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Reservations (importance of land; stewardship)


Looking at examples in movies; Homework: As a group (of 3-4), find a film, or poster, or other visual
representation of a Native American/Indigenous stereotype (clarify difference)

Look at satire: Family guy native American chief scene (discuss/worksheet: how are they presented? i.e.
greedy/Casino. Etc) -

The Office: Diversity Day (might need Netflix)

Next class: Send me link on Teams, and a paragraph explaining how it stereotypes natives. First, pair up
with another group to share your sources. After one group presents their ideas, the other group will give
their response:

-Can we see these stereotypes in Absolutely True Diary?

-Why are these stereotypes problematic? What could be some consequences of people perceiving
natives as such?

-Are there any other problems you see with this depiction?


Final assessment:

Magazine cover

-Either challenges stereotypes, OR satirizes stereotypes; either way, presents stereotypes in a way that
problematizes them (provide examples of satire)

-Include quotes

On Friday: students will present their magazine covers (They should use larger papers/posters)

Journal writing:

-Personal experiences with stereotypes

-What stereotypes does our society have?

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