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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

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Production, Properties, and Some New Applications of

Chitin and Its Derivatives
a a
Józef Synowiecki & Nadia Ali Al-Khateeb
Department of Food Chemistry and Technology, Technical University, Politechnika Gdañska,
Ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-952 Gdañsk, Poland
Version of record first published: 03 Jun 2010.

To cite this article: Józef Synowiecki & Nadia Ali Al-Khateeb (2003): Production, Properties, and Some New Applications of
Chitin and Its Derivatives, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43:2, 145-171

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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43(2):145–171 (2003)

Production, Properties, and Some New

Applications of Chitin and Its Derivatives
Józef Synowiecki* and Nadia Ali Al-Khateeb**
Department of Food Chemistry and Technology, Technical University, Politechnika Gdañska,
Ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80–952 Gdañsk, Poland
Referee: Dr. Norman F. Haard, Professor, Institute of Marine Resources, Department of Food Science &
Technology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

** On leave of absence from the University of Aden, Republic of Yemen.
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 20:48 03 December 2012

ABSTRACT: Chitin is a polysaccharide composed from N-acetyl-D-glucosamine units. It is the

second most abundant biopolymer on Earth and found mainly in invertebrates, insects, marine
diatoms, algae, fungi, and yeasts. Recent investigations confirm the suitability of chitin and its
derivatives in chemistry, biotechnology, medicine, veterinary, dentistry, agriculture, food pro-
cessing, environmental protection, and textile production. The development of technologies
based on the utilization of chitin derivatives is caused by their polyelectrolite properties, the
presence of reactive functional groups, gel-forming ability, high adsorption capacity, biodegrad-
ability and bacteriostatic, and fungistatic and antitumour influence. Resources of chitin for
industrial processing are crustacean shells and fungal mycelia. Fungi contain also chitosan, the
product of N-deacetylation of chitin. Traditionally, chitin is isolated from crustacean shells by
demineralization with diluted acid and deproteinization in a hot base solution. Furthermore,
chitin is converted to chitosan by deacetylation in concentrated NaOH solution. It causes changes
in molecular weight and a degree of deacetylation of the product and degradation of nutritionally
valuable proteins. Thus, enzymatic procedures for deproteinization of the shells or mold mycelia
and for chitin deacetylation were investigated. These studies show that chitin is resistant to
enzymatic deacetylation. However, chitin deacetylated partially by chemical treatment can be
processed further by deacetylase. Efficiency of enzymatic deproteinization depends on the source
of crustacean offal and the process conditions. Mild enzymatic treatment removes about 90% of
the protein and carotenoids from shrimp-processing waste, and the carotenoprotein produced is
useful for feed supplementation. In contrast, deproteinization of shrimp shells by Alcalase led to
the isolation of chitin containing about 4.5% of protein impurities and recovery of protein

KEY WORDS: chitin, chitosan, crustacean shells, Mucor rouxii, mold mycelia.

I. INTRODUCTION algae, fungi, and yeasts. Offals obtained dur-

ing the processing of crab, lobster, shrimp,
With the exception of cellulose, chitin is Antarctic krill, clams, and oysters consists in
the most abundant natural polysaccharide on some cases of up to 75% shellfish total
Earth. It is synthesized by different crusta- weight. At the present time only a small
ceans, molluscs, marine diatoms, insects, quantity of shell waste is utilized for animal

© 2003 by CRC Press LLC
feed or for chitin isolation. Thus, the pro- II. AVAILABILITY AND PROXIMATE
cessing of shellfish leads to environmental COMPOSITION OF SOME
pollution. Recently, the commercial value of RESOURCES OF CHITIN AND
chitin has increased because of the benefi- CHITOSAN
cial properties of its soluble derivatives,
which are suitable in chemistry, biotechnol- A. Shellfish Waste
ogy, agriculture, food processing, cosmet-
ics, veterinary, medicine, dentistry, environ- Crustaceans are currently the major pro-
ment protection, and paper or textile ducers of chitin available for industrial pro-
production. The industrial production of cessing. Annual synthesis of this polysac-
chitin is limited by season of crustacean charide in freshwater and marine ecosystems
harvesting and a limited supply of the shell is estimated as about 600 and 1600 milion
waste in some countries, and environmental tons, respectively.15 Among the best charac-
pollution caused by alkali deproteinization terized sources of chitin are shellfish (in-
producing waste liquid containing base, cluding shrimp, crab, lobster, and krill), oys-
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proteins, and protein degradation prod- ter, and squid, harvested in quantities of about
ucts. Because chitin and its soluble de- 29.9, 1.4, and 0.7 million tons by year.90
rivative chitosan are the principial com- However, recently published calculations of
ponents of the cell walls of several chitin resources are still based on approxi-
Zygomycetes, attention has been drawn to mate and not complete data and need further
fungi for use as an alternative resource of verification. The chitin contents in crusta-
both polysaccharides available in a desir- ceans usually range from 2% to 12% of the
able amount using microorganism culti- whole body mass, and this proportion is es-
vation on an inexpensive media. In this timated only in a limited number of crusta-
review the data concerning the utilization cean orders (Table 1). The contents of chitin,
of insect’s cuticles for are excluded. The protein, minerals, and carotenoids in the shell
resources of insect biomass are huge; how- waste varies widely depending on peeling
ever, the availability of this material for conditions during processing, as well as the
industrial processing is limited only to species, the part of the organism, state of
silkwarm pupa (Bombyx mori) accumu- their nutrition, and stage of reproductive
lated in a relatively small amount in the cycle. The crustacean shell consists mainly
silk reeling industry. Recent information of protein (30 to 40%), mineral salts (30 to
concerning this area is reported by Haga 50%), and chitin (13 to 42%).31 Proteins are
and Shirata.24 sourced from retained residue of the flesh

Proportion of Chitin to the Whole Body Mass of Some Crustacean Orders from Fresh
Water and Sea Water

and connective tissue, and from complexes rated (17.0 to 18.1%), monoenes (50.0 to
with chitin and mineral salts forming shell- 55.8%), and polyene (28.2 to 32.0%) com-
fish exoskeleton. The contents of mineral pounds.74 Low lipid content limits its influ-
salts influencing on hardness and shell per- ence on nutritional value of animal feed
meability changes significantly with age and suplemented by shell waste. Other valuable
the reproductive cycle of the animals. Older compounds of the shells are carotenoids,
specimens have more calcified exoskeleton which are associated mostly with proteins in
and a relatively lower percentage of chitin. the epithelial layer of exoskeleton. The caro-
The mineral fraction of the shells contains tenoid level in crustaceans is very low and
mostly phosphates and carbonates of cal- changes depending on dietary pigment avail-
cium and magnesium. ability, organism size, its maturation, and
Small amount of lipids in the shell waste genetic differences. For instance, the aver-
is sourced from retained viscera or muscle age values of pigment concentration deter-
residue (Table 2). The distribution of fatty mined in the offals from shrimp (Pandalus
acids in crustacean lipids is seldom reported borealis) and crab (Chinoecetes opilio)
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because it is difficult to study all variations were estimated as 14.7 mg% and 13.9
of these data caused by the influence of fresh- mg%, respecively. 74 However, recently
water and marine water ecosystems, tem- elaborated were different, not expensive
perature, crustacean species and its matura- methods of shell carotenoids utilization and
tion, feeding conditions, harvesting season, is presented in another part of this article.
as well as storage and processing history. The main components of the carotenoid
Independently of aforementioned influences, fraction in crustacean exoskeleton are
crustacean lipids always have a nutritionally astaxanthin, and its esters are present in
valuable proportion between saturated and the total amount of about 25 µg/g on a dry
unsaturated fatty acids. For example, the lipid basis of the shells.74
fraction of the shell waste from snow crab The most exploited sources of chitin are
harvested in cold waters consists of satu- crab and shrimp offals (Table 2). The shell

Proximate Composition on a Percent (%) of Dry Basis of Crustacean Shell Wastes

discards from crab (Cancer magister) and diatoms can be also considered as an attrac-
Pacific shrimp (Pandalus borealis) are tive source of pure chitin not associated with
available in the U.S. in amounts up to 39,000 protein. However, the low availability of
tons yearly.36 Only in the Atlantic regions these organisms limits its possible utiliza-
of Canada does the harvesting of crab tion.
(Chinoecetes opilio) reach nearly 50,000 tons
per year, and the resulting shells byproducts B. Microbial Sources
account for up to 80% of the original weight
of this material. The chitin content on a dry Mycelia of variious lower fungi are also
basis of crab processing waste (13 to 26%) is suitable for chitin isolation: Allomyces, As-
lower that in the case of shrimp (14 to 42%) pergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Mucor,
and krill (34 to 49%) offals.6,57 The best Rhisopus, Choanephora, Tamnidium,
sections of the crab for chitin isolation are Zygorrhynchus, and Phy-comyces.55 Their
legs, shoulders, and tips. These parts of crab chitin contents depend on the microbial spe-
the contain chitin in an amount similar to cies (Table 3). Apart from chitin, cell walls
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that in Louisiana crawfish (Procambarus of the mold mycelia contain significant

clarkii). Furthermore, mineral content on a quantities of chitosan and different acidic
dry basis of shrimp and crab shells is up to polysaccharides.3,8,19,34,35,89 Although fungi
33% and 66%, respectively. The mineral are practically unused as a source of these
fraction of Snow crab (Chinoecetes opilio) polysaccharides at the present time, several
shells is of calcium (14.9%) and phosphorus methods for its utilization in chitin and
(2.9%). The contents of Na, K, Mn, and Sr chitosan production were elaborated. Re-
do not exceed 1% of the shell mass, whereas cently, the availability of mold mycelia and
Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, and Ba are present in microbial cells has increased as a conse-
trace amounts.74 quence of the enhanced use of microorgan-
Another promising source of chitin is isms in the industrial production of citric
the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). The acid, enzymes, vitamins, antibiotics, hor-
potential annual catch of this crustacean mones, and many other pharmaceuticals or
which could not affect the Antarctic ecosys- food additives. The development of chitin
tem, has been estimated to be as high as 100 and chitosan utilization from fungal cell walls
million tons.38 Such an amount of krill con- is advantageous, because they are readily
tains about 2.0 million tons of chitin, as well available. All groups of these microorgan-
as 0.3 million tons of other sugars.11 Krill isms possess a high growth rate, and under
meat is considered a rich source of nutrients optimal cultivation conditions the time of
for farm animals and for human consump- fungal biomass doubling usually ranges from
tion. However, the economy of krill fisher- 1 to 3 h. The cultivation of fungi can be
ies depend not only on the efficiency of inexpensive with substrates such as cellu-
catching and edible parts processing, but also lose containing byproducts from the paper
on the full utilization of all inedible constitu- and food industry. Moreover, fungi do not
ents, such as chitin and carotenoids. Shells contain appreciable quantities of calcium car-
from Antarctic krill contain on a dry basis bonate and other mineral salts. Thus, the
nutritionally not desirable amount, up to 9.0% cost of acid treatment during manufacturing
of fluorine.11 Fortunately, its content in the of chitin is lower, compared with processing
meat is about 50 times lower.11 of shellfish waste. Furthermore, the produc-
The clams and oyster shells contain on tion yield of these polysaccharides from fun-
dry weight up to 90% of mineral salts, and gal sources can be effectively adjusted
for this reason are deficient in chitin. Marine through the control of fermentation and pro-

Chitin Content on a Dry Basis of the Mycelium from Different Fungi
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cessing conditions and through beneficial necessary to establish optimal composi-

genetic manipulation. The contents of chitin tion of the growth media, as well as time
and chitosan reported for dry basis of the and other conditions of cultivation that
fungall cell walls range from 2% up to 60%.1 influence chitin, chitosan, and protein con-
In deproteinized cell walls of Basidiomycetes tents. The amount of these compounds
and Ascomycetes the chitin and glucans con- significantly changes during the growth
tents varied from 26% to 65% and from 22% of Mucor rouxii (Table 4). Furthermore,
to 67%, respectively. The Agaricus bisporus the chitosan synthesis by this microor-
cell walls consist of 22% proteins, 72% chitin, ganism reached a maximum in 2-day-old
3% cellulose, glucosamine, and mineral salts. cultures.
The contents of proteins, nucleic acids, and
lipids on a dry basis of the mold mycelia are
10 to 25%, 1 to 3% and 10 to 15%, respec- III. STRUCTURE OF CHITIN AND ITS
tively.1,52,89 Mucor rouxii is the most com- COMPLEXES
monly studied fungal sources of chitin, and
its chitosan contents reported ranges from Chitin, a polysaccharide composed of
8.9 to 35% of dry cell wall weight.3,8,35,89,106 β(1-4)-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine resi-
Higher Basidiomycetes surpass significantly dues, occurs in exoskeletons or the cuticles
lower fungi in chitin productivity. The con- of many invertebrates and in the cell walls of
tents of this polysaccharide in the cell wall green algae, some fungi, and yeasts. Chitin
in almost half of the studied species is higher exhibits structural similarity to cellulose and
than 50%, and it reaches 65% in Fomes differs from it with the replacement of C-2
endopulus. The total amount of chitin, hydroxyl residues by acetamide groups (Fig-
glucans, and melanins on a dry basis of chiti- ure 1). Depending on the polysacchride
nous fibers isolated from cell walls of source and isolation conditions, chitin has a
Aphyllophorales was 60 to 95%, 5 to 35%, different degree of acetylation. In native
and 0 to 10%, respectively.21 For the effec- chitin as many as one in six N-acetyl-D-
tive utilization of the fungi mycelia it is glucosamine residues is deacetylated.97 The

Changes of the Main Components of the Mycelia During Growth of Mucor rouxii
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FIGURE 1. Formula of chitin molecule.

length of the chitin molecules varies widely been reported in the past. However, its exist-
from 5000 to 8000 of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine ence appears to be controversial today.14
residues in crab to only of about 100 resi- The highest stability has α-chitin, because
dues in some yeast. However, this value is the β-chitin may be converted irreversibly to
often decreased as a consequence of chitin the α-form by treatment with lithium thiocy-
degradation during its deproteinization in hot anate or by precipitation from solution in
alkali solutions. The chitin molecules after formic acid.23 The proportion of α-chitin and
synthesis associate with one another by hy- β-chitin in the shell influenced its hardness,
drogen bonds between >NH groups of the permeability, and flexibility. The chitinous
one molecule and >C=O groups of the adja- microfibrils are arranged in sheets, which in
cent chain. These hydrogen bonds account the case of α-chitin are strongly fixed to-
for the formation of fibrils occurring in poly- gether by hydrogen bonds. It almost elimi-
morphic forms designated as α- and β-chitin. nates swelling in water and limits perme-
In Arthropods and Crustacea, the α-form is ability of this polysaccharide form. The
prevalent with the antiparallel arrangement β-chitin, with a lower content of intersheet
of the adjacent chains. The β-chitin fibrils hydrogen bonds, swells readily and is more
composed from two parallel chains are syn- permeable. Due to the high density of hydro-
thesized in marine diatoms. The third form, gen bonds in the solid state, chitin does not
γ-chitin, in which two of three chains are show a melting temperature and is completely
parallel and the third antiparallel (↑ ↑ ↓) has insoluble in water, most organic solvents

and diluted acid and base solutions. Chiti- IV. SOLUBLE CHITIN DERIVATIVES
nous fibrils can be dissolved in concentrated
HCl, H2SO4 , and H 3PO4 , as well as in Various chemical modifications that can
dichloroacetic, trichloroacetic, and formic disrupt inter- and intramolecular hydrogen
acids.69 The rate of solubilization of β-chitin bonds without the cleave of glucosidic link-
is greater than that of α-chitin. Furthermore, ages are effective in making chitin soluble in
this polysaccharide is also soluble in hot, water or other solvents. The simplest modi-
concentrated solutions of some neutral salts fication being N-deacetylation, which trans-
or in hexafluoroisopropanole or hexafluoro- forms chitin to chitosan, occurring naturally
acetone. The formation of hydrogen bonds mainly in the cell walls of some Zygomycetes
is responsible for the resistance of chitin species. Its name concerns a group of chitin
microfibrils against deacetylases, which can derivatives with various but higher than 50%
act on chitin molecules still not formed in contents of nonacetylated D-glucosamine
microfibrils just after synthesis in microbial units that are formed in an amount depen-
chitosomes.39 In the fungal cell walls chitin dent on the conditions of alkaline or enzy-
microfibrils are surround by β-glucan ma-
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matic deacetylation. In acid solution the

trix to form alkali-insoluble complexes as- free amino groups are protonated, and after
sociated with other polysaccharides and pro- solubilization chitosan exhibit poly-
teins. However, the chitinous structures in electrolyte properties. Naturally occurring
crustacea and insects are built in a glycopro- chitosan and other polysaccharides contain-
tein framework, in which chitin form com- ing N-deacetylated amino-sugar residues are
plexes with proteins tanned by phenolic de- produced in the cells through enzymatic
rivatives. They are impregnated with mineral deacetylation subsequent to the formation of
salts, waxes, carotenoids, and lipoproteins, their polymer chain.
which influence permeability, hardness, elas- Other products are formed during the
ticity, and tensile strength of the structures. reaction of chitinous hydroxyl groups with
The hardness of the cuticles is usually alkyl- and acyl-halides or isocyanates to yield
enahanced by the deposition of calcium car- ethers, esters or carbamate derivatives. These
bonate and to a lesser extent calcium phos- compounds are generally more polar, and
phate. The shells of some Rhizopods and the consequently more soluble than the original
teeth of the radula of some Mollusks are polysaccharide.102 Solubility improvement
hardened by the deposition of silica or iron and physico-chemical properties of acylated
oxide.69 Usually, proteinous matrix is stabi- chitin derivatives depend on the amount of
lized through the cross-linking of polypep- substituted hydroxyl groups. Long residues
tide chains by quinones reacting with avail- introduced into chitin molecules through acy-
able amino groups of lysine and N-terminal lation improve the solubility of modified
amino groups. The quinones necessary for polysaccharide.69 Butyryl-chitin as example
this reaction are formed by the action of has a good solubility in acetone, alcohols,
diphenyl oxidase on diphenols available in dimethyl-formamide, tetrahydrofurane, and
the tissues. Insect cuticles and wings contain methylene chloride.91 The solubility of this
different glycoprotein complexes of chitin derivative in organic solvents made their for-
with arthropodins, sclerotins, or resilin to mation easy into fibers not swelling in the
form microfibrils reinforcing the exoskel- water. Among different water-soluble chitin
eton. Athropodins are characterized by a low derivatives is carboxymethyl-chitin obtained
content of glycine, the absence of sulfur- during the reaction of monochloroacetic acid
containing amino acids, and a high amount with alkali-chitin prepared previously by
of tyrosine. soaking the chitin flakes in 40% aqueous

sodium hydroxide solution at low tempera- of shell waste varies from 25 to 40%, the
ture (0 to 15°C) to limit deacetylation and high calcium content in nondemineralized
degradation of the polysaccharide. The offals causes problems with nutrition and
β-chitin with relatively weak intramolecular pelleting for animal feed. However, valu-
bonds has a higher chemical reactivity for able additives to fish and poultry feed are
modifications than the α-polymorphic form.42 demineralized crustacean meal,
Dihydroxypropyl-chitin is also soluble carotenoproteins recovered from the offals
chitin derivative. Chitosan and partially by enzymatic digestion, or edible oil en-
deacetylated chitin are the good substrate for riched in carotenoids extracted from the
N-substitution, which led to the synthesis of shells. Almost decalcified protein concen-
branched derivatives with antitumor and trate can be produced by the mechanical
immunoadjuvant activities. separation of the shells from soft tissue
fraction occurring in the shrimp process-
ing waste. Separated protein slurry after
V. VALUABLE PRODUCTS FROM acidification with acetic acid to the iso-
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CHITIN SOURCES electric point and the addition of antioxi-

dant is then coagulated at 80°C. Obtained
A. Feed Ingredients coagulate contains on a dry basis about
74% of proteins and 7% of minerals.75 The
The crustacean offals have been widely amount of carotenoids in this product is
investigated because of its protein and caro- sufficient for a satisfactory level of salmo-
tenoid contents. The incorporation of caro- nids pigmentation after about 4 weeks of
tenoid pigments to salmonids feed influences feeding.
the red coloration of the flesh and favors A valuable dietary source of pigment
consumer acceptability of the product.16,71,74,81 and protein for cultured salmonids is the
Moreover, carotenoids in salmonids serve product called carotenoprotein.44 It is pre-
different biological functions and possibly pared by mild enzymatic treatment of the
influence the nutritional value of fish shell waste, followed by precipitation of
meat.87,95 Wild salmonids assimilate caro- solubilized material according to a proce-
tenoids from zooplankton or small fish that dure outlined in Figure 2.78,79 The residue
have zooplankton in their digestive track. after the extraction of carotenoproteins may
However, in farmed animals carotenoids serve as a source for further recovery of
should be added to the feed, because only chitin. The best enzyme for carotenoproteins
plants and prostists are able to synthesize isolation is trypsin.13,77 Specifity of other
such compounds.95 Improvement fish flesh investigated proteases is broader, and their
color is achieved with the addition per ton action may result in undesirable excessive
salmonid feed of about 5 kg of the synthetic hydrolysis of the product. The enzymic pro-
pigment. The high prices for astaxanthin and cess removes about 90% of the protein and
canthaxanthin preparations used for pigmen- carotenoids from shrimp processing waste.76
tation increases the cost of farmed fish. Thus, However, recoveries are lower for other crus-
the utilization of natural resources of these tacea crab, lobster, and langostilla (Pleuron-
carotenoids has great economical importance. condes planipes).20 The product obtained
It is limited by the oxidative degradation of from snow crab (Chinoecetes opilio) pro-
carotenoids on drying and storage, as well as cessing waste contains on a dry basis
by expensive, solvent-consuming and some- 239 mg% carotenoids and 65% proteins, and
times not effective extraction of the pig- include 22% of the proteins, 66% of total
ment. Although protein level on a dry basis carotenoid, as well as 74% of total lipid

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FIGURE 2. Recovery of carotenoprotein from crustacean shell waste. (According to: Simpson and Haard
[1991] and Manu-Tawiah and Haard [1987].)

originally present in the shells.45 Endogenous eleveated temperature (about 90°C), the ad-
proteases adapted to low temperatures are dition of antioxidant protecting against pig-
useful for the processing of krill shell ment degradation, or by preliminary diges-
waste in a process based on controlled tion of the shells with a commercial proteases,
autoproteolysis. The product obtained con- which increases the carotenoids release by
tains about 4.5 mg% carotenoids is also a about 58%.50 Carotenoids should be isolated
good source of these compounds for salmo- before deproteinization of the shells, because
nid fish and chicken egg yolks pigmenta- astaxanthin is converted by alkali to astacene,
tion.38 which is unable to color salmonids flesh. At
Other methods of carotenoid utilization an extraction time longer than 0.5 h the pro-
are based on its extraction from the crusta- tective effect of antioxidant (ethoxyquin) is
cean meal with edible oil. The yield of the exhausted, and it considerably enhances pig-
process can be increased by extraction at ment degradation.

B. Chitin temperature.23,59 The exception to the above
investigations demineralization was accom-
Chitin available on the market is at plished with 90% formic acid, 22% HCl, 6 N
present produced from crustacean shell waste, HCl, or 37% HCl, respectively.60,85 Full dem-
and the other sources of this polysaccharide ineralization of the shells is possible when
are almost not utilized. Today several com- the amount of acid is stoichiometrically
panies are producing chitin and chitosan on greater than the mineral content. To avoid
a commercial scale. The majority of them chitin depolymerization ethylenediamine-
are located in the U.S. and Japan, where tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) can be used for
large amounts of chitin and chitosan are removal of mineral salts.7,70 The demineral-
manufactured each year from the shells of ization of the shells using acetic acid or sul-
crabs and shrimps.99 The methods used for furic acid has been also reported.60 Prolonged
chitin isolation and purification should as- reaction time, up to 24 h, results only in a
sure the effective removal and if possible minimal drop in the ash content, but can
utilization of other shell components. Thus, cause chitin degradation.
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various procedures have been adapted for Traditionally, shell wastes are deprotein-
chitin recovery. Moreover, the usefulness of ized using aqueous sodium or potassium
different chitin resources depend on their hydroxide solutions. The effectivness of al-
availability, simplicity of processing, chitin kali deproteinization depends on the tem-
content, and the suitability for generation of perature of processing, base concentration,
other valuable products. and the ratio of its solution to the shells.
Usually chitin isolation consists of dem- Crustacean shell wastes are usually treated
ineralization, deproteinization, and bleach- with dilute sodium hydroxide solution at
ing. The first two steps can be used in re- concentrations ranging from 1% to 10%
verse order, depending on the method of (w/v) and an elevated temperature (65 to
carotenoids and protein recovery and further 100°C). Optimal deproteinization can be also
chitin application. Chitin used as an adsor- achieved through digestion with KOH solu-
bent or enzyme support should be deminer- tion.74,85 Almost all proteins contained in
alized in first order, because the removing of shrimp and crab offals were removed by
salts impregnating and protecting the chiti- extraction at 90°C and shells to base ratio of
nous structures assure polysaccharide 1:20 (w/v) using 1.0% or 2.0% KOH solu-
deacetylation at mild alkali treatment used tions, respectively.74 An increase in the shell-
for deproteinization. An enhanced level of to-base volume ratio above 1:4 (w/v) has
deacetylation increases the amount of free only a minor effect on the efficiency of
amino groups participating in adsorption and deproteinization. Reaction time usually
protein attachment. The beneficial high chitin ranges from 0.5 to 6 h. Prolonged alkaline
porosity depends on the polysaccharide digestion causes depolymerization and
source. However, deproteinization in the first deacetylation of the polysaccharide. Further-
step should be used during processing of the more, the production costs of chitin and
shells previously extracted by oil for the chitosan derived from both crustacean and
purpose of carotenoid recovery. In this step microbial cell walls can be limited by the
the oil residue still remaining after centrifu- recovery of proteins for use as feed and food
gation is easily soaped and removed with the component. However, the biological value
liquor after alkali deproteinization. of alkali-extracted proteins is reduced through
Demineralization can usually be achieved the formation of lysinoalanine and other
in 1 to 3 h extraction of the shells with amino acids derivatives. Thus, enzymatic
diluted (1 to 8%) hydrochloric acid at room procedures, including digestion of shell pro-

teins by proteases or proteolytic bacteria isolation of chitin containing only 4.5 ± 0.5%
should be investigated as an alternative to protein impurities.90 The protein hydrolysate
alkaline processing. Outlined in Figure 3 is obtained has good essential amino acid in-
the enzymatic deproteinzation of demineral- dex (46%) and protein efficiency ratio PER
ized shrimp shells by commercial Alcalase (2.74) values.90 In contrast to alkali treat-
from Bacillus licheniformis that led to the ment, the enzymatic hydrolysis does not
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FIGURE 3. Flowsheet for production of chitin from crustacean shell waste. (From Synowiecki and Al.-Khateeb

assure complete removal of proteins and pro- other supramolecullar structures.80 High tem-
tein degradation products and their residue perature in chitin processing increases the
on chitin depends on the selectivity of the degree of deacetylation but also reduces the
enzyme used and process conditions. How- size of the molecules. According to Bough
ever, when chitin is used for chitosan pro- at an NaOH concentration of 35% and at
duction, the protein residue can be easily 100°C, an acid-soluble product was obtained
removed by concentrated alkali solutions after 27 h of the process.9 The rate of
used in the next step of the process, is not deacetylation is highest during the first hour
important. For the enzymatic recovery of of chitin incubation in 50% NaOH solution
proteins, the preliminary demineralization at 100°C. The degree of deacetylation
seems to be more beneficial.90 It increases achieved at these conditions was about 68%,
the tissue permeability for enzyme penetra- and after the next 1 h of the process was
tion and removes the minerals, which can enhanced only to 78%. Thus, prolonged al-
act as enzyme inhibitors. kali treatment does not significantly increase
The removal of pigment residue from in chitin deacetylation and is not beneficial,
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 20:48 03 December 2012

chitin can be achieved by the extraction at because it causes depolymerization of the

room temperature with acetone, chloroform, polysaccharide. The molecular weight of
ethyl acetate, or ethanol and ether mixture. chitosan is also affected by deproteinization
Decolourization is usually carried out by a conditions used for the isolation of the chiti-
bleaching treatment with NaOCl or H2O2 nous substrate. The presence of oxygen dur-
solutions.69 ing chitin deacetylation also influences
polysaccharide degradation, and as a result
decreases the viscosity and molecular weight
C. Chitosan of the product. Such changes can be limited
through the processing of chitin under nitro-
Chitosan is usually prepared by N- gen.10 It is difficult to prepare a chitosan
deacetylation of chitin from crab and shrimp with a degree of deacetylation higher than
offals. It is performed at different combina- 90% without significant degradation of
tions of temperature (80 to 140°C) (up to 10 h) polysaccharide molecules. Shortened alkali
using concentrated (30 to 60% w/v) sodium exposure caused by the separation of the
or potassium hydroxide solution.52,69 Alkali deacetylation process on a few stages de-
concentration and time and temperature of crease changes of the molecular weight of
the process should be strictly controlled, the final product. An alternative method of
because of its influences on degree of chitosan production, which assured almost
deacetylation, molecular weight, and mo- complete deacetylation, consists of the prior
lecular weight distribution, as well as the incubation of chitin at 4°C in 50% NaOH for
distribution of deacetylated units along the 24 h, followed by its separation, mixing with
polysaccharide chain.70,80 These properties 10% NaOH, heating up to 230°C, and sud-
reflect on the usefulness of chitosan for many den decompression of polysaccharide and
applications, especially in the pharmaceuti- base solution mixture.56 The degree of
cal industry. The preparation of chitosan at chitosan deacetylation and molecular weight
moderate concentration of sodium hydrox- changes caused by process conditions influ-
ide, relatively low temperature, and pro- ence the properties important for many ap-
longed deacetylation time cause a random plications, such as solubility of the product
distribution of deacetylated residues in in dilute acids, viscosity of the obtained so-
chitosan molecules and in consequence di- lutions, as well as on their biological activ-
minish the ability to form aggregates and ity. It shows the necessity of chitin and

chitosan standarization. Alkali treatment of example, a satisfactory yield of extractable
chitin during chitosan preparation led to the chitosan (6.2 g/kg of medium) was achieved
product with a broad range of molecular during the solid-state fermentation of
weights and a heterogenous extension of Lentinus edodes.18 The efficiency of chitosan
deacetylation of particular polysaccharide synthesis by this microorganism is about 50
molecules in the product. Moreover, the times higher than in the case of chitosan
generation of a large amount of harmful, production from other fungi.
concentrated alkaline solution results in an The use of chitin deacetylase for the
increase in the level of environmental pollu- preparation of chitosan and its oligomers
tion. An alternative to alkali deacetylation of was widely investigated. These studies show
chitin is the separation of chitosan occurring that insoluble crystalline chitin is resistant to
naturally in some fungal mycelia or enzy- enzymatic deacetylation.40 However, chitin
matic process exploiting chitin deacetylases. deacetylated partially by chemical treatment
A low-molecular-weight chitosan that is can be further deacetylated by chitin
isolated from some fungi is especially useful deacetylase. The final degree of enzymatic
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 20:48 03 December 2012

for number of medical purposes and also in processing of the substrate is related to the
agriculture, because it is more effective in initial content of the N-acetyl groups in the
inducing plant growth than chitosan origi- polysaccharide (Table 5). The enzymatic
nating from shellfish chitin.35 The isolation process is more efficient in the case of
of fungal chitosan can be realized by its deacetylation of chitin oligomers, which are
extraction from the mycelia deproteinized soluble in water and therefore are more ac-
previously with diluted alkali solution or by cessible for enzyme action. In contrast to
enzymatic digestion. Polysaccharide ex- chemical processing, the enzymatic deacetyl-
tracted with diluted acetic acid is then pre- ation produces chitosan oligomers with well-
cipitated by the dropwise addition of NaOH defined range of molecular weight and the
solution. The conditions of this process out- content of N-acetylated residues. Deacetylase
lined in Figure 4 minimize the undesirable activity was found in Zygomycetes species,
degradation and deacetylation of the prod- which can be used as a source for commer-
uct. In alternative procedures, the mold cial enzyme preparations. Furthermore, the
mycelia are treated with boiling concentrated biomass of these fungi after enzyme isola-
NaOH solution. It causes both deprotein- tion is a valuable material for the extraction
ization of the substrate and also deacetylation of chitosan.
of chitin occurring in the cells. This process
results in an enhanced yield of chitosan
caused by its formation from chitin resi- D. N-acetyl-D-glucosamine
due.4,48,55,106 However, the treatment of
fungal mycelia with a concentrated base An alternative application of chitin is the
during deproteinization causes uncontrolled production of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, which
deacetylation and degradation of chitosan, is currently used as a food supplement and
as well as a loss of valuable single cell pro- for the healing of ulcerative colitis and other
teins. Furthermore, the product obtained is gastrointestinal inflammations.2 This com-
contaminated with glucan residue and is not pound can be obtained during the digestion
useful for many applications.55 The reported of chitin, for instance, in cold 70% H2SO4
results suggest the cultivation of selected solution or by enzymatic hydrolysis. In the
microorganisms with a high productivity of biodegradation of chitin endochitinases are
chitosan, which eliminates the necessity of involved, producing high-molecular-weight
alkaline deacetylation of chitin residue. For chitooligosaccharides and exochitinases,

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FIGURE 4. Flowsheet for the isolation of chitin and chitosan from Mucor rouxii. (From Synowiecki and Al.-
Khateeb [1997].)

Susceptibility of Chitosans with Different Degree of Deacetylation on Action of Chitin

which release mostly dimers and some trim- their biocompatibility and immunological
ers from the nonreducing ends of high-mo- activity.99 It was also found that the adsorp-
lecular-weight polymers. Finally, chitobiase tion capacity of chitin and chitosan enhances
hydrolyses dimers to produce N-acetyl-D- with increased free amino group content.
glucosamine. All these enzymes are produced
by many microorganisms, which are able to
assimilate chitin from the shell offals.51 B. Medicine and Veterinary
Among them, the Gram-negative bacteria
Serratia marcescens has been selected as Chitin is a nontoxic and biodegradable
one of the best producers of both chitosanases polysaccharide that can find many medical
and chitobiase activities.2 An efficient method and veterinary applications such as anti-
for producing N-acetyl-D-glucosamine using fectious, antiviral, antitumor, bacteriostatic,
the extracellular chitynolytic enzymes sepa- fungistatic, and antisordes agent.47,54,67 In
rated by ultrafiltration from chitin-based many cases the introduction of chitin deriva-
cultures of Serratia marcescens was devel- tives to the human or animal body is helpful
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 20:48 03 December 2012

oped by Aloise and co-workers. 2 The for the healing of different diseases or for
chitinases and chitobiase mixture obtained preventing sickness (Table 7). However,
has sufficient activity for the effective hy- chemical modifications are regarded to im-
drolysis of chitin particles in packed-bed prove chitin solubility and for the develop-
reactor. The final product containing about ment of biological functions, such as mac-
85% of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and 15% of rophages activation, antithrombogenic
chitobiose is separated from reaction media properties, stimulation of lyzosome secre-
using membrane ultrafiltration.2 tion, inhibition of pathogens growth and
antimethastatic, immunoadjuvant, anti-
urucemic, as well as antiosteoporotic activi-
VI. APPLICATIONS OF CHITIN AND ties.108 Chitin derivatives are usually incor-
CHITOSAN porated into the human body in the form of
dressings for wounded soft and bone tissues,
A. Preface anticholesterolemic dietary foods, and items
for the controlled delivery of drugs. The
Specific properties of chitin and its de- effectivness of biodegradation can be con-
rivatives provide numerous industrial appli- trolled by changes in the chemical structure
cations listed in Table 6, for example, for the of N-substituents and the degree of substitu-
preparation of dietary fibers, bandages, cos- tion of free amino groups in polysaccharide
metics, and toiletries. The most useful chitin molecules.25,26 Chitin and its derivatives are
derivative is chitosan. It is due to high mo- biodegradable in animal and human tissues
lecular weight, polyelectrolyte properties, the by the action of lysozyme and chitinases.
presence of reactive functional groups, gel- Thus, chitin, chitosan, and its derivatives are
forming ability, and adsorption capacity. Fur- a good carrier for the controlled release of
thermore, chitosan can be chemically or en- drugs during an extended period of time. It
zymatically modified and is biodegradable assures almost a constant level of drugs in
and biocompatibile with animal and human the blood serum. The N-acylated chitosan
cells and tissues. For many applications the derivatives are more readily digested than
molecular weight and degree of N-acetyla- natural chitin because of the lower amount
tion is important, because both these param- intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds.
eters influence not only on solubility and In contrast, cationic N,N,N-trimethyl chitosan
other physicochemical properties but also chloride with a high degree of substitution is

Appliance of Chitin and Its Derivatives
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effective as an enhancer of intestinal absorp- anionic components of the cell walls, such
tion of peptides and peptidomimetic drugs. as N-acetylmuramic, sialic and neuraminic
Partially deacetylated and carboxymethylated acids, as well as an inactivation of microbial
chitin prevent against pathogen infections of metaloenzymes through chelation of metal
the wound tissues of animal and human ions.56 High-molecular-weight chitosans with
body.72 The aforementioned chitin deriva- high degree of N-deacetylation are more ef-
tive also enhances the growth of the cells fective in inhibiting bacterial growth than
and causes activation of the macrophages.25,26 chitosan with a lower molecular weight and
The stimulation of extracellular secretion of a degree of deacetylation. Powdered chitin
lysozome results in an inhibition of patho- or chitosan has poor activity, but chitosan
gen growth through hydrolysis of their cell solutions inhibit the growth of many bacte-
walls. The additional inhibitory effect causes rial and fungal strains. Chitosan adipate and
the formation of chitosan complexes with ascorbate administrated orally or intramus-

Physiological Influence of Chitin Derivatives in THE Human Body
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cularly to piglets stimulate immunity and including leg ulcers, which are common and
decrease mortality of the animals through very difficult for healing wounds develop-
increased resistance against intestinal dis- ing in the course of venous, arterial, and
eases.67 The use of chitin as a source of lymphatic vessel disesases.65 The improve-
dietary fiber in chicken feed enhance the ment in the healing process is caused by
growth of bifidobacteria in the guts, which hydrolytic activity of lysozyme and N-acetyl-
eliminate other microorganisms and produce β-D-glucosaminidase, which make available
the β-galactosidase necessary for the diges- N-acetylglucosamine, a common aminosugar
tion of feed supplemented by whey or other in the human and animal body. The released
dairy byproducts.7,82 Furthermore, the supple- hydrolysis products are incorporated into gly-
mentation of feed for some farm animals and coproteins or enter in different metabolic
fish stimulates enzyme secretion in the stom- pathways. It causes macrophages and
ach and the intestinal tract and consequently fibroplasts activation, enhances the hyalu-
increases the growth rate of these organ- ronic acid synthesis, and its deposition in
isms.41 Chitin derivatives remarkably accel- regenerated connective tissue, as well as in-
erate the healing of various types of wounds, fluences on collagen deposition into extra-

cellular matrix during the rebuilding of the verse applications. N-hexanoyl- and N-
valid tissues. The effectiveness of these ac- octanoyl chitosans are resistant to lysozome
tions is increased, when low-molecular- reaction, are blood compatibile, and are us-
weight chitosan, isolated from fungi, is able as antithrombo-genic material for artifi-
applied. Methylpirrolidinone chitosan deriva- cial blood vessels and contact lens. How-
tive shows osteoinductive properties and ever, unmodified chitosan, which is not
stimulates osteoblast formation and bone re- antithrombogenic and is widely used as a
generation. The cationic nature and chelat- homeostatic agent or material in the form of
ing ability of this derivative also improved fibers, films and sponges.94 Surface modifi-
the bone mineralization process.88 Fungi are cation is a common technique for improving
an advantageous source of chitin and chitosan biomaterial hemocompatibility. Biologically
applied to the burns and wound dressings in active oligopeptides containing a sequence
the form of films, bandages, cotton-like of Arg-Gly-Asp acid-Ser (RGDS) fixed on
materials, and nonwouven napkins. These chitosan fibers are specific to endothelial
dressings have good hydroscopicity, show cell attachment and can be used to coat vas-
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 20:48 03 December 2012

high bacteriostatic effect, and are completely cular implants. The RGDS sequence is
biodegradable in the human body. A signifi- an active cell-binding site present in pro-
cant advantage also consists in the fact that teins such as fibrinogen, fibronectin, and
repeated dressings is usually not needed. Fun- vironectin.
gal chitin has stronger sorption capacity when Carboxymethylated at C-6 chitisan de-
compared with that from crustacean shells rivative is the substrate for synthesis of he-
and is more beneficial for the removal of parin-like blood anticoagulant.94 Its inhibi-
toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. The high tory effect on thrombin activity depends on
sorption properties are caused by a unique the degree of N-sulfatation of amino groups
fiber structure. The beneficial properties of and reaches one-third of that for natural he-
fungal chitin are improved by the presence parin, which acts as a strong anticoagulant
of β-glucans and melanins. Chitin-glucan reagent. Another biomedical application of
complexes isolated from the cell walls of chitosan is the utilization as an hypo-
Aspergillus niger and other fungi show after cholestrolemic agent also effective for the
carboxymethylation an antimutagenic activ- lowering of body overweight.58 The acidic
ity and can be used in the prevention of the environment of the stomach causes chitosan
mycotic infections caused, for example, by solubilization. However, in the intestines at
Candida albicans.37 Mycoton produced from a pH above 6.3 chitosan precipitates in the
higher Basidiomyces used as the burns and form of complexes created mainly through
wound dressing decrease bleeding removes ionic interactions between positively charged
pain and prevents inflammatory processes amino groups of chitosan and negatively
through growth inhibition of Staphylococ- charged groups of fatty acids, bile acids,
cus aureus, Escherichia coli, Proteus vul- cholesterol and lipids.101 The decreased avail-
garis, and some other bacteria often resis- ability of bile acids limits intestinal emulsi-
tant to antibiotics. Complete healing usually fication and the absorption of lipids, which
occurs in 5 to 7 days.22 Mycoton is able to are excreted into the feces. Now available
remove various food poisonings and allergic are chitosan preparations for the oral admin-
reactions, as well as negative impacts of istration to people that are overweight and
intensive chemotherapy. It also decreases for the purpose of lowering serum choles-
the influence of high radiation doses in terol. Most effecive are a chitosan fraction
the human body. Chitosan derivatives with having low molecular weight, about 8000
different thrombogenic activity can find di- Da.29 Chitin oligomers exhibit an inhibiting

effect on the growth of some tumors, tion but maintain beneficial diffusion of
which can be explained both by the oli- ions and water.61 This effect can be increased
gosaccharide interactions with the surface by the buffering capacities of chitosan.
of cancer cells and inhibition of their spe-
cific collagenases.94 Observed immun-
enhancing effect depends strongly on D. Utilization in Agriculture and
molecular weight and the degree of N- Food Preservation
deacetylation of chitinous oligosaccha-
rides. Chitosans derived from the cell walls of
some fungi or from crustacean shells show
an inhibitory effect on the growth of phyto-
C. Cosmetics pathogenic fungi and bacteria and induce
resistance of plant to fungal, viral or viroid
Chitosan and its derivatives are used as infections.63,64,83 However, low-molecular-
a component of different cosmetics, tooth- weight chitosan oligomers lost the ability to
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 20:48 03 December 2012

paste, hand and body creams, and hair-care inhibit microorganism growth but still pro-
products. These biopolymers were also in- tected plant from pathogens.46 That suggests
vestigated as ingredients of cosmetic for- the induction of the natural resistance of
mulations especially suitable for sensitive plants against infections by chitosan oligo-
skin. Chitosan has a moisturizing effect on mers. The inhibitory effect develops in the
the skin that is dependent on molecular chitosan-treated leaves almost immediately
weight and degree of deacetylation, as well after application. Resistance against fungal
as offer protection from mechanical hair infections is attributed to the hydrolytic de-
damage and exhibit an antielectrostatic ef- struction of their cell walls by plant chitinase
fect on hair. High-molecular-weight and β-glucanase and the release of chitosan,
chitosan increase the water resistance of which induces a synthesis of phytoalexin.
emulsions protecting against sun irradia- This product is a potent supressor of fungal
tion and consequently enhances its film- growth.30 The antimicrobial activity of
forming ability.27,73,103 A cosmetic cream chitosan and its derivatives depend on their
supplemented with 0.1% chitosan influences average molecular weight and the suscepti-
an increased availability of bioactive, lipo- bility to enzymatic degradation and the re-
philic ingredients such as vitamins, which lease of oligomers soluble in water.83 Micro-
better penetrate the outer layer of skin. A crystalline chitosan and its derivatives,
beneficial effect is also caused by the acti- especially salts, show large antiviral activ-
vation of fibroplasts and improved collagen ity. Bean plants sprayed with aqueous
deposition. Furthermore, the film forming chitosan dispersion were almost completely
capacity and antiseptic properties of chitosan protected against virus infections.104 The
protect the skin from possible microbial addition of chitin to soil is effective in elimi-
infections. Moreover, glucosamine from nation some plant diseases. The application
chitosan influences the desirable develop- of this polysaccharide promoted the growth
ment of glycosaminoglycan and glycopro- of certain chitinolytic microorganisms and
tein structures in the extracellular matrix of made them dominant in the soil. It limits the
the skin. Dental fluids and toothpastes con- growth of plant pathogens both in soil and
taining chitosan decrease dentin permeabil- plant vascular system through the hydrolysis
ity. Chitosan introduced into such products of fungal cell walls by chitinolytic enzymes
form hydrogels, which can seal dentinal secreted by antagonists.96 Chitosan and its
tubules and protect against microbial infec- derivatives are also suitable for the intensi-

fication of seed germination observed as an charides into single cell proteins utilized as
example in the case of cucumber and pea feed component.12,17
Antimicrobial activities of chitosan and
N-sulfobenzoylchitosan against various E. Textile Industry
pathogens and food-spoilage microorganisms
were also investigated for the purpose of Chitin and its derivatives can be used in
application in food processing and preserva- the textile industry for the production of
tion.33,62 Sulfobenzoyl chitosan used as a manmade fibers and as textile fiber finishes,
natural preservative of oysters increases its coatings, and textile auxiliaries.28,107 The fi-
storage life at temperatures of about 5°C bers are prepared by a spinning process in-
through effective growth inhibition of volving the extrusion of chitin, chitosan, or
Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Aeromonas, and chitin formate and acetate solutions into
Vibrio strains.98 Treatment with chitosan coagulation bath. The solvents for these com-
solution protects against contamination of pounds are chloroethanol and sulfuric acids
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 20:48 03 December 2012

potatoes by pathogens, which cause tissue or trichloroacetic and methylene chloride

damage and soft rot.68 Chitosan also inacti- mixtures for chitin and 10% acetic acid for
vates polygalacturonase, pectate lyase, and chitosan dissolution. However, the fibers
pectin-methylesterase secreted by potato formed from chitin and its derivatives have
pathogens. Moreover, chitosan creates on relatively low tensile strength. Additionally,
the surface of the products semipermeable the chitosan fibers obtained by spinning from
membranes. The addition of Ca 2+ ions aqueous acetic acid solution through caustic
changes the rate of CO2 and O2 permeation coagulation are not resistant at pH below
through chitosan membranes, and it signifi- 5.5 and need further modification. From
cantly increases the storage life of berries this reason, chitin and its derivatives are
and other unstable fruits.43 Coating with used only as a coating material for cellulo-
chitosan films by immersion in 1% polysac- sics, nylons, cotton, and wool fibers. The
charide solution containing 0.1% of Ca2+ lim- use of such modified fibers includes the
its the changes in sensory properties of stored production of wound dressings, medical
fruits, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Another ap- textiles, sanitary absorbents and not aller-
plication beneficial for food preservation is genic, deodorizing, and antimicrobial un-
the production of food packaging paper derwear, sportwear, and socks. The addi-
coated with chitosan, which acts as an in- tion of chitin into the coating of waterproof
hibitor of microbial growth. textiles causes a large increase in its water
Chitosan decreases the undesirable vapor permeability. Moreover, the finish-
changes of emulsifying properties, fat bind- ing of wool fibers with chitin derivatives
ing, as well as water-holding and gel-form- improves their dyeability and colorfast-
ing capacities caused by the denaturation of ness.
myofibrillar proteins during frozen storage.5
This protective effect, depending on the de-
gree of acetylation, is caused by the stabili- F. Sorbents and Enzyme Supports
zation of the water structures surrounding
protein molecules. The hydrolysates pro- The high porosity and chemical proper-
duced through the digestion of chitin con- ties of chitosan causes its high affinity for
taining byproducts from crustacean process- heavy metal ions such as cadmium, chro-
ing by chitinases were investigated as a mium, cooper, lead, mercury, and uranyl.49,66
carbon source for yeast Pichia kudriavzevii Chitosan has better sorption capacity and
strans, which can converted chitooligo-sac- selectivity than zeolites, activated carbon, or

organic sorbents traditionally used for the derivatives show that the development of
reduction of the contamination of surface new technologies for the utilization of these
waters or waste-waters from industrial efflu- polysaccharides will play a significant role
ents.55,59,100 Some studies were also performed in the creation of the new industrial field in
on the interactions between chitosan and the nearest future. The progress of industrial
alkali-earth elements, but this polysaccha- chitin and chitosan processing depends on
ride seems to be ineffective toward alkaline the utilization microbial sources of these
or alkali-earth ions. The crosslinking of polysaccharides, which can be available in
chitosan gel beads in glutaraldehyde or ep- the desired amount from cultures cultivated
ichlorohydrin enhances the resistance of sor- on an inexpensive media. More study is also
bent against dissolution in acid media. needed to select an enzyme with a high abil-
Chitosan can be also used as an effective ity to cleveage glycoprotein complexes dur-
coagulant of proteins from food processing ing deproteinization of crustacean shells and
liquid wastes.9 Chitosan is more effective mold mycelia. Its application provides fa-
than activated carbon for the purification of cilities for the isolation of chitin with a very
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 20:48 03 December 2012

polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contami- low level of protein impurities. Furthermore,

nated water.93 The adsorption capacity of the enzymatic conversion of chitin to chitosan
chitosan can be increased by cross-linking on an industrial scale should solve the prob-
with glutaraldehyde and followed reduction lem of low efficiency of the process caused
with NaBH3CN. Moreover, the combination by the limited availability of acetyl groups in
of tyrosinase and chitosan is effective in the interior of chitin molecules, which allow
removing of cancerogenic phenols from sur- deacetylases to convert chitin to chitosan.
face waters.92 Tyrosinase in the presence of A sufficient level of deacetylases produc-
molecular oxygen catalyzes the transforma- tion for this purpose can be achieved using
tion of monophenols to o-benzoquinones recombinant microorganisms with a high
removed in the next step by adsorption and productivity of the desired enzyme. Espe-
coagulation with chitosan. Chitosan may be cially important seems to be the detailed
applied as a thin coat crosslinked with glut- study of the immunological and antimicro-
araldehyde coating of sand particles. The bial activities of chitin derivatives and their
coated sand is an efficient adsorbent, for ability to stimulate connective tissue re-
example, of anionic dyes, which can be eas- construction. Future studies should also be
ily regenerated by treatment with NaOH focused further estimations of the chitin
solution without appreciable activity loss.105 resources and chitin content on a whole
Many workers demonstrated the suitabil- body mass. Considering the high produc-
ity of chitin and its derivatives as enzyme tion of chitin by crustaceans, the impor-
supports. Enzymes can be immobilized on tance of this polymer in biogeochemical
partially deacetylated chitin by chemical link- cycles of carbon and nitrogen should be
ing or by adsorption.53,86 Magnetic beads estimated.
activated by chitosan coating are suitable as
enzyme support, easily removed from reac-
tion media.84 REFERENCES

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