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R.epu[:tic of th'e Fl'riliPP[nes

" CitY of $,flanlla
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tseEun anc{ held In the City Goutnclll on Thursday'


crffi D[ NAh,]ffi ffi [qe]. ffiy3ffi

AII\X ORIDUh.[,qNCffi,

PRtNCIFAL AUTI-IoRs: [-loN. J0EL lR. cH'1,4, Acting PRlsclLLA NlllrRIE

Presiding ofircer'
fi.lohl. [lllA\c,AR[0 N,t. t-/{cs{)N, Actirrg lvlajority Floor Leacler' l{oN'
oNtG, t"-loNl CHARRY R ORTEGA, l-!oN JOEL lvl "pnfln PAR, lloN. WARDEE P'
r-ior{ D,qRWit{ B. stA, HoN EDWARD lvl TAN, HoN IRWIN c l-lENG,
h{CIfi'd. ERNESTO C. lSlP, J[-{.., Presiclent Pro-Tempore and l't0frl. hflARl,A
"$-tou"!ey" [-Ae UNA-FANCAI'{; lVlD, FPD$, Vice-fVlayor and Presiding Officei



WI-IEREAS, the City of N/tanila's vision is to provicle adequate and affordable

shelter facilities to lVlanilefios, giving due priority to the homeless ancl underprivileged;
WHERE,AS, the 1987 Philippine Constitution, in Ar.ticle Xlll, Section g thereof,
states that the State shall, by law, and for the common good, unclertake, in cooperation
witlr the private sector, a continuing program of urban land reform and housing which will
ma[<e available at affordable cost, decent housing and basic services to underprivileged
and homeless citizens in urban centers and resetflement areas; '

WHEREAS, said policy is reinforced in Republic Act No. 7279, otherwise known
as the Urtran Development and Housing Act of 1992, rnandating the State to pursue a

WHEREAS, Arlicle ll, Section g of the 1987 Philippine Constitution protects the
right of the Filipino people to be freed from poverty thror-rgh policies that ensure availability
of adequate social services, firll employment, iisin[ itandarcl of living anO improveO
quality of life for all;

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government
Code of 1991, has provicled more powers, authorities, responsibilities
local governrrent units in order to enable the attainmeni of furllest development
meaningful local autonomy to promote general welfare of its constituents throurgh

WI-IEREAS, climate change Act of 2009 and its amending law aims to ensure
local resilience and protect people;s right to a healthy ecology;

WIjEF{EAS, Executive Order No. 81-03 issued by the tuletropolitan [/Ia

Comm ission created the Urban setflements office taskeclto implement the adminisi
and social arnelioration p rograms namely, the land-for{re_landless programrative and
socialized hoLising program among others;
|.:; ::
WHEREAS, there is a need to s trengt hen the Urban Settlements ,
Office's p rograms
and policies for housing in the C ity, of A./anil a and ensure its adaptability i -:

thr: changing times to come up with a more permanent and sustainable

anci rel evancy to :;:t, i

housing pr:oblems of the City;

solution to

WHEREAS, availability of safe, affordable and susta inable housing

ancl housing
develo pnrents is vital in the developnrent of city and creation
of its vibrant. commuhity;
WHEREAS, with the increasing number of informal'settler families
people and given the finite land res-ources in tfre and displaced
Citv of h/anila, there ls a need to
maximize the use of these resources and implement-projects
to cover ,"*ii"] ffi; ;;
WHEREAS, thE City's effort combined with the su pport
governrnent agencies and p rivate institutionb of specialized national
shall ensure th e bridging of the gap betwee
affordability of housin g and the demand for such
and at the same time, provide n
established commun ities with sustainable livelihood
programs; and community develop

r 1
i l'.'

lVlanila Urban Housing Orclinance

| 2
WIIEREAS, it is the vision of the City lVlaypr, Hon. Francisco
Domagoso to provide ample and livable spaces for h/lanilerios to enjoY a decent living.
the City of l\flanila. Being previously an informal settler lrimself, he has asPired to
homes for his constituents and emphasizecl the n eed to addresa$g hou srng
witlr a sustainable solution. ft/ayor lsko N/oreno, clainrs that "With the Local Shelter Plan,
our ultimate goal is clear * we will p rovide a livable resettlement area with low-cost
housing and sufficient facilities for all re sidents. We will noi stop until we have a safe and
clecent community that every fillanilerio will be proud of.": NOW, TFIEREFORE,

[Je it ordained by the City Council of lVlanila, in session assembled, THAT.


SECTIOfi\J 'X" T'itle. - Tlris Ordinance shali be known as the: "[\flan[!a Urhan
[-1l eiuusI nng OrcBI namce".

SEe . 2" Declaration of Policy. - lt is hereby declared a policy of the City of h/lani
to progressively promote the right of lVlanilefios to an adequate and dignified.standard
living, inclurding access to decent arrd affordable hous
welfare and sustainability of housi6rg projects in part nership with its stakeholders

SEC" 3. Co,lnrnitnrents. - The City slra

to maximize the use of scarce resources. lt slrall implement plans and programs
acldress climate change and to ensure resiliency of housing projects. lt shall empower the
current IV{anila Urban Settlements Office particularly to

a identify housing sites;

b implement housing priojects;
C identify of source of fr-rnd and other soLtrces of income, as well as utilization :),
thereof: ,li

cl cooperate with National Agencies and/or Private lnstitutions for:

implementation of their projects that may involve displacement of
[/anilefios; and
create inclusive, dynarnic and self-sustaining communities.


SEC" 4.- Organization. - The lVlanila Urban Settlements Office or. h/USO, in
acldition to the functions ascribed, thereto by Execuitive Order No. 81-03, and other
sutbsequent issuances, shall act as the primary local government entity responsible for
the nranagernent of housing and urban development within the territorial juiisdiction of
the City as specifiecl in Section 5 of this Ordinance.

SEe. 5. ilsowers and Functions" - The tVlanila Urban Settlements Office shall ' i..
have the following powers and fr-rnctions to be exercisecl by itself, through delegation,
and/or in partnelship with a local governrnent entity or Non-Governmentat Organization
(ltlGO); giving due consideration to the policies of National Government Agencies (NGAs)
directly concernecl witl-r socializecl hor-rsing and infr:rmal setilement upgradi'rg:

a. Develop ancl implenrent the furanira shelter plan, ,including rel ated plans
involving urban renewal, open spaces and the like;
b. lnitiate, construct and implenient housing projects including but
to Land-for-the-Landless, Verticar Housing and Horizontal Hors
of the City;
lnitiate purchase or Iease lots, builclings ancl part thepe-r ior HorJsing,

r suhrject to the approval of the HoLrsing lnvestmen{ f,6p"rtttee;

l\/lanila Urban Housing Ordinarrce | 3

cJ. Promote urban housing communities' development,
climate clrange, ecologi cal balance and geo-hazard assessment;
e. Formulate and establish a ONE STOP SHOP HOUSING PROCESSI
CENITER of the City of N/lanila tasked to process all horlqlpg rel
clearances and certifications, inclrudjng but not limited
reclassification, development permi ts, locational clearances and other
housing related activities;
t,-. ProvicJe technical assistance to any related housing development project;
{s Formulate and enforce general and specific policies/guidelines relating to

beneficiary selection, maintenance, occupancy/use of housing units and .:

con-rmon areas, transfer of rights and succession, among others, inclutJing

the crafting of a Beneficiaries Handbook and/or Evaluation Framework;
h Subject to City Ordirrance, colJgaLJees an d payments relating to Housing
Projects and to disbr.rrse the sarne for hours ing developments, maintenance
and repair of existing hor-rsing buildings ncluding agreements andior
management contracts for oqtsourced services, and other expenses which
may be incurred to ensure proper implementation of housing projects;
i. IVlanage and invest IUUSO l-lousirrg Trust Fund with the directio.n and
approval of the Housirrg lnvestment Comnrit'tee;
Recommend the execution of joint ventures and partnerslrips wi
government or private sector to, construct
developments andior implementation of corporate social resp
(CSR) projects re ating to housing for but not limited to the following
programs: Housing.Proclurction Assistance, Resettlement Development,
,Local Housing and Cost Recoverable Joint Venture;
k ,dln coordination with the Department of Engineering and Public Works;
develop, irnprove, manage, administer, subclivide or lease any lands,
buildings, estates and other forms of real property ownecl and acquired by l!

the City of N/lanila utilized for housing including common'areas, parkirrg

,andior conrmercial spaces founcl thereirr;
f Coordinate wittr National Government AQencies with projects being
implemented in the City of A/lanila including formurlation of Relocation and
Resettlement Action Plan with the assistance of Local lnter Agency
Committee and other relevant agencres and offices;
m . Recornmend execution of service agreements and/or management
contracts with private sector entities, to facilitate upkeep of assets, including
but not liniiteO to janitorial, security and maintenance services;
Recommend accreditation of any Community l-'lousing Associations (CHAs)
on any related housing projects, as well ars other private originatcirs for
Community l\rlortgage Program (Ch/lP);
Perform such other acts necessary to effect the pollcies and achieve the
objectives herein declared; and
p Submit qurarterly'reports to the Office of the tVlayor and City Council
regarcling compliance:to the provisions of this Ordinance

SEG. 6" Genenafl Gomposition. - The IVIUSO shall be composed of the following.
Offices: '-'
a. Office of the Director of IMUSO
b. Assistant Dir:ector of IVIUSO
c. Personnel and Administrative Services
d. Finance and lnvestments
e. lnformation and Database lVlanagement
f. Project lVlanagement
g. Planning and Development
lr. L-egal Affairs
i. Estate Nflanagement

IVlanila Ur[rarr Flousing Ordinarrce | 4

SEC. 7, Fensonne! and Administnative Servicres. - P ersennel Services
all those activities relating to the recruitment, training, and of the p
reqr-rired to run the IVlanila Urban $ettlenrents Office (tMUSO). This functional area also
covers codification and administration of the ground rules uncler which employees operate
ancl clevelop thd skills necessary to perform the h/USO's functions. lt leacis to the,
realization of nraximum productivity from employees to mininrize personnel expenditures,
tncrease job satisfaction and job security, ancl organize in-service training progranrs for
i\vlUSO employees. Admrnistrative Services involve planning, direction, corrtrol,
management, and overall coordination relating to equripment maintenance, departmental

expenditt-tres, procurement arid disbursernents of payrolls, and office buclget preparation

SE6" 8" F[nance and lnvestments. - Finance an'd lnvestments Division central
function is to oversee the floi,v of resources among IVUSO's varrous operating and
aclministrative divisions. lt is also i\IUSO's prinrary agent that rnonitors frnancial
trarrsactions which include paym ent of amortizations, rental and other fees, interests ancl
penalties in connection with the City's lrousing projects. lt is in charge of tracking all items
of income ancl expense. lt al so has responsibility for cash management, a firrancial
watchclog, and some informal allocative or budgeting autliority by being the piimary
sol.lrce of data on IMUSO 's operation's firrancial aspects. lt provicles the basis for effect ive
planning and managem ent of resources. lt also provides financial re ports and u
investments. lt secures sufficient resources to sustain [/lU.SO's operations ancl rnainta
and/or upgrade its physical assets
'i ' l't't'
". i r,r: l

SEC" g" flnformation anrl, Database Management. - The lnformation and

Database h/lanagement Division is responsible for gatlrering, processing, and analyzing
qurantifialole and relevant NdUSO information. rtelevant information shall inituOe
stal<eholders, beneficiaries, its employees and financial operations, maintenance anci
purchasing activity, inventory, landholcling ancl estates. lt shall likewise manage various
clatabase of lvlUSo for applicants, beneficiaries, estates among others.

aclrninistration of vertical and horizontal housing prolects and developments of ilre 6ity of I

h/anila, frorn beneficiary selection, to building maintenance and irnplementation of

hr-rusing rules and regulations. A Project lVlanagement Teant, which shall operate as the
Building Administrator and/or Property l\fi-anager as the case may be, shall be deployed
fr:r .,overy hclusi ng project.

SE,e. 'fl"ii" Flanrning and Deveinprr{errt. P anning ancl Development Division

takes the lead irr the strategic planning process for ong-range and short-term goals of

h/USO. lt shall coordinate with other divisions to en slrre accomplishnrent of goa l's and
ct)mp liance with the Local Shelter Plan. lt shallprepa re al physical, social, econom
insti tutional development schemes and plans for housi ng projects of the City of h/anila,
as well as for National Projects being irnplementecl in t he City

S[EC. 't2" Legal l\f"fairs. - The Legal Affairs Division prinrarily provicles legal
services to tVlUSO, which sl-rall rhclude issuing opinions on questiorrs arising from
qualifications of the berreficiaries, assessing anc! evaluating conflicting applications of
lrome lots and lror-rsing r-rnits, as well as processing of transfers ancl/or Certificates of-
Award. lt shall handle protests, complaints and other oppositions involving awards of lots
or houtsing units by conducting fact-finciing investigation, ancl hearings. .lt is tasked tcr
issue dernand letters or notices in case of non-payment or violation of terms of award. lt
strall likewise process acquisition of land, which shall iriclucle the conducl of 6ure diligepce
on the property, negotiate wrth the lanclowner and draft the contracts and oilrer
clocurnents. lt shall also provide legal support for special projects.

tVlanila Urlrarr Hriusing Orclinance | 5

is in
SHC. f 3" Hstat,e llflanag - Estate lVlanagement Division of the
superv ision, management, develoPment, and implementation
housing an
Landle ss Progranr. lt shall manage all lands acqr-rired by the City for
a reg istry of the satne. It shall ensure proper irnplenrentatio n of all schemes
' --3--\^
prepared lry the Planning and Development Division

SEC. "{4. Specia[ Fnojects and Comnrunity Affairs' Special Projects and
Conrmulnity Affairs Division formulates plans and programs to es tabl ish
resilient com ntunities in all housing developments in the City of NIanila. lt shall conduct
social preparat ion activities to properly inform and update th e affected communities of
any developments It shall ihitiate projects relating to livel ihood, emploYment, food
prodr-rction and other social services within the housing develop ments to ensure imP roved
qurality of life. lt sha ll implement a communications P lan to inform stakel-rolders and
beneficiaries of the plans and programs of the City for"housing- ln addition, it shall develop
progra ms and projects to enhance commLllrity awareness a nd participation in housihg
projects planning and inrplementation, as well as delivery of social services within its
housing projects. This Division also provides teclrnical and administrative support
concerning Joint Ventures or Public-Private Partnerslrips entered into by fuIUSO. lt is
tasked to initiate, process and evaluate, proposals from tl-re public and private sectors of
housing related projects that may be beneficial to the City. lt shall likewise be in-charge
of coordinating with National Government Agencies (NGAs) for their Projects
inrplemented in the Cit5r of N4anila
"[he F{esearc
StrC" "fl5" Research and Urban Foor Affairs Divlsion.
Urban Poor Affairs Division primarily plans, supervises, directs, coordinates;
undertakes research and studles/analyses, including but not limited to concePt papers
research proposals, policy guidelines, or Tesearch st udies of the social, techrrolbg
economic, environmental and legal profile of brona fide tenants, occupants, and residents
in the different landed estates, land, and other real estate properties acquired by the CitY '

under the established policies and guidel nes rtnder its land"-forthe-landless and
socialized housing programs, 'as well as issues related to Urban Poor Affairs. This
Division shall also propose new actions based on need or problem, objectives, and
p0ss ble soh-ttions or imp lementation methods related thereto. IVloreover, it may
also accommodate and ent ertain urban poor alfairs and issues related to land dispute
conrplaints, electment cases, and other related queries, and may make necessary
action s/recombndati on s re garding those mattei's.


, SEG. X6. [-{<lursing Projects. - h/USO shall initiate housing projects and handle
tlre bdministration of the same which shall include sale, lease, and maintenance of the
following housing developments the City of lManila his or d6all be implemented:

a. Socralrzed Housing Prograrns

- Vertical l-lousing
Townhouse/Single Detached llousing Units
- Enrployee Housing :
b. Land-for-the-Landless Program
c. Expropriation under Repr-rblic Act No. 1O752 or "The Right-of-Way Act"
and applicable larws

,A,ll housing shall have a mixed OCCLI an cy with priority given to low-income
hor-rsehol ds. Projects shall lil<ewise incorporate imate rnoffritr.t"r resilierice,t;fiafr
envrronm ental infrastructure irnprovements, and ur.ban greening innovat!ons in its

designs ii

r fi/anila Urban Housing Ordinance | 6

&'*.#d*$m,* -^&1. b,elnm",,dA
SEC" 17" Appropriation. - A housing funcl in the amount of O
Pesos (PhP. 100,000,000.00) yearly, or an amount equivalent to one
Property Tax of the preceding year collectecl by the City of N/anila, whi clrever is h
llousing funcl shall hre sourced from Real Property Taxes cottdciiSfr'by t he City and
be inclurded yearly in the budget of N,lUSO under the Annual Budget of the City of lVjanila,
withor-rt prejudice to any augmentation as the needs arise. lt shall use its share in the I

calamity fund appropriation for disaster relief and mitigation for the construction
relocation sites and/or facilities. City Treasurer of frll anila is directed to assure an<J certrfy
tlre availability of funds to support the appiropriation.

SEe. XE. Floursing Trust.Fund. * All unursed funds at the end of the yeir,l sha
1'ornr part of the I\.4USO HOUSINIG TRUST FUf.{D. -l-he housing funcl shall be used for thr

a Purchase of laricl, real property and/or

the-l-andless Program ;

b Development of lan?s for housing sites;

C ,{ugmentation Fund for financial assistilnce to displacecl families clue to fire,
eviction and clenrolitions and to subsidize equity and housing relaied
expenses of registered and accredited comnrurrity housing associations;
LJ Other expenses r,vhich may be requirecl to

cHJn\prEFa. IV - TowNHousE/slN|GLE DET/\cl-tHD HoustNG uhrrrs

SEfr. '19. General Desigrr. The City through hIUSO shall construct si
cletached housing units or a row of two-storey town houses consisting of at lea
bedrooms, one (1) living room, one'(1) kitchen, one (1) laundry area ancl one
anc'l bath with arr area of at least Forty Squrare [/leters (40 Sq. h/.) livinpl space

$Ee. 20" Fee. A mandatory contribution of at least Two Tlrousand Feso

(PhP. 2,000.00) lor mini nrum wage earners and below, and at least Three Thclursand
P esos (PhP. 3,000.00) for those earning above minimum wa ge to the N/USO Hou
Fund s monthl in exchange for the use of tl-re said unit. The amount m
bei sed as may be determined by-the l-lousing lnvestment committee provided, the
same shall not exceed the inflation rate for the precediflg year

*re EC. ?X. CIccupancy" Only the selected beneficiary tog ether with his or her
qualrfied heirs are allowed to occupy the housing units of tlie Cirty, whose number of
occupalnts at any given tirne.shall be limited to a maximum indicatecj.irr the pl,o using
Project Rules and Regulations. Extencled families are not permitted to stay in the said
unit. No sublease or subsequent [ransfer of the Unit or a portion thereof shall be allowed
Ownersirip of tlre units shali be retained b y the City, prolonged alrsence ol the beneficial
hree J- nronth slrall be considered

lron't the said unit for a
abandonment. Vl-iP Rules and egulations for each h oustng pro] ect shallgovern use and
occLlpancy. Visitr:rs shall not be allowecl except with prior clearance from IMUSO

SHC. ??. Durati on. - Length of stay shall be for a perir:d of fifty (5o) years.. This
is renevyable subject to agreement of parties

SEe " 23. Litilities. - A I r-rtiliti es shall be for the account of the occupant of fl-ie qnit.
The same paid for monthly or as they fall due

lManila Urban Housirig Ordinance | 7

SEC. 2z$" Corni'non Areas - Common areas shall be under the control of
Expenses for the common areas shall be for the aCcount of the City. Use of common
areas shall be subject to approval by MUSO. No obstruction shall be allowed therdin
unless specifically allowed by lVlUSO. A portion of the common areas may be utilized as . .:,
venue to implement livelihood prograrns of the City for current ocetrpants of the housing
development. Construction of any structure or any form of obstruction shall not be allowed
in the common areas including but not limited to the stairuray, hallway, perimeter, frontage j'

or exterior of the building, lobby and roof deck, if any.

SIEG. 25. Froperty Manager" - h/USO shall act as the Property Ndanager for-the
Froject. trt may obtain the services of third parties for security and other support services.

SIEC. 26. Alteratioors. - Only alterations in the interior part of the unit are allowed
to be made, surbject to prior authorization from the Property lt/anager. Alterat
exteriors are not allowed. No extension or any form of constructron extending
a portion thereto shall be allowed.

SHC. 27" LJse. - Unit shall only be used for residential purposes only except for
the units designated as commercial spaces. No livestock shall be allowed in th'e premises. .:t;

SEC" 2t8. Ctlrnrnerqia! Spaces dnd Farkinq. - All commercial spaces shall
likewise loe r-rnder the control of N/USO

SEC. 29. Ejectment. - Violation of the Terms of Occupancy or misuse of the unit


SEG. 30. Genenal Design. - Tlre City through hllUSO shall construct a housing
builcling with at least fifteen (15) floors. Unit shall have at least t-wo (2) bedrooms, one (1)
living room, one (1) kitchen and one (1) toilet and b,ath with an area of at least Forty
Square hileters (40 Sq. lV.) living space. Ground floor of the burilding shall be resenreo for
commercial, parl<ing or common areas as may be determined by IVUSO. ln no case shall
the Ground Floor be used for residential purposes.

SIEC. 3'{. Fee. - A manddtory contribution of at least Two Thousand ,*rou

(PhP, 2,000.00) for minimum wage earners and below and at least Three Thousand
Fesos (PhP. 3,000.00) for those earning above minimu'm wage to the MIUSO Housing
Fund shall be collected rnonthly"in exchange for the use of the said unit. The amount may
be increased as may be determined by the Housing lnvestment Committee provided, th;
same shall not exceed the inflation.rate for the precedirrg year.

SEe. 32. Occupancy. - Only the selected beneficiary together with his or her
qualified heirs are allowed to occupy the housing units of the City, whose number of
occupants at any given tlme shall be limited to the maximum number specified. in the ,i.
Vertical l-'lousing Project Rules'and Regulations. Extended families are nbt permitted to ''
stay in the said unit. No sublease or subsequent transfer of the unit or a portion thereof
shall be allowed. Ownership shall be retained by the City, pr:olonged absence of the
beneficial owner from the saicl unit for a period exceeding three (3) months shall be
considered abandonment. Visitors shall not be allowed except with prior clearance from
. 'l ..t

SEC" 33" Duratlon, - Length of stqy shall be for a period of fifty (50) years.
However, in case beneficiary occupies unit at least a year after turnover of tnu buitoing, ' "r": ii
duration-of stay shall be limlted to the remaining life span'of the building wlich shatt'sr[i i ,t..-,: \

e><ceed fi{ty (50) years.


(/ :
.iirj ii
:. r''l'
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i :?
lVlanila Urban l-lousing Ordinance | 8 i,l

SEC. 32d.. ["trt][ities. - All utilities shall loe
The same shall be paid for monthly or as they fall due

SEC. 35. Gornnlon l\reas..- Common areas shall be undelthe control of IVIUS
Expenses for the common areas shall be for the accournt of th;EB/ Use of common
areas shall be subject to approval by IMUSO. Irlo obstruction shall be allowed therein
unless specifically allowed by tVlUSO. A portion of the Common Areas rnay be utilized as I

venue to implement livelihood programs of the City for current occupants of the housing ;:

development. Construction of any structure or any form of obstruction shall not be allo,ri'ed
in the Common Areas irrcluding but not limitecl to the stai rway, hallway, perimeter,
frontage or exterior of the building,,lobby and roof cleck.

SIEG" 36. Huilding Adrninistraton. IVIUSO shall act as the building administrator
fr:r the Project It may obtain the services of third parties for security and other support

SEC. 37. Alterations. - Only alteratlons in the interior par.t of the unlt are allowed
to be made, subject to prior authorization from the Property h/anager. Alterations to the
exteriors are not allowed. :

SEe. 38' Lise' - Unit shall only be used for residential purposes only except for
tlre units designatecl as commercial spaces. No livestock shall be allowed in the premises

SEC, 39" Gornmercial Spaces and FarkinE" - All commercial spaces shall
lil<ewise be uncler the control of A/USO.

SIEC. 40" Ejectrnrent. - Violatron of the Terms of Occupancy or misuse of the unit
by any of the occupants shall be grounds for ejectment.


SEG" GeaTeral Eesign. - The City through IVIUSO shall develop and constrr-rct
fcr rposes of Employee Housing a housing buil ding or a row of townhouses within the
Clty of hllanila. Each unit of the housing building or tor,vnhouse shall have at least huo (2)
bedrooms, one (l ) living roorn, one (1 ) kitchen and one (1) toilet and bath with an area of
at least Forty Sqltare lvleters (a0 Sq rvr )l ving space. Ground floor of the building shall
be reserved for commercial, parking or cofnmon areas as may be determined by h/USO.
ln no case shall the Ground Floor be ur sed for residential purposes

SEC. 42. Fee. A manclatory contribution of Two Thousand P ESOS

(PhP" 2,000.00) for emp loyees with S alary Grade B and below and at least Three
Thousand Pesos (PhP. 8,000.00)for em ployees with Salairy Grade g and above but shall
not exceed Salary Grade 1B to ttre tVlU SO Housing Funcl shall be collected monthl
exchange for the use of the said uni t. The amount may be increased as may
determined by the Housing lnvestment Committee provided, the same shall not exceed
the inflation rate for the said year

SEe. 43. Occupancy. - Only the selected beneficiary together wrth his or her
qualified heirs are allowed to occupy the housing units of the City, whose number of
occupants at any given time shall be limited to the maximum number specified in il-re '

Vertical l-Nousing Project Rules and Regulations. Extended families are not permitted to
stay in the said unit. No sublease or subsequent transfer of the unit or a portion thereof
shall be allowecl. Ownership shall be retained by the City, prolonged absence of the
beneficial owner from the said unit for a period exceeding tf,ree (3) monttrs shall be
considered abandonment. Visitors shall not be allowecl except with prior clearance froirr

r lVlanila Urban Housing Ordinance | 9

SffiC. 44. Duratio n. -- Length of stay
However, in case a beneficiary occupies a unit at least a year
building, the duration of stay sha.ll be limited to the remaining iiEe+€pan of
which shall not exceed fifty (50) years.

SIEC. r$5" [,itilities. - All utilities shall be for the aicount of the occupant of the
The same shall be paid for monthly or as tlrey fall due

S[EG. 46. Gonrmon i\reas.'- Common areas shall be under the control of [/IUSO. , ,

Expenses for the common areas slrall be for the aocount of the City. Use of common :

areas shall be sulrject to approval by lVlUSO. No obstr.uction shall be allowed therein

unless specifically allowed by ltIUSO. A portion of the Common Areas may be utilized as

venue to implement livelihood. programs of the City for current occupants of the housing
development. Construction of any structure or any form of obstruction shall not be allowed
in the Common Areas including, but not limited to the. stairway, hallway, perimeter,
frontage or exterior of the building, lobby and roof decl<. ,..'
: .i

SEe" a$7. tsuilding Adrni nistrator. - MUSO shall act as the building administrator
for the Project. lt may obtain the services of third pafties for security and other support r t.:


SEG.4E. Alterations. - Only alterations in the interior par.t of the un

subject to prior authorization frcrm the Property ft/anager. Alterations to the
not allowed

SEC. atr9. ["fls e. - Unit shall only be used for resiclential purposes only
the units designated as commercial spaces. No livestock shall be allowed in the

SIEC" SCI. Commercial Spaces ancl parking. All commercial spaces shall
likewise be under the control of IVIUSO

Stre. 5'fl. Ejectment. * Violation of the Terms of Occupancy or nrisuse of the unit
by any of the occupants shall be grounds for ejectment.


SEC. 52. Ownership. -- Ownership over units of Socialized Flousing Program

shall be retained by the City. All lands and/or improvements acquired under the Land-for-
the-"Landless Program which are not fully pa id by current occripants shall likewise belong
to the city

All land covering the said projects are hereby decrared as

Resettlement Sites.

, SEC. 53. lEligibility Criteria for Socialized Housing. - Only the following'shall
qr-ralify for social'ized housing program:

a. A Filipino citizen;
b. Of Legal Age;
c. Resident of tne City of l\ilanila;
d Belonging to Low-lncome families which is defined as those earning less
than twice the official poverty line set by the Philippine Statisticd
Authority (PSA); and
e. with no landholding, house, ownership rights or claims over property,
lgt il the process of acquiring a property wiff,in and without the citv oi .

lVlanila Urban Housing Ordinance | 10
rlisqualifi ciary for ity of IVI anila's hou
other City or Na [-lousing or Land-for--the-Landless shall
be disqlralified. Quali fled Beneficiaries shall execute an Affidavit stating that tlrey poss
all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications _*..;iq..

For Employee Housing, additional qualification shall be at le ast three (3) years
continuous governntent service' with the Ci ty Governrnent of N/anila or N
Government Agencies (NGAs) with offices situ ated in the City
are not higher than salary grade 18 or its equi valent as c'ertified
personnel department: Provided, that t hey have no disc plin
Fr-rrther:, That they are not yet beneficiari es of any housing prograrn

In coordination with tlre city council, thre N/LJSo shall cles ign a system for the
iclentifi cation and registration of qualified program beneficiaries in accordance
with the
obje ctives of tlris Ordinance
l,'l tr

SEG. 5z$' fl:and-for'the-l-andless Prognarn, The City of [/anila,

shall initially purchase, on behalf of the landless residents
through IVIUSO
qf Mlanila, the properiy currenly
occupied by the said residents under the Land-for-the-Landless program.
also extend financial assistance to:

d Pay earnest money to private landowners for housing projects;

b Purchase private pro perty and/or right of way for holrsing, rela
projects; and
C. Expropri ate private properties for low-cost and socialized

$ Ee; 5 5" EX i E i bi I ity Crite ri a for Lan d-for-ttrr_"_Lan

slrall qualify as beneficiaries for the program.

a A Filipino citizLn;
b Of Legal Age;
c. Resident of the City of lVanila;
d With Capacity to Pay;
e. Current Legal, Actual ancl Physical occupant of the Land subject of thrb
r with no landholding l-rouse, ownership rights or claims over property, nor
in the process of acguiring a property within and without the ciiy of
N/anila; and
g Affected by national or local government projects

Professional squatters or members of any squatting synclicates shall be

disqualified as beneflciary for any of City of lVlanila's housing ploletts. Beneficiaries
other City or [rlational. !-lousing Projects or Lancl-for-the-Landtlss progru* unuiiiili;;
be disqualified' Qr-ralified Beneficiaries shall execute an Afficlavit statin! that
they por"u*
all the qualifications arrd none of the disquralifications.

lVlanila Urban l-lousing Orclinance | 11

SEC. 56 ing .of l-ots. Applicant who has
documentary requirernents for the award of the lot and upon due eval
shall be issued a Cerlificate of Awar d. Awardee shall adhere to the Conditions t.:f lh
/\ward to be considered in goocl standing as a beneficiary Thg Certificate of Award
confers the right to buy surch lot on installment bas is in accordancotfith the Land-for-fhe-
Landless Program of tl're City. Exact portion of the lot to be awarded shall be indicatecl in
the Certificate of Awarcl, Contract to Sell and Deed of Sale

Fortion of Lot to be awarded shall be specific ancJ ir-r accordance with tlre Structural
Schenre an! Subdivision Plan approved by ftllUSO

SEC. 57" iPayrnent Terrn. - Beneficiary of the Program has the option to'pay on
installment basis the lot subject r:f the Certi{icate of Award for a period not exceeding
thirty (30) years subject to appr oval of lvlUSO, payable every 30th of tl're month. Paynrents
received shall be applied bas ed on tlre earliest amortization that falls due

Llnpaid monthly anrortizations shall be charged an Interest of five percent (5%) per
annurn compounded in addition to perralties and Fees. Failure to pay amortizations for
three (3) consecutive nronths may result to cancellation of awa rd.
[Allowable rate foi
interest is r,rp to twelve percent (12% ) per annurn under Special Proclamation dated
August 14, 1985 on socialized housing program on commercial basis].

SEC. 58. Eeneficiary Selection. - ln addition to the relevant issuances of

p.rogram and/or project level Beneficiary Selection, Awards and Arbitration Committees
(BSAAC), the IMUSO is hereby chargecl to perform regular review and assessment of
beneficiary selection pararneters. As such, it may recommencl to the BSAAC revisions/
amendments to the evaluation and selection of beneficiaries, it may find necessary, and
pursuant to the guidelines for qualification for housing assistance -

SHC. 59" Grounds for Termination. - Beneficiaries may be ejected from tlre
Awarded l-ot or Housing Urtit, upon written nctice, bas,ed on the following grounds:.

a. Expiration of the period of Occr_rpancy;

b. Arrears in payment of rnonthly amortizatron or mandatory contributions as
indicated in Section zl and 5 of this Ordrnance , f or a cumulative period of
three (3) months;
c. Mlisuse or abuse of tlre Unit;
d. Abandonment of the Unit for a period of three (3) months by the Beneficiary;
e. Failure to comply wrth the Terms of certificate of Award or Occupancy, a.s
isrepresentation of any kincl macle by the Benefi ciary in his .or her
g Legitimate need of NIUSO to repossess the Unit for official
use, providecl
that the Lessee is given a formal three (3) nionth notice in advanqe of its
intention to do the same;
h vluso's neecl to make necessary repairs of Unit or construction of
building, vuhictr is the subject of an existing orcler of conclemnation by
appropriate authorities concerned in order to make the said building or
premises thereof safe ancl habitable: provided, That after said repair,*the
occupant ejected shall have'the first preference to occupy the newiy
renovated premises or a unit in the newly constructed buildingi
i Any other violation of the Terms of certificate of Award or ociupancy; I
) Death of the Beneflciary;
k. Act or omissions of the Beneficiary the injury and disturbance of
,. / gjher occupants of the builciing or housing inits;
fr I violations of the Rules and Regurlations issued by N/USO for ilre housing
building or development;

lVlanila Urban llousing Ordinance | 12

rn. Conviction of any crime involving nroral turrpitude; and
n. All other grounds similar thereto, or any other instances, or any which
VIUSO may deem as a violation of the Terms of Lease.

SEC. 60. firnocedure for Ejectrnent. - Upon determih*dtion of grounds for

ejectment, the TVIUSO shall send written notice to the Beneficiary of their violation and its
demand to vacate. The Beneficiary shall then be given fivg (5) days lrom receipt thereof
to comply with the conditions of the Certificate of Award or Occupancy, if possible.
Otherwise, he or she shall be required to immediately vacate the premises

SEG.6'il" Atltlrority to Enter Into Conrtract. ln the case of housing programs

that are occupied through lease, a lease contract shall ::
be enterecl into by an6 f,elween
the beneficiaries and the city, as represented by the [/us.o.
, ti
SEC. 62. eontribution to MUSO !-{ousing Trurst Func!. beneficiaries.of the . ,' i:).1 -::

Socialized !-loursing Program shall contribute in the amount of-All Two Thousand p*;;;

(PhP 2,000.00) or Three l-housancl Pesos (PlrP. 3,000.00) per month whichever
applicable, to enjoy the benefits under City of'fi/lanila's Housing projects.
paid by the beneficiary net of all the. applitable expenses and charged ' ,..:.
incurred by the
deceased for the d.uration of his stay in ihe unit and charges incurred
6y the deceased for
the duration of his/her stay, as for the restoration anrJ rehabilitation
of the Hor-rsing
i'Jnit occupied shall be released to.the said hreneficiary at
the end of the terrn provided in
Chapter lV and v of this orclinance or Lrpon voluntary i'etinqr-rishment of the HJr;;;
The Houtsing lnvestment Committee may, from time to time but not more than
every year, review the said rate of contribution. Any increase in the rate shall
not exceec1
the prevailing inflation rate for the previous year.

SEe" 63- Fovuer to Enter Upon Notice; Without ir!otice. Tlre lvlLlSO may,
any trme vvith notice, n'tatu propio or uporr compliant by an interested at
party, rrrspect tt^re
unit or prernises of any lrousing project under iis administration, in orcjer to cJo
either of
the following


lnvestigate possible violation of rules"and regulatron for ilre occupancy anclior the
Handbook for Beneficiaries; and
b Carry ouit repairs or works .
t|:, '

Horrusvsl-, shoulcl the TilLJSO harre feasorrable grounris to believe
with respect to
any prerrrises that there is an irnrninent danger which affects public safety
or public health,
or'le or more of its officers of [\4USO or rts authorized personnel,
may enter the premises
without notice, in order to acldress, remove or prevent the clanger


SIEC' 64" lmventory of Lands. Within three (3) rnottlrs from ilre effectivity
ordinance, an inrrentory of all t<incJs- of lancJs dFffiprrlements thlreon vyil-rin [r.irs
territorial 1r-rrisdiction of the City of IManila shall be conducted by three (3)
indepenclent appraisers as chosen by the comnrittee. l-he inventory
slrall inciLrde the

a Lancls owned by the National Government in tl-re City of N/anila;

b. Lands owned by the city Government of rVlanira:
c. Unregistered or abandoned ancJ idle lands;
,i ;,

. ,t ..1

r\.' ,..':]::
r,. :i

lManila Urban Flousing Orciinance I i-3

cl. Areas or Units identifiecl and allr:catecl for Socialized Hoursing
Orclinance No. 8569, Section 1B of Republic Act No. 7279, otherwi se known '

as the "Urhan Der,relopment and Housrng Act of 1992" (UDHA), as amended

by Republic Act No, 10884, otherwrse known as "Balanced Housing
Development Program Amendnrents"; and ---rr\
e. Otlrer lands which may be of use to the City Government of hflanila, in
pursuit of the objectives of tlris Ordinance

ln conclurcting the inverrtory, the independent appraisers shall indicate the type of
land use, the degree of land utilization and other data or information necessary to carry
ourt the pLlrposes of this Ordinance. They shall submit the[r report on the appraisal and
inventory of lancls to the Comrnittee, the City lVlayor, the City Council and the Urban
Settlements Office

StrG- 65. fidentification of Sites Suitat:le for l-{ousinE. - ln coordination with the
City Council, and with the support of the relevant City Government units, the MUSO shall,
through a l-and Evaluation Report, identify lands for socialized housing and resettlement
areas suited for the immediate and future needs of residents, especially those from low-
income families, taking into consideration, among others, the availability of basic services
ancl facilities, their accessibility and proximity to job sites ancl other economic
opportunities. The Land Evaluation Report shall contain the following.

a. Land Ownership;
b Sellrng Prrce
c. Physical Ctraracteristrcs wlrrch includes present
status of lot, existing land
use/zoning/declared use per tax declaration, size anci shape of lot,
topography among others,
d Description of Community;
e. Facilitres and Utilities; and
f Accessrbility to trdnsportatron and empioyment

Suklject to preference provided by law, lands for"socialized housing may be

identified from

a. Those owned by the City Governnrent of lVlanrla,

l:. Alienable lands of the public domain;
c. l-.lnregistered or al:andoned ancl idle lands;
d Those within the declarecl areas for prrority cleveloprnent Zonal
lmprovement Program sites, and Slum lmprovernent and Resettlement
Program sites whrch h.ave not yet been acquired,
, e Donated pnvately owned lands;
f Frivate lands offered for sale by the owners; and
g Other lands that may be acquirecl as provided for by law.

The City Government, through the tVlUSO, shall give budgetary priority to on-site
develo;rment of government lands. jdentified housrng sites shall be safe and accessihle
to variouts modes of public transportation Accessibility shall be ciefined by.

a. Distance to main transportatton line;

b Availability of pr-rbllc transportation, freqr-rency of trips ancl routes; and
c. Dtstance of site to schools, marl<ets, commercial centers, recreational
places, city hall, employment opportunities, churches and industrial centers


lVlanila Urban Housing Ordinance | 14

SEO. 66. Creatlon of ftf,USO hlousing Trust Fulnd. -
special account and trust fund to be called the IMUSO Housing
funds therewith shall be administe red by the Housing lnvestment
Housing Trulst Fund maY, as dete rnrined by the Housing lnvestm ent Committee,
invested in medium-term and long{e rrn government securities, sPeci al short
overnment securrities and/or fi>ied tenn deposits with the Bureau ,rf Treasury
of the said Funci may be made diregtly implemented by the Committee or coursed through ,ij

a Eank or Financial lnstitution

SIEC. 67. Furpose ,of the Fund. - aforesaicl NIIUSO Housing Trust Fund shaill
be used solely ancl exclusively to finance necessary, incidental, reasonable and
appropriate expenses which'the City Government, through the h/USO, may incur
pursuant to its manclate of instituting socialized housing program and allied interventions.

SEC" 68,. Contributions. - The IVIUSO Flousing Trust Fund shall be composed of '
, 'tt,

contributions of beneficiaries of this Ordinance and other Expropriation Ordinance; i .:'

well as payments, remittances and other sun'ls received or collected fronr
beneficiaries, lessees or other interestecl party pursuant to contracts enranating from
City's residentral housing prograrns; projects and actrvities, which shall include proceeds
from commercial and/or common spa'ces lotated in all housing projects of the City
All paynrents, remittances, . accrued interests, penalties, and otlrers froni the
cornmunity housing associations which benefited from any financial assistance extenclecl
to them by the City or from any other sources should be deposited tn the sarne account.
ll iil

SEG. 69" Donations for !-lousing. - All donations to the City of l\flan la for housing l:
'| ;,1
slrall go directly to and form part of this IVIUSO Housing Trust Fund :,.1

SEC. 70. Other lVlonies. - All funds/monies generated and collected from various
sources intended for housing and ottrer related development programs shall be deposited
by tlre City Treasurer for the l\llUSO Housing Trust Fund's exclusive account in any
governrnent bank to pursue the goals and objectives of the Committee.

SEe . ?'tr. Other Sources of lncome. - Payments of.accreditation of HOA/private ,

orrginators, HOA Origination fees, share in the payment of developm ent permits,
locational'clearances, and land-use conversion fees and otlrer fees for hou srng-re lated
activities are a sanrple of sources of funds for h/USO l-lousing Trust Furrd

ln addttion there to, all properties and funds collected under Ordinance No. 8569
which seeks to implement Section 1:B of Republic Act
'Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992" (UD
No. 10884, otherwise known as "Balanced
Anrenclmentsr'. Under the said Ordinance, developers
to develop an area for socialized housing equivalent tr: at least fifteen percent (15%) of
the total subdivision area or total subdivision project cost, at the option of ttre developer,
Developers of proposed residential condominium pr"ojects are lil<ewise required to
develop an area for socialized housing equivalent to at least five percent (5%) of the
condominium area or project cost, at the option of the developer

lVlanila Urban Housing Orclinance | 15

StrC. 72" e neation, Powers; Duties and Functir:ns. - There is
City Hoursing tnvestrnent Committee which shall perform the following functions l.


C] Recommend pr-rrchase, s6ll, lea'se andlor exchange lands for purposes of

urban renewal, housing development, resettlernent and related services and
facilities: Provided, That the transaction is with consent of the City Council

b H:[t ilnrufllgotirt* and impremenr financiar or investment schemes;

C Prepare a Financial Plan for investrnent of its funcls as it may deem proper, in
boncls and securities"issuecl and guaranteecl by the rrational government and
approve the applicable rate for such'
d Recommend to int., ,n ugr."ment witli banks or financial institutions for
the purpose "ni"i
of investing funds;
Prepare a Financial Plan for lnvestnrent in various proprietary ventures to earh
income to pursue its primary objective of promoting socialized housing;
f Issuance of resolution for the disbursement of the fuIUSO l-lousing Trust Fund
created herein;
g Enable private sector assistance and participation in the achievement of the
goals of the TMUSO and in carrying out its operations; l

h Recommend the execution of memorancla of agreements, joint ventures, long-

term leases and management contracts with private sector entities, to include
real estate clevelopers br construction companies with dependable repute and
proven tracl< record in developing and managing real estate ventures and any
contracts or agreentents' as may be necessary for the attainment of the
objectives of this Ordinance;
Render annual reports a.nd special reports, as may be required by thq cit/
Council and tJffice of ttre fidayor; and
Supervise and review all issues concerning hllLJSO and all hor-lsing related
matters. ,,:

SEG. 73. Cornposition. - The Housing lnvestment Committee shall be cornposed

of the following:

Chairperson - City lVlayor

Vice-Chairperson - City Administrator
lVlembers -Officer-ln-Charge, IVlanila Urban Settlements Office
- officer-ln-charge, Departnrent of Engineering and pubric works
Officer-ln-Charge, City Planning and Development Office
Officer-ln-Charge, City Treasurer's Office
Officer-ln-Charge, City Budget Office
Officer-ln-Charge, Office of the City Accountant

SEG. 7'4. Meetin0s. - The Committee shall meet regularly at least once a month,
bt-tt special meetings may be called either by the Chairperion oi by three (3)
when necessary. Three (3) members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum
approval of business shall require th.e concurrence ,cf at least three (3; members.
"nJ "
SHe. 75, eonsultants" - The Committee may hire, from time to time, and up to a
ma><imum of two (2) consultants, known professionals in the urban renewal f."L.rg
industry or financial investments, as the neecl arises. They mav r:" "".r
to receive
honoraria, the amount thereof to be determined by the committee "niltt"o

lVianila LJrban Housing Ordinance | 16

' i'll

: ,, .i.ri,i,','::

SHe" 76. Basic Senrices. - lt shall bre the responsibility 6ffi City
of tt/lanila to provide rts housing programs with the following basic services and faci
provided however that the cost of service slrall be shouldered by the beneficiaries:
a. Accessible and aclequate potable water;
b. Electricity; 'and
c. Sanitation, sewerage 'solid waste management services and/or
d. Access to primary roads; and '
e. Footpaths, drainage and road networks.
The provision of other basic services such as health, education, recreation, and
protection shall be planned ?rnd,be given priority for implenrentation by the Cit5r a

Government of l\flanila,

StrG" 77. Etrilding t\fiaintenance and [-!tilitles. - Unit awarclees shall shoulcler.
expenses for maintenance, and upkeep of their respective units occupied. ln case of any
repairs, this shall be done by the City Engineering Office at the expense of the ,:ccupani.

Hrcwever, major repairs, rehabilitation, and restoration of housing projects shall be

for the account of the City Government, as owner, and.shall be deemed as priority
concerns of the Department of Engineering ancj Purblrc Works. Repair and nraintenance
of tlre Common Areas shall likewise be for the account of the City. All expenses and
charges relating hereto shall be chargeable against the Building lVlaintenance Expense
Account of tlre City Engineering Oifice. While the expenses relating to outsourced
services incluclirrg .Janitorial and Security Services sliall be chargeable against City
Geireral Services l\rlai ntenance S ervices Account

Fees ancl charges, both for residential and for commercial use of the buildings shall .

be determinecl by the IVIUSO, with the guidance of tlre Committee. Alterations to ttrb Unit
shall bre sr-rbject to approval of tr/USO. Regulations and guidelines shall be indicated in
the VHP Rules and Regulations.

SEC. 7&" t-ise o,f Common Areas; Comrnercian Spaces. - Comnron areas are to
be maintained by IMUSO and subject to VHP Rules and Regulations. As such, it may
impose'reasonable restrictions upon its use and enjoyment. ln all instances, common
areas must be free from obstruction(s) and shall remain accessible to all beneficiaries.
Reasonable fees may be charged by IVIUSO for the use of t5e Conrnron Areas, as well
as lease of commercial units, parking and other areas, in accordance with p.revailing rates


sEc- 7$- succession. - ln cases of succession, the lreir(s) may
a vacate and turnover the premises to IVUSO and receive a lump sunr
equivalent to the accumulated.contributions made by the deceased'to the
h/luso l-lousing Trust Fund, net of all expensu= and charges incurred by
the deceased for the duration of his/lrer stay, as well as foithe restoration
and rehabilitation of the Housing Unit occupied and subject to the si0ning
of waiver as may be requirecJ by IVIUSO; or '

t\flanila Urban Housing Ordinance | 17
Section 82 of thi s Ordina nce an
sulrject to terms of lease and ilre Handbook for Berreflqgries.

The heir(s) shall inform the [/USO of their decision to either vacate or rb-a
one (1) month of the death of the Beneficia ry. Failure to do so within the given
period shall automatically mean the vacation and turnover.of the premises to the City in
accordance with the succeeding provisions

Sfe . 80. Turnover of Fremises to the City. - The heirs shall inform the I\IUSO
of their intention to vacate and turnover the premises to the City in writing within
month of the death of the Beneficiary They shall then require to submit proof of
as well as all other requirements that may be deemed necessary by the MUSO,
they can claim the lump sum equival ent to the accumulated contributions
to the VILtSO
Hou sing Trust [:und made by the deceased. The amount sh all be net
of all the applicable
expenses and charged i ncurred by the deceased for the duration
of his stay in the unit
and charges incurred'by tlre deceased for the duration of his/her stay,
as well as for the
restoration and rehabilitation of ilre Ho using Unit occgpi ed
and subject to the signing
waiver as may be requirecl by I\f USO
tl: l

The heirs shall be given five (5) days upon receipt of

the lump sum from the ill.:
to va cate the premises. Otherwise, th ey shall be subject
to ejectment proceedi ngs i :,.
SEC" EX" Application for the !-ease
- The heirs shall inform the hIUSO of their
intention to apply for the lease of the unit in writing within one (1)month of the death of
the Beneficiary. They shall then be requt red to submit proof of
heirship, dlon g with all
other requirements that may be dee med n ecessary by the

ln all instances, the ft/USO shall allow orr ly one (1) heir as beneficiary
to the unit,
subject to the limitations of occupancy, as prov ided
ln the event of mr_rlti ple heirs, the said heirs shall be required
themselves who the new beneficiary will be, subject to decide among
to the eligibility criteria provided,
herein. Once deterrnined, the heirs shall execute a waiver
of their right S
the unit in favor of the de termined heir. Failure to decide
shall automaticall
as an exercise of the option undbr SE C. 8O(a) of this Ordinance
immediately vacate the premises and t urnover the same thus, heirs 'si-,all
to the City
sEc' E2' Fneference to-Heirs.- * The heir(s) of the beneficiary shall
prefeirential status in the applicatio.n of be given
the unit previo--uri;;;;j;i, the deceased,
subject to their eligibility and'compliance with
' '- terrns
the --"' of certificate of occupancy and
the Hanclbook for Beneficiaries.

However, before an heir may be considerecJ,

of heir and ensure his or her eligibility based
I\4uso shallfirst evaluate application
mentioned in Chapter lV or V of'tfris Ordinance -
on the- criteria
' for socialized housing program

ln the event that heir(s) are found to be ineligible

under the socializecl Housing
oe ciplneo f;; ;;;;;;;;ffi 'q,,riri"o ini,o p",rv as mav bI : lr l


lllanila Urban Housing Ordinance 18

StrC. 83. SubleasinE anci,4lienation. - ln crcler'to r
statecl objectives, an awardecl unit shall not in any manner be leased
alienated or encumbered through any form of disposition, except in cases of succe
The beneficiary is prohibited frorh selling the unit or to use it as a collateral foi rutur:€:
financial requirements.

Unit shall likewise be used solely for residential purposes only and subject to thei
Rules and Regulations issued by IMUSO

All other limitations and/or prohibitions founcl in other public housing programs of
the City, not contrary to the policies contained herein, shall likewise be imfiosed to
beneficiaries of this project.

SEG" E'[- fi/lisrepresentations. - Any misrepresentation to obtain unit entilement

shall render the cgr.fesponding grant void from the beginning, without prejudice to any
criminal and/or civil liability that may arise from such ,ri;*p;.rAntrtion, -- r
{SIEC" 8S" FenallVt Any violation of the terms and conditions of Certificate of,
Award or Occupancy shall cause the automatic cancellation and nullification oitn;:;il.
The award shall be recalled immediately a1d be assigneo to anoth",
Contributions to the IVIUSO l-lousing Trust Fund maOf by the violator ;;;lileo
be forfdited by nflUSo as penalty ano damages. ln aloitron, violatoi shall pay
$re cosi:'ot
rehabilitation of the Unit to restore the same io its original condition wnen initiaf y
" "''-"r n*ur].l

to violator
-'-*" -l ,,:]

SEC" 86. Otlren Rernedies. - The City may, at its option, avail of olrer legal'
remedies or actions, whether civil or criminal, avaitanie under ih" tr*


SHC- 87. Voluntary Retinquishment of Rights. Beneficiaries may at any tirne,

voluntarily vacate the Housing Units or signify theiiintent- to sell the lot awirdecl to them
under the Land-forthe*Lanclless program pursuant to section gB below.

Upon notice of their intent to vacate the premises to [/USO, they shall within a
period of not more than fifteen (15) calendar days, vacate and turnover
t'h;.p;;*ir*, t"

Within a pe.rrod of thirty (30)'calendar days, said beneficiary shall receiu* ,iu*p
sum equivalent to his or her accumr:lated contribltions to the hnUSO
Housing Trust funj,
net of all expenses- and charges incurred or the duration of
his/her stay, as tJutt ,u toittle
restoration and rehabilitation of lhe Housing Unit occupied and subject
io ir.'*.riJn,",
lrvaiver as may be required by A/USO. ";
SE6' ss' Ftight of First Refusal. - ln no case. shall the selected beneficiary be
allowed to clispose of the purchasecJ uncler tie lanJ-ror--inl:L"not..;
without the prior consent of the city utayor. The city shau ha;" th";idi"t ;r;d,-;;
repurchase the property. ni"ir&rJ"r i.j

ln the event that prior consent of the City fulayor is not obtainecl piior
sale shail be considered void. The city may at Lny time,.;,;.;;;i;-,-l,ri,i to sale, the
and immediately purchase the property rrom the seiler. i--ll"ir.rr

IManila Urban Housing Orctinance | 19
SE0" 8.9. Fuu"chase of Larrd for Land-for- the-l-
sfites. - All lands whicl-r will be used as housing site shal be pu
throug h h/IUSO in the amount equivalent to just compensati on or the full
equrva lent of the property taken from its owner by the expropriator

SffiG. S0. .lolnt Venture and Public-Private Partnerships.- The City throy$hf
VIUSO, rnay enter into a Joint Venture or Public-Private Partnerships with glferi:
Glovernmeni Agencies, private Entities and other entities for the purposes of c_onstruction
of housirrg devllopments or for other purposes to fulfill the objectives of this Ordinance

SIEG. S't. t-oans and Simllar Funding. - The City may, utilize loan or funding flom
lnternational Finance l.nstitutio.ns or lnternational Organizations such as,.but not'limited
to the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Japanese Agency for lnternational
Cooperation for its housing projects and developments or for other purposes to fulfill the
objectives of this Ordinance

In addition, the City may, obtain loans from local banks or financial institutions for
the same purposes.

All funcls obtained under this Section shall be credited to and shall form part of
iVIUSO Housing Trust Furnd.

SEC. S2.'Fnoceeds from'Ordinance No.8569. The City may utili2e all

properties or funds collectecl under Ordinance No. 8569 as provided in Section 71 above;

SIHC. 93. Ltrse of Fag-lBlG Fund and Similar Funds. - Beneficiaries of Land-for-
tlre-Landless Program of the City rnay utilize their Pag-lBlG Fund (or other similar fund)
benefits in purchasing of property under the said Proggam, subject to the';conCitions and

Proceecls from bank loan or otlrer financial institutions nray likewise be usecJ by

SEC. $4. [nformation Dissemination. - The h/lUSO, in parlnership with the

relevant entities of the local government shall engage in sharing, to the greatest extent
possible, accurate and responsive information about the City's housing projects. ,,

Furthermore, it should dedicate a webiite containing allthe necessary information,

as well as facilitating online transactions for interested applicants and beneficiaries qf the I

Cityr's housing programs. Online pay,ment facility shall be made available for convenience ll

of beneficiaries.

StrC. 95. Arnendrnent. - This Ordinance and the provisions contained herein can
only be amended ancl revised thiough a subsequent repealing Ordinance duly approved
by a 213 vote of the City Council. While a unanimous vote of all the members of the City
Courrcil shall be reqt-rired to repeal this Ordinance.

SEC" 96. Surpplementary Application of the Gfivil Gode. - ln cases not covered'
lcy the provisions of this Code, the pertinent provisions of the Crvil Code, and other related
issuances shall apply in a supplementary manner.

N/lanila Urban Housing Ordinance | 20


SEC. 97. $epanability Clause. - lf fo r any reason, a pa rt of thls Ordinance is

declared illegal or invalid, other parts or provis ions hereof which are not
shall remain valid in full force and effect.

SEe" 9E. F'{,epealinE Clause. - Any ordinance or part or proffnions there

rnconsistent with any of the provisions of this Ordinance are herebY r
modified accordingly

SEe . 99. Et'fectivity Clau:s6. - Ihis Ordinance shall take effect immediatel! u
its approval

This Ordinance was ;l'inally enacted by the City Council of 'l\flanila

lVlarch 1,2021


ing P sjding Officer
C cil, Arlanila

City Government Department Head lll
ffiecretary to the City Council)
llAn 23 2021

FRAhf C! n0" D0l\flAG0s

City of lVfanila

City Government Head lll
(Secretary to Mavof
RN E jhbkmd/agv/eee/jrp

hf*nila Urban llousing Orcllnance | 21-

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