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Objectives of dye it

Our service “dye it” provides an easy solution to some of the problem people are facing even after so
much advancement in technology. With all these advancements we easily buy things online of order food
within a few minutes, but there are few necessary things which are still offline and required our time and
money, among which dying clothes is one the leading problems.
We usually dye clothes ones in month or three months, but this small issue waste our precious time as
well as our money which include transport charges to go from home to shop even if you need to dye a
single dress. Therefore, we came up with an idea of dye it where we provide online services to the
costumers who are facing issues related to dying their clothes, our aim is to provide easy, inexpensive and
reliable service to our customers as well as fast and safe delivery of their products.
We took an initiative to provide online dying service to the costumers which can be less time consuming
and more efficient for the costumer and as well as for the shop owners. As delivering through bikes is
easy and fast even in heavy traffic, moreover, with the “dye it” mobile application costumers can navigate
their product where they get information about the progress of their product.
Mostly women dye more clothes as compared to men and in Pakistani society women cannot go out
regularly and frequently, our service will help them to dye their clothes and deliver their product on their
door step by making sure the good quality and their choices are fulfilled.

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