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Name : Isti Farida

NIM : 2018120005


1.1 Background of the Study

Film is a popular media nowadays, this can be seen from the large public interest in
various film genres. Film is a performing art that uses actors as the main instrument of
expression (Klerer, 2006). Films have provided new features in literary works that
convey messages through photographic depictions.

There are several films that get inspiration for making films from literary works
such as novels, short stories, dramas, and other literary works, or even from true stories
that can keep the audience entertained and capture the message of a story in it. It can be
concluded that this is a shorter and more efficient way. Like in the Green Book, a film
that presents many messages and this film provides a broader perspective. The main
theme presented by Green Book is racism. Racism is a belief that divides society into
several groups of people who have different social behaviors and innate capacities and
are ranked as superior and inferior, oppressor and oppressed (Newman, 2012).

Green Book was produced by director Peter Farrelly, this film depicts the true
events of Dr. Donald Shirley. Green Book is about a white American of Italian descent,
Tony Vallelonga, a racist against Negro Americans who gets an offer to become a
temporary driver because his workplace, the Copacabana Night Club, is closed for
renovations within 2 months. On the day Tony was interviewed, for the first time, Tony
met Dr. Donald Shirley who wowed Tony because Dr. Shirley is a person of color.
From here, the journey between Tony and Dr. Shirley goes from New York to the Deep
South. Many incidents, unexpected events happened along the way. At the end of the
trip, Dr. Shirley succeeded in changing Tony's mindset and paradigm towards Negroes,
which later turned Tony into a figure who has high humanist values.
“It is undeniable that racism and discrimination still happen today. People
have been making biological arguments about racial differences for more
than 500 years.”
(Brym and Lie, 2013: 175)

From the quote above, it can be concluded that racism as a social phenomenon that
has been passed down from generation to generation is also often used as an idea or
theme in literary works, films, and so on. For this reason, it is important to discuss
racism to bring out human values in the minds and hearts of everyone.

The background why researcher are interested in the film Green Book is that in this
film, many scenes show racism and discrimination against black people. But researcher
are trying to find something else in this film. And researcher found research on "How
does the Green Book present racial friendship?" This means that in a precarious
situation and rampant racism and discrimination even though they are "different", they
can still be good friends. True friendship means a willingness to listen carefully, and our
views are challenged because our black friends don't see the world the way we do. This
will require that we do important work to earn and offer trust, so that, if we make a
mistake or take a misstep, we will have the good intentions to support us.

1.2 Statement of The Problem

How does the Green Book (2018) present interracial friendship?

1.3 Objective of The Study

To explain how the Green Book (2018) present interracial friendship.

1.4 Scope of The Study

This research focuses on racism and interracial friendship that appear in the Green

1.5 Significances of The Study

The results of this study have several advantages that can be used for several parties
in an educational institution or even more broadly. For real benefits, the results of this
study can be used for students, especially the Department of English Literature and
English Education to enrich knowledge and understanding related to racism and
interracial friendship, especially in the Green Book, which can then be used for lecturers
as learning materials, with the problems carried out in research it's about social
behavior, and films are known as part of the work as their future concern.

1.6 Thesis Organization

The reseacher devides this thesis into fivr chapters. The following are the
organization of the study:
The first chapter deals with the introduction which consists of background of the
study, Statement of The Problem, Objective of The Study, Scope of The Study,
Significances of The Study and Thesis Organization.
The second chapter deals with review of related literature, that explain about the
theories that used by reseacher in analysing the issue.

2.1 Racism
Clair and Denis (2015) describes that racism cannot be defined without first
defining race. Among social scientists, 'race' is generally understood as a social
construct. Biologically meaningless when applied to humans - physical differences such
as skin color have no natural relationship with group differences in ability or behavior.
Indeed, race has historical variations in the definition and use of the term provides case

“Racism is an ideology of racial domination”

(Wilson, 1999: 14)

From the statement, the cultural assumption of one or more racial groups is used to
justify or assign lower treatment or social position to other racial groups.

Talking about racism, one of the most common racist behaviors is in America. The
slavery of people of color by America from the past until now, many African Americans
who side by side struggle to eliminate racist behavior from America, one of which is Dr.
Donald Shirley.

2.2 Interracial Friendship

Racial relations are relations that exist between persons distinguished by signs of
racial descent, when these racial differences enter into the consciousness of so special
individuals and groups, to determine in each case the individual's conception of himself
and his status in society. (Back and Solomos, 2000). Interracial friendships have been
shown to have positive behavioral and social effects (Lease and Blake, 2005).

This chapter presents the research methodology used in the research such as the
research design, object of the research, types of data, methods of collecting data, and
methods of analysing data.

3.1 Research Method

Descriptive research is research designed to obtain information about the current
status phenomenon (Ary, 2002).

“Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the

world. It consists of a set of interpretive, material practices that makes the
world visible. These practices … turn the world into a seried of
representations including fieldnotes, interviews, conversations,
photographs, recordings, and memos to the self… Qualitative research
study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to
interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them”
(Denzin and Lincoln: 2009)

Descriptive-qualitative research is the recommended research method because this

study aims to continue the understanding of interracial friendship through direct
observation in the film "Green Book" which will later build clear insights about the
friendship between races amid racism that occurs.

3.2 Object of The Reseach

The object used in this study is a film entitled "Green Book". The film “Green
Book” was produced in 2018 and directed by Peter Farrelly, the film “Green Book” is
categorized as a comedy-drama film. In the film "Green Book" the main theme that the
film brings is racism which is full of tragedy and misery. But this film also adds an
element of comedy, this can be found in many scenes to create a balanced composition
between the emotional part and the light comedy part.
On the other hand, comedy in films makes the audience more entertained and easily
accepts the moral value of the story. On the other hand, this film also tells about the
interracial friendship that occurs between blacks and whites. Although this film is more
about the struggle of African Americans who want to change the paradigm of
Americans towards people of color, on the other hand, the friendship between Don
Shirley and Tony Lip is more touching. The film has won several honorable awards
such as the Oscar award for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay, the Producers
Guild of America Award for Best Theatrical Motion Picture, as well as the Golden
Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. The analyzed parts of the
film are scenes, narratives, and scripts in the film that contain and reflect the interracial
friendship that occurred.

3.3 Types of Data

The type of data in this study is objective which focuses on the internal elements of
the film. The objective approach is a method in analyzing the object of research that
focuses on internal elements such as a script, and scenes. The limits of analysis are
determined through the premise of making research accurate to the research problem
(Abrams, 1971). In this research, the boundary used as the premise is action, and
dialogue is considered interracial friendship is internalized in the film. In detail,
The analyzed premise of the film is categorized as follows:
1. Dialogue showing the interracial friendship between. Don Shirley and Tony Lip.
2. Dialogue or action is a factor in why Don Shirley and Tony Lip engage in
interracial friendship.
3. Tony Lip's actions or dialogues reflect the resistance of any internalized racism
directed at Don Shirley from other characters.

Objective data was chosen because it determines the manifestation of interracial

friendship in the film “Green Book” whose data is analyzed entirely from internal
elements such as dialogue, action, scenes, etc. In addition, an objective approach can
also be applied with a qualitative research design that aims to gain understanding of
interracial friendships.

3.4 Methods of Collecting Data

The data collection method used is observation and documentation, while the
instrument in data collection in this study is the researcher himself. Data collection is
the process of collecting and measuring information about the variables of interest, in a
systematic way that allows one to answer stated research questions, test hypotheses, and
evaluate results (Kabir, 2016).
In this research, researchers used two kinds of methods to the source to obtain data
relevant to the topic. The methods used is observation and documentation.
3.4.1 Observation
Observations in this study mean that researchers observe interracial friendship
relationships that appear in scenes, actions, and narratives in the film "Green
Book". The observation method aims to help researchers understand and
recognize interracial friendship through conversations and physical actions that
are reflected in the film.

3.4.2 Documentation
The documentation method used in this research is data collection which refers
to the process of recording and documenting the actions that appear in the film
related to interpersonal friendship relationships. In addition, the documentation
of evidence of interracial friendship was also taken from the film script "Green
Book" to strengthen understanding of the evidence collected from the
documentary material of the existing scenes.

3.5 Methods of Analysing Data

Data analysis is the process of reviewing, sorting, and grouping data to formulate
working hypotheses and raise them into conclusions or theories in research findings
(Bakri, 2003:162). Analysis of the data in this research was processed systematically.
The procedure used is reading, decoding, categorizing, presenting, and drawing

3.5.1 Reading
In the first step in analyzing the data, the researcher analyzed the data from the
movie script "Green Book". To get a deep understanding and choose the parts
that contain the interracial friendship between Don Shirley and Tony Lip
contained in the film.
3.5.2 Decoding
At this stage, the data that has been collected from the script is compared with
scenes in the film to create meaning that fits the script. The vocabulary used in
interpreting the interracial friendship from the script is compared with intonation
and the action on the screen in order to get an accurate interpretation of the
meaning of interracial friendship in the film.

3.5.3 Categorizing
The data obtained were then categorized into several categories. Categorization
is an important part of data analysis to provide systematic data collection and
place evidence from scripts and scenes in it.

3.5.4 Presenting
The final data that has gone through several stages before being presented to the
reader, evidence from the script, scenes, and also the meaning behind the actions
are collected from the decoding section.

3.5.5 Conclusions
Cover against interracial friendships. The last chapter of data analysis is closing.
The conclusion of this section means that the researcher determines the meaning
and concludes the interracial friendship that occurs between Don Shirley and
Tony Lip.

Abrams, M.H. (1981). A Glassary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt, Rinehart and

Ary, D. (2002). Introduction to Research in Education. Sixth Edition. New York:


Back, L., & Solomos, J. (2000). Theories of Race and Racism A Reader.

Brym, R. J., & Lie, J. (2013). Sociology: Pop Culture to Social Structure, Third Edition,

Clair, M., & Denis, J. S. (2015). Racism, Sociology of: Journal of International
Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Volume 19, 857.

Denzin, Norman K. dan Yvonna S. Lincoln, eds. ( 2009). Handbook of Qualitative

Research. Terj. Dariyatno dkk. Jogjakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Kabir, Syed Muhammad Sajjad. (2016). Methods of Data Collection. Curtin University

Lease, A. M., & Blake, J. J. (2005). A comparison of majority-race children with and
without a minority-race friend. Social Development, 14, 20-41.

Wilson, W.J., 1999. The Bridge over the Racial Divide: Rising Inequality and Coalition
Politics. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

(Bakri, 2003:162) ??


Black and white friendship in America as a representation of Interracial

Friendship in the Film Green Book (2018)

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