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A Special Friend


As I gazed fondly at the photograph of Jane and me, bittersweet

memories of the past appeared in my mind. I can still vividly recall that memory,
that special memory of the day when Jane brought me out of my void of despair
and created a new path of light for me. Slowly, a sad smile appeared on my
countenance as I was brought back to the whirlpool of events of the past. My
story started like this.

Back then, I was a scrawny and feeble young girl. This made me an easy
target for bullies. I was known as the timid one. This was why, every recess, I
was bullied and tormented. On this particular day, I hid in the toilet, desperately
hoping I would not be caught. However, the cards were not played to my
advantage. Soon, thundering footsteps followed by maniacal laughter could be
heard from a distance. My pulse raced. My hands started turning cold and
clammy as a cold chill ran down my spine. I had to make a run for it! I opened the
door, ready to bolt out, but instead, my head was cruelly banged against the
concrete white wall. A sharp pain shot through my head. "Did you think you could
get away so easily?" The bully jeered, with an oily smile and that glint of evil in
her eye. She then grabbed my neck in an unrelenting grasp. I quickly gasped for
air, struggling to breathe. After that, she and her friends kicked and punched me
mercilessly. Soon, ugly blue-black bruises and fresh cuts covered my body.
Tears started welling up in my eyes due to the excruciating pain and I gritted my
teeth in agony. Unfortunately, they did not stop there. Soon, fists came
torpedoing towards my stomach and I doubled over as a hard blow was
delivered. I let out an eerie cry as I felt that sharp pain course through my body. It
was at that moment I could hear my heart palpitating furiously in my chest. I
could feel those mortifying thoughts start to bombard my mind. I doubted that I
was going to make it out alive.

I was hopeless.

I was helpless.

Suddenly, "Hey! Get away from her or I'm calling a teacher!" a loud voice
cried. The bullies, seeing how they had been threatened, shot death stares at me
before scurrying away. A girl came forward and asked gently, "I'm Jane, are you
okay?" She let out her hand, encouraging me to take it. As I saw this scene
unfold before my eyes, tears started obscuring my view. A tiny spark of hope was
ignited inside of me. Nobody had ever stepped forward to help me before. A
blanket of warmth covered my heart as tiny bubbles of happiness burst inside of
me. My heart beat in a slow and steady momentum and a soothing sense of
tranquillity and calm swept through my being. Slowly, a tear of gratitude slipped
down my cheek. "Thank you," I said in a quiet whisper. I took her hand and soon,
we hobbled over to the office. This was the start of an unbreakable special

The memory of this incident has a special place in my heart. Oftentimes,

we forget how powerful a helping hand, a listening ear or a kind word really is.
This special memory would forever be seared in my mind because of the lessons
it taught me and the sentimental value it holds. For me, the moment Jane offered
her help was like the hand that pulled me out of the endless void of sorrow that I
was trapped in. She gave me joy but most importantly, she gave me her sincere
friendship and in turn, hope.

Thank you, Jane.

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