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Listening: Song

Hello! How are you?

Hello! How are you?

Hello! How are you?
Hello! How are you?
Hello! How are you?

I’m hungry
I’m tired
I’m _________
I’m _________

Hello! How are you?

Hello! How are you?
Hello! How are you?
Hello! How are you?

I’m __________
I’m dazed
I’m good
I’m __________

Hello! How are you?

Hello! How are you?
Hello! How are you?
Hello! How are you?

The pictures above help you to guess the word:

Listening: Song

The days of the week

Sunday, Monday, ______________, Wednesday, Thursday, ____________, Saturday

Sunday,______________, Tuesday, Wednesday, _____________, Friday, Saturday

These are the ___________ of the week

The days of the week
Which day is your ______________ day?

These are the days of the week

The days of the week
Which day is your favourite day?

_____________ is the start of the week

Then comes Monday, Tuesday, too

_____________ is the middle of the week

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, too

These are the days of the week

The days of the week
Which day is your favourite day?

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

These are the days of the week

The days of the week
Which day is your favourite day?

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