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‘In the News’ Teaching Notes (Lower-Intermediate: A2+ to B1)

Level: Pre-Intermediate: A2+

Intermediate: B1
Updated: May 31, 2022
Target time: 60 minutes.
Overview: Engage and challenge your intermediate and advanced level students with learning based current event topics.
‘In the News’ handouts offer reading, listening, and a variety of English learning activities based on the topic.
Activities included are useful for students preparing for international English tests.

1. DISCUSS If time permits, have students discuss the article in pairs, groups,
or as a class. What do your students think about the topic? Did
Warm up questions and discussion points help set the mood for they find the topic interesting or uninteresting?
the topic. In pairs or small groups, have students ask and answer
the questions or discuss the points considering the title of this 3. TRUE OR FALSE
‘In the News’ topic. Students could make predictions about the
article based on the handout title and the warm up questions or Have students circle true or false for each statement. If false,
discussion points. There is no need to correct mistakes at this students should correct the statement with help from the article
point. Have students share interesting comments with the class if necessary.
and encourage discussion.
If the text agrees with or confirms the information in the
2. READING AND LISTENING HEADPHONES statement, the answer is TRUE. If the text contradicts or is the
opposite to the information in the statement, the answer is
The listening activity can be presented and taught in a number FALSE. Remember that we are checking factual information so
of ways. Depending on the size or ability of your class you there is no room to say it is similar or nearly the same.
may choose one method over another, or you might want to
change this activity each time you teach it to vary the students’ Explain that students should practice scanning the text to find
experience. Ideally, students work in pairs. keywords in the statements to help determine whether they are
true or false. They should not read the article again.
ƒƒ Read the missing words in the first box to model pronunciation
and stressed syllables. Students should repeat after you. The 4. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES
meaning of the words is not important at this stage. You may
wish to quiz your students about the part of speech of some Ask students to finish the sentence beginnings on the left
missing words. Help identify prefixes or suffixes to determine if with the endings on the right. Suggest they look for grammar
a word is a verb, noun, adjective, or adverb. patterns or common phrases and expressions to help complete
sentences instead of referring to the article directly. For
ƒƒ Intermediate Level Students example, collocations, phrasal verbs, verb tense patterns and
Ask students to fill in the gaps with the words from the box infinitives can all be identified to help complete the sentences
based on the grammar context in the article. However, they regardless of whether the student understands the meaning or
should NOT read the article at this stage. If they are uncertain, not.
they should leave the gap blank and wait for the listening part of
this activity. 5. VOCABULARY MATCH

ƒƒ Pre-Intermediate Level Students Students should match the vocabulary on the left to the
Prepare students for the activity. Explain that they should fill synonyms or meanings on the right. The vocabulary on the left
in the gaps with the words from the box as they listen. Lower is taken from the article.
level students might not be able to complete the word without
missing much of the audio. Suggest they quickly write the first 6. WORD CHOICE
syllable or sound of the word and after the audio has finished
they can take a moment to complete the missing words. Have students complete the sentence by choosing the correct
missing word on the right. This is a useful activity for students
ƒƒ Play or read the audio for part one of the article. to consider the variation of words in English. Students need to
consider prefixes and suffixes as well as verb conjugation, tense,
ƒƒ After part one is complete, pause the audio. Students might ask and parts of speech. Explain that this is useful practice for a
to listen again. If they listened to the audio, ask if they would variety of international English tests.
prefer you to read the paragraph. Otherwise, if time permits,
repeat the audio. The sentences and words have been taken from the article
however, encourage students to consider the options on the
ƒƒ Repeat above for part two of the article. right before checking the article.

If time permits, have students read the article in pairs and check
the missing words with each other. Answer any questions that
arise. This is a listening activity, so complete understanding of
the text is not necessary. Students can read the article again in
their own time to understand the meaning completely.

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