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Nearly 100 companies participated in the course "Indonesian Tax Planning and

Reasonable Tax Avoidance"

Time flies, and before you know it, it's almost the end of the year. Companies will report their
SPT soon. Many friends don't know much about Indonesian taxation. Shan hai map shared a
webinar on "Indonesian Tax Planning and Reasonable Tax Avoidance". This lecture shares a lot
of knowledge about Indonesian taxation and its differences from domestic taxation, so that
everyone can have a better understanding of Indonesian taxation.

Zhang Ping, CEO of Shanhaitu, provided excellent knowledge, the contents of his lecture are as

1. Similarities and differences in tax principles between China and India

2. Main Contents of Indonesian Tax Compliance

       1. Billing compliance

       2. tax compliance

       3. Compliance with business scope

       4. Compliance with accounting methods

3. Tax planning

       1. Indonesian tax incentives

       2. VAT in Indonesia

       3. Reasonable tax avoidance of corporate income tax

       4. Tax Refunds and Tax Courts

       5. tax audits

       6. Tax evasion through Hong Kong and Singapore companies

After the meeting, everyone asked a lot about Indonesian taxation, such as withholding tax, e-
commerce sales tax, bookkeeping, etc.


From the article above I personally see that the Shan hai map is not only a consultant who serves
clients but also provides knowledge about tax and legality in Indonesia, this can be seen from the
enthusiasm of the companies attending the event, this event must be carried out regularly so that
more and more who knows about the basis of taxation and other legalities

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