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Optimum design of automobile

components using lattice structures
for additive manufacturing
Büşra Aslan and Ali Rıza Yildiz, In today’s world, reducing fuel consumption is one of the most important
Bursa, Turkey goals for the automotive industry. For this reason, weight reduction is
one of the main topics in this research and for various companies. In
this research, topology optimization was conducted on a suspension arm
as a means of ensuring balance in automobiles. Subsequently, the model,
formed by topology optimization was filled with a lattice structure and
re-optimized by size optimization to obtain optimum dimensions for the
model. These operations are described as lattice structure optimization.
Additive manufacturing (3D printer) is necessary to produce complex
models (after topology and lattice structure optimization). A static analy-
Article Information sis of the new models was conducted by using the finite element method,
Correspondence Address and the results were compared with those of the initial design of the
Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza Yıldız model. As a result of the comparison, positive results were obtained,
Department of Automotive Engineering
Uludağ University
and it was shown that topology optimization and lattice structural opti-
Görükle, Bursa, Turkey mization could be used in the design of vehicle elements. According to
E-mail: the results obtained from lattice structure optimization, design struc-
Keywords ture can be formed more reliably than via topology optimization. In
Topology optimization, size optimization,
suspension arm of vehicle, additive addition, both configurations and layouts of the cellular structures have
manufacturing, lattice structural optimization a special effect on the overall performance of the lattice structure.

In today’s competitive environment, it is tice structure optimization. In this paper, to- Step 3: D
 etermine and identify design
not enough for producers to develop prod- pology optimization and lattice structure op- variables
ucts that are durable and meet customer timization (topology optimization and size Step 4: Determine the goal function
demands in order to gain an advantage optimization) were used. 3D printing was Step 5: Determine boundary conditions
over producers of similarproducts. Manu- needed to produce the new complex struc-
facturers need to add value to their prod- ture. At present, 3D printing or additive Structural optimization
ucts in order to stay ahead of their competi- manufacturing is the process of taking a de-
tors. For this reason, weight reduction is sign from a digital environment and produc- Structural designs are needed to create de-
important for the automotive industry. Be- ing it layer by layer. For the last 20 years, sign configurations that provide various
cause consumers prefer driving fuel-saving this method has been used in the automotive characteristic indicators such as strength,
vehicles with low CO2 emission values de- industry, the medical field, the aircraft in- stiffness, and cost. A model with the lowest
termined by international standards, these dustry, product industry, in education, archi- mass and maximum performance is impor-
elements are put into force daily to increase tecture, and many other sectors [6-13]. tant for the design according to boundary
value. In the literature, many optimization conditions and the loads applied during the
methods have been developed and used for Formulation of Optimum design [15-20].
solving real-world optimization problems Design Problems Structural optimization (size, shape, to-
from design to manufacturing [1-72]. pology, and lattice structure optimization)
In particular, structural optimization is The following 5-step procedure can be used techniques change the shape, size, and to-
used for the reduction of weight. The palette for many optimal design problems [14]: pology of a design for the best structure,
of optimization possibilities can be classified Step 1: Define the problem depending on boundary conditions and
as topology, topography, size, shape, and lat- Step 2: Gather data about the problem loads applied to the design.

62 (2020) 6  © Carl Hanser Verlag, München  Materials Testing


Topology optimization Level set approach (LSA) ber of small voids. The homogenization
method performs similarly to the density
The essential goal is to reach the best de- The level set approach is a border-based struc- method, which differs according to the des-
signs in the primary phase of the product tural optimization method. The structural ignation of the design variables [38, 39].
development process, taking into account boundary can be defined during the optimiza-
product performance, production time, and tion operation with the level set approach. Optimality criteria
production cost for every industry. The new method (OCM)
design in the product development process min: C(u, Φ) = ∫Ω Eε(u)H(ϕ)dΩ (6)
must be economically producible and have The optimization criteria method can be
simple and standard shapes instead of ran- ∫Ω H(Φ)dΩ ≤ Vf (7) used to develop highly efficient calculation
dom complex shapes [33]. programs for solving single load problems
The topology of construction is identified ∫Ω Eε(u)ε(v)H(Φ)dΩ (8)
by the number of holes, the connections of minx: c(x) = UT KU (16)
rods, and the number of beams. Topology = ∫Ω bvH(Φ)d + ∫Γs fvΓsu⎪ΓD (9) N
∑ (xe )PueT k0ue = ∑ e=1ce (x)
optimization aims to create a configuration (17)
with the most appropriate configuration = 0∀v ∈ U (10) e=1
between all possible configurations and
user-defined configuration sets, taking into with Vf: boundary value of the material vol- V(x)
=f (18)
account forces and boundary conditions ume, E: material property, ε(u): tensile V0
[34, 35]. Moreover, topology optimization value for the displacement, v: permissible
doesn’t change the existing geometry of a displacement area, f: surface shots and KU = F (19)
structure. Nevertheless volume is reduced H(Φ): unit step function (Heaviside func-
in the internal structure. tion) [36, 37]: 0 < xmin ≤ x ≤ 1 (20)
Many methods have been improved and
⎪⎧ 1,Φ ≥ 0
become easier and applicative for topology H(Φ) = ⎨ (11) with U and F: local displacement value and
optimization. ⎩⎪ 0,Φ < 0 the load vector, respectively, K: local hard-
• Material distribution method (SIMP) ness matrix, ue: element displacement vec-
• Level set approach (LSA) Evolutionary structural tor, k0: element hardness value, x: design
• Evolutionary structural optimization optimization (ESO) variable, xmin: minimum relative density, N:
(ESO) element number, p: penalty factor, f: volume
• Homogenization method (HM) The population is used as a design area in ratio, V(x) and V0: design of volume and de-
• Optimality criteria method (OCM) this method. The population is developed sign space of volume, respectively [40].
with the help of a selection mechanism in
Material distribution the loop until the optimum result is reached. Lattice structure optimization
method (SIMP) The elements remove certain regions of the
design area for the suitable structure (maxi- Lattice systems involve complex structures
According to the material distribution mum resistance and minimum weight) in that use minimal material to fill the volume
method, a fixed finite element is used for the evolutionary algorithm. while rigidity is maintained. Furthermore,
the design area. Material density depends In general, the minimization problem of they can be designed to provide impact en-
on elastic modulus, element thickness, and compliance can be expressed as follows ergy damping, vibration, and isolation from
physical properties (hardness, heat con- sounds. Alternatively, their low densities
duction, magnetic permeability, porosity, min: c = UT KU (12) make them effective heat insulators.
etc.). Von Mises stress distribution is used Lattice structural optimization is con-
to adjust the thickness of the optimum ele- V ducted in two optimization stages. In the
≤ Vf (13)
ments. V0 first stage, classical topology optimization
is performed. Optimum material distribu-
Min c (ρ) (1) KU = F (14) tion is ensured in the design area. In the
second stage, the structure obtained in the
∑ e=1 v eρe ≤ V 0 < ρ ≤ ρe ≤ 1 (2)
x = [0.1] (15) first stage is transformed into an open lat-
tice structure and then re-optimized by us-
e = 1, ..., N (3) The evolutionary algorithm has the same ing a size optimization method.
variable as SIMP except for the vector of
c(ρ) = fTu, K(p)u = f (4) element design variable x. Literature Review

K(ρ) = ∑ e=1 ρep K e (5)

Homogenization method (HM) Chen et al. [41] have suggested the topol-
ogy optimization method be used as gener-
with f and u: load vector and displacement, The homogenization method was developed ally with and without specific restrictions
respectively, K: hardness matrix dependent by Kikuchi and Bendsoe (1988). In this on the samples, and having the new models
on the constant material density ρ in the el- method, the material density is considered be compared with the initial model.
ements, Ke: hardness matrix for each ele- as a microstructure. The microstructure is Evans et al. [42] have explained the ad-
ment and N: number of density variables. a composite material with an infinite num- vantages of applying lattice cells on the

62 (2020) 6

sandwich panels and that they be ultra-light ternative for the model, including von- moved, (see Figure 2). Furthermore, exist-
structures with hardness and strength. Mises stress and multi-load. ing boundary conditions and applied loads
Heidrich et al. [43] have developed a heat Tang et al. [52] have studied the orienta- are shown in Figure 1. In this study, two
exchanger using a tetrahedron diamond tion of lattice cells, claiming that the posi- different forces (Y and Z directions) were
lattice design due to its thermal proper- tioning of the lattice structure has a signifi- applied to the model.
ties,. Subsequently, they tested the new cant impact on structural properties. Topology optimization is applied to in-
heat exchanger and compared it with the Yang and Chuang [53] have determined crease the hardness of a material without
existing heat exchanger. the topology of the structure by using the altering the external dimensions of the
Hussein et al. [44] have suggest that lat- density method to provide an alternative to part. For this reason, restrictions apply to
tice structures be used to reduce the weight the homogenization method. The purpose prevent material from being removed from
of the support structure in additive produc- of this method is to maximize the stiffness the outside of the model.
tion (SLM). This study has shown that the and the lowest eigenvalue of the structure. In this paper, topology optimization was
production time can be shortened. Yıldız et al. [8,54] have used new tech- performed by using the density method on
Iyibilgin et al. [45] have developed test niques for the deficiencies of topology opti- the material model.
specimens consisting of five different lat- mization and shape optimization. Steel was used for the analysis, and has
tice structures, including honeycomb, Yıldız et al. [55] have designed a new the following mechanical characteristics:
square, diamond, triangle, and circle, fol- model by using a topology optimization • Density ρ = 7850 kg × m-3
lowing which the test specimens are com- method to minimize production time and • Elasticity modulus E = 210 GPa
pared with respect to strength properties cost. According to the results, topology op- • Poisson’s ratio PR = 0.3
and production times. timization can be used for vehicle parts. First, a static analysis was carried out on
Lan, Maskery et al. [46] have aimed to Yiqiang Wang et al. [57] have developed the suspension arm. According to the re-
show the impact and mechanical proper- a cage system emphasizing regularity and sults, the maximum displacement on the
ties of a lattice structure. To this end, they graduality in two ways. They have observed existing suspension arm was 0,0917 mm,
have produced two different lattice struc- that the structure, arranged gradually, and the maximum stress 252 MPa (see Fig-
tures and compared them with respect to achieves better mechanical results than the ures 3 and 4).
impact analysis. uniform structure. The design variables and the response
Lin and Chou [47] have recommended an In this study, mechanical properties of functions were defined for the optimization
optimization algorithm in two-steps. This the current model were primarily obtained, algorithm. In topology optimization, the
algorithm is based on the homogenization following which von-Mises stress and dis- volumetric fraction and compliance were
method for topology optimization. In the placement values were determined by us- defined as the response function for the
first step, the topology optimization method ing finite element analysis. suspension arm.
is applied to the model, following which to- Afterward, design variables, objective Following design variables, response
pology optimization is re-applied to ensure function, optimization constraints, and functions, and constraints were estab-
better quality. boundary conditions were determined for
M. Millan et al. [48] have developed a structure optimization. After the required
programmatic method (PLG) as an alterna- definitions for optimization, the model was
tive to traditional CAD software that is optimized by using the density method un-
dedicated to producing lattice structures. til a new geometry was reached. The new
The lattice structure is produced directly model, containing a lattice structure, was
from STL format by using the PLG method. re-optimized by using size optimization.
Lattice optimization is the next step after
the topology optimization. The main task is Topology and lattice
to develop a new algorithm for the design structure optimization of the
of lattice structures. Various methods have suspension arm
been recommended for lattice structures.
Nguyen et al. [49] have proposed a two- The suspension arm is a part of the suspen-
sion. It is located in the front wheel align- Figure 1: Initial control arm design
stage to produce lightweight material (CLS-
Conformal Lattice Structure). First, they ment and connects the front wheels to the
have developed a computer-aided design car’s chassis. When cars encounter bumps
technology to produce CLS efficiently, fol- and pits etc., the suspension arm dampens
lowing which they have presented a new the pulse of the wheels and protects against
method for efficiently optimizing CLS. any impact that may occur in the front
Rozvany [50] has stated that topology op- seats of the vehicles (see Figure 1).
timization is more advantageous than shape Topology optimization begins when a
and size optimization, and it is rapidly de- finite element model (FEM) is set up. The
veloping a structural optimization method. suspension arm is divided by available
Santos R. B. et al. [51] have proposed a and non-available regions for topology op-
topological approach to reduce the weight timization. While blue regions are indi-
of the model, applying von-Mises stress, cated as available, material can be re-
and multi-forces. They have explained that moved; where green regions are indicated Figure 2: The finite element model before
the topology optimization derived is an al- as non-available, material cannot be re- optimization

62 (2020) 6

lished. Compliance minimization was de- of 0.3 was determined as the design con- The aim of topology optimization is to
termined as the objective function, and the straint for topology optimization. All opera- identify the optimum dispensation of a ma-
volumetric fraction with a maximum value tions were performed using FEM. terial for the design space according to
boundary conditions and forces (see Fig-
ure 5). The model result of the topology op-
timization (see Figure 6) was used for the
new model.
After the new model was designed by us-
ing topology optimization results (see Fig-
ure 7), static analysis was applied to the
new model, obtained after material reduc-
tion. As a result of the static analysis,
0.112 mm was obtained as the maximum
displacement value (see Figure  8) and
184 MPa as the maximum von Mises stress
(see Figure 9).
Figure 4: Von Mises stress values of the model
Subsequently, lattice structure optimiza-
Figure 3: Displacement values of the model (mm) tion was applied to the suspension arm
model. Lattice structure optimization is
carried out in two stages, as previously
mentioned. In the first step of lattice struc-
ture optimization, classical topology opti-
mization is applied to the model. In the
second step of lattice structure optimiza-
tion, the result is converted to a porous
model. In this study, three types of cellular
structures were used for lattice structure
optimization (see Figure 10).
In the final analysis, a size optimization
method is used as an optimization method.
Size optimization seeks the best material
Figure 6: Model formed after topology
Figure 5: Density distribution of the material in optimization thickness or dimensions and is used when
the model the material is not required to reduce, add,
or change the shape.
Size optimization provides optimum val-
ues in areas such as thickness, beam cross-
section properties, spring hardness, as
well as material the property elements of
structural elements or two-dimensional el-
ements (shell).
With respect to size optimization, total
volume and compliance were chosen as ap-
plicable for size optimization. Minimize
volume was deemed an objective function.
Figure 7: Redesigned model after topology After lattice structure optimization was
concluded, we achieved a new model with cel-
lular structures (see Figures 11, 12, and 13).
Figure 8: Displacement values of the model after As shown in Table 1, the mass of the sus-
topology optimization pension arm of the vehicle model decreased

Figure 9: Stress values of

the model created after
topology optimization

Figure 10: Different lattice structures for CHEXA


62 (2020) 6

Figure 11: I. type of Lattice structure Figure 12: II. type of Lattice structure Figure 13: III. type of Lattice structure

by 10.1 % thanks to topology optimization. the effects of the lattice structure optimiza- optimization algorithm for optimum structural
Thanks to lattice structure optimization, tion method using different lattice types. design of automobile brake components, Mate-
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three different cell types. The mass of the weight was lighter than the initial model,
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