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Sentences with Can

In the Hospital

1. I can walk.
2. I can visit the patient.
3. I can bring details.
4. I can use the service
5. I can use my cellphone in the assigned areas.
6. I can talk with the patient.
7. I can make friends in the waiting room.
8. I can speak quietly.
9. I can read a book in the waiting room.
10. I can go to the cafeteria
Sentences with
Sentences with can't
In the Hospital

1. I can't run.
2. I can't speak very loud.
3. I can't play.
4. I can't enter restricted areas.
5. I can't wear perfume.
6. I can't enter if there is a Doctor.
7. I can't make noise.
8. I can't take blankets.
9. I can't bring food.
10. I can't stay too long.

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