L., 2012. Leaner leviathans: body condition variation in a

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