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Indonesia Has More "Certificates" Or

China Has More "Certificates"

Import and Export License

Chinese companies doing business in Indonesia basically need this certificate, because we need
to import goods and raw materials from China. Import and export permits consist of two permits,
import permits and export permits. Import permits are easy to apply for, but the procedure for
applying for export permits is more complicated, and further information needs to be provided,
and the processing period is longer. There are two types of import permits, namely trade import
permits and API-U export permits, which are specific to the import of goods, NIK written on the
export license, and the issuing authorities are the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Economy
and Management.


This certificate is the most important certification for electronic products. In China, this
certificate is called a network access license. As long as there is a signal generating device, this
certificate must be applied for. Why need this Certification because To avoid signal conflicts.
Every country has regulations regarding signal frequency bands, and these regulations are not
uniform globally. Such as: mobile phones, mobile watches, Bluetooth speakers, wireless routers,


Food and drug license, this certificate is one of the most difficult permits to apply for in
Indonesia, companies that produce or import food, medicine, and cosmetics must have this
certificate. "BPOM" certification mainly requires factory inspection and assessment . Inspection
items are multiple, and each item is checked. If the inspection fails, the inspection department
will request rectification until it meets the standards. Indonesia is stricter in this regard,
especially since Muslim countries attach great importance to food security.


If you want to make food and cosmetics in Indonesia, you need to apply for another permit:
"HALAL" certification, that is, Chinese halal certification. "HALAL" certification is not issued
by a government department, but by the Halal Institute (MUI). Because Indonesia is a Muslim
country, the majority of the population is Muslim, and all food circulating in Indonesia basically
has to be "HALAL" certified.



Indonesia's national mandatory certification, this certification is similar to China's 3C

certification, and is the most common certification Compared with China's 3C certification
which covers 22 main categories, Indonesia's "SNI" certification is considered benevolent, with
only 14 main categories, namely: electrical equipment Accessories , cables, food, textiles,
children's toys, fiber optics, vehicles, audio and video products, LEDs and lamps, household
appliances, biological products, products with radiation (EMC), cosmetics, calibration


The series of certifications above are product & food certifications that must be owned by every
entrepreneur who runs a business in this field, each country has its own interests and regulations,
of course it is based on the culture and habits of the community itself, so that the product can be
well received by the public. By law, employers comply with these regulations in order to provide
a sense of security and trust to the customer

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