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“Determined, compassionate, and competitive.

” As described by her parents, Chang and Hannah, Claire

Lim works hard in every aspect of her life. “Weird, emotional, and short.” Despite this slightly biased
description by her two older sisters, Ashley and Emily, Claire is someone who embraces every aspect of
who she is. As a family, the Lims enjoy spending quality time together around a game board. “I think we
are quite the competitive group, so if we play a game, you can be confident that it will be loud and
emotions will run high,” said Claire.

Along with games and traditions such as enjoying a Korean rice cake soup dish on every New Year’s Day,
the Lim household is constantly buzzing with new activities and excitement. Whether it is the wonderful
sound of Claude Debussy’s music being played on the piano by Claire’s own fingers, a loud fan section at
one of her volleyball games, or a new drawing being stuck on the fridge with a magnet, Claire is always
trying new things and embracing opportunities for new experiments.

As a Biltmore Park resident on Red Fox Circle since she was born, Claire has long gotten to experience
the joys of being a Biltmore Park resident. With just a short drive, she can arrive on the campus of her
high school, T.C. Roberson, or inside of one of her favorite study spots, the cafe at Barnes & Noble.
Anytime she needs a study break, she has a good spot in mind. “I often crave frozen yogurt, so the Sweet
Escape is usually where I end up,” Claire said. Just a few steps beyond the neighborhood, Claire
thoroughly enjoys trying new restaurants. Her most recent favs are Golden Chips, located in Dingle
Creek, and Sweet Plantain Grill, one of the many food trucks Claire has tried in the Asheville area.

With a naturally inquisitive mind and drive for success, Claire has found huge success both in and out of
the classroom. Claire is ranked first in the senior class of just over 300 students at T.C. Roberson. She has
formed several meaningful relationships with friends, teachers, and counselors throughout her high school
experience. During her freshman year, Claire and several of her friends got the opportunity to train for a
job rather than take the actual Physical Education class. “Honestly some of my favorite memories were
made at the pool during my lifeguarding class for our PE credit and getting back to my academic classes
with frozen hair after walking outside,” said Claire.

Going through high school, Claire has closely followed a philosophy that has successfully guided her
along: prioritizing school, properly managing time, and finding ways to stay organized. “I also knew that
focusing on school 100% of the time could burn me out, so I think it is important to put my best effort
forward while still maintaining outside activities,” said Claire. “I would advise high school students to get
involved in clubs or sports that you can focus any nervous energy into!”

Claire has done just that. She has spent immense amounts of time playing on the high school volleyball
team, volunteering as a member of First Baptist Church of Asheville’s youth group, and tuning into her
artistic side. As a volleyball player, the sport helped Claire break out of her shell. “I was always a bit quiet
and soft-spoken, but when I was on the court with my friends I was able to unleash an energetic and
overly positive side of me that I had not seen before,” said Claire. “Volleyball helped me feel comfortable
to be me, and it also taught me time management skills that I still use today.” She is considering playing
club volleyball in college if she gets chance.
As an active member of her youth group, Claire gets to help organize and participate in volunteer events,
go on mission trips, and take faith pilgrimages. This summer, Claire will be embarking on El Camino. “I
am very blessed and excited to get to participate in El Camino through our youth group. We will be
backpacking/hiking along the coast of Portugal and Spain,” said Lim.

Claire takes piano lessons with Karen Sorrells through the Academy for the Arts, which is affiliated with
First Baptist Church of Asheville. She has been playing for 14 years now, and is currently preparing for
her Senior Recital in the spring. Along with playing the piano, Claire loves listening to music as well.
She’s been to several concerts, but her favorite was Still Woozy at the Orange Peel last year. With
countless playlists, Claire is always finding new music to listen to. “I think it is so cool that there are
countless ways to tell a story through music,” said Claire.

On December 15th, 2022, Claire was accepted into her dream school. Located in New York City, Claire
will be attending Columbia University starting this fall. “When I opened my acceptance, the first emotion
that washed over me was relief. Then came the tears of joy and I remember being so excited and just
extremely happy and thankful,” said Lim. Claire intends on pursuing a major in Computer Science, and
dreams of working for Google one day. Claire has always loved Columbia’s campus, the incredible
libraries, and experiencing the city of New York. “I like the idea of being in the city and getting to explore
New York City as an independent woman rather than just idly following the vacation plan my parents set
up for us,” said Claire. A whole new world of opportunities awaits Claire in NYC, but Biltmore Park will
always be the place she comes home too.

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