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It was a dark and stormy night: ____Rain stick and Dunaba (steady slow beat)__________
But all was quiet inside besides the crackling fire and the squeaking rocking chair: Claves and
When all of a sudden I heard three knocks on my front door: 3 knocks on table
Do I dare go open and check to see who is out there? No I think not. I will go back to my fire and
rocking chair: Claves and chair
Then I hear them again, And louder! : Three knocks on table
I pause. The wind is howling outside, and the rain comes down even harder: Keyboard and
I nervously try to ignore the knocks as they get louder and louder the door shakes Then slams
open!: Knocks, rainsticks, dunaba, sound effects on keyboard and crash of Gong.
Oh, its my mother, Caitlin its pouring rain outside! Your poor mother has been trying to come
in! How could you do such a thing?
It was only my mother.

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