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Visual Culture

Reading questions Fischer

1) In the short video clip “Disclosure | The Origin of Trans Representation in Early Cinema,”
what do the protagonists have to say about: 1. The invention of the cinematic cut and
trans representation? 2. The entanglement of gender and race?

2) “How does the exponential increase in trans visibility coexist with an increase in
documented violence against trans communities?” (5)
First, describe the developments Fischer is naming here (what are examples the author
gives for the increase in trans visibility and violence against trans people).
Second, what is the answer to this question as offered by the author in this text?

3) What are “homonormative, assimilationist single-issue politics” (quoted from Duggan,

11) and what is the author’s critique of those?

4) Discuss Gray’s (and also Fischer’s point) that access to cultural representation often
comes with new forms of subjection, marginalization, and regulation (14).

5) Lastly, in your own words, what would Fischer say to the following argument?
In order to achieve more equality and fairness for transgender people, we need to
diversify media representations and increase trans visibility and trans representation.

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