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Writing: Popular Beliefs

Talking on your cell phone give you cancer.

There has been lots of talk over the years about how the radiation from cell
phones may be causing brain tumors. As it turns out, not so much. An
annual report from the Presidents Cancer Panel found no evidence to
support the link between cell phones and malignancies. In fact, while
talking on cell phones has increased since 1991, the number of brain
cancer incidences has actually dropped by half.

Hair and nails continue to grow after you die.

In order for this to be true, our body would need to be able to supply
nutrients to the hair and body, which means there would still need to be
metabolic processes going on, which pretty much means you wouldn’t be
dead. So shelve this myth. Hair and nails can appear to grow after death
because the skin dries out and retracts, exposing more of the hair and nail
roots. But they don’t growing again

You should wash your chicken before you cook it.

. Not only is it a waste of time (proper cooking will destroy harmful
germs), but according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, washing raw
chicken just splashes potentially dangerous germs all over the sink and

Do not eat before bathing. It does not increase the risk of cramps.
Consumption of alcohol significantly increases this possibility,
even if your stomach is full that your breaths are shorter.

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