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Reasons to why I love Alicia:

.Her laugh
.Her jokes
.The conversations with her
.The way I never manage to run out with things to talk about with her
.The way she listens so patiently
.The way she cares so much about her loved ones
.The way she tells me about her day
.The way she texts me good morning and night
.The way she sends me hilarious meme reaction stickers
.How she doesn’t hesitate to help people in need
.The way she doesn’t give up
.The way she shows me her amazing drawings
.The way she talks about video games with excitement
.The way she sends key smashes when something funny happens
.The way she gets excited for someone else’s accomplishments
.How easy it is to talk to her
.How adorable she is
.How fucking nice she is
.How she makes my day just by texting
.How she makes fun of hets with me
.The way she puts up with my stupid shit
.How she sends me those cute stickers when I’m down
.How she always makes me feel better
.The way she doesn’t have any self acknowledgement in how cute she is
.The way she tells me about Renee and Riley in such a precious way
.How she willingly listens to the plot of some stupid shit i read (idk how she’s
not tired of it tbh)
.The way she joked with me in one of our earliest conversations about horror movies
(i still remember it so clearly)
.The way she gay panics sometimes
.The way she listens to me gay panic sometimes
.The baby pictures she sends me
.How she watched anime because I asked her to
.How she cried with me about banana fish (I’m sorry for that)
.How she lets me rant about any controversial opinion I have
.She’s the most trustable I know
.How she lets me cry to her about some sad story I read
.How she comforts me when I’m nervous about something (my dance shit and all)
.How she never fails to put a smile on my face
.How she still somehow has the patience to deal with the shittiest people ever
.How she hates people for me
.How she has cute pride merches
.How shes one of the funniest people I know
And last and most importantly-
.I love her for existing

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