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To get you thinking about your personal development plan and your mission statement, spend some
time cntemplating the following:

TALENTS What are your greatest talents or skills?

I have no talent but I have few skills I’ve learned throughout my life.

Which of your talents or skills gives you the greatest sense of pride or satisfaction?

The skill that help survived on my own, it is the skill that I acquired from working.

What talents or skills do you admire most in others?

I have none.

What talent or skill do you wish to develop for yourself?

The skill of an expert psychologist.


What are your five greatest strengths?

1. my interest for knowledge

2. my persistent

3. my kindness

4. my experience

5. my realistic perspective

What do you feel are your two biggest weaknesses?

1. public speaking

2. being to soft

What are your best qualities/characteristics?


What qualities do you wish you had?


What qualities or traits do you most admire in others?


What behaviors, traits, or qualities do you want other people to admire in you?


What are ten (10) things that are really important to you?

1. my friends

2. myfamily

3. my best friend

4. her

5. my education

6. my sanity

7. my health

8. my glasses

9. my phone

10. my faith

What are the three most important things to you?

1. my family

2. my education

3. her

Do you spend enough time on/with the things you most value?

Yes, but not to all of them.

Why or why not?

Because they’re not all in one place.

What are the values that you hold most near to your heart?

The value of life


How is the “public you” different from the “private you”?

I’m shy in pubic, but in private I’m quite the opposite.

What makes it hard to be yourself with others?


How are you trying to please others with the way you live your life?
I don’t please other in living my life. I don’t do things for random people that gives nothing in return.

What do you want people to think and say about you?

Nothing, they say whatever they want.

How do your behaviors and actions support what they think or say?

Their thoughts is just a reflection of your behaviors and action.

What do you least want people to think about you?


Is it more important to be like by others or to be yourself? Why?

To be yourself, because in the end only you, are there for yourself.

Who are the people who allow you to feel fully yourself?

My best friend.

What places allow you to feel fully yourself? What activities allow you to feel fully yourself?

My home, studying psychology to gain knowledge of how human emotion works.

How do you want people to remember you when you are gone?

A gentleman


What three things are you most proud of in your life to date?

1. living at this age

2. having academic knowledge

3. having a fit body

What do you hope to achieve in life?

To achieve financial stability.

If you were to receive an award, what would you want that award to represent? Why?

Most loyal award, because only her owns my heart.

If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it be?

Giving my parent a pleasant experience in their lives.

What do you believe you are here to accomplish or contribute to the world?

I have no idea, I’m just currently going with flow.


List three (3) things that you are:

1. kind

2. realist

3. absurdist

List three (3) things that you are not:

1. optimist

2. pessimist

3. nice

What is something that represents you? (e.g. song, animal, flower, poem, symbol, jewelry, etc…) why?

My glasses, because I’m visually impaired.

What do you like best about yourself?


What do you like least about yourself?


What three things would you like to change most about yourself?

1. laziness

2. unproductive

3. my eyes

Who are two people you most admire?

1. her

2. my parents

What do you admire about them?

The first one is cannot explain it’s just a feeling of happiness when I thought of he. The second one is my
parents I admire their hard work for supporting in my gaols.

What are five things you love to do?

1. study psychology

2. study philosophy
3. hangout with friend

4. playing games

5. sleeping

What matters to you most in my life?

My sanity

What makes you happy?

Seeing my parent happy.

What are three things you believe you need in order to have a great life?

1. financial stability

2. financial freedom

3. my family

Why are those things important to you?

Because those thing are essential in living a great life.

What do you stand for (Principles)?

You can’t gain anything without losing anything first.

How do you want to impact the lives of others?


Finish the sentence I do my best when it’s necessary

I struggle when it’s necessary

I am comfortable when the work is done

I feel stress when I feel overwhelm

I am courageous when I know its worth it

One of the most important things I learned was were not immortal so value every moment of your life

I missed a great opportunity when I was lazy to put the effort

One of my favorite memories is having remember my childhood

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