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• Introduce yourself

• Tell your plans for Christmas / the next year

• Answer 2 questions
o What’s your favourite
type of food?
o Can you cook? If so,
how did you learn? If
you can’t, would you
like to learn?
 Where do Peruvians normally have
lunch? Where and what do you
normally have for lunch?
 What do you prefer, Convenience
or traditional food?
• Introduce Yourself

• Tell your plans for Christmas / next year

• Answer 2 questions

• What food did you use to eat when

you were a child?
• What food can’t you stand?
• Have you ever felt disappointed when
trying a dish you thought would be
delicious? What happened?
o Do you know the Peruvian traditions represented in
the photos? What are they about?
o Have you ever been to any of them? If you haven’t,
which one would you like to attend? Why?
o What other festivals and traditions about Peru do you
• What other traditions have you heard about?
• Which has been the strangest tradition you
have seen?
• What rituals or traditions do you family have?
Total = 18 classes
29 30
1 class to recover.


• 15 minutes before each class /

each class (6 classes)

• 1 day we can recover


• 10 minutes before each class (9

• Where would you like to be right now? To be honest, I would like …….
• Give details about it. Well, this place............ and….
• Why? It helps me …… / I can ………
• Is this the kind of beach you would like to go when
you go on vacation ?
It is quite common to associate …….
Another thing is……
Yes, I have ….. / No, I have’nt…..
Living near the beach has pros and cons……
The pros are……….
However, the cons are…..


What is the story about?
Connect the words in yellow with its meaning in the other chart:

1. My daughter soberly said that

a) To bite sth with small bites,
she would move to Barbados.
especially food.
2. “Really Amanda? Why?” I asked
b) That happen after or as a result
of another event.
3. Before heading to school
c) In a serious and sensible way
nibbling on a piece of fruit.
d) In a calm and relaxed way,
4. After the ensuing discussions
showing no sign of worry.
and negotiations.
oot own b. F _ _ t d _ wn
ompromise c. C _ mpr _ m _ s _
aft d. An inflatable r _ ft
ibble e. N _ bbl _
ap f. Take a n _ p
• Is your attitude toward beaches similar to:
a) The author’s
b) The author’s daughter attitude I share the view of______ as
Discuss in groups: _____________
Another reason is that__

I partially agree with_____ for

the reason that_________

It might depend on ____

03 minutes




Listen to 5 people talking
about their favorite beach.

Use the verbs in the box

b) advise
c) assure
d) reassure
e) convince
f) persuade
g) mention
h) claim
1. She tried to persuade me and I understood her point of view.

2. I reassured her that it was necessary to consider the cons.

S Verb Obj. P.

After the verb you need:

An object pronoun / that

verb + sb + to do / that
Tell verbs : _________________
It was necessary to mention the cons of living in the beach.

My daughter announced that she would be moving to Barbados.

S Verb

After the verb you need:

An object pronoun / that

verb + that / noun / sentence

Say verbs : ____________________________
Tell Verbs Say Verbs

persuade me mention

reassured her announced that

insisted that

suggesting that

confessed that
Tell Verbs Say Verbs

persuade me mention

reassured her announced that

advise sb to insisted that admitted that

Add more reporting verbs to the appropriate assure sb that explain claim that
convince sb that suggesting that confirm that
admit advise assure claim confirm convince encourage sb that confessed that
In pairs:

Well, the last time , I went ______

In that occasion, it was ________
To be honest, ___________________
I went along with ____________ / I went on my own___
First , I ___________ and then ___________
I stayed at / in _________
If you ask me, _______
During ________ I ________ then, _______
I can say this person was______________
Yes, I have ____________________/ No I haven’t but ______

What are the people doing?

What things went wrong in this trip?

Problems ?
What kind of things might go wrong in vacations like these?

• A possible problem can be ________

• Another incovenient might be______
• If they __________
Sarah and Paul
Amy and Josh

Passport ❌ Enter to the ❌

Take a train ✅

Last year:
Hotel ❌

Miss my flight ✅

Complete with the verbs : can– need - have- allowed

• Are the verbs in the present or past? Past

• What types of verbs are : could / Modal didn’t need

1. I _______________ to have a passport.
should / would? Verbs had
2. I _______________ to take a train.
• What types of verbs are: couldn’t
3. I _______________ fly on time.
• be allowed to / have to / need to? Semi- Modal
Verbs wasn’t allowed to enter to the citadel.
4. I _______________
We use should have + past part. to express:

congratulations / criticism for actions

In the present / past
He didn’t book a hotel in advance.
should have
He ________________ booked a hotel in advance • Did she book the hotel? No

• Was it a good idea to book the hotel in Yes

He paid the entrance ticket without confirmation. advance?

shouldn’t have paid the tickets without confirmation.
He ______________ He didn’t
• Why?
get a room
• Am I criticising him?
He didn’t check the reviews online
should have checked the reviews online
He ____________
Complete the chart about the past modal verbs

Function Affirmative Negative Structure

Expressing permission was allowed / were allowed + Infinitive (without to)

could go / do , etc)

Expressing necessity didn’t have to

didn’t need to

Talking about the “right should have + past participle

course of action” and ought to have (gone / done, etc.)
criticising in the past
b. I didn’t have to / didn’t need to
c. I could / was allowed to
d. I couldn’t / wasn’t allowed to
e. I shouldn’t have done
f. I should have done / ought to have
• I had to buy coach tickets in advance.
• I couldn’t go to the Colca Canyon
• I didn’t have to get up early .
• I could go to typical restaurants near the main square.
• I shouldn’t have eaten so much food because..
• I should have visited San Camilo Market.
• When did you last see a post on Instagram?
• Who made the post?
• What was it about?
• What do you post on social media?
It was ……..
Probably, …../ Definitely……
In ………. I would tag………. as…..
He wears tacky tasteless clothes Daniel Goleman is a business guru.
Read and match the character type and the picture

A.- 3
B.- 4
Read and match the character type and the

c) 5
d) 2
e) 1
Do you know anyone who fits this description?

I think my ……
can be…….

The Totally The Artsy Type The Culture The Joker The Indecisive
Tasteless Type Vulture Type
They are useful tools
These pants are useless.

a) ful or ish
b) less
dis- il- im- in- ir- un-
1. unwilling
2. irresistible
3. relentless
4. disobedient
5. devilish
6. undivided
7. stressful
8. irresponsible
9. careful
10. hellish
11. tearful

Did you enjoy travelling as a child?

Have you ever met anybody while on vacation and then stayed
in touch with them?

a) He was on vacation in Brazil.

b) Her visa ran out.
c) Sao Paulo.

1. F
2. D (Do you know what I mean).
3. A
4. B
5. D (In fact).
6. C
7. G
8. E
Complete with:
the bank and I opened ____
Yesterday I went to ____ a
window, it was very hot inside a – an – the - ø
The the USA,
___ French are very romantic and in ____
ø Peru, _____
people are hardworking but in ____ ø

the men in
men are more serious, However _____ We use articles:

Lima need to work to get money

the for places in the city ( supermarket, park, etc)
the school and I learned to play ____
I went to ____ the a / an for individual things / animals / places
the piano, however, my favorite sport
violin and ____ ø
________ for countries
ø soccer with my friends
was to play ___ the
________ for countries that are in a group
________ for things in general
a jacket and an
Last month I bought ____ ____ the
________ for a specific group of people / things
the jacket was expensive but ____
orange shirt, ____ the the
________ for musical instruments
shirt was on offer,
1. a 11. the 21. a
2. a 12. - 22. a
3. a 13. the 23. -
4. - 14. a 24. the
5. an 15. the 25. a
6. the 16. a 26. the
7. a 17. the 27. the
8. the 18. the 28. the
9. a 19. the 29. the
10. a 20. the 30. a
Have you ever visited or traveled through any of these places?
Add your own examples to boxes A and B
Imagine you are visiting Paris for the first time.
Which sights would you want to see?

Listen: How many museums are mentioned?

1. The Louvre
2. The Musée d’Orsay
3. The Picasso Museum
a) 6
b) 9
c) 10
d) 1
e) 3
f) 5
g) 8
h) 2
i) 7
j) 11
k) 4
• Bangkok
• Barcelona
• Cape Town
• Mexico City
• New York
• Sydney

a) views …….. spectacular.

b) you; don’t …. without.
c) best….for ; should
d) make …. you; won’t… disappointed
e) best ….. avoid
f) a; worth
a) views …….. spectacular.
b) you; don’t …. without.
c) best….for ; should
d) make …. you; won’t… disappointed
e) best ….. avoid
f) a; worth

a) Cape Town
Match the tip with the city in the box: b) Barcelona

• Bangkok • Mexico City c) Bangkok

• Barcelona • New York d) Sydney
• Cape Town • Sydney e) New York
f) Mexico City

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