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As decades pass and trends fade quickly as they come, the crowd’s “taste” tends to

go through quite a change of their own. The said trends range from fashion to cars
to electronics, even a specific drink from a coffee chain.

So of course, movies and books are no exception. They are constantly expected to
keep up with the latest trend; to entertain people with new contents. However,
trends depend heavily on age- and teenagers, perhaps, is the hardest of them all to
impress. They are shockingly specific and critical, and it seems impossible to gain
their approval.

After an extensive research, I managed to compile tales of horror that is sure

haunt their dreams- and this specific one will keep them up all night.

Mayhem by Sarah Pinborough centers around a protagonist that tells the story in
first point of view. The usage of imagery and descriptive vocabularies allows the
readers to comprehend the emotions the characters are feeling, and the tense
situation that they are facing. “I was assaulted by the thick, sickly stench of
stagnant water, which coated the back of my nose and throat, making me want to

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