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Summative Assessment for the unit

Grade: _____

Task №1. Reading

Read and Complete. Прочитай, и дополни предложение данными словами .

archery really handball medal easily silver

I do fencing (1) ____ well. I have got a gold (2) ___ from the London Olympics in
2013 and a have got two (3)_____medals from the Brazil Olympics in 2014. I do
(4) ___ and I play (5)____(6) ____.

6 points

Task №2.Read and Write: True/False

Прочитайте данный текст, и укажите предложение : Ложь или Правда

I read fairy tales to learn what is right and what is wrong. I`d like to tell about The
Ugly Duckling. Good character is the Ugly Duckling. There are not bad characters
in the story but domestic animals birds don’t like the Ugly Duckling. The Ugly
Duckling doesn’t have friends but at the end he has friends and he is happy. This
story makes me happy.


1. I read fairy tale to have a good time.____

2. Bad characters are domestic birds.______

3. There are good characters in this story.____

4. At the beginning The Ugly Duckling has friends._____

5. At the end The Ugly Duckling is not sad.____

6. This story makes me feel happy. ____

6 points
Task №3. Match these following words with pictures below.
Посмотрите на картинки и соедините с подходящими словами.

3 points

Task 1.

1. really

2. medal

3. silver

4. archery



Task 2.

1. F

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. T

Task 3.

1. shopping centre

2. library

3. museum

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