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By: Bernard L.

When the first time that I saw You

Three White Flowers in my HEART Grew
I've always wanted to show it to you
But I'm afraid that the others would know.

So that the others wouldn't know it

I buried it very deep
But Three White Flowers Suffered from thirst
And blood of mine is what they sip.

I dig the FLOWERS and WATERED it

The Three White Flowers Grow TEN FEET
I seek a PLACE Where they Would fit
And Live forever like a Spirit

I found the place and it is you.

Believe me girl this is true.
Accept these flowers I give to you
Because they grow in my Heart just for you.

Three White Flowers are the three words " I LOVE YOU"

White - Symbolizes Purity

In This poem it Simply Means "TRUE LOVE"

I made this poem around Year 2012 next to my previous Poem "Words" which was made
in 2011.

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