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Submitted to The Proposal Examiners Team in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement of The Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S.) at English Literature
Study Program, Language and Literature Department of Faculty of
Humanities at Universitas Halu Oleo





This chapter discusses the background of the research, research question,

objective of the research, significance of the research, scope of the research, and

definition of terms.

1.1 Background

In human life, views and evaluations of humans are traits that already exist

in humans themselves, whether it's good or bad, and we often encounter these

actions without realizing it, especially racist actions. Racism is an act that

demeans someone based on different views about something they believe in such

as differences in identity, race, skin color who are minorities in an area and

because a difference makes this difficult to accept in the majority community.

Racism in general is an attitude or behavior in favor of one group over

another based on a difference. So that other parties experience social injustice and

receive bad treatment. Racist incidents occur in various areas of social life,

including entertainment, health care, and education. Because of this

discriminatory behavior creates rifts between individuals and within certain

organizations. This is in line with what is defined by Van Dijk (2009) that racism

is a racist ideology which is understood as a complex social system based on

ethnicity or race which results in domination and inequality.

Movie is a series of motion pictures recorded with sound that tell a story,

featured in the movie Hornby (2006). Movie is a type of visual media that is


created or produced from real ideas, so it must contain elements of entertainment

and an information medium that is able to make the audience feel the message

contained in the movie. Because movie is also a representation that produces

reality, so that movie media plays an important role for society to form a good

social environment, especially in terms of racist attitudes or behavior. Like what

was shown in Harriet movie, racism is very clearly illustrated against the black

race who were made slaves.

Harriet is an American biographical movie released in 2019 which tells

the story of Harriet Tubman's struggle. The movie is based on the true story of

Ara Minta Ross's life journey, where Ross is a former slave woman and activist

against slavery in the United States. The determination of a woman who fights for

her own freedom and that of her people, a movie that contains a moral message

and can be an inspiration for those who watch it, especially on racist acts, has

made researchers interested in conducting research on this movie .

This research focuses on racist discourse that has a significant impact on

white and black ethnicity regarding racist behavior in various aspects of life.

Words, images and text are woven together to create racist discourse in media

works such as those in Harriet movie. This study was analyzed using the racist

discourse approach proposed by Van Dijk (1993) to see how individuals engage in

racist behavior, which will be analyzed using the five components of racist

discourse proposed by Dijk (1993), namely groups, power and dominance,

difference: race and ethnicity, white racism, and social practices and social


The purpose of this research is to answer research questions about how

racist discourse is described in Harriet movie, based on the approach taken by

Van Dijk (1993). On the other hand, this research is important because acts of

racism are still rampant in society. So the researcher hopes that this research can

be useful for readers and can make readers aware of the losses caused by acts of

racism between humans and the importance of tolerance for differences.

From several previous research, there are several things that are similar,

and there are also some things that are different from the research that the

researcher did. The research object use in this research was the Harriet movie ,

while several researchers previously discussed other objects, such as in the first

research entitled "Racist Discourse in the Blindspotting movie" conducted by

Deani Prionazvi Rhizky (2020). This research uses the critical discourse analysis

method of Norman Fairclough to identify discourses related to racism that often

appear in everyday life. In addition, another research entitled "Anti-Black Racism

in Kathryn Stockett's The Help: A Critical Discourse Analysis" was conducted by

Mahbub (2015). This research uses Teun Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis

with a social cognition approach to examine how anti-black racism is

ideologically constructed in Kathryn Stockett's novel The Help. Therefore, a more

in-depth and explicit research is needed regarding the racism contained in Harriet


The reason the researcher chose Harriet's movie was because when the

researcher conducted an in-depth review with other movies, the researcher found

more racist elements related to what was described by Van Dijk (1993) so that the

data the researcher needed was easier to obtain. The researcher also understands

the plot in this movie better compared to other movies that have been reviewed

previously. Also, this movie has not been studied in terms of racist discourse by

Van Dijk (1993).

The researcher chose the concept of Racist Discourse because it refers

more to discriminatory social behavior that appears in the form of writing, speech,

and communication related to other discriminatory (non-verbal) actions, which

lead to acts of racism as Groubs, Power and Domination, Differences: Race and

Ethnicity, White racism, and Social practices and social cognition by Van Dijk


1.2 Research Questions

The researcher focuses this research on the following problem: "How is

racist discourse described in Harriet movie based on the theoretical approach

taken by Van Dijk (1993)"

1.3 Objective of The Research

Based on the research questions above, the purpose of this research is to

describe the racist discourse in the Harriet movie, based on the research question.

1.4 Scope of The Research

The researcher restricts and focuses the discussion to racism as a grubs,

power and dominance, differences: race and ethnicity, white racism, and social

practices and social cognition that appear in the Harriet movie, by examining

various aspects of gestures, body language, and speech made by the characters in

the movie. This essay seeks to expose the racism present in several of Harriet

characters. As a result, the author has to do a more thorough research to make it

more pertinent.

1.5 Significance of The research

With this research, the researcher hopes to make a valuable contribution

both theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretical Significance:

The researcher hopes to be able to contribute to readers who continue this

research by using discourse analysis as a research concept that can be use

as a grand theory.

2. Practical Significance:

a) Practically, this research is expected to provide sufficient knowledge so

that it can assist future researchers in analyzing Harriet movie and help

readers identify and learn more about racist insight analysis.

b) The researcher also hopes that this research can be useful for other

researchers, especially those who wish to research linguistics, so that this

theory can be developed further.


1.6 Definition of Terms

Researchers provide clear definitions and guidelines so that readers

understand the contents of the research as a whole.

1. Racism is a racist ideology that is understood as a complex social system

based on ethnicity or race that results in dominance and inequality (Van


2. Movie is a series of moving, sound-recorded images that tell a story,

featured in the movie Hornby (2006).



2.1 Critical Discourse Analysis

Critical discourse analysis is an analysis that focuses on how texts and

speakers in a social and political context enforce, produce, and oppose and

challenge the abuse of social power, domination, and inequality (Dijk, 2008).

Domination in the broad framework of fighting social injustice by conducting in-

depth investigations of material from a very critical perspective, critical discourse

analysis advances linguistic and psychological techniques. Fairclough (1993)

defined CDA as a critical analysis that seeks to expose the role of discursive

practices in the upkeep of social reality, which contains uneven power relations,

and seeks to help change them so that they become more equal in the

communication process and society at large. These analyses not only investigate

social "narrative" discourses at work in inquiry but also go into the motivations

behind particular storytellers. In order to understand the concept of resistance and

the appropriation of discourse among various social actors, critical discourse

analysis investigates the dominant and subordinate discourses available in society.

Discourse analysis plays an important ethical and political role in explaining how

social phenomena are discursively shaped. It does this by capturing important

aspects of the social world and showing how they came to be, how they can be

different, and therefore how they can be changed.

For words and concepts to be considered to have actual and separate

references, says Foucault in The Archeology of Knowledge, we must bind them


"into a set of rules that allow them to form as objects of discourse and thereby

shape the circumstances of their historical manifestations. (Foucault 2000) This

"body of rules" fosters the development of dominant discourses or texts, whose

legitimacy allows them to be accepted as immutable knowledge, truth, law, or

"common sense." The importance of ideas, facts, and knowledge changing with

discourse is emphasized by critical discourse analysis.

2.2 Discourse and Racism

Most people do not associate racism with the concept of discourse. Racism

Elites in politics, bureaucracy, business, media, education, and academia are

responsible for the most significant aspects and decisions that affect immigrants

and minorities every day, including admissions, housing, employment, education,

welfare, health care, knowledge, and culture. Thus, elite speech can be an

important component of elite racism. Likewise, texts, discussions, and

communications are the main media through which ethnic prejudices that underlie

verbal and other social behavior are formed.

Based on the above theoretical justifications, it can be concluded that texts

and speech play an important role in the spread of modern racism, especially elite

racism, which is the most dangerous type of modern racism. Elites mostly speak

or write in cabinet meetings, legislative debates, job interviews, news,

advertisements, studies, textbooks, scientific publications, films, and talk shows,

among many other places. It is a kind of verbal discrimination, like other social

practices targeting minorities, that lies at the heart of other verbal and social

practices made possible largely through text, voice, and communication.


2.2.1 Racism

Racism is a concept that develops in modern society. Racism has spread

all over the world, not just in the United States. Individuals from other countries

also often intimidate and discriminate against groups they perceive as lower than

them (Liliweri 2018). The history of slavery in the United States took place

between the 18th and 19th centuries, and according to Marger (in Axanta and

Purba, 2019), it was during this time that racism first emerged because of the

perception that black, ethnic, and racial groups were on a higher social plane.

lower than the then predominant white population, ethnicity, or race in the US.

In addition, Samovar (in Rita, 2015) notes that racism can be broadly

divided into two categories: personal and institutional. While Bloom emphasizes

that institutional racism focuses on disparaging behavior committed against

communities or groups by certain social institutions such as schools, businesses,

hospitals, or the criminal justice system (Samovar in Rita, 2015).

2.2.2 Discourse

When someone understands the racism, they won't be able to understand

how the discourse contributed to the reproduction of the racism in the original

work. The speaker is aware of various communicative patterns as well as different

forms of speech, such as spoken or written from verbal or specific use of the

language, in this context. In order to identify a specific discourse type, collection,

or genre when discussing racist discourse, one uses the more common discourse

style in writing. Discourse can express itself non-verbally through more elaborate

semiotic mediums, including pictures, photos, drawings, body language, and the

like. Due to this, racial accents can be expressed through pictures, movies,

insulting movements, and other non-verbal forms of communication. The data in

this document for the brief level and a few discourse structures provide an

overview of how the discourse and its many structures can interact with various

racisms. Humiliation outside the group or another negative presentation. In other

places, ideological boxes are useful for polarizing people into ingroups and

outgroups in social, linguistic, and philosophical discourse, as well as for racial

dominance. According to the theoretical assertions made above, social distinctions

at the local level can be observed, as can connections between groups,

organizations, and institutions that dominate at the global level and which, upon

analysis, may be considered to constitute social systems themselves.

2.3 Racist Discourse and Everyday Language

While these flagrant forms of street racism violence are shocking and

although some of them occur fairly frequently, they do not all define the daily

lives of all members of minority groups in Western countries. Perhaps more

serious and insidious are the cumulative and structural effects of the less violent,

everyday forms of racism that all members of minorities may encounter in

politics, at work, at school, in academic research, in government agencies, in

shops, on the media, in public places, or in other interactional situations with

white people.

Racism does not consist solely of white supremacist racial ideology, or

simply outright discriminatory or overtly aggressive acts, forms of racism as they

are understood today in informal conversation, in the media, or in most of the


social sciences. Racism also involves everyday, worldly negative opinions,

attitudes, and ideologies, and seemingly subtle acts and conditions of treatment of

minorities, namely, social cognitions and social actions, processes, structures, or

institutions that directly or indirectly contribute to domination. white groups and

minority groups in subordinate positions.

Many of the subtle and overt racist events that characterize everyday racist

systems are enacted, controlled, or condoned by white elites, i.e., prominent

politicians, professors, editors, judges, officials, bureaucrats, and managers. If

white people themselves are not actively engaged in these modern forms of

segregation, exclusion, aggression, inferiorization, or marginalization, then their

involvement in the problem of racism consists of their passivity, their approval,

their ignorance, and their indifference to ethnic inequality or race.

2.4 The Critical Analysis of Racism

The critical analysis of racism is the result of a complex interaction of

scientific, social, cultural, and political insights that is problem oriented. The crux

of the matter is that racism as a social and political problem is a behavior of white,

western society, and the theoretical and methodological tools from various

disciplines are chosen, or when necessary created, solely as a function of their

relevance to the description and explanation of racism.

In this understanding of racism, individuals who are competent or

"conscious" from minority groups who experience racism are recognized as

having a valid perspective. This ability requires a fundamental understanding and


the evaluation and decision-making techniques necessary to assess white people's

beliefs, attitudes, discourse, or other behaviors in relation to the dominating ethnic

system. In other words, the researcher takes the "ethnic situation description" as

given by members of an informed minority group in principle (Essed, 1991). It

goes without saying that this knowledge develops historically and as a result

differs for various individuals, minority subgroups, historical periods, and

sociocultural and political contexts. Africans now have a more nuanced

understanding of how racism works than they did 40 or 100 years ago, due in part

to the Civil Rights Movement (Marable, 1985; Marx, 1967; Morris, 1984;

Sigelman & Welch, 1991). We integrate these minority competencies with

relevant contextual information and knowledge of related implications, as they

have been accounted for in a multidisciplinary framework, in our reading of

sometimes subtle forms of discursive racism.

2.4.1 Groubs

The nature of group racism is a significant aspect. Among these,

categorization, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination mostly affect others

because they are seen as members of a different group and not as individuals, i.e.,

belonging to a different group. The individuals in the group, who are presumed to

be essentially the same and interchangeable, are subject to the negative

characteristics assigned to the group as a whole. Conversely, negative traits

ascribed to group members under certain circumstances can be applied to the

group as a whole.

2.4.2 Power and Dominance

Group power is primarily a form of control: the range and nature of the

actions of members of the dominated group are limited by the actions, influence,

or perceived desires of the members of the dominant group. In other words, the

exercise of social control over other groups limits the social freedom of these

other groups.

Membership in the dominant group itself may be considered by its

members as a sufficient right to exercise control over the others. Usually,

however, the power base is also defined in terms of status, privilege, income, and

access to better jobs, better housing, or better education. Morally or legally

unwarranted control and privileged access to such resources define the idea of

domination and is at the heart of all forms of social inequality and therefore,

racism. In other words, group domination is a form of abuse of power. This also

applies to power relations within the dominant group itself, and therefore to the

definition of elite. Domination which is defined as social control has cognitive

and social dimensions. In addition to their control over access to valuable social

resources, the dominant group can indirectly control the minds of others.

2.4.3 Difference: Race and Ethnicity

The forms of group power introduced above are general in nature and also

apply to defining class and gender dominance; among other things, racism

presupposes the social construction of ethnic or racial differences. Traditionally,

the notion of racism was applied to forms of group dominance where specific

differences in physical appearance (mostly color) were used to interpret the

membership of both main and outgroup groups.

Although the differences between in-groups and out-groups may be

minimal, sometimes even non-existent, their social constructs are based on

various cognitive operations to define racial differences, such as the use of

prototypes, exaggerating between-group differences, and minimizing in-groups.

2.4.4 White Racism

Focusing on white or European racism, an analysis of racism as group

dominance based on sociocognitively understood ethnic or racial inequality can

theoretically be applied to other types of inequality. This is not meant to imply

that white people are inherently racist, but rather that historically, Europeans have

accumulated or assumed power that has been reproduced in racial terms, which

includes various forms of perceived racial superiority over non-Europeans and a

system of discrimination used in exclusion, marginalization, or other forms of

oppression or control. Traditional racism assumes the inherent superiority of the

"white" race, while more modern types of racism emphasize "difference" with

other races.

In other words, European group dominance was exercised primarily with

respect to non-European (non-white) groups or persons identified within the

complex framework of physical, cultural, and socioeconomic differences with

which they were associated. Although closely related to Western colonialism and

imperialism, this particular form of white racism persists in modern interactions


between North and South and between European majorities and non-European


2.4.5 Social Practice And Social Cognition

Social action and social cognition are two complementary characteristics

that contribute to ethnic group dominance. Therefore, control is exercised by the

social practices of in-group members that marginalize, exclude, or oppress out-

group members. But if they are consciously informed, for example, by a

prejudiced attitude or ideology, such actions can be racist or continue a racist

system of power. This does not imply that this behavior is a conscious or

intentional act of racism; it simply that it is motivated by ideas that have a

detrimental effect on members of a minority group. In addition, it also means that

the issue of unbiased or unintentional discrimination is bogus.

First, this happens because, in the concept of racism from the perspective

of a minority, discriminatory actions are considered and assessed according to

their impact on minorities. Second, at the level of groups and group dominance,

the discriminatory actions of a group imply the existence of cognitive social

prejudices that are shared by many or most members of the dominant group.The

general approach to racism (ethnicism) as a system of group domination, which

manifests itself in social cognition (attitudes, ideology), as well as in the

systematic social practice of exclusion, inferiorization or marginalization, differs

from the general one. At the level of local interaction and experience, the system

of racism in society as a whole is implemented as everyday racism, namely as a


violation of the rules, norms, and values that underlie appropriate behavior in

social interaction.

2.5 Previous Research

The first research is a thesis entitled "Discourse on Racism in the film

Blindspotting" conducted by Deani Prionazvi Rhizky (2020). This research is

qualitative because it uses the critical discourse analysis method developed by

Norman Fairclough to identify discourses related to racism that often appear in

everyday life. Defining text dimensions, relational value, and expressiveness are

the data analysis techniques used in this valuable research. The purpose of this

study is to find out the racist discourse in the film Blindspotting and provide an

overview of how Fairclough's approach is researched. This is related to the

researcher's research because it uses the same methodology, namely critical

discourse analysis and racist discourse. So, previous research has a relationship

with this research but this research analyzes racist discourse in Harriet's film using

Van Dijk's (1993) approach.

Second, Mahbub (2015), "Anti-Black Racism in Kathryn Stockett's The

Help: A Critical Discourse Analysis". The focus of this research is to examine

how anti-black racism is constructed ideologically in Kathryn Stockett's novel The

Help. The theory of this research is based on Teun Van Dijk's Critical Discourse

Analysis with the Social Cognition Approach, taken from a book by Eriyanto

(2001). This approach analyzes three dimensions: text dimension, social cognition

dimension and social context dimension. The results of this study indicate that

Kathryn Stockett, author of The Help, constructs anti-racist and abolitionist


ideologies through text dimensions, social cognition dimensions, and social

context dimensions. This study has similarities with the authors of this study

because it uses critical analysis discourse. However, the approach used is


Third, Alviniyanti (2019), "Racism on Spike Lee's Blackkklansman

Movie: A Critical Discourse Analysis". This research is expected to be qualitative

descriptive research in which the researcher examines the characteristics of racism

using Jones' (2018) theory of classification regarding various types of racism.

Then, by applying van Dijk's (2006) discourse strategy theory to uncover racist

traits, this research also reveals how actors describe racist aspects in

BlacKkansansman. To examine the quality and nature of racism in films, this

research uses AWK (Critical Discourse Analysis). The results showed that 34

scenes in the BlacKkKlansman movie contained elements of racism. He analyzed

27 of the 34 scenes on the issue of racism which were included in the racism

category because the other seven categories were not included in the type of

racism proposed by Dijk (2006). This study has similarities with the authors of

this study because it uses critical analysis discourse. However, the theoretical

approach used is different. In this study, researchers used Van Dijk's theory,

namely discursive strategy.

Finally, research was conducted by Indrawati (2021) with the research title

"Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of Racism and Solidarity in

Adidas Tweets". The purpose of this research is to see how Adidas uses Twitter to

send messages about racism and unity. This research also reveals strong and

relevant messages for Adidas to use on Twitter to address racism and create

solidarity. This research has similarities with the author's research because it uses

the same approach, namely racist discourse. However, researchers used a different

object, namely Harriet movie.


2.6 Conceptual Framework

The Frameworks below are the theoretical concept of this research.

Racist Discourse in Harriet Movie.

Racist Discourse By Van Dijk


The Critical Analysis of Racism

1. Groubs
2. Power and Dominance
3. Difference: Race and Ethnicity
4. White Racism
5. Social Practice And Social Cognition

“How is racist discourse described in Harriet Movie based on the

theoretical approach taken by Van Dijk (1993)”

In this research, researchers use a movie object entitled Harriet by using

the perspective of Critical Analysis of Racism related to racist discourse theory.

The reason the researcher chose this theory is because the theory used by the

researcher is very suitable for analyzing the characters in Harriet movie. Where in

this movie, the racist behavior of white people towards black people is very

clearly illustrated in Harriet movie. This can be seen from the behavior of the

characters in this movie. Therefore, this research aims to find out, "How is racist

discourse described in the Harriet movie?"



This chapter presents the research method, it covers four sections: research

type, source of data, technique of data collections, and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Research Type

Research is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to

understand a phenomenon. For the researcher, research methods and techniques

are very important to know because in conducting systematic research, methods

are always used as a way to answer research questions. In this research, the

researcher wanted to analyze how the racist discourse in Harriet movie uses

descriptive qualitative methods. In addition, qualitative descriptive research is

used because the data focuses on information in the form of narratives related to

research in describing racist discourse in Harriet movie based on Dijk's theory


3.2 Source of Data

The data sources in this research are divide into two categories: primary

data and secondary, as follows:

1. The primary data in this research is the Harriet movie.

2. The secondary data in this research is an audiovisual movie whose

purpose is to support the primary data in the movie.


3.3 Technique of Data Collections

In this research, the technique of data collection consists of five steps,

which were as follows:

a. Downloading the movie from and

script from

b. Reading the dialogue script from inside the movie intensively related

to racism aims to find out the aspect of racist discourse in the movie.

c. Watching the movie several times to understand the context of the

situation from the primary data.

d. Screenshotting of data related to this research aims to help analyze

primary data.

e. Selecting of data in Italic; data support, Bold; dialog containing data,

Underline; a clear marker of data findings to sort data by category of

racist discourse based on Van Dijk (1993) approach.

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher will use qualitative descriptive techniques to analyze data,

data analysis used the Van Dijk framework (1993), and the techniques of data

analysis can be described as follows:

a. Presenting the Data

The researcher will present the data collected in Harriet movie before

describing the data related to aspects of racist discourse in the movie.


b. Describing the Data

Researchers will describe the situation and context of the data that has

been presented.

c. Interpreting the Data

The researcher will interpret the data based on racist discourse on the

ten aspects Nonverbal Structure, Sound, Syntax, Lexicon, Local

Meaning (sentence), Global Discourse Meaning (topic), Scheme,

Rhetorical Device, Speech Acts, and Interaction based on Dijk theory

(1993) in the Harriet movie.

d. Concluding the Data

Concluding the result, the researcher will make conclusions based on

data findings in the Harriet movie.


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