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The time lapse of the universe, earth, and life is an improbable
phenomenon that is both awe - inspiring and humbling. We are lucky that
we, our generation, can study and learn how pleasing and significant our
universe ages are. It is amazing to think that the universe has been around
for 4.5 billion years. It is even more incredible to consider that life has been
around for 3.8 billion years. This time lapse is a reminder of the vastness of
the universe and our minuscule existence.

Humans are part of the Earth's life History as well as the universe. Our
actions have a direct impact on the environment and a profound impact on
the present and on its future. Humans' natural curiosity, the desire to
explore and understand the world around us and this curiosity has led to
the development of technology and industry which has had both positive
and negative effects in our abode. Us humans emit into something
intelligent yet illiterate beings. The need for our resources has led to the
destruction of habitats and the extinction of species, while our desire to
improve our lives has led to the development of renewable energy sources
and other sustainable practices.

The Universe, Earth, and life have all emitted over billions of years
demonstrating the immense power of time. It is an implausible journey that
has been unfolding for billions of years, from the BigBang theory to the
emergence of galaxies, stars, and planets. The Universe has been constantly
spreading, on Earth, the inception of life has been a remarkable process,
with the first organisms emerging over 3.5 billion years ago. Since then, life
has diversified and adapted to the amended environment, leading to the
incredible diversity of species we are today.

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