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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Camiling, Tarlac


First Semester, S.Y. 2018-2019

Name : _______________________________________________________________________
Section : _______________________ Teacher: ________________________ Date: __________
DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. If the answer is not found among the
choices, box the item number.

Listening Comprehension: For items 1-5, Listen to the recorded conversation and answer the following questions.

1. What does the man want to do after graduation?

A. He wants to become a teacher. C. He’d like to work at a hotel.
B. He hopes to go on to graduate school. D. He is undecided.
2. What is the woman majoring in?
A. History B. French C. Computer Science D. Mathematics
3. How does the woman pay for college?
A. She has a part-time job. C. She received a scholarship.
B. Her parents are paying for it. D. Her elder brother supports her studies.
4. Where does the man work part-time?
A. at a bakery B. in a library C. at a restaurant D. in a call center
5. What was NOT mentioned about his job?
A. His co-workers are friendly. C. He works long hours.
B. The pay is okay. D. Nobody likes him.

6. The following are authors’ styles in writing academic texts EXCEPT

A. They state critical questions and issues.
B. They provide facts and evidence from credible sources.
C. They take a subjective point of view.
D. They use cautious language.
7. A Sentence that makes an assertion about a topic and predicts how the topic will be developed is called__________.
A. topic sentence B. thesis statement C. article D. main topic
8. This paper provides evaluation of works already published.
A. conference paper B. thesis C. review D. article
9. When Erlina makes her own version of the ideas expressed by her sister without changing the meaning, she is_____.
A. summarizing B. paraphrasing C. outlining D. lying
10. This is used in determining structure of an academic text.
A. summarizing B. paraphrasing C. outlining D. noting
11. Veronica is reading an essay about the trend in ICT. While reading, she underlines the main idea of each paragraph
in the essay. What she did is getting the _______________ of the essay.
A. thesis statement B. topic sentence C. summary D. information
12. These are papers presented in scholastic forums and maybe revised as articles for possible publication in scholarly
A. conference papers B. theses C. reviews D. articles
13. Which of the following describes a good summarizing?
A. Sherwin copied everything from the book.
B. Anton added some of his related research to the information presented in the text.
C. Karen revised the main idea.
D. Neriz wrote than the general and specific ideas of the text.
14. The following describes the importance of paraphrasing EXCEPT
A. It is better than quoting information from an undistinguished source.
B. It helps you control the temptation to quote too much.
C. It helps you grasps the full meaning of the original text.
D. It is shorter than the original text.
15. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of reading academic texts.
A. To identify gaps in existing studies.
B. To scan for information.
C. To give opinion in the topic.
D. To support a particular writing assignment.

16. Which of the following statements is an opinion?

A. Rodrigo Duterte was the 16th president of the Philippines.
B. He grew up in Davao City.
C. He is the most eloquent president of the Philippines.
D. His mother was a public school teacher.
17. Which of the following statements is a fact?
A. Zandro is a skilled good looking chef.
B. Vivian is very successful in the culinary business.
C. Dave is an amazing bar tender.
D. There are Eat All You Can restaurants in Tarlac City.
18. Who among the following commits plagiarism?
A. Jona gives correct information about the source of quotation.
B. Rina posted something in facebook and put CTTO at the bottom of the post.
C. Luna performed another person’s copyrighted music.
D. James made a video presentation using footage from Eric’s video and writing Eric’s name on the last part of the

For items 19-23, choose the sentence in the choices closest in meaning to the given sentence in each item.
19. Marawi SHS students are better in Math than in English.
A. Marawi SHS students are good in Math and English.
B. For Marawi SHS students, Math is better than English.
C. SHS students in Marawi excel more in Math than in English.
D. both A and B.
20. Climbing mountain is a fun but dangerous activity.
A. Mountain climbing is a perilous activity.
B. One can be happy when climbing mountain but he/she is in danger too.
C. Climbing mountain is an unsafe activity.
D. cannot be determined.
21. His job wasn’t very interesting, but it paid well.
A. Though somewhat boring, his job paid well.
B. Though somewhat uninteresting, his job paid well.
C. Though somewhat boring, his position earned him a handsome income.
D. He was paid well in his job.
22. Deserts cover one fifth of the surface of the Earth.
A. One fifth of the Earth’s surface is desert.
B. Deserts cover more than half of the Earth’s surface.
C. Majority of the Earth’s surface is desert.
D. The biggest part of the Earth is desert.
23. A type of shark called “butanding” can leap 10 feet above the surface of the water.
A. The “butanding” shark can jump above the surface of water.
B. A “butanding” is a kind of shark that can leap 10 feet out of the water.
C. A “butanding” can jump 10 feet above the surface of the water.
D. The “butanding” is a type of shark that can leap high.

24. Summarizing is a skill because it helps you

A. write down everything.
B. write down ideas that are not stated in the text.
C. learn to identify relevant information or key ideas.
D. make a text that has the same length than the original text.
25. The following are guidelines in summarizing EXCEPT
A. Write all the key ideas and phrases in bullet form.
B. Identify the connections of key ideas using concept map.
C. Refrain from adding comments about the text.
D. Write down ideas from the text word-for-word.
26. Which of the following is a good thesis statement?
A. Romeo and Juliet is a story written by William Shakespeare.
B. Eating fast food is bad and should be avoided.
C. Homeless people in Metro Manila should be given access to services that would improve life for all of the
citizens in the city.
D. Humans should relocate to mars.
27. Which of the following statement is true?
A. Outlining is one legitimate way to borrow from a source.
B. Summarizing is a more detailed restatement than paraphrasing.
C. Opinion is an expression of judgment influenced by one’s belief or feelings.
D. Paraphrasing is a short overview of the original text.
28. These are questions that you need to ask before writing a reaction paper EXCEPT
A. What is the main topic of the reading material that I will be reacting to?
B. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the text?
C. Who is the writer of the text?
D. Do I agree with the points, arguments and claims of the writer?
29. Which of the following paper is the most academic in nature?
A. Critique paper B. Reaction paper C. Review paper D. Reflection
30. A good thesis statement is a broad generalization about your topic. This statement is ______________.
A. always true B. sometimes true C. false D. tricky
31. A thesis statement should reflect the main idea of an essay. This statement is ________________.
A. always true B. sometimes true C. false D. tricky
32. The following are ways on how you can generate ideas for a thesis statement EXCEPT
A. brainstorming B. listing C. free writing D. outlining

Reading Comprehension: Read the passages and answer the questions that follow.

For items 33-35

Wrigley’s chewing gum was actually developed as a premium to be given away with other product rather than as
a primary product for sale. As a teenager, William Wrigley Jr. was working for his father in Chicago selling soap that has
been manufactured in his father’s factory. The soap was not very popular with merchants because it was priced at 5
cents, and this selling price did not leave a good profit margin for the merchants. Wrigley convinced his father to raise the
price to ten cents and to give away cheap umbrellas as a premium for the merchants. This worked successfully,
confirming to Wrigley that the use of premium was an effective sales tool.

33. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph above?

A. first sentence B. second sentence C. third sentence D. last sentence
34. What does premium means in the paragraph?
A. discount B. cheap umbrellas C. freebies D. products on sale
35. What is the main product being sold in the paragraph?
A. umbrellas B. chewing gums C. soaps D. anything

For items 36-38, Choose the most comprehensive thesis statement given the passages in each item:
“The Raven” is a dark and morose poem that leaves the audience feeling depressed by the last stanza. Poe
succeeds in creating that effect in “The Raven” through the use of repetition and adds to it through contrast of religious
Christian and Greek mythological references. [Original]

A. Poe uses repetition and contrasting religious symbolism to create the dark and morose feeling of “The Raven”.
B. Through the use of droning alliteration and assonance, Poe creates a dark and morose feeling in “The Raven”;
Poe enhances this feeling by employing both Christian and Greek religious symbolism.
C. Poe’s “The Raven” conveys dark, morose, and depressing feelings because of the repetition of sounds and
the contrasting Christian and Greek symbols of death and the afterlife.
D. Poe skillfully wrote “The Raven” by adding some symbolism.
Alexander Hamilton appeals to the logic of the Americans reading this text.
A. Alexander Hamilton appeals to the logic of his audience by relying to a well-chosen diction and syntax.
B. By employing well-chosen diction and syntax, Alexander Hamilton appeals to his audience’s sense of logic.
C. In “The Feralist #1,” Alexander Hamilton appeals to his audience’s sense of logic though his use of
powerful diction and clear syntax.
D. All of the above are comprehensive thesis statements.
While describing her feelings for her husband in this poem, Anne Bradstreet uses many symbols to get
her point of the love for her husband across to the reader.
A. In “To My Dear and Loving Husband”, Anne Bradstreet uses several symbols including “gold” and “rivers” to
convey her feelings of love.
B. Anne Bradstreet invokes her feelings of love in “To My Dear and Loving Husband” because of her
effective use of symbols, including “gold” and “rivers”.
C. In the poem “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” Anne Bradstreet accomplishes her husband by effectively
using the symbols of “gold” and “rivers”.
D. Anne Bradstreet proposed her undying love to her husband in her poem “ To My Dear and Loving Husband”.

Read the passage and complete the outline that follows.

The Computer Lab in MHS, housed beside the Admin Office, consists of two adjoining rooms which
contain 70 computers and 2 laser printers. In addition to a server which allows teachers to provide assignments for
students and have materials available over the internet and to the local intranet, each computer in the lab contains a word
processor, a web browser, telnet and hundreds of commercial and teacher-authored programs appropriate for students
who are building their ICT skills. There are also 3 LCD projectors, which are used to improve students learning.
39. Title: ____________________
A. Physical Plant
40. 1. ______________________
41 2. ______________________
B. Resources
42. 1. ______________________
43. 2. ______________________

For items 44 – 50. Read the selection and summarize. (7 points)

Understanding Calories

The number of calories burned during an exercise depends on various factors including
body weight and the type of exercise. For example, an individual weighing 59 kilograms (130 pounds) would
expend roughly 500 calories per hour swimming or playing basketball. However, this same person would burn
an estimated 200 walking or playing table tennis. In order to survive and maintain body weight, the average
individual requires approximately 2000 to 2500 calories per day. Gaining or losing weight is a simple process.
Add and subtract 7700 calories over the course of time to gain or lose a kilogram. Nutrition has nothing to do
with it. It is all about calories.


Prepared by

Jessa May A. Marcos

Teacher II


Principal II

If you believe in yourself anything is possible. Good luck and God bless! 

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