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1. What are your hobbies, and how did you get into them?

2. What’s your favorite genre of book and movie? Why? (what is it that
you love about)
3. Do you have any pet peeves? What are those?
4. Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert? How do
you describe yourself being an (extrovert or introvert) and What do
you do to recharge?
5. When you were a kid, did you eat the crusts on your sandwich or not?
(What is it that you don’t like/ like about the crust?)
6. Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?
7. When you are stressed or burdened with tons of work, how do you
manage to relax?
8. What is something you are proud of, but never get to brag about?
9. How do you think people view you? Is there something a lot of them
misunderstand about you?
10. How do you feel whenever your mom leaves you in the checkout
line to go grab something? What do you do?

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