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My favourite characters are Malcolm and Cole, and I love both on their separate ways but

what I like the most is the bound that they both have. I really like the way Cole talks to
everyone he's so sarcastic and he's not afraid to talk the way he talks to his teachers, if he
wants to say something he will say it, and what I like about Malcolm is that he is really into
helping Cole, but what I disagree about him is that sometimes I personally think that he's so
focused on working and not into helping his patient. but as I said before what I prefer is the
bound that they both have, and they built throughout this story.

I personally think this movie is a movie that you need to watch with time, what I mean is that,
for me, you need to watch this film seriously, and understand everything that is going through
this story. Because maybe you blink and lost half of the plot. Of course, I like all the characters
except of the bullies, because they made Cole's life even more difficult, but is a nice movie if
you want to understand it's moral, that I'll explain later. the most important thing is to watch
the whole movie, because well I always do is to stop watching the movie when I get bored, but
if you stop watching this movie you won’t understand nothing, so make sure you wait till the
end, because that's the most exciting thing of the movie.

I think the moral of the movie is that you need to talk with people if you want to express how
you really feel, I mean, you need to socialise and don't be afraid to talk with someone and
express your feelings because they're not going to judge you or something. so we can see how
at first Cole doesn't trust his mother and he didn't say nothing to her about what happened to
her and what his illness was and what traumas he had, but then he realises that he needs to
move on and he can move on being helped, because it's not bad to ask for help if you need it.

Each character talks in a different turn so they emphasise who they feel, for example Cole’s
mom talks sometimes with this sad tone making clear she's such kiss me she loves someone
she's not going through a good time. also we can see how the beginning of the movie Malcolm
stone is different than at the ends, he starts being happy and trying to joke and make fun with
gold but when he realised it's not working out he stops, and finally Cole’s tone, for me is
always the same, he always speaks with his sarcastic term making his strange jokes, but we can
see how when he talks with Malcolm, Malcolm change his tone, so Cole doesn't feel like he's
talking with a stranger and he thinks that he is talking with someone closer.

Even though in here they don't use the tone we can see her throughout the movie The
collarette is very common, because sometimes it means and wants to express death, so every
time there's something red in scene, the characters change their tone, and their voices were
deeper and lower.

I really enjoyed watching this movie in English, for me it wasn't different cause I watch all the
movies in English cause I think it's better for us, because we can learn a lot of things. for
example, pronunciation, of course some vocabulary and more things. and besides that you
learn more things I think you enjoy more the movie coz he can't see and feel the real actions
and words that they use, because what I feel is that if I watch a movie and it's not in their
original version, if characters scream shout or make some noise, I know it's fake so for me it's
something like useless and nonsense, so then that's why I prefer watching movies in original
versions and because it helps you, and you enjoy more the movies.

The quote that I chose was this one: maybe we can pretend we're going to see each other
tomorrow? and since I heard this, it turned into my favourite quote, because it's like a parallel
of the beginning of the movie, when call asks Malcolm if they're going to see each other every
day, make it clear that maybe he was tired of his psychology sessions, but at the end he
wanted to see Malcolm when he knew that they would never see each other again

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