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Have online discussion exploring the positives and negatives of living according to one or other
of these views.

I want to live according to the truth because it’s true.

I want to do what I want to do because I want to do it.


 What is law?

Law is an ordinance of reason that exists for the common good and is affirmed
by legitimate authority through an official process.

 What are the four types of law?

The four types are:

 Eternal law originating in God.

 The natural law or God’s law as it applies to human beings based on their nature.

 Divinely revealed law (Found In Sacred Scripture And Sacred Tradition)

 Human law, namely civil and church (ecclesiastical) law.

 What makes civil law valid?

To be valid, a civil law must promote the common good reflect equality of
proportion and be in agreement with the eternal law of God.


1. What are the two views of morality prevalent today?

 The goodness and evilness

2. What is law?

 Law is an ordinance of reason that exists for the common good and is affirmed by
legitimate authority through an official process.

3. What is an ordinance reason?

 An ordinance is a law made by the government it must be reasonable and not merely
in the will of the legistrator. It is promulgated so that the law can be known.

4. What is the common good?

 Common good can be defined as “the sum of total of social conditions” which allows
people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and
more easily.

5. Who can make laws?

 Congress is responsible for making laws to make sure the spirit of the constitution is
upheld in the country and, at times, amend or change the constitution itself. In order
to craft laws, the legislative body comes out with two main documents bills and

6. What does it mean to say that laws must be legislated in an official manner?

 Laws must be legislated in official manner because before the law becomes a law it
undergo first as a bill. A bill proposed legislation under consideration by legislature.
A bill does not become a law until it is passed by the legislature and in most cases,
must approve by the executive.

7. What are the four types of law?

 The four types are Eternal law originating in God, the natural law or God’s law as it
applies to human beings based on their nature, divinely revealed law (Found In
Sacred Scripture And Sacred Tradition) and human law, namely civil and church
(ecclesiastical) law.

8. What is eternal law?

 When we say eternal law it is the plan of divine wisdom leading all creation towards
its goal. In mankind’s regard. It also corresponds to God’s eternal salvific plan , by
which he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world.

9. Is the physical universe governed by laws?

 Yes, the universe and everything in it operates according to the eternal laws. The
laws in which function are unchanging. All things have a law by which they function
and there’s no exception in that.

10. What is a natural law?

 When we say natural law it is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human
being possess intrinsic values that govern our reasoning and behavior. These rules
of right and wrong are in inherent in people and are not created by the society or
court judges.

11. What is one place in which the natural law has been written down?

 The natural law is written and engraved in the soul of each and every man, because
it is human reason ordaining him to do good and forbidding him to sin.

12. How is the natural law different than the physical law?

 A physical law, scientific law or a law of nature is a scientific generalization based on

empirical observations of physical behavior. Laws of nature are distinct from the law,
either religious or civil, and should not be confused with the concept of natural law.

13. Do natural consequences follow from obeying or disobeying the natural law?

 If natural law was disobeyed all problems result from the violation then natural
consequences followed. Problems of national health, crime, the economy, education,
and the environment. All problems plaguing individual and national life have their
origin in the widespread violation of natural law by the whole population.

14. What is revealed law?

 Revealed law is also called as positive law, it is the sum total of all the prescriptions
that God has communicated to the human race by way of supernatural revelation. It
is, therefore, revealed law as distinct from the knowledge of God’s will attainable by
human reason alone.

15. What are the two types of revealed law?

 The two types are the law which could be discovered by human reason and the law
which could never be discovered by human reason.

16. What is Christ’s new, revealed law?

 This is the new commandment of John 13:34-35 that the disciples should love one
another as he himself had loved them.

17. How is it possible to live the new law of love?

 To love God involves seeking to be obedient to God. Jesus commands his followers
to love God and our neighbors and obey the letter of the law and value based living.
The law shows what is right and wrong in God’s sight. It shows what produces good
results and what leads to death. These new laws will define sin.

18. What is human law?

 Human law is considered conclusions from the natural law when they pertain to
those matters about which the natural law offers a clear precept.

19. What are the two basic types of human law?

 The natural law and the man- made law.

20. Where is ecclesiastical law found?

 The ecclesiastical law can be found at the Church of Rome.

21. What is civil law?

 Civil law is about conflict resolution; ensuring disputes between individuals do not
escalate into violent confrontation. It a codified system of law.

22. What is the relationship between civil law and natural law?

 Natural law becomes actual law the state had been established. It is already written
about civil or positive law, which became so because of will of bearer of supreme

23. What does it mean to say that a just civil law must promote the common good?

 It means that the members of community provide to all members in order to fulfill a
relational obligation they all have to care for certain interests that they have in

24. What is equality of proportions?

 Burden of fulfilling a law should be shared by all members of society but still taking
into consideration the capacities and limitations of some members of society.

25. If the authority for a law must ultimately come from God, what is the status of laws that
violate the natural law?

 If the reason tells you that an action is necessary to fulfill your purpose, you must do
it. If reason tells you that action violates your purpose you must not do it.

26. How did Saint Peter betray Christ?

 Jesus predicted that Peter would deny knowledge of him, stating that Peter would
disown him thrice before the rooster crowed the next morning.

27. How did Christ give St. Peter to redeem himself from his betrayal?

 Jesus restored Peter to fellowship and told him to feed Jesus lambs.

28. Why Jesus did told Peter to feed his lambs or sheep’s?

 Peter understands that the sheep Jesus referred to “were people”. Peter was lead
people to the green pastures that give everlasting life.

Guide Exercise

 Attend mass on all Sundays and holy holidays of obligation and rest

- The Catholic Church teaches that we have an obligation to attend

mass every Sunday. Where in we celebrate the Eucharist or
transformation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of

 Confess grave sin at least once a year.

- We Christian must confess our grave sin because were seeking for
the forgiveness that’s why we confess to the priest, who has the
authority to forgive sins, which is given by Christ.

 Receive communion at least during the Easter season.

- We partake in the Holy Communion in the remembrance of Jesus’

body and blood that was broken and poured at the cross. It reminds
us of his suffering and the amount of love Jesus had for us.

 Fast and abstain on the days appointed.

- Fasting is about what we gain as Christians it’s about the process that
we should focus on God. We concentrate on our spiritual lives and
satisfaction in God.

 Contribute to the support of the church. (CCC 2041-2043)

- Churches are non-profit business but existing in the world that

requires money to exist. Where in God gave his people the
responsibility to support the priesthood and the church.

Use one of the key ideas of this chapter as a topic sentence, then explain and illustrate it in a

Law is an ordinance of reason that exists for the common good and is affirmed by
legitimate authority through an official process. When we say Law it is a rule and measure of
acts whereby we humans induced to act or restrain us from acting. Now that rule and that
measure of human acts is the reason which it says from the ethics the first principle of human
acts, and those reason then directs us to take a step that are necessary to achieve. So that it
says that the law is an ordinance of reason because it analyzes the reason first before it takes a
step forward to plead.


Have a class discussion on the following question:

 Why is it necessary but difficult to legislate morality?

- It is because some laws will be better conceived than others, and

many may fail entirely to achieve purpose. One needs only to ask of
any law or action of government. To legislate is to legislate morality.
One cannot sever morality from the law.

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