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Name: Jerrah May A.

Dulanas BS Psychology


Finding genuine, dependable friends is quite challenging. Euripides, a famous

philosopher, once said something profound, "Friends demonstrate their affection in times
of sorrow, not in happiness." This sentence demonstrates the significance and value of
friendship in our lives. Whatever the circumstances in life, a strong company provides the
emotional support needed to overcome such challenges. One may overcome all odds in life
if they have great mates.

In last week's discussion, which was about metacognition, before our professor started to
discuss, she made us answer a survey entitled Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI).
It talks about the knowledge of cognition, which includes procedural, declarative, and
conditional knowledge. There is also the regulation of cognition that comprises planning,
information management strategies, comprehension monitoring, debugging strategies, and
evaluation. Throughout the discussion, I was overwhelmed, maybe because what happened
was so unexpected. Our professor explained a part about comprehension, and she shared
the importance of asking questions. What happened next was a classmate raised a specific
question regarding asking questions.

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