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Bacteria in salt creek

Estelle Kingston


1st period
This paper is going to inform you about the bacteria in salt creek. This paper will explain false

information being shared, deadly water, to cancer healing bacteria, so let's dive in deeper on

what this is all about.

Since I am going to be sharing if there's any bacteria in salt creek for those who might

not know what it is its i bacteria are single cell organisms that are not a plant or animal. To get a

picture of how small they are about 2 to 3 micrometers long and exist everywhere in 1 gram of

soil there are about 40 million bacterial cells. Bacterial cells go in from your mouth, nose, eyes

and ears. Usually from not washing your hands well then touching your face or eating. It enters

the digestive system and can cause illness (barfing, stomach aches etc.) When it enters through

a cut or wound it enters the bloodstream and is a lot more dangerous. entering the

bloodstream leaving your bold stream being mixed with waste then flush to a sewage system

leaked out brought back to the ocean then a kid playing in the water gets it and the cycle

repeats itself. Although this is not what happens all the time the bacteria can die or be created.

Depending on the type of bacteria it can do different things, some cancer causing some cancer

healing. Although there are thousands of different types of bacteria most have these coman

parts cell wall basically holding everything together the bacterial DNA its DNA the nucleus that

acts as it brain or control center and the cytoplasm which is its liquid where all the parts float

around in.

Bacteria can spread many ways. Bacteria enters your body through your mouth, nose

and eyes. Mainly your face bacteria can spread to you by sneezing, coughing, unsafe pool

water, unsafe ocean water, lakes and pretty much everything you touch. So make sure to clean
your hands before touching your face. That also brings me to another point. How do you know

if water is safe or not?

To see if orange county water is safe or not you can check an online website that the

government has provided for us. Or so we thought this has not been updated in a while and

during my research of newly updated web pages I have found the information they show has

been incorrect and that the water is not as safe as it seems. Also maybe the certain month they

tasted has been clean but when it rains do the batera levels go up? I didn't know whether to

trust these sites or to trust the official site so i will be doing experiments of my own.

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